Leviathan Academy *A School For The Outcasts*


Diana smiled as he pulled her closer. She kissed his cheek as she fell asleep in his arms.


"Hey there Pix." she smiled kissing her cheek casually.


Johnny fell asleep with a smile on his face. When he woke up a few hours later, it was fairly dark outside. He sat up, and looked at his clock. He yawned, and nuzzled Dianas shoulder.



"Hi, love..." Pixie said looking up at Lee, kissing her lips gently, then nuzzled her neck again, laying her head down on Lee's chest.
Jess woke up to find that he had slept through the whole day of school and it was now night time, "God, I'm such an idiot, why? Why? I was so looking forward to today," He said angrily to himself, he had slept a whole day and a whole night and he wasn't tired, so he just sat there with a smile on his face thinking of how he would definitely have a great day tomorrow, "How does someone simply sleep through a whole night and all of the next day?" He whispered to himself with a smile on his face.


Mathew had arrived at school that morning, and descided against going to his classes, he just slept, and watched tv, and read fan fiction. Mathew got out of bed, and took a shower, then ate some dinner. He groaned, as He climbed back into bed, falling asleep.

"Already calling me love, oh I feel so special!" she clapped giddily. She wrapped her arms around Pixie's neck and kissed.


She looked up at Johnny. "Hey there." she rubbed her eyes and sat up slightly.


Pixie giggled, and kissed back, smiling against Lee's lips.



Johnny yawned again. "Its like Midnight. You can sleep here, if you dont wonna go back to your dorm, I don't mind....I was just gonna go take a shower..."Johnny said yawning again.

Diana smiled. "Okay." she shrugged, easily falling asleep again in Johnny's bed.


She stared into Pixie's eyes. "You're amazing." she winked.
Jess woke up the next morning ready for a perfect day, "Alright, let's do this," he said in an awkward manner, punching his fists together. He knew he'd have a good day, but was still mad at himself for sleeping in for a whole day, "Let's forget about that... Now then, what to wear?" After about 10 minutes of searching through his closet and contemplating, he finally decided on wearing a nice looking tan suit jacket over a white button-down shirt with a red bow-tie and khakis, "Hello, good sir, you look smashing this fine morning," He said to himself looking in the mirror.
"Bye Mom, Dad!" Max shouted, running with his suitcase rolling not too far behind him up to the main gates of the school.

"We love you, sweetie!"

"I know!" He laughed. It was pretty early in the morning. He had missed what was supposed to be his first day due to an important yearly brain scan. With each step he took he got more and more nervous; what was this place going to be like? He knew that everyone here was LGBT, so he wasn't worried about being bullied. It's just, he was awkward. That was all there was to it.

He stepped inside and got situated in the main office, waiting for a counselor or someone to give him his schedule and his dorm number.
Kris walked into the school and tossed a sucker stick into the trash. He had skipped the first day and bought some candy and sweets from a small convenience store. Digging around in his backpack, he tried to find a new treat to eat. Looking in his backpack instead of where he was going, he accidentally ran into someone and fell down. Looking up, Kris noticed that he was in the office area of the school and had ran into a boy with a suitcase. Standing up, he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Um, sorry I ran into you. I'm Kris." He reached into his bag and pulled out a small lollipop, holding it out to the boy. "Want one? I always thought candy was better then a handshake."
Alex walked out into the hallways, seeing couples hug and hold hands. "Forever alone..." He said to himself and laughed. He hummed This Is War by 30 Seconds to Mars and walked by the office.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to stand in the way!" Max's hand flew up to his mouth and he helped the boy up, letting his suitcase fall to the ground beside him. "No, no, it's my fault. I shouldn't have been standing here." He chuckled. Then he boy offered him a lollipop.

"Want one? I always thought candy was better than a handshake." The boy, named Kris, said, a bit quietly. Max blinked, and then slowly reached out to accept the piece of candy. He smiled.

"Thank you," He laughed, putting it in the pocket of his skinny jeans. "Oh yeah, my name is Max. Max Ross." He said with a grin, nodding to him.
Kris nodded and picked up Max's suitcase. "Here, you dropped this. And it's ok, it was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going." He laughed a little and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He wasn't used to talking to people, and if people did talk to him they were usually mean about it. He reached into his bag and pulled out another sucker, putting this one in his mouth, and his schedule. "What classes do you have?" He looked over the paper and read it for the first time, feeling stupid not knowing where he was supposed to be going.
Max smiled shyly and grabbed his suitcase by the handle, just standing there as Kris looked over his paper. He had only gotten his schedule a moment before Kris had bumped into him, so he didn't really know. "Uh, I don't know, let me check. Uh..." He looked over his schedule, pleased to see that he had been accepted into his honors classes and his electives. "First I have English 1 Honors, Honors Bio, then German 1, then Visual Arts 1... What about you?" He asked, his expression inquisitive. Max was pleased to have someone being so nice to him already. He knew bullying wouldn't be a problem here, but it still thrilled him to already be making a friend.
"I've got French 2, Honors Bio, Geometry, and then...." He stopped and looked at the smudge of something that had stained the paper right where his last class would be. "I've got crap on my paper." Kris shrugged and looked at his paper over again and glanced at Max's. "Hey, we've got Bio together. Cool." He smiled and shoved the paper into his pocket, he liked having a friend in one of his classes. A bell rang and cut through the silence of the halls. "Well, I guess I'll see you later." He picked up his backpack and gave a small salute to Max. "A plus tard, mon ami." With that, he ran off down the halls in search for his french room.
Max smiled and waved, then sat in the chair in the office. He still needed to be assigned a dorm room so he could drop off his stuff. A woman stepped through the door behind the desk, holding a sheet of paper. "Here you go, Max Ross," She said with a smile. "Your dorm room is 230. I circled it on the map for you. Now off you go, you don't want to be TOO late for class. I'll introduce you to Mrs. Uranga at lunch."

Max nodded and smiled back, standing up with his suitcase in one hand and his papers in the other. He headed in the direction of House 2, wondering what kind of a roommate he would have. Did the rooming system even work the same way? Since they were all LGBT, rooming and guy with another guy might be a little risky. But then again, the whole sexually active thing was a stereotype that he tried to avoid using. He'd just take what came and run with it.
TheCreativeUsername said:
Diana smiled. "Okay." she shrugged, easily falling asleep again in Johnny's bed.


She stared into Pixie's eyes. "You're amazing." she winked.
([MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] )



Pixie blushed. "I try..." Pixie said kissing Lee's lips gently, smiling.



Johnny shrugged, and got up, going to take a shower.

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