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LF partners for plots


Three Thousand Club
Hello there! I am in need of a few people to RP some plots that I've been itching to play.

First, those lovely requirements:

  • I live in EST time and am most active on the weekdays past 15:30 and up to 23:00. I would like someone who is also active at those times, no matter what timezone.
  • I am not a rapid-fire replier, as school has begun, but I would like someone who can post at least 4 times a day, more or less.
  • I do not have line/paragraph requirements. I find those kind of stifling. I just want to be able to move the plot forward, either with one line or 8 paragraphs. That said, if you prefer there to be a requirement, we can make one.
  • I play a whole bunch of side-characters and would like my partner to also be able to play a whole bunch of side characters of all different genders.
  • My characters usually come from somewhere on the LGBT+ spectrum. Please be comfortable RPing with characters from all over.
  • Legibility is key. Have good spelling and punctuation, though I will understand the occasional slip-up as I have them too.
  • Be willing to nudge me if I don't respond for a while. I most likely forgot. I will understand if life gets rough and you need a break, though I do ask that you tell me if you will be gone for more than two days and inform me if you are going offline for the day to go to sleep/work/school, etc.
  • I like to RP on threads. There's a spot for OOC chat already and character posts.
  • Be willing to plan with me and talk to me. If things become boring for you, tell me! If you want to drop because there's nothing interesting, tell me! If you want to do this when it comes to plot, tell me!
  • Obligatory no god-modding/Mary/Gary Stu characters.

Now lately I've been on a romance kick. I have no clue why, given the fact that I have never been in a romantic relationship nor have I ever had the inclination of entering a romantic relationship. Most of my plots have the potential to have a romantic subplot if we want them to, though it will not be the main focus. Probably. Some of my plots would very heavily focus on romance.

  • Two assassin guilds are prominent within a city. While both value money, that is about the only thing in common the two groups have. One values morals: kill your target and only your target. Do your job quickly and cleanly. Do not speak of the guild outside of its walls. Do not trust anyone outside of the guild with information. Do not bring attention to the guild.

    Another is a bit more loose with their morals. Get the job done and do it effectively. Do whatever it takes to finish up the job as quickly and efficiently as possible. Money first, job second. Trust no one, even within the guild. And you work for your place in the guild.

    What happens when two members cross paths on a mission, a mission that seems doomed to fail? What happens when it seems like there is corruption on all sides and the government is closing in? Will they work together to succeed, or will their differences and rivalries trump all?

So that's it! Reply or PM me with suggestions, ideas, agreements, planning, etc. etc. I will be waiting!
[QUOTE="Rose_Lawlington]Hello there! I would absolutely love to do either Rival Assassins or Deserted Planets, if either are still open.

Both are! PM me and we'll discuss further.


Blind OTP Challenge really caught my eye--It looks very interesting and seems like a good opportunity for character development. Is it open?
Zella said:


Blind OTP Challenge really caught my eye--It looks very interesting and seems like a good opportunity for character development. Is it open?
Yup! Shoot me a PM and we can figure out the details.
I would love to do the From Riches to Rags plot! Unfortunately, I am new to this site, so I am unable to PM. I will work on getting other posts up so I may message you tomorrow if that is okay!
delusions said:
I would love to do the From Riches to Rags plot! Unfortunately, I am new to this site, so I am unable to PM. I will work on getting other posts up so I may message you tomorrow if that is okay!
That's fine, I'll PM you!

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