Let's Get Ideas For High Essence Charms

a small set of charm ideas I've come up with.

Wise savant preparing Method

Presence 5

Lore 4

Occult 3

Essence 4

Cost 25 Essence 1 WP

SPecial the Exalt must have at least 2 arts, 1 ritual, and 5 dots in sciences at least one of which must be at least at level 3

This charm allows an Exalt to train A group of even the most witless dullards into competent and capable (if by no means GODlike) mortal thaumatages.

People subjected to this charm for a month can be treated as capable thaumatages with Lore and occult ratings of at least 3 each 1 extra dot to put into virtues, 10 XP that that can be spent on arts, sciences or rituals.

this charm can affect Essencex 40 people at once.

Those who allready have thaumatic training can exceed even these ratings.


Benevelont Wardens practice

Buerucracy 5

Essence 4

Prequisites (not sure yet)

cost: essence 20 Willpower 2

This charm allows an exalt who is either the warden of a prison or has sufficient power over a warden, due either to favors owed, money, or the fact the exalted rules the area the prison set in, to ensure it is a reasonably humane facility and a place where true rehabilitation rather then mere revenge can take place.

At the end of 2 months of imprisonment all prisoners must roll Willpwer with a difficult of the exalts Conviction a failure will cause them to gain a extra dot in compassion

All extras can be assumed to reform, for heroic charachters, the willpower roll above decides their fate, if they suceed they can still choose to commit crimes at the end of the period.

(note: They can always choose to forfeit this roll obviously)

people subjected to this charm upon release feel a strong need to contribute to society and to serve it to thei best of their ability, only the most hardened of criminals will return to crime.

In the unlikely event that a PC is in a prison under the effects of this charm, the experience should count as training time for any non mystical, non war craft ability (e.g. farming, Blacksmiithing, Pottery, tailoring)

Note: This charm in NO WAY makes escapes or jail breaks impossible, though They should be less frequent and escape attempts should be less violent.

Infant dragon preparing education

Peformance 6

Essence 6

(not to be confused with "dragon soul enlightening approach")

in the old realm A solar who had achieved his first centenial had reasonably established himself, but had yet to build a true powerbase.

pluss many resented having Dragon blooded servants that they had to share with others.

this charm gave them control of their own small inner circle.

when invoked the Solar can educate 2x Essence dragon blooded children (who can be past puberty in terms of age, but most solars preferred and most today will likely prefer prepubescent childen who exalted early.)

this charm in no way ensures that tehy will cooporate with the solar; for this reason most solars in this day and age will find lost dragon blooded orphans in... bad situations. (e.g. as in the "Outcaste" book, being exploited and forced to work as soldiers or craftsman etc.)

The solar must give them nearly undivided attention for a period of at least one year.

the results however are imprressive.

The dragon blooded all feel a strong loyalty both to the solar in question and to each other.

To attempt to harm or disobey the solar the Dragon blooded Must spend a willpower point.

this brings them one scene of freedom but they still take a -2 penalty on all involved rolls.

They will still essentialy be "them" (they'll still have the same virtues and nature for instance)

not sure if I should award bonus dots, freebie points or XP any ideas?)
Two charms that came up from our play.

An extended Memory Reweaving Technique that doesn't allow proof to break it as long as the motes are commited. From experience, that can be rather nasty.

Making magical materials from nothing (probably rather expensive in motes). Useful for the Solar who wants to build in a hurry.
Hi everyone, i have some high-essence charms i always wanted to get opinions about so i think i will post them here.

The following charms should contain several options like changing the type from simple to reflexive and increasing the cost, depending on wether the ST considers them overpowered or weak.

Melee Charms.

Weapon of pure essence

Cost:  10motes

Duration: scene

Type: Simple

Minimum: Melee 4-5, Essence 5

Prerequisites: Whirlwind of searing blows(Caste Book Dawn)

Description: The exalt concetrates pure essence to his weapon until it glows with a scarlet light.

The weapon does aggravated damage instead of lethal.

The inevitable light of the sun

Cost 5 motes

Duration: instant

Type: supplemental

Minimum: Melee 5-6, essence 6

Prerequisites: Weapon of pure essence

Description: The exalt with supreme mastery of essence makes his weapon as light and as fast, as the rays of the sun.

The attack cannot be parried or dodged. (Heavenly guardian defense still stops the attack). ( This is a copy of the First and Forsaken lion charm in the Auotochonians book)

Optimum carnage method

Cost 20-30 motes 2 w

Duration: scene

Type: simple

Minimum: 7melee  7essence

Prerequisites: The inevitable light of the sun

Description: The exalt uses intricate manipulations of essence to give his weapon an unnatural hunger for blood and a will to remove the lives of the exalt’s enemies.

All damage dice rolled after soak become immediately successes. This charm can be used only on an artifact weapon made from Orichalkum. It must be used on a specific weapon each time.

(This charm is supposed to function under power combat rules)

Immolation of the enemy technique

Cost:  20motes  1will

Duration: instant

Type: supplemental

Minimum: Melee 7-8 essence8

Prerequisites: Optimum carnage method

Description: The principle of destruction and unmaking is applied upon the weapon. The weapon glows with a perfect white light blessed by the Sun the greatest warrior of all. When it strikes the enemy the light fades… and then the enemy glows. Rays of pure white light spring from his eyes as his final scream is heard. Hundreds more white rays spring forth from many spots on his body and in a blinding flash he is gone. Only his items remain.

This attack destroys an enemy completely. It also affects spirits even if they are dematerialised. Lunars thanks to their tattoos roll their essence vs the essence of the attacker and if they succeed they survive the attack and suffer unsoakable aggravated health levels equal to the solar’s essence.

Nothing can hide from the sun

Cost:  30-35motes  3will

Duration: scene

Type: simple

Minimum: Melee9  essence9

Prerequisites: Immolation of the enemy technique

Description: This applies the effects of “The inevitable light of the sunâ€
Here are some high-essence performance charms:

Peformance charms:

Warriors of Light

Cost:  35motes  3will

Duration: One month

Type: Permanent

Minimum: Performance7  essence7

Prerequisites: Ideal Battle Knowledge Prana, Tiger-warrior Training technique

Description: This charm is used upon Tiger-warrior veterans who must have survived 3 dangerous battles. These warriors must be of superb quality and must trust and respect the solar. It can affect the solars essence *50-100 warriors??

The solar infuses essence in the bodies of the warriors and broadens their minds to the essence around. He teaches them the art of war as the if the Unconquered Sun was teaching them himself. The result is warriors that surpass the capabilities of mortals and who have limited control upon there essence

They all have a of Strength/ Dexterity/Perception Wits 4, Stamina 5, Charisma/ Manipulation/ Appearance/ Intelligence 3,

Valor5, Conviction4, Temperance3

Archery or Melee/ Athletics/ Brawl/ Endurance/ 5

Dodge/Archery or Melee, Presence/Resistance/ Stealth/Performance/Craft(war)4

They also get five specialties to apply as the solar sees fit. (3 specialties can co exist o

in one ability).

Willpower 10, Essence 2 Motes 20

The Warriors o flight can attune to artifacts and hearthstones. They regain essence and heal health levels as exalts.  They are never extras.

Each one of them gets a number of essence points equal to the essence of solar. These essence points can be used to purchase solar charms. Each charm costs a number of essence points equal to its ability requirement. Only charms of the essence 1 level can be bought. [example: The Bull of the North has reached essence 7 and wants super-soldiers for his war against the realm. One warrior created can buy 3 Ox-bodys and excellent strike(1+2+3+1=7). Another can buy Graceful Crane stance, Lighting Speed, Wise arrow, Sight without eyes, and Ox-body Technique,) (1+1+1+3+1=7)]

Demolish the enemy lines

Cost:  30motes  3will

Duration: Instant

Type: Simple

Minimum:  Performance8 essence8

Prerequisites: Warriors of Light

Description: The solar spreads his arms and shouts with all his strength. His anima is banner is suffused with essence and is magnified a hundredfold. A huge behemoth made of golden-light(or whatever color the anima is) seems to rise above his army. The solar targets an enemy unit. This unit acts as if being targeted by solar circle sorcery, with a main difference. The Presence + Charisma roll following the Valor roll increases in difficulty by the solars essence.

The charm has a type of simple but does not cancel any long combat turn action of the solars unit. In order to use this charm the solar must have his anima banner activated. The soldiers who flee cannot face any of the solar’s armies for a week per point of permanent essence the solar has.  They keep running for a whole day after this charm is used. Ideal Knowledge prana and charms of similar power(essence 7 charms for Lunars) remove the added difficulty in the presence + charisma roll.  â€œGeneral of the all seeing sunâ€
on warriors of light I'd reccomend 50 x essence

since the generally accepted way of handling such things is successor charms to tiger warrior training techinuqe

is the most powerful ones handle fewer people because it requires closer interaction.
one question.

does anyone have any ideas for advanced Mountain folk charms  (e.g. ones created by pattern masters?)
Even then, I'd say it'd only be capable of exalting Celestials, as Terrestrial Exaltation is purely a hereditary affair.
Ok, this is something that has always bothered me. Technically, there had to be "the first" terrestrials who WERE exalted by the Elemental Dragons. What happened to those original shards? Or is just assumed they died upon the "first" terrestrial's death?
.... if there was such a thing as a Charm/power/whatever that allowed to you to Celestially-exalt someone, that would be a very political charm (in the Celestial Bureaucracy sense) as the user would have to get "permission" to acquire the shard for his target, thus something that could be accomplished by celestial lobbying instead (assuming Lytek is responsive to such things...) Incidentally, I am of the "not possible"-camp on this issue.

On the subject of Dragon-Blooded shards, I was under the impression that they simply have none and that they are more, like Stillborn says, "Supercharged God-Blooded".

And now for something completely different:

When it comes to high-level Charms, and the creation thereof, the thing that keeps stumping me is how to distinguish a high-level Charm effect from something that should probably be kept within the realm of Sorcery.

Aside from when the coveted effect have too diverse consequences to be connected to a single Ability, what should one think of doing, and perhaps more to the point *not* doing when creating a high-level Charm? Any thoughts?
Solfi said:
the thing that keeps stumping me is how to distinguish a high-level Charm effect from something that should probably be kept within the realm of Sorcery.
Sorcery is Primordial-technique reality manipulation. It changes the world through Essence and Will. Charms are more like superpowers: they are an expression of the Exalt (or Spirit) who uses them. They are Essence channelled through Abilities, Attributes, or Virtues (depending on Exalt type). That's really all the guidelines there are, so interpret them how you like. At high levels, the distinction between Sorcery and Charms becomes more difficult. Basically, the question to ask yourself is "does the effect emerge from the Exalt fully-formed, or do they release the Essence first and then shape it?"
BP is pretty much on point.

A Charm is an expression of an Ability.  How well you can charm the socks off a crowd, throw a fist full of knives, how fast you can read a book, ect all are in the domain of Charms.  Think of them as raw mystic power, expressions of the Exalt's will, and often colored by the Exalt who is working the Charm.

Sorcery is more refined.  It's not just will and purpose, but a whole slew of effects for a specific purpose, often creating out of nothing in a specific fashion--Brass Snakes, Rains of Acid and Bile, reworking a Mortal into a creature of mass destruction.  It's more focused and purposeful.  A Charm might allow an Exalt to read and understand a book in seconds, a Spell could allow an Exalt to absorb knowledge without even touching the library--just suck it right out of the books, or the heads of a subject even.  

A Charm is immediate and raw--tied to an Ability and action.  An expression of that Ability.  A Spell doesn't need that Ability tie, it can be the action all by its lonesome, not coupled with another action.  Charms assist actions.  Spells are actions by their lonesome.
Solfi said:
Even then, I'd say it'd only be capable of exalting Celestials, as Terrestrial Exaltation is purely a hereditary affair.
Ok, this is something that has always bothered me. Technically, there had to be "the first" terrestrials who WERE exalted by the Elemental Dragons. What happened to those original shards? Or is just assumed they died upon the "first" terrestrial's death?
.... if there was such a thing as a Charm/power/whatever that allowed to you to Celestially-exalt someone, that would be a very political charm (in the Celestial Bureaucracy sense) as the user would have to get "permission" to acquire the shard for his target, thus something that could be accomplished by celestial lobbying instead (assuming Lytek is responsive to such things...) Incidentally, I am of the "not possible"-camp on this issue.

On the subject of Dragon-Blooded shards, I was under the impression that they simply have none and that they are more, like Stillborn says, "Supercharged God-Blooded".


Im curious do you like the Terrestial exaltion conferring charm I wrote up.

there was such a thing as a Charm/power/whatever that allowed to you to Celestially-exalt someone, that would be a very political charm (in the Celestial Bureaucracy sense) as the user would have to get "permission" to acquire the shard for his target, thus something that could be accomplished by celestial lobbying instead (assuming Lytek is responsive to such things...) Incidentally, I am of the "not possible"-camp on this issue.

I have a basic idea for such a charm.

it would probaly require an essence and serval abilitys of 9 or 10

Naming the heir.

it allows the solar to at the moment of his death (provided their is not some kind of magic that could normally trap his exaltion) know the status of all associates, their health physicaly and mentallya vague idea as to their political situation and their current location. and if they are suitable (e.g. if they have the prequisite destiny are truly human and otherwise arent in some way unsuitable for exaltion.)

it then allows him guide his esseence to the person in question

the exaltion will often be slightly different from a standard exaltion as they will hear his voice as an undercurrent to that of the unconquered sun usualy informing him of some task he wants finished.
Now that on the other hand, sounds interesting.

  • It doesn't really give a character any imbalancing advantages in the here and now. (although a character of Essence 9 or 10 would probably not worry about that overly much... being more god than man and all).
  • The amount of story hooks one can embed through the use of that charm would be quite useful ("I want revenge!... Help those I care about!... You must settle this dispute for me!...")

It would, in a way, be a charm that had more than a passing resemblance to magic that traps the Essence of the exalt. And also, would Lytek be able to intervene if they disagreed to this?
I would think thats covered by 'unsuitable for exaltion"

still at this level it should be much more than a petition.

another question.

since ressurection is outlawed do you have any idea for super high level medicine charms?
Solfi said:
When it comes to high-level Charms, and the creation thereof, the thing that keeps stumping me is how to distinguish a high-level Charm effect from something that should probably be kept within the realm of Sorcery.

Aside from when the coveted effect have too diverse consequences to be connected to a single Ability, what should one think of doing, and perhaps more to the point *not* doing when creating a high-level Charm? Any thoughts?
The thing that keeps stumping me is the fact that there aren't any higher essence spells. If there are only three circles what options does a twighlight sorcerer have at high essence levels? Perhaps high essence occult charms that affect the casting of spells? Reducing the time it takes to cast a specific spell, or its willpower/essence cost. But if that happens the spells will become more and more like charms...

Maybe at essence 10 the sorcerer could shape the world like the primordials at the start of creation did. But still there is a huge gap between essence 5(solar circle) and 10.

I agree with Solfi regarding Naming the Heir.
Sorrow said:
The thing that keeps stumping me is the fact that there aren't any higher essence spells. If there are only three circles what options does a twighlight sorcerer have at high essence levels? Perhaps high essence occult charms that affect the casting of spells? Reducing the time it takes to cast a specific spell, or its willpower/essence cost. But if that happens the spells will become more and more like charms...
Maybe at essence 10 the sorcerer could shape the world like the primordials at the start of creation did. But still there is a huge gap between essence 5(solar circle) and 10.
I can think of only one thing that would be a perfect one: reducing backlash damage. :)

Say an Essence 6 and 8 version that reduces it by the caster's Essence and negates it entirely respectively. And a Necromantic version that is one Essence higher.

Another idea I had for a meta part of high Essence charms, at least from our discussion, is make the higher Essence charms less selective, not more selective. Yes, you can throw a dagger at every single thing within line of sight, but you can't distinguish allies. Similiar effects, it all came down to the "why doesn't an Essence 8 take over the world?"
About the exaltation charms: I think nobody should be able to mess around with celestial exaltation but the siderials with their ability to influence destiny (which they did with the chosen of endings in the fluff text of the sid book, forgot his name). And even them I can't see doing it with charms, rather with carefully planned prayers to webspiders.

However, I would like to see a terrestrial charm which perhaps blesses the pregnant mother and therefore slightly enhances the chances of the child exalting, like perhaps determining chances to exalt as if the mother had an essence of two points higher than she actually has. This is not overpowered, fits into canon and could probably be easily integrated into a ceremony revolving around the pregnant mother. Perhaps the charm would be taught in the cloister of wisdom to the immaculate monks, wood aspected springs to mind.

About Solar high essence charms, theme wise they should revolve around perfection as this is the domain of the solars. I can see scene long perfect parries or attacks, the destruction of artifact weapons with attacks, controlling the population of whole towns/areas with their voice, in general power comparable to celestial circle sorcery or the weaker solar circle sorcery.

Siderial high essence charms are limited to martial arts and actually i do not think there are much more powerful things around than the ones which are already described, actually I do hope so cause it gets ridicilous and tedious fast to whip out a new MA style every now and then.
You know passage in CB: Dawn, when the pregnant tribeswoman asks Kaneko for the blessing? I was inspired to create a charm that lets the Solar awaken the Terrestrial Exaltation in a child in the womb.

It didn't Exalt them immediately, but it guaranteed that if they had the spark of Exaltation in their blood, they would become a Dragon-Blooded at the normal time of life.

This aspect of Terrestrial Exaltation is specified as outside Lytek's authority (Sid: 42).

The cost was 15 motes, 1 XP (a tiny spark of the Exalt's soul is used to ignite the blood of the dragons).
The thing that keeps stumping me is the fact that there aren't any higher essence spells. If there are only three circles what options does a twighlight sorcerer have at high essence levels? Perhaps high essence occult charms that affect the casting of spells? Reducing the time it takes to cast a specific spell, or its willpower/essence cost. But if that happens the spells will become more and more like charms...

Maybe at essence 10 the sorcerer could shape the world like the primordials at the start of creation did. But still there is a huge gap between essence 5(solar circle) and 10.


theirs been little official publication on high essence charms.

part of thats creations current shortage in terms of elder solar exalted, writing up charms for them is mostly academic unless a ST writes up a Charm set in the first age or that lasts for over a century.

still I DO feel a guidelines a good idea.

reducing the time taken might be a good idea...

some higher level sorcery improving charms should be permanent, as what they reflect is simply having sent centuries studied sorcery of all types.

One more thing.

heres a charm that some other people said should be sorcery but I still think it should be a charm.

Curse of lawlessness

Larceny 8

Essence 8

Type: simple

Duration: instant (takes between a few hours to a week to take full effect)

It exists in the province of the greatest solar Criminals to take away the laws that bind a community.

When this charm is activated, by as strong and fast as plausible chain of events, the places guards become corrupt and magistrates (even otherwise nice ones)  become extremely receptive to bribes.

this charm affects a region of up to Essence times 10 square miles.

the charms magic last for up to a month... but the government does not automaticaly repair itself at the end of that time, many cities were completely destroyedby the gang wars etc engendered by it.

Note: this charm is not unbeatable its HYPOTHETICALY Possible that a dragon blooded or even heroic mortal can somehow hold on to their decesny and return sanity to the city.

Also n
If I was a high essence solar I would develop charms which grant me resistance to essence disrupting effects like certain occult charms or siderial martial arts as high level combat of essence wielders often revolves around essence disruption. I think the charm would have occult and resistance as prerequisites and probably be in the essence 6-7 region.
BurningPalm said:
You know passage in CB: Dawn, when the pregnant tribeswoman asks Kaneko for the blessing? I was inspired to create a charm that lets the Solar awaken the Terrestrial Exaltation in a child in the womb.
It didn't Exalt them immediately, but it guaranteed that if they had the spark of Exaltation in their blood, they would become a Dragon-Blooded at the normal time of life.

This aspect of Terrestrial Exaltation is specified as outside Lytek's authority (Sid: 42).

The cost was 15 motes, 1 XP (a tiny spark of the Exalt's soul is used to ignite the blood of the dragons).
This sort of thing is canonically within the power of the Exalted to wield (at least in artifact form) - Outcastes includes an artifact which permits a character's own rebirth as a Terrestrial, among other things.
Sorrow said:
Solfi said:
When it comes to high-level Charms, and the creation thereof, the thing that keeps stumping me is how to distinguish a high-level Charm effect from something that should probably be kept within the realm of Sorcery.

Aside from when the coveted effect have too diverse consequences to be connected to a single Ability, what should one think of doing, and perhaps more to the point *not* doing when creating a high-level Charm? Any thoughts?
The thing that keeps stumping me is the fact that there aren't any higher essence spells. If there are only three circles what options does a twighlight sorcerer have at high essence levels? Perhaps high essence occult charms that affect the casting of spells? Reducing the time it takes to cast a specific spell, or its willpower/essence cost. But if that happens the spells will become more and more like charms...

Maybe at essence 10 the sorcerer could shape the world like the primordials at the start of creation did. But still there is a huge gap between essence 5(solar circle) and 10.

I agree with Solfi regarding Naming the Heir.
Resistant Shaping (contest countermagic during the shaping stage).

Stealth Shaping (dampen the distinctive appearance of your shaping, a la the Night Caste ability)

Spell-Meddling (infuse some of your Essence into another spell while it is being shaped, interfering with the final outcome)

Drawing from the Dragon Lines (suck power from a Manse or Demesne to partially power the cost of your spell)

Brigid's Intuition (research spells in a reduced amount of time)

Sorcerer's Sense (detect things around you that have the touch of sorcery - ritual ingredients, books in libraries - and perhaps detect those Exalted who have undergone ritual initiation to become sorcerers)

False Shaping (manifest Essence as though you were shaping a spell, but without actually doing so)
write down what the effect is and what type it is (i.e. Melee' date=' Presence, Linguistics, or Occult, whatever)[/quote']
A charm or charms that provide more efficient means of negating the charms of others than Charm Redirection Technique and Sequential Charm Disruption. Since I'm interested in this solely as a way to keep Deathlords invincible, I guess I'd work this as an Abyssal Occult charm.

Solar Occult charms that function like spell-capturing cords.
three abilitys im curiuos about high level charms for.

stealth larceny and buerucracy

solars dont seem suited to me to use larceny (like siderals do) to steal or con figurative things.
Talent Scourge

Cost: 8 motes. 1 Willpower

Duration: 1 scene

Type: Simple

Minimum Larceny: 5

Minimum Essence: 5

Pre-requisite Charm: Magpie's Invisible Talons

The Exalt may steal one Attribute or Ability for a single scene, and all the target's knowledge in that Ability, or full use of the Attribute.

The thief lays a hand on their target, and choses one Ability or Attribute to assume possession of.  The target's Strength could be stolen, their Intelligence, their Bureacracy, their Lore, their Occult.  The knowledge or Ability will fade upon completion of the scene, and in order to re-establish the Attribute or Ability, the Charm must be activated again.  This Charm cannot steal Charms or magical abilities from supernatural creatures, or spells of any sort, but is limited to only knowledge imparted from Abilities, or the use of an Attribute for a single scene.

A Sorcerer could steal additional Occult knowledge, but not a Spell.

The target may not be conscious when the Charm is applied--they must be rendered helpless in some fashion and immobile.  The Charm itself does nothing to render the target helpless, and if awakened, the benifits from the Charm are intstantly lost.  

The thief may steal any Attribute from a helpless and unconscious foe, and may steal Attributes or Abilities beyond 5, even if their own Essence is lower than 5.  A courtesan could steal the vast knowledge of the Celestial Bureacracy from a God, or their vast Strength, so long as the God could be rendered unconscious and helpless for the duration.

Property Transferal Method

Cost: 15 motes. 1 Willpower

Duration: Instant

Type: Simple

Minimum Larceny: 6

Minimum Essence: 6

Prerequisite Charms: Talent Scourge

The Exalt may choose one item--be it a vase, an Artifact, or even an estate, and simply transfer ownership to themselves.  No Mortal will ever remember the item ever being in the possession of the origianl owner.  Exalts or other supernatural creatures with an Essence score lower than the thief must make a Wits check to register the change in ownership, and that includes the former owner.  Exalts and supernatural creatures with an Essence score equal to the thief may use Wits+Awareness to register the theft, but only if they are in the presence of the item stolen, otherwise they forget that they've ever owned the item in question.  Exalts and supernatural creatures with an Essence higher than the thief may check Willpower to register the theft, but only if they are in the presence of the item.  

The Exalt thief must be within sight of the property, and it cannot be used by the original owner, actively, when this Charm is activated--an Exalt cannot steal a sword from the hands of an opponent, or home out from under an Dynast while they sleep in it.  This Charm could be used for any thing that the owner would consider "property" and that would apply to lands, carriages, or even slaves.  

This Charm cannot be used to "steal" an Abyssal, Infernal, or other creature bound by a creature with a higher Essence than themselves.  While a Demon that has claimed a soul as its property could be stolen from by an Exalt with a higher Essence, and likewise, could be used to rescue a "toy" from the hands of the Fair Folk, provided the creature that had bound the slave to it had an Essence score less than the thief.  

Sleght of Power

Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower

Duration: 1 scene

Type: Simple

Minimum Larceny: 6

Minimum Essence: 6

The thief can steal one Charm or supernatural ability from any creature with an Essence equal to or below their own.  The knowledge remains for one scene, and the Exalt must pay the normal cost in Essence to use the Ability, but need not meet any of the minimum requirements for said Charm--as they are stolen from the original owner who possessed them.

The Exalt must have seen the Charm in use by the individual at some point in the past--not heard by rumor but actually witnessed the Charm in action, or even having been on the recieving end.  They need not touch their target, but must be within line of sight to activate this Charm.  The target will be instantly aware of the theft, but can do nothing to prevent it.

The thief instantly gains the ability to use the Charm or ability, and the orginal owner is denied its use for the scene, unless the thief is killed or rendered unconscious.  The owner regains use of the Charm or ability after the scene, with no ill effects. The thief may make full use of the Charm or magical ability in that scene--they must pay the normal costs to activate the Charm or ability.  

Spells may be stolen with this Charm, but only if the the Exalt knows the appropriate Circle of Sorcery to use it.  The thief must bear the results of their theft--a thief that had seen a Sorcerer say the Rune of Singular Hate could steal the knowledge from him, but would bear the loss of Attributes, Abilities, and Virtues--themselves.  

Spirits, Gods, and other Exalts can all be targeted by this Charm.  

Stealing the Loyal Heart

Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower

Duration: Instant

Type: Simple

Minimum Larceny: 6

Minimum Essence: 6

The Exalt may steal the affection and loyalty of one individual with but a few simple words.  The Exalt must whisper their honeyed words into the ear of their target, but upon hearing their words, the target will transfer all their loyalty and love to the Exalt.

The target must be Mortal.  Any shred of God's blood or Exaltation in the target's veins renders the Charm useless.  Spirits or other supernatural creatures are likewise immune to this Charm.  But Mortals who hear these words of the thief will immediately transfer their love and loyalty to their new master.  

Trusted servants, contacts, even lovers, can be collected by the thief, and their knowledge can be mined, their positions used to the thief's full favor.  The thief can collect as many hearts as he wishes, but the reversal must be maintained.  A servant whose loyalty is reversed can be wooed back to his old master if the thief treats the servant poorly.  A lover abandoned may be courted again by their former love.  The effect is instant, but a thief who treats his new friends and lovers poorly, once they've performed for him, may find a string of bitter enemies, full of resentment, and bitter knowledge about him.

How's that for higher Essence Larceny?

heres an Idea I have (this is essence 8-9 or so.)

"Land that knows no law"

it would probaly cost an XP or two, it would destroy the respect and/ or fear the people in the area had for the law, causing widespread murder and theivery.

and an Idea for a craft charm.

(tell me if this should be something else)

"Petition the Celestial Armory)

Craft 6

Essence 6

(it would cost one or more XP)

It would allow a solar to make the proper petitions to the Armories of heaven and it would loan him in exchange for a small peice of his soul (e.g. one XP per artifact dot) an artifact that he could keep for say until the next sunset.

It is limited only by the amount of XP he has for heaven will not accept deffered payments, and the fact that it must be something that would be IN the Arsenals of the unconquered sun.

(in other words almost all of it will be orichulam)
thought we could reopen this thread now.

any ideas for high essence 2nd edit charms?

specificaly... ones relating to the 2 new abilitys, war and integrity?

thank you.

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