Let's Get Ideas For High Essence Charms

thought we could reopen this thread now.

any ideas for high essence 2nd edit charms?

specificaly... ones relating to the 2 new abilitys, war and integrity?

or possibly some Permanent charm... since solars seem to have far more of them now.

thank you.
A resistance charm that makes you immune to all non-charm powered or MM damage.

The old One on One gift from W:TA.
what do you think a Essence 7+ charm should do?

heres an idea for a combat charm

one that gives the solar extra actions EVERY ROUND for a scene?

sound good?
wordman said:
write down what the effect is and what type it is (i.e. Melee' date=' Presence, Linguistics, or Occult, whatever)[/quote']
A charm or charms that provide more efficient means of negating the charms of others than Charm Redirection Technique and Sequential Charm Disruption. Since I'm interested in this solely as a way to keep Deathlords invincible, I guess I'd work this as an Abyssal Occult charm.

Solar Occult charms that function like spell-capturing cords.
Gift to the Void: This Charm permits you to draw Essence effects, including Charm activations, sorcery, etc. into Oblivion.  Roll your permanent Essence vs. the Essence of the source of the effect; if you succeed, his effect is negated, sucked into the void.

This roll may be supplemented, but at a cost.  The character may gain bonus dice by (the mechanism of this is left as an exercise for the reader), but failure on the roll will draw a part of the character's own Essence - or soul - into Oblivion, and a botch can have truly horrific consequences for the unwary Abyssal.
any dragon blooded ideas?

Or Ideas for integrity?

since absolute invulnerabiliy can ony be done so many different ways.
Or Ideas for integrity?
Sun-Touches-All Defense:  The Lawgivers' dedication to a cause can have far-reaching consequences.  The Solar invokes this Charm and names a legitimate target for an intimacy, and a social group whose Magnitude is no more than twice his permanent Essence.  Thereafter, any character in the social group who is the target of a social attack against the intimacy in question may use the higher of his own MDV values or the Solar's, calculated at the time of this Charm's invocation.  Arguments in defense of his passion will spring to the character's lips, or the fiery determination of the Solar himself may bolster the character's will.

For example, the Solar may target a Magnitude 8 kingdom and declare "the king" as his target.  Any character defending his commitment to the king may use the better of his own or the Solar's MDV values.
hows this sound for socialize charms at that high an essence... one that allows you to do things with the wave of a hand...

like a essence 8 War charm, that allows you to get a dominion with essence at least 2 below your own to declare open war on another dominon.
thouhgt I'd use htis thread rather then make new threads for my TENOUS Idea's a charm in the essence 5-6 region that lets a solar label a foe a "creature of darkness" for all effects. for a scene, but they must have done something to earn such a state... or maybe for the rest of their life at essence 8.

any thoughts... only problem I have is allowing those specialized charms to be more broadly applicable coudl ruin game balance...

Idea.. shapeshifting isnt really a solar thing... so Its hard to imagine what a high essence survival charm should do...
Idea.. shapeshifting isnt really a solar thing... so Its hard to imagine what a high essence survival charm should do...
Wilderness Habitation Proposition

The Solar uses his mastery of Creation and his dominion over Essence to transform the very nature of a wild region into a haven for his chosen people.  Trees grow prosperous and expand to larger size, becoming comfortable homes for villagers.  Animals become docile and domesticated, while the wilder predators learn to avoid human settlements.  Natural geothermal pockets emerge in the frozen wilderness, trapping heat inside hollow glaciers to provide warmth and security.

The transformed region becomes safely habitable, able to support a dominion with a Magnitude of half the Solar's permanent Essence.  People within this population limit do not need to make Survival rolls when living and working in the affected area - although once they move beyond those boundaries, they must still contend with the environment.

This is less powerful than Benediction of Archgenesis in that it doesn't guarantee prosperity for everything in the region, only carves out a niche for a relatively small community of people.
Propaganda Spreading Technique!

The solar focuses on an image or a feeling towards something, everyone in the world who has essence less then half of the solars rounded automatically believes this to be true and cannot easily be convinced otherwise.

It is a mental influence and its effects can be shrugged off for 4 willpower points.

Costs alot, donno how how much:P
hmmn even HARDER charm to think of super versions of linguistics...

removing all linguistic barriers, from all people in a defined area to ME seems the province of sorcerry.
Thought-Forging Linguistic Practice

The Solar may devise an entirely new language, basing it either on the principles of existing tongues or devising entirely new linguistic structures.  He may then promulgate this language to a populace, or keep it to himself as he chooses.  The action of encouraging a population to take up a new language is a social action against a social group or Dominion and is resolved via other means.  Creating a new language is a Dramatic Action taking one month, or three weeks during any of the months of the Season of Air.  Once created, the language is as real as any other; it does not require an investment of Essence to be sustained.

The Solar's new language is especially well-crafted for some particular purpose; for example, while the ice-walkers of the north may have over two hundred words for "snow", the Solar's new language will be optimized for communicating other sorts of thoughts and concepts.  Mechanically, the Solar chooses one of several benefits listed below.  The Solar rolls Intelligence + Linguistics and spends his pool of successes on the benefits listed.  Benefits listed as Stackable may be taken repeatedly; others may be taken only once.

Bias: the Solar crafts a anguage where certain thoughts are easier (or harder) to sustain; for example, crafting a language where freedom of religion is suppressed because nobody can speak (and thus think) about heresy.  For every 2 successes, anyone engaging in social combat using this language temporarily gains (or loses) one dot of Intimacy toward a given subject.  The Intimacy toward a single subject is established at the beginning of social combat and may be increased or decreased as normal; however, the specific effects of this Charm fade at the end of the combat.  Stackable to 3 dots' worth of intimacy.

Example: Roan constructs "Nuspek", a language where the principles of freedom are strongly reinforced through the structure and nuance of the language.  He invests 4 successes in this benefit.  If Roan engages in social combat with another speaker of Nuspek, he is treated as though he had two dots worth of Intimacy to 'Personal Freedom', as does his opponent.  Should either party choose to make attacks against this Intimacy, they can remove it for the duration of social combat.

Jargon: the Solar's constructed language is especially well-suited for describing specific practices, arts, or sciences.   For every 3 successes invested, any form of communication in the language - be it technical descriptions, sorcerous tomes, conversations, or project planning - grants a 1-die bonus to the activity in question.  Stackable to +3 dice.

Example: Roan constructs a language optimized for sorcery, called Arcanic.  He teaches Arcanic to a handful of his prized students, leaving them spellbooks and other texts written in the language.  When his students attempt to research spells using these texts, teach the spells to their own students, or create variations on the existing spells, they receive the dice bonus.  They do not receive the bonus for actually casting the spells from the text, unless the specific spell they are casting depends on being able to read the text.

Endeavor-Focused: the Solar may create an especially beautiful, austere, poetic, or terse language.  He may choose one such quality per success spent.  Each success negates 1 point of Difficulty when making Performance or other social rolls when using the language, for social activities which reinforce the quality.  Of course, the benefits are only realized if the audience also understands the language.  Stackable.

Example: Roan constructs a language especially suited to romantic poetry.  He invests 5 successes; poets attempting to create romantic love-verses find it almost trivial to construct magnificent works in this new tongue.
Mem' date=' you're a genius. Why hasn't White Wolf hired you yet?[/quote']
Because I have an abrasive personality and no social skills, and they already have Conrad.
memesis said:
Because I have an abrasive personality and no social skills, and they already have Conrad.
It's just as well they don't, 'cause you don't have a contract or confidentiality agreements to worry about.
All-Things-Ordering Energy Prana (a high-Essence Bureaucracy Charm)

The principles of organization underpin the entire Celestial Hierarchy, and as Heaven's order is reflected in Creation, so too is the ordering of Creation mirrored in Heaven.  Through his understanding of the All-Things-Ordering Energy that permeates all bureaucracies, the Lawgiver may perceive the organization of any of the ten thousand things in the world.

The Solar may focus his senses on a single object or person, opening his awareness to the dance of the least gods and the bureaucracy of Yu-Shan.  Focusing his senses in this fashion is a Dramatic Action lasting one long turn (one minute).  He becomes aware of the following traits:

- Relevant ratings in backgrounds or merits such as Resources and Destiny which show the target's value and place in the grand scheme of things.

- The threads of destiny which connect the target to other things, revealing relevant ratings in backgrounds or merits such as Allies, Followers, or Sifu.  The Lawgiver does not become aware of the precise identity of the target of these threads, only that they exist and an awareness of their nature.

- The existence and College of any extant astrological effects on the target, including Resplendent Destinies.  The Solar does not become aware of a Sidereal's "true" identity, nor that astrological effects are Destinies as such.  This Charm cannot defeat the Arcane Fate.

Anything else it should do?
riven5 said:
There are no beings short of the GODS who can make an Exalt.  In fact, I can safely say that even the Celestial Incarna (with the possible exception of Gaia) cannot make Exalts.
I don't think that is entirely true, though it depends on how you define "make." I'd say that a Dragon Blood CAN make another of his kind by copulating (and with a bit of luck). So a high-level DB Charm that guaranteed the exaltation of off-spring if the blood were of a certain thickness, would not be out of the question. But a simple laying of hands to produce exaltation is out of the DB's league, I agree.
What about a Charm that renders the user immune to harm from anyone, but the person he is currently engaged in combat with. If he attacks someone else, the Charm stops and it should probably last for only an action.

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