Lies of the Beautiful People

(I am sorry I didn't see your character until now. Yes, he is accepted. We will not be accepting any more characters. To be honest, I a uneasy with the amount of charcters we have now. So, if when the role plat starts I will need some help with the role play, please help me everyone!?)
Hello, not sure if this is still open for applications? If so here's mine..... :D

Name: Goes by Elizabeth Santander, Real Name is Noelia Santander Castilla

Age: 17

: Elizabeth Santander tends to be manipulative at times. She is quite competitive and will do all she can to reach her goals, whatever they may be. When her mind is set on something there's no stopping her. She tends to hide all her true feelings as best she can, but in reality she is quite loving, caring, kind, and fun. Elizabeth easily falls in love and very quickly (which could become a huge problem, because when she falls in love, she almost immediately awards that person her trust).

History: Elizabeth Santander (Noelia Santander Castilla) was born into a wealthy and prominent Argentinian family, the Santander's main family, however, she rarely spent time with her parents and siblings and was forced by her parents to live with various other relatives of the branch Santander families (in Spain, France, Italy, and more recently, the US). The reason of her separation from the main family was never announced publicly and when the family needed to make an appearance she would be present (the only time she would spend with her parents and siblings, but she grew to hate and despise those moments). She was seen as a embarrassment within the family. This, along with her secret, had put a lot of pressure on her and made her hatred toward the main Santander family grow to the point of changing her given name, which was a traditional name given to the first born girl of the main family.

Appearance: View attachment 4257

Crush: N/A

Talent (s) : Very good with foreign languages, she speaks a total of 4 (Spanish, English, French and Italian). Her main talent is martial arts. She developed a liking to martial arts long ago as a 'healthy' way of releasing pressure and anger.

Secret : She has a unique double personality that only 'activates' when all special requirements are met. However, this double personality is violent and was the cause of the main Santander family's fear and 'hatred' toward Elizabeth and their forced separation. The second part of her secret is that Elizabeth's 2nd personality murdered her father's head of security in his sleep when she was just 16 years old. It is unknown to her why she did it and no one else but her knows she killed the man. The main Santander family is the only group that knows of Elizabeth's second personality.

Other: (whoever wants to be her crush is ok with me, as well as roommate)

Name: Anthony Mixon

Age: 16

Personality: Anthony is an extremely competitive and self-centered young man. His main concern is to be better than anyone in his field of his expertise, which is dancing. His determination is hard to match. Ambitious, he is willing to do anything to see his goals fulfilled. He will work hard, use other people, but most importantly, he will not let anyone stand in his way. Anthony is confident and passionate about everything from dancing to relationships. Many call him stuck up, Anthony is aware of that, but their opinion matters little to him while he's trying to reach his ambition.

History: An only child to two wealthy parents, Anthony thinks of no one but himself from a young age. His parents throw at him anything he wants with a snap of his finger. They don't have much time for him, but they let him know how loved he is. Anthony takes the hardworking trait after both of them. His mother quickly recognizes Anthony's interests in dancing and hires a teacher for him. He shows tremendous talent, and while dancing does not represent a promising career, she supports whatever it is he wants. His father, on the other hand, is against the idea, but Anthony refuses to listen to anything he says. Their quarrel grows more severe with each passing day, and finally, Anthony's father sends him off to a boarding school as a punishment.


View attachment 4291

Crush: none, as of now

Talent(s): dancing

Secret: The biggest, most important medal Anthony has ever received is from winning a country-wide salsa competition at fourteen. He didn't win it the way everyone thought he did, though. There was another competitor, Darius Hinnerman, who was taller, better-looking, and most shockingly to Anthony, clearly more skilled. Afraid and in panic, as he has been practicing and hoping to win this competition for three years, he consulted with Nate Bain, his friend at the time. Nate, who was seventeen, volunteered to crash his car into Darius' the day of the competition so long as Anthony pays for the "accident" and then some. That was the plan. However, things went wrong when the car crashed, and Darius was killed in the process. Nate was imprisoned but eventually released; they grew apart, however, and their friendship ended rather quickly after the incident. To Anthony himself, the whole thing was immoral and he didn't win the competition the way he should have. But he did, and that was what mattered. He's proud of the medal he got in the end.

Pablo and fish, I am sorry to say that I will not be accepting any more characters into the role play. But thank you for taking interest.

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