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That sounds awesome. I think we'd need to decide on the area before we get down and dirty, eh, Blade?

Alrightie, Wolves. Do you have anything special in mind?
This plot is not as detailed as my others.

Basically, I'd like for one of the characters to be locked away in an asylum, because she sees demons and angels. Of course, no one believes her, and so she is locked away, assumed insane. But the angels have learned how to shield their presence from demons now, and a demon needs someone who can see them to help with their war against the angels. He has to convince this person who thinks they are crazy to help him, and has to portray himself as good, otherwise the insane person won't help.

I hope I've explained well enough. Feel free to ask questions.

Alright Blade. I need to practice for Dagorhir right now, but I'll be back soon and Pm.
Mmkay. I love how you've already created a plot line after escaping the asylum. I think there are some interesting things that could happen, particularly if we create more complex motivations for this war between angels and demons than good against evil. Maybe change up the traditional definitions of angels and demons by perhaps first creating a world without an actual God or Devil, but still, supernatural beings could still follow the values of their traditionally prescribed deities. So maybe demons seek self-satisfaction in every moment, whereas angels are more willing to sacrifice their individual happiness for the good of the whole.

Maybe this war between the two was caused more by a cultural rift and the politics that arose than the inherent goodness/evilness of angels and demons. Shrug.

Sorry, just bouncing ideas around. Are you interested in rping this plot still, or are you more in the mood for something else?
Actually, Rafi, I am loving where you are going with that. However, after getting hit in the head with a foam sword a bunch of times, my creative juices seem to be jammed a bit. I think I'm going to head to bed. I would love to continue this discussion later, though. I am loving.

Alrightie, Rosemary...do you have any plots you would like to do? I'm afraid I don't have one for the Hunger Games. I would prefer less romance and original characters for this, though.
Kisu said:
Actually, Rafi, I am loving where you are going with that. However, after getting hit in the head with a foam sword a bunch of times, my creative juices seem to be jammed a bit. I think I'm going to head to bed. I would love to continue this discussion later, though. I am loving.
Sweet! I'll probably be online tomorrow evening as well- maybe we can weave something together. ^^
No probs, Rafi. I look forward to talking it over with you. Definitely feeling more up to it now!
Cool. :) Alright, some ideas:

- Angels have become invisible to demons because they've taken to carrying around the souls of the humans they are supposed to protect. This allows them to be perceived as humans rather than angelic beings. Demons, however, haven't quite figured out this extraction process. Part of the extraction process requires the person's consent. A human priest or priestess then performs the process, although there are only a handful scattered around the world who can perform the ceremony. When the soul is extracted, the person's body essentially goes into a coma. To protect these vulnerable bodies, the angels have taken to transporting the bodies to somewhere in heaven to guard them. Little do the demons realize that the surge of missing persons cases in the news has everything to do with the angels.

- From the last point, I'm thinking that humans are able to enter the realms of heaven and the underworld, though they need the assitance of celestial or demonic being to get there. This could also allow the angels to enter undetected into hell, passing off as humans.

- The main character (human) in the story can detect the difference between a human and an angel in disguise.

- In terms of structural organization, I was thinking that the angels would have more of a hierarchy than the demons, so we could assign difference powers/roles to archangels, cherubims, seraphs, etc. The demons have less structure, though usually weaker demons will have some allegiance to a powerful demon, who might save their necks if anything goes sour. Maybe.

- Althought God/Devil don't necessarily have forms, I was thinking that angels might be endowed with more celestial powers if their actions are good, just, compassionate, etc - the qualities generally associated with holiness. Conversely, demons can increase their demonic abilities by being selfish, vengeful, untrustworthy, etc. I kindof like this idea because it gives a motivation for cultural differences between demons and angels.

- Strong angels and demons must be careful of their actions, because having too much power can lead to self-annihilation. (Power kindof eats away at the form of a demon or angel, until there is nothing let to hold the molecules together, and their atoms float away across the cosmos, releasing all that power for other angels and demons to harness) Thus, the oldest demons and angels are not necessarily the strongest, but the ones who have managed to escape self-destruction by following the values of their deity moderately.

- For the angels, stripping a human of their soul has no immediate consequences, but I'm thinking this could possbily end up turning them into fallen angels or demons if the soul is away from its human body for too long.

Anyways, those are my ideas for now! Again, they're just ideas and I'm hoping you can improve on them. :) I still haven't really thought of a political/cultural backdrop yet, though.
Oh. My. God.

You are amazing!

I don't see how anything needs much improvement.

The only thing I would want to add to would be the coma-like state of the humans.

I like how an angel can become a demon or fallen if the soul is away.

But, I think we should twist it a bit.

Since, essentially, while in the coma-like state, a human is under the protection of an angel, perhaps if the human gets killed, the remorse eats away at the angel, and perhaps, much like having too much power, atoms are dispersed, but much, much more slowly, and it starts with powers. It slowly drains the energy of an angel, to the point where they can no longer exert energy enough to use their powers, then moves on to their bodies, starting with the wings. I.e. eventually, a fallen angel wouldn't even be able to shield themselves from humans, and have huge holes slowly growing in their wings.

But, if the angel becomes curropt, using the human's soul for various things other than good, they slowly transform into a demon. Maybe a demon who has to carry around a mask, to symbolize the soul they still have from the human?

I don't know, just spitballing ideas.

I also think we need to have some kind of benefit for a demon from a human soul.

Maybe it could allow the demon to have a little more power without breaking down? As well as being able to detect the difference between humans and angels themselves, once the demons find out that the angels are able to do that?

That way, as well as trying to convince the human to work with him and detect angels for him, the demon in the roleplay with be trying to convince the human to give the demon it's soul.

Did that make sense at all?

I like your ideas! I'm just going to ask a few questions just to make sure I understand:

When you say that fallen angels can't shield themselves from humans, you mean that humans can actually see and hear these fallen angels, right? (This could have some interesting implications in terms of what the angels intend to do with these fallen angels- maybe incarcerate them in heaven or something)

Hmm...the mask idea. I like the idea of some sort of physical transformation, but I'm not sure that these unruly demons would ever demand or expect other demons to wear some specific garment unless specified by a strong demonic ally. Also, I'm not sure if the angels would willingly want to advertise that they are carrying around a soul, even if they are becoming more and more evil. Some other demon might try to eat that soul or something. Maybe something unintentional, like a transformation of the eyes (eyes are supposed to be windows to the soul after all). Thoughts?

I really like the idea of a human soul giving the demon powers. I like the extra motivation it adds on the art of the demon. :)

Alright. So, we still need to figure out why this war between angels and demons happened....

Hmm. Something like...Maybe no one really remembers, maybe it's just a legend, but maybe the angels are holding the oldest demon captive in heaven. Very few of the demons still remember this ancient demon's existence, but they are allies with strong demons, and thus they perpetuate the war.
Yes, that was what I meant. I think the incarceration is interesting, I hadn't thought of that aspect.

I like the eyes better actually...Say...maybe...someone is talking to to them, and look away. For a split second, they had seen a reflection of the human who the soul belonged to..? So, on occasion, you can see the person in the eyes, but rarely straight on.

I think that's a great reason, however, I think there needs to be some ridiculous like power the demon has. I think the demons, even if allied to him, would need some kind of extra incentive to keep this war going, and not turning to the things they want to do. And I think that whatever power they think he has, shouldn't even be real. That was if we ever get to the point where he'd released, it could add a bit of comedy...
Accidentally releasing a demon intent on destroying all planes of existence. :P Ooops,

I like the eyes idea. Alright!

I think we're about ready to go, then! :)

Which character would you rather play? Medium or Demon?
I can, but if that's the case, I will not be able to until tonight. I'm sorry. It's gonna be a hectic day.

I will get it up tonight, though, and link you to it. ^u^
Hmm, I have about an hour before I have to start getting stuff done; why don't I start then, so you have something to reply to tonight? I'm not sure if my intro will be quite as amazing as the one you posted on the first page of this thread, but I'll give it a shot. ^^ 
Alos, on a scale of 1 to 10, how opposed to violence are you? 
I'm kindof thinking about writing a torture scene into my intro, but I won't if that'll make you uncomfortable.

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