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Hello, all!

As you can see, I'm Kisu!

Lovely to meet you!

A bit about myself...I've been roleplaying for a good ten years now. I don't have many limitations, but I do like people who are able to use proper grammar and spelling. I am far from perfect, but I try my best, and spell check exists for a reason.

While romance is alright as part of a story, I love the story lines far more. I refuse to roleplay anything with a love at first sight kinda feel. Relationships have drama, expect tons with me.

I try to be realistic, as well! That's very, very important to me. Common sense mandates you control your character, and I will control mine.

So now...I suppose I will create a list. I am horrible at them, and will simply update with time!


If you don't see anything you like, or you are dying to do a specific roleplay, but it's not on the list, tell me! I'm always open to ideas! There's a huge world out there, and not everything can fit on this list!

Also...if you choose reply, do not ask me to message you. If you want to confer via messages, then just message me. I will not message you if you ask me to. You can press the buttons, too!


Ask for my plot:


Dragon Riders


Reincarnated Lovers (Obviously this one has a bit more romance than my normal ones.)

Random Other Things That Would Be Cool To Play Around With!

(Some are fan based, others are not.)


Gundam Wing

The Hunger Games

Pet Shop of Horrors

Dystopian Society (Maybe along the lines of the game 'Paranoia', maybe not.

Like I said, I'll be updating and editing, so even if you don't see something you like, feel free to check back!


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All of them. Is all of them okay? Because I'd love to write absolutely all of them with you.

Kidnapper/Kidnapped sounds fun to me, but that's mostly because I've wanted to let my villains run about and Antonio is just itching to pick someone up again. Though it'd likely end very, very poorly for whoever he grabbed.

Dragon Riders sounds wonderful to me. Is it anything like the world of the Pern books? I'm quite interested, in part, because I have a dragon character by the name of Kai and he very rarely gets to stretch his wings.

Human/Demon is much the same - Jezzabel and Thalassa never get out - and Thalassa is just starving lately, she needs some interaction. Jezzy, on the other hand, would rather starve, poor dear.

And. Just. Reincarnated lovers makes my heart flutter with the possibilities for hurt/comfort. Especially if it's an over lifetimes thing (either with each lifetime not quite working out or with one of them stuck immortal and finding their love over and over only to loose them again).

But. Yes. Yes yes yes, all of your ideas are a yes.

Dystopian Society also seems quite interesting, and I'm not word-vomiting about it only because I'd have too much to say and I don't want to overwhelm you with too heavy a response.
Oh, yay! Replys! It appears I'm not the leper I was starting to think I was on the last site.



-checks skin again-

The plot for the kidnapper/kidnaped is pretty long. I'm sorry....It's basically a detailed first post I set up! ^u^

"This is Earth. Sort of. Now it is called 'The United World under Peace'. How stupid is that? The old cities still stand proud and tall, in a way. Pollution took over Earth, slowly accumulating and accumulating, until the year 3029. It was then that societies fell apart, crumbled at the moment people began dying.

Before that year, the pollution had been bad, yes, caused cancer and asthma, and many, many other things. However, the population had reached a boiling point. The average house size was twenty feet by twenty feet, and it wasn't uncommon for three or four families to share a one bedroom apartment.

To deal with the rising populations, the various countries throughout the world created a group called the 'People's Health and Welfare Department', around 3025. They didn't do the good they had intended. They had good intentions, it was said. However, the choices they made didn't reflect this. They decided pollution would be an excellent way to reduce the population. A free way, since caring for the population had reduced funds. And After all, there were plenty of ways the human race could survive, and they could take the best of the best, leave the rest.

And it was done.

The day after they decided this, in 3033, over three thousand building crews flew into the sky, no explanations were given. No one could see what was happening, the smog hiding the huge skyships. After a time, they were forgotten. In 3042, the polution had gotten so bad, when people left the circulated and purified air of their homes, even with masks on, there was a very limited time that they could remain outdoors. Because of this, the dead began rising in numbers.

Except for the few that P.H.W.D selected. They were evacuated. PHWD had waited for the day the pollution would reach this ultimate high, had known it would happen, and the aristocracy of the world were snatched and taken into the skies. Scientists, Doctors, the most brilliant of mind and body were all taken into the skies.

My great, great, great, great, great, great Grandmother was there that day. It was what took her mind. She said she watched these shining metal angels come out of the grey smog, gathering up screaming families. All the wealthy, the intelligent of us,and the people with the healthiest bodies were gathered by the people in the gravity defying suits. Absolutely no one knew why.

They snatched them from the streets and the 'Angels' turned their faces upwards. And they took them. Up into the skies.

For three months, the pollution stayed horrible. Three long, long months. The PHWD's plan worked, and most of humanity was killed. But after three months, something happened. PHWD had discovered something they didn't plan on. Everyone they took wasn't used to labor. It was hard, and they were lazy. If they left everyone to die, there would be no one to work in the halls or fields they had created.

So they created Wind. The breeze we feel occasionally now...it is not real. Our atmosphere is too heavy for oxygen now, and so it cannot move like it used to. There is no 'low pressure' and 'high pressure'. But the PHWD...they needed to keep some people alive. They found a way to keep Below alive. There isn't enough power in the world to clean up Below now, but they use turbines to suck in air, and send the smog through a purifier, and so we have just enough to breath.

Now. After the Wind, we could see into the Above occasionally. What the PHWD had done...they built entire cities in the sky....huge bubbles. With completely pure air. They live there, happy, smiling. Occasionally, Below has to raid the Above, just to survive. But, I am getting ahead of myself again.

It was exactly a week after the Wind, my Grandmother said, that the Angels came again. Now of course, we know now that these are not Angels, but men in combat uniforms, there suits lit up to see through the smog they fall through. Gas masks unlike any we had been given. But we still call them Angels, ironically. They came, and people ran out to them, reaching out. The Angels had come before, gathered up us lost souls, and taken them Above. Why wouldn't they do the same now?

People ran to them. And the Angels hovered above us. The Angels took their time, each selecting a healthy looking male. Always a male. They gathered one each into their arms. My Grandmother watched fearfully. It didn't feel right to her....why only Men? Why hadn't they come before, when people were dying?

Fearful, she ran inside, and peered out of her window. The Angels lifted up their Chosen, then carefully aimed at the people around them. Then they opened fire.

Now, we very rarely are raided. Above uses Below as a breeding ground. They raid us when they need new workers. Otherwise, we are left to fend for ourselves. The workers who missed their families and escaped...they tell us many things. The people of Above...so happy...so healthy...bright and shining from the sun. There are ten different Above Cities. They are each ruled by one family, descended from the PHWD's members..."

"It's now 4189, and this is still how things are. But one day...they'll have no choice but to take everyone on Earth to Above, or to fall with us. Someday we'll make it so." The group of children around the tall male smiled together, all glancing up and imagining the sun's rays falling on them, something so rare and precious to the children of below.

"Is it true?" A young boy asked, his blue eyes focused on the dark haired man sitting on a trash can.

"Of course. We'll find a way. Now...time to get everyone home..." The man unfolded his legs, and stood, stretching. "Masks on..." The male slid his gas mask on. The children did the same, and looked to the male.

Emerald bright eyes peered out, though covered by bug looking eye covers. Short dark hair flopped back and forth in a short gust of wind. Through the quick break in the clouds, sunlight beamed down, revealing a dirty, dusty world. Street ruins were everywhere, and strange sounds seemed to come from strange places. Mannik didn't pay it any attention, however, leading the children through the streets quickly.

Dust rose from each step people took. They moved quickly through the ruins, and one by one, the children were dropped off, safe and sound after a day of lessons. They were Below's future now. They were the next generation, and would decide their fate. It was Mannik's job to train them, when he wasn't busy trying to raid Above himself.

Speaking of which, he was late for his Scouting Turn. A few volunteers usually took a Speeder ship up a few times a day above the Smog, checking to see if they Angel's were preparing for a Raid or anything like that. The Cities knew they did so, but the Speeders had been left behind as unnecessary equipment for air life, so it was easy for the people of Below to outfly them.

Dust grew and grew around Mannik as he jogged. He arrived at the hanger quickly, hidden in the ruins of a collapsed building. The PhWd hadn't left the bombs like they'd left the Speeders. And bombs were a dead technology now, not having the required materials to create them. But, if they found the ships Below had managed to salvage and fix, they would certainly use a precious bomb on the ships. Mannik stopped to report to the General, a big bulky man.

A few minutes later, and Mannik was in the air. His gas mask was on until he got above the smog, and his bug goggles helped him see through the nasty air, streaming of light beaming from them, shifting as Mannik's eyes moved around. The machine the dark haired boy sat on looked somewhat like a vehicle they used to have on Old Earth: A motorcycle. The only big difference was it's two small wings with divets in them. Mannik perched on it, much like they did on the motorcycles, but his knees rested on top of the divets, helping stabilize the Speeder.

A stream of black flew behind him as he reached the thin strip above the smog. He could see three separate 'bubbles'. This was one of the Cities, containing it's residential area, the fields for crops, and the production area. A stream of black was expelled from the production bubble and slowly sank as Mannik watched. The expulsion area was located lower on the bubble, and pointing away from the other two bubbles. It had been built this way on purpose, Mannik was sure. No one inside would be able to see the pollution they produced. Cleaning up Below was a joke, and would never happen.

As the male drew closer, the gigantic turbines that kept the bubbles afloat grew louder, almost deafening. They drew in heavy smog, making the bubbles dip slightly, then the air ran through purifiers, and clean air flew out, making the bubbles rise again. Vaguely, Mannik wondered what it would feel like to live on something with constant motion. Did no one in the bubbles notice this now?

The thoughts flew from his mind. In the residential area, an airlock was opening, and a transport ship was emerging. It was huge, but it puzzled Mannik. Normally, transport ships didn't have windows, transporting different goods between the cities. The only ones with windows normally transported people, but since it was discovered that Below had ships they could use, Human Transport Ships were normally only used in cases of dire need.

I tried to make a post leaving plenty of openings for another character. Basically, Mannik would kidnap someone from Above to try and gain some leverage for the people from below. OR if you are wanting to be the kidnapper, this post basically can just explain the plot. I think that would be fun. Let me know whatchu think...

As for the Dragonriders, YES!!! It's a mixture of the Dragons of Pern and another book I read a while back, but can't rememeber the name of. Let me know if you wanna hear my plot for that as well. Sometimes I get a little excited and it shows...0.0 So, I try to only put one lengthy plot point a post!

I haven't done a good human/demon for a while, and yes, I would totally be down for one! As always they are amazing and welcome.

The reincarnated lovers, I was leaning more towards one being immortal in some way, and he/she was punished by the Gods, and is not supposed to be with the one they love, so they are punished by watched them die/been killed repeatedly, while trying to get them to love them again. If that made sense , and came out right.

And, uhm...can someone define the term 'word-vomiting'? Is this a bad expression or good one?

As for the Dystopian Society, I want something like Paranoia. Love it so much!

Oh man... O.o

Oh my Goodness gracious...

You. Are. A. Genius!

Seeing as there are already two people interested in the kidnap one..I'll leave that with them (though it truly is an amazing idea).

I really like the idea of a Human/Demon or the reincarnated lovers and I would offer to do the dystopian one but I've never read Paranoia. :o
It's quite alright.

-rubs head-

I'm glad you like it so much. If you would like to try it, that's not a problem. It's completely up to you!

Paranoia is a roleplaying game, much like Dungeons and Dragons, but far more chaotic and backstab-ie...

Lots of politics in it as well.

And f-f-f-Friend c-com-com-com-Computer is always right!


Out of the things you selected, what do you want to do more?

Oh I'd love to Rp with you :) That is if you're still looking for someone else. I really like the Human/Demon one or the Werewolves!
Holy mother of God, your writing style is amazing — not that I was stalking this thread or anything, pshh..


I know that you have a lot of people already wanting to roleplay with you, but I would as well. Out of your plots, I really like the kidnapper/kidnapped, demon/human, and the hunger games. c:
Kisu said:
It's quite alright.

-rubs head-

I'm glad you like it so much. If you would like to try it, that's not a problem. It's completely up to you!

Paranoia is a roleplaying game, much like Dungeons and Dragons, but far more chaotic and backstab-ie...

Lots of politics in it as well.

And f-f-f-Friend c-com-com-com-Computer is always right!


Out of the things you selected, what do you want to do more?

I'd have to try this Paranoia thing..I love Dungeons and dragons!

Out of all of them...hum....the reincarnated love idea? It sounds quite sad...and I have a weird thing for sad roleplays...even if they are seemingly happy at times. xD
Oh God Lord!

I feel overwhelmed!

And so loved!


I'd like to thank my cat, Asima, for never giving up on me those cold lonely nights!

No, for real though, everyone is welcome, although with this crazy amount of people replying, please don't be upset if I ask you to start up a thread, or it takes me a while to reply.

And thank you all for the lovely compliments!

DamiClo- How about the Werewolves? I haven't done one for a while. We could do it a few different ways, one being some kind of arranged marriage to bring the packs together, then one of the promised falls for a different pack mate. Or it could be forbidden, and our characters go with it anyway. There's a million ideas. Wanna bounce some off me, or would you be interested in either of those?

Rosemary: Thanks so much! That makes me feel really nice. My style is really weird, and sometimes bouncy, but I do my best. I'd actually been feeling rather down lately, so that comment perked me right up!


Such a Doll!

Which one would you like to do the most out of the ones you've selected? If we like how it goes, we can always do multiple ones, but I think it would be easier to start off with one. I'm open for any of them. I would like to warn you, however, especially with the Demon and Hunger Games, there is a lot of violence in either one.

Puntii: Yes, it's amazing! You should google search it. It's an amazing game. I love dming it, because I make Computer sound really glitchy, and it kinda goes with the whole theme.

Yes, it will probably be horribly sad. Let's get it going!

Alright, so shall we make one of us immortal, bound to living forever, trying to find their love and make them fall back in love with them in a short lifespan, again and again?

Kisu - Yes! I will go Google it right after I send this!

Oh! Perhaps we could have it in different eras of time? Like..one could be set in the 80's, one in the Egyptian times...one in the modern times - the future! Poor immortal being! D:

Maybe! Perhaps...at first, the human doesn't remember anything about the immortal (obviously) but perhaps, after a certain span of time, it just comes crashing in the human? Like, maybe it's just before they die but it seems that with every life the human lives, it takes them a little less time to remember and the immortal pretty much waits for the day they remember after having made them fall in love with them and- Gah!

Sorry..I'm all mushy now. ; A ;

Okay! Shall I PM you? To figure out details and such?
Agreed, Puntii.

I think that will be so sad.

And that's even better! Takes them less time to remember, the more times the immortal wins them over?

Though, some lives, I think the human never remembers, and the immortal doesn't manage to win him over, just to mix things up.

If you'd like to discuss over pms, that is just fine.

I'm not a picky person.

Kisu I like the arranged marriage one x3 Maybe (If you're okay with drama) One of them can fall for the best friend of the promised one? That way it would be also forbidden and so. Just an idea tho, what do you think of it? :)
That sounds lovely. Let's see.

I'm kinda leaning towards the Medieval era, because I feel like that could create more issues. Maybe the wolves have towns in their territories, and the villagers are slowly pinning down the 'den' areas or something like that, DamiClo. What do you think?

Oh, so like the townsfolk want to hunt them down? Sounds amazing ^w^ Maybe we can make that the reason why they want to bring the packs together, to also protect their backs?
I don't mind either way.

So, I assume I will be the husband.

Shall we have it where he fells for her friend?
I guess ^^ So wait, will she be the friend? Or will she be the pack's leader daughter who has been promised to him?
Always, Doll.

This one, I'm afraid I have no plot for.

I know I would wish it to be original characters, and not focusing on romance at all.

Is that acceptable to you?

The no romance totally works for me. I was thinking something along the lines of an AU story would be cool. Like, Kaniss and Peeta somehow losing to Cato, and our story could take place during the following Hunger Games. If that works for you, that is.
Pm would be fine if you'd like, DamiClo.

Alright, I could see that. Maybe the mutts ended up getting the two of them, but everyone is still really touched about it, so this year the tension is especially high?

Maybe because of the past, the Gamemakers decided to get more strict and are trying to avoid letting the contestants make alliances? Our characters could have made an alliance with each other, and so now on top of having to deal with the other kids, our characters are getting extra things thrown at them by the Gamemakers?

Yeah. All alliances are targeted without prejudice, until it almost becomes necessary to face the trials of the Games singularly. I like that. It would really put a strain on our two characters' relationship.

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