Leviathan Academy *A School For The Outcasts*


Diana groaned and crossed her arms. She turned the doorknob and found that he'd left it unlocked. She opened the door a crack and hopped in. "J-johnny?" she said, going a little closer. "I really didn't mean to hurt you or anything. I-I didn't want you to leave. I wanted you to stay because you're the only person I've met and the only person I can bond with and stuff. I'll let you in on a little secret if you just accept my apology. I'm really sorry."


"Yeah, but when a chick kisses me, I always jump to the conclusion that they're lesbian, I don't even think about the other options because I'm happy to find someone like me." Lee shrugged. "I wasn't really accepted... anywhere. But I feel like you accept me." she said, placing a hand on her shoulder gently.


Pixie felt overly excited, and pulled Lee close to her, kissing her lips again. "Your accepted here. At LA....Your also very much accepted by me, Darlin..."Pixie said smiling.



Jen flipped over, so she was facing Diana. She wiped her eyes, and kept her blankets underneath her chin, so Diana couldnt see her boobs. "What?" Jen said sniffling.

She gulped. What did I just do? she asked herself nervously. "Um... I used to be a dude." she muttered incoherently. Diana grabbed some tissues and dabbed under Johnny/Jen's eyes. "Do-do you forgive me? I'm really sorry for before." she smiled slightly, she hated her stutter sometimes. When Diana was going through a wide emotional thing, she couldn't control it.


She smiled into the kiss. "I'm happy to feel accepted for once. I was always critisised. You see, I came out very early in my life, I think I was in year 6. Everyone thought I was a freak and only dudes hung out with me because all of my friends that were girls thought I'd try to make out with them."


"Well...sence you shared...." Johnny sat up, exposing her self. "I'm transgender.... i've always felt like a guy....And my mom told me why.....When I was still in the womb, I ate my twin brother....I just thought I was a lesbian...but i always have the urge to stand and pee...I hate my hair long...." Johnny said sighing.



Pixie frowned. "I'm sorry, darlin...Why don't we talk about this, in my dorm?" Pixie asked, standing up, stretching her legs. She grabbed her book, then Lee's hand, smiling.

"Oh, so I guess we're two of a kind, sort of." she smiled. "I'm a post-op, so I don't have any of my male assets left, only my voice when I don't make it sound kind of girly." she shrugged.


Lee smiled and nodded. "Sure." she stood up and grabbed her hand.


Johnny nodded. "Yea....kinda...." Johnny pulled his bedsheets off of him, and scooted over, making room for her to lay down next to him. He wasn't about to get up....



Pixie smiled, and kissed Lee's cheek gently, entwining their fingers together, walking towards her dorm room.

"No no, it's fine. I don't really want to lay down just this minute, you just relax in your bed. If you want me to leave just say the word, okay?" she asked.


Lee rested her head on Pixie's shoulder. Her head fit perfectly in between the gap from her chin to her collarbone.

"But-But your leg...." Johnny said biting his lip.


Pixie smiled. She unlocked her dorm door, once they got there. "Its not much....but its home, at least for now..."Pixie said letting Lee into her home.
Kris woke up and poked his head out from under the mound of blankets that covered him. Looking around his room groggily, he scowled at his alarm clock that was blinking 3:52. Was it really that early? He tossed all the linens to the side and walked over to the clock. It was plugged in, and it didn't look to be broken, but it couldn't be that early or late. Running down the stairs he saw he grandma in the kitchen over the stove. She smiled at him. "Well, I thought you left all ready. It's ok, I'll take you to school when I finish resetting all these clocks. Your grandfather dropped off most of your stuff at your dorm, so it should be there. And did you know the power went out last night?" As his grandma continued to ramble on about the wind and the power stuff, Kris looked at the clocks his grandmother had reset. They all said that it was 9:46. "*Crap*" Kris cursed and ran back up to his room, threw on a pair of old skinny jeans, a grey v neck t-shirt, and slipped on his grey converse before grabbing his purple plaid backpack and sprinting down to the kitchen. "It's fine, Nana. I can walk myself. Bye!" He gave his grandmother a quick hug and ran out the door towards the school. It was three blocks away, but he knew it would be faster then letting his grandma drive him.

((sorry for making it super long and super rambly))


Anthony was bored, sitting in Chemistry. It was his 3rd period. He sighed, and started drawing a dragon, burning down a cute little village. He laughed, and his teacher called his name. He looked up, and nodded, then looked down back at his paper.

"It really organised compared to mine." Lee smiled.


She flicked her fringe back, "I limped here, I can limp to my dorm too." she shrugged. "No biggy."


"Its only clean, Cause I got bored last night, and cleaned it.....You can sit where ever...On the floor, in my bed-I mean on my bed.."Pixie said clearing her throat. She blushed, and put her backpack on her desk chair.



"No....I wont let you.....get in my bed. "Johnny said feeling very demanding. Diana was not going to limp to her dorm, he'd kill himself from just thinking about it.

She smiled slightly and got in Johnny's bed. "Happy?" she said nervously. She'd never been in anyone's bed but her own in her LIFE. She'd never gotten nightmares and as such, never had to retreat to anyone else's bedroom. She didn't make eyes contact.


"I'm cool with wherever." she said simply, shrugging. "Nice save." she coughed, going under her blankets. "Night! See you in the morning... tomorrow." Lee winked.
Jess went to bed that night knowing that he had a lot in store for him the following day, "Ahh, brand new life, brand new school, brand new day tomorrow... God I'm cheesy," he said to himself as he dosed off, he normally talked to himself when he had lived with his abusive parents because he had no friends, so he made a friend with himself. As he closed his eyes he thought of how much fun he would have tomorrow.


Johnny smiled, and laid back down, resting his head on her shoulder, then yawned, draping an arm across her stomach.



Pixie giggled, and pushed Lee over, so she could slide in next to her. "You are not going to sleep in my bed, just like that, girly...." Pixie said blushing, realizing what she said.

"You're so cute Pixie, but I'm sleeping here tonight, kay? Listen. Snore. Snore. Snore." she smiled.


Diana blushed as Johnny put his hand over her stomach. Wow, is this really happening? Am I in his... bed? she asked her self mentally in disbelief.


Pixie rolled over onto Lee, and stradeled her, looking down. "You aint sleepin in my bed just yet....You have no reason to be tired....yet....."Pixie said hungrily smirking at her, biting her lip.



He only wanted to cuddle. He was a very cuddly person, so having someone to cuddle with was huge to him. Johnny nuzzled her neck gently, then yawned, curling up next to her.

"Whoa whoa whoa Pixie! I'm not really an Entree` I'm more of a desert!" she said smiling, kissing her cheek.


She smiled and placed her hand on top of his nervously.


Pixie laughed, and leaned down, kissing Lee's lips hungrily.



Johnny smiled, and nuzzled her neck again, expectantly yawning, trying not to fall asleep. She was just so comfortable.

"Hungry?" she asked, kissing her back with force tenfold.


She had the urge to kiss him, but held back.

(Pshh, I put Diana... >.> <.<)
(You mean, Diana?)



The kiss sent a shiver down her spine, which shook her whole body, and she pulled away to breath, and nodded. "Starving.."Pixie said smashing thier lips together.



He yawned again, and stretched out his legs, which made his body shake a little.

Diana smiled. She still couldn't believe this! She hurt herself and this happened? Maybe she should've hurt herself more often at school.


Lee smiled into the kiss and tangled her fingers in her hair, running her hands down her back and then back up.


Johnny smiled, and leaned up sleepily kissed her cheek, then rested his head back on her shoulder, and yawned a I'll just rest my eyes...



Pixie moaned softly, and kissed back hungrily pulling her own shirt over her head as she Faded to Black...

​(I'm afraid of getting in trouble..)


*Like an hour ish later* Pixie pulled away, licking her fingers, then wipped her spit on her bedsheets. She tried to catch her breath, so she got up, and grabbed a Dr. Pepper, from her mini fridge and started to drink. She smiled, and brought it with her, setting it on the bedside table. Pixie crawled back into bed next to Lee, and curled up next to her, nuzzling her shoulder.



Johnny fell asleep, pulling her closer to him, nuzzling her neck.

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