Let's Get Ideas For High Essence Charms


Black Sun in a White World
Now by what I mean is I don't want your stats or requirements for high essence charms. I assume a number of us had read Autochthonians and seen the mad coolness of his Essence 6-7-8 charms. Like the one that kills all mortals who dare strike him and the Charm in which he strikes one man and kills all extras within 10 yards @.@ I love it. But I'd love to hear some ideas for high essence charms like that from everyone who cares to post!

For Solars, DBs, Lunars, Abyssals, etc, etc. Be creative and just write down what the effect is and what type it is (i.e. Melee, Presence, Linguistics, or Occult, whatever).

Some I had seen were an archery Charm in which if you had ever seen a person and knew him by sight and also had a personal effect, you could strike him from Essencex100 miles. It was a very high up charm but I thought it was pretty cool. Any ideas would be nice to hear!
You're talking about Lion, right?

I'd take something like Command Voice and jack it up so it would affect anyone with Essence less than that of the user. If memory serves, a lot of Solar social charms have this odd limitation of not working well on anything with an Essence greater than 2 or being non-mortal.

On the Resistance end, something that made you immune to non-artifact weaponry and non-charm enhanced strikes would work. Also, something like Invulnerable Skin of Bronze, I think.

For Melee or Brawl . . . something so that anything that makes it past soak is automatically damage.

Athletics, I'd like to see something that could give you effects like those of Aberrant's Mega Attributes.
I think the next step after Scene-length reflexive Dodge/Parries for Solars would be day-length, and then permanent.

CW--In response, I've submitted a few Solar Melee Charms that may fit the bill on what you're looking for.
Well I Published a rough draft of a high essence dragon blooded charm that would allow him to bestow terrestial exaltion on a mortal.

I called it "Naming the honored brother"

while it may seem unkosher to allow a charm to bestow exaltion I think it should be remembered terrestial exaltion is a trait of the blood.

heres some more ideas.

at super hightheir should be charms allowing an exalted craftsman to forge an artifact of his own essence (E.g. no ingredients required)

Im not sure what advanced social charms should do.

Possibly a more powerful version of tiger warrior training mediation.

An idea I had was "Celestial Warden Discipline" to allow an exalt to become an effective prison administrator, a high level buerucracy charm allowing him to reform(instead of merely punish) criminal elements and return them to society as trust worthy citizens.

finally for combat.

I'd suggest that high level combat charms allow for full round extra actions.

Any thoughts?
I think High Essence Charms should reflect combos of Low Essence Charms. Hmm...lets say for every essence above five refers to the amount of charms in a given combo.  So, at Essence 6 the charm should mimic a 2 charm combo, Essence 7- a 3 charm combo, E 8- a 5 charm combo, E-9 - 7 charm Combo, E 10- Any # of charms in a combo you want.

Or something along those lines.
Perm. Charms:

Occult- Eyes of the Golden Emissary-- Solar may perceive dematerialized spirits at all times

Occult- Hands of the Unconquered Avenger-- Solar may inflict damage upon dematerialized spirits as if they were materialized.  This effect is permenant and will affect weapons used by the Solar as well.

Occult- The Perfect Sorcerors Mastery of the Terrestrial Circle-- Terrestrial spells may be cast in a single turn.

"" Celestial Circle--

Each time this charm is taken, the sorceror reduces the number of turns required to cast a Celestial Circle sorcery by 1, to a minimum of 1.

"" Solar Circle--

Each time this charm is taken, the sorceror reduces the number of turns required to cast a Solar Circle sorcery by 1, to a minimum of 1 turn.

Resistance- The Calloused Flesh of the God King-- Solar gains +3L/+4B at all times.  Considered natural soak.

Resistance- Living Citadel Technique-- Solar gains a perm. hardness equal to her perm. essence.  This hardness cannot be ignored by any non-magical means.

Consummate Mastery of (Favored or Caste Ability)-- Solar perm. gains +essence in dice to all rolls involving said ability, at all times.  This specifically increases the total dice adding maximum.  Ex: Gerrard the Awesome is essence 6 and has Consummate Mastery of Melee.  He currently has melee of 6 and dex of 5, giving him 11 melee dice, without accuracy or specialty bonuses.  With Consummate Mastery of Melee, he has a total of 17 dice in his attack pool.  If using Excellent Strike, Gerrard may only add 11 dice to any one attack.  However, because he has Consummate Mastery of Melee, that maximum is raised by his essence score, to a total of 17 possible added dice.  This charm may only be taken a number of times equal to the Exalts essence/2.

Craft- The Most Apt Pupil-- Solar may favor a new ability, gaining an automatic dot in that ability.  May only be taken a number of times equal to the Exalts essence/3.

Mail and Steel charms:  Charms that permit any units under the Solars direct command to have various bonuses...like never failing valor checks....gaining a dot of drill....instantly reordering without any penalties...etc.  

Normal Charms...actually these aren't even necessarily "high-essence" charms, but whatever.  They still work.

The Tigers Fangs

Melee charm

Scene long


3 motes/1 accuracy die

The Solar concentrates on her weapon and deems it necessary that it should become mightier for the time being.  The weapon gains 1 additional point of accuracy for each 3 motes spent powering the charm.  The Solars essence score is the maximum number of dice able to be added at any given time.

Perfect Weapon of the Slayer

Melee charm

Scene long


5 motes, 1 wp

The Solar concentrates on her weapon and throws her most vicious energies upon it, bathing it in a brilliant white flame.  The weapon will deal aggravated damage for the remainder of the scene.

Wyld Obliterating Rebuke

Presence, socialize or performance charm.

A number of turns equal to the Solars essence


10 motes

The Solars words become so empowered by Creations essence that they will surely destroy any Wyld beings or Fae who dare listen to them.  These can be songs, recitations of stories, admonitions, whatever.  For each turn the Wyld being listens to the Solar speak while under the effects of this charm, the Wyld being will take 5A unsoakable damage.  This charm cannot affect beings who cannot hear the words.
hows "engender community" sound for a high essence charm.

it would cause a city to be formed.

it wouldnt cause structures to appear out of nothing... it WOULD Cause people to feel a desire to come to the place up to a certain nothing to settel and live there.

Im not sure what abiity it should be based on though.
And in response to DBs exalting other DBs...I don't see that as being acceptable.

DBs maximum is essence of 7.  The only beings I know of capable of exalting a mortal are six of the celestial incarna, and the DLs...and they only do it with the permission of the Malfeans.  So no, I don't think Mnemon should be exalting people.  After all, if exaltation were as easy as touching a guys head and saying "VAVOOM BIZNITCH!" then there simply would BE no mortals.  Every Terrestrial with a high essence rating (Which are quite a few of them, considering that there are what, 20,000 of them around total?) would have his or her own personal army of Exalts.

Perhaps an incredibly high Solar charm would permit them to Exalt someone with the US's and Gaia's express permission.  Even then, I'd say it'd only be capable of exalting Celestials, as Terrestrial Exaltation is purely a hereditary affair.
LOL maybe you should look at the charms provisional writeup before you say it would be widely employed. 4 lines below Naming the honored brother.

it costs a permanent essence point not something you spend on a whim.

If I could make an Exalt, I'd spend it on a whim.  Especially considering how few motes a perm. essence points yields to a DB.  Why can't you just make a high-essence Terrestrial charm that makes sense in canon?  There are no beings short of the GODS who can make an Exalt.  In fact, I can safely say that even the Celestial Incarna (with the possible exception of Gaia) cannot make Exalts.

Why the hell should DBs be able to do it?

The best I can see the Exalts producing are Half-Castes, who are literally created because they are NEAR said Exalt.  

So there you go- a DB charm that would allow them to spontaneously create a Dragon-Touched.  Make it costs a perm. point of essence too...that'd be pretty reasonable.  That way a DB *could* create an entourage of Half-caste ubermortals.
(someone seems to have forgotten it takes 60 or XP to get from essence 5 to essence 6)


another Idea I have is a charm that would PERMANENTLY reduce the encumbrance from armor.

The charms that allready exist eat up Motes of essence and that 15 motes of essence could go to better use elsewhere.

Im also curious why Abyssals can do it more effeciently then solars.

any thoughts.
Even then, I'd say it'd only be capable of exalting Celestials, as Terrestrial Exaltation is purely a hereditary affair.
Ok, this is something that has always bothered me. Technically, there had to be "the first" terrestrials who WERE exalted by the Elemental Dragons. What happened to those original shards? Or is just assumed they died upon the "first" terrestrial's death?
[there had to be "the first" terrestrials who WERE exalted by the Elemental Dragons. What happened to those original shards? Or is just assumed they died upon the "first" terrestrial's death?
I've always seen the Terrestrials as supercharged god-blooded, rather than true exalts. I think the Elemental Dragons just buggered some mortals to make the first DBs.

One more idea.

anyone have any ideas for high level Sail or ride charms?

the only ones I can come up with for 6+ Permanent essence involves summoning up mounts or ships, im sure an exalts capable of more versatility though.

any ideas?
anyone have any ideas for high level Sail or ride charms?
the only ones I can come up with for 6+ Permanent essence involves summoning up mounts or ships, im sure an exalts capable of more versatility though.
Glorious Solar Ship and Phantom Steed?

What I want is martial Ride and Sail Charms. Like the ones the DBs have. I'm sure Glorious Sun's Lightspeed Charge of Yozi Killing and Brilliant Intergalactic Battleships of the Unconquered Sun or something like that would be useful.
LOL was that meant as a joke?

just curious.

My idea is to give them at higher levels more and more powerful charms that let them enhance their ship or mount.

possibly let them take A charm that acts as a specialized form of ox body techinique only effecting their mount. (Meaning only the mount their riding at the time)
Here's a thought:  How about a follow-up to Phantom Steed a Charm that creates a more exotic mount, like a Griffin or a Pegasus?  Just a though.

Another idea, this time for the Sail catagory:  A Charm that allows the ship to travel either on land or through the air (don't remember seeing that one anywhere, but I don't have a good memory nor do I have the book to look it up).

The idea for the Terrestrials to Exalt mortals was actually kind of inspirational for me.  A Charm that allows a Dragon-Blooded to transfer his lifeforce and knowledge into a single mortal, turning said mortal into a Dragon-Blooded.

How I thought it might work is that the DB can activate the Charm even though he isn't concious, but this Charm can only be performed once.  The mortal in question gains one point in his Essence so long as the DB using this Charm has higher Essence than the mortal (basically it means that other DBs can become 'targets' [other Exalts cannot since their shards are just too different]) and gets knowledge of any Charm, Combo and Sorcery the DB knew at the time, even though they cannot use this knowledge yet.

This has one major drawback, one which hardly gives the DB chance to use the Charm:  Using it means surtain death.  After using it, the DB will die after no more than turns equal to his Stamina, at best.  There is no chance in surviving, no magical medicine will work and no kind of Charms or Sorcery have any effect.  This is because the DB transferred his lifeforce into another being.  A positive side to this Charm is that it can be activated even when the user is unconsious.
LOL was that meant as a joke?
just curious.
Me? Sort of.

A Charm that allows the ship to travel either on land or through the air
Flight into the Dawn (Dear Overkill: Sorry.)

Cost: 20 motes, 1 Willpower

Duration: One day

Type: Simple

Minimum Sail: 5

Minimum Essence: 6?

Prerequisite: ???

The Solar Exalt frees his ship from the chains of gravity, allowing it to sail along the Unconquered Sun's infinite rays. With this Charm used on a ship, the Solar's ship is capable of elevating and declining at half the normal speed. Flight into the Dawn cannot be invoked while the Charm is in effect, however it can be used at the end of duration to continue its power. Obviously, if the ship is shot down (damaged enough to sink,) the Charm will cease to function.

Ride version of this Charm could be called March into the Twilight. (And Athletics version called Jump into the Zenith! ...or not.)

EDIT: Oh wait, disregard that. I forgot there already was steed flying Charm in the Eclipse book.

A meele charm follow on to FFBS that grants a perfect defense against any non charm enhanced attack. meaning you roll normally against charm boosted attacks, but against something without a charm boost youre bulletproof. A high essence attack that reverses that, namely your attack cant be stopped without charm use.

The ability to attack truly massive objects ie I cut the mountain in half. Presence charms that make your army immune to Valor rolls so long as you personally dont fail one. A resistance charm that prevents any negative effects at all from a single attack. Bureaucracy charms that stabilze creation on a grand scale. Lore charms that create it from the Wyld on a similar scale.


Kind of drawing a blank here. Stuff thats been mentioned before, Taking the shapes of things other than animals ie Trees, mountains, storms, small gods etc etc.


Well duh, more and better kung fu. Joseph made a pretty good bureaucracy based one a while back.


Truly mind bending horror in all its myraid forms. Attacks that dont heal or that carry a necrotic venom that inflicts further damage as time goes on unless magically treated. FaFL has more than a few cool ones.

Dragon Bloods:

Arguments aside about how long they live or should live. High end DB charms are gonna be rare due to life expectancy.
an Idea for a high end Dragonblooded charm I came up with

I KNOW this is somewhat unispired.

"Unageing earth meditiation"

Endurance 7

Essence 7

Prequisite charms (Manifold)

Subtract 2 from the difficulty of all stamina+resistence  rolls the terrestial makes to survive old age, this charm can only be taken once.
2 more charm ideas.

A larceny charm that lets you focus the attention of the local criminal underword onto a particular person or organization.

for a ride charm hmmmn... Im thinking... think.... Aah....

My idea is a boosted version of phantom steed that works like "Deadly beastman transformation" (letting you select different qualitys etc for your summonable mount. heres some basic ideas on the drawing board.



Size (would give extra health levels.




(BASIC BASIC IDeas, I know)

Anyone have any opinon of this design please tell me.
I'm not sure whether I like this charm idea or not but I have a comment on one part of it:

After using it' date=' the DB will die after no more than turns equal to his Stamina, at best.[/quote']
I would let him live for the rest of the scene. The cinematic potential is too good to just kill him off after half a minute.

The scene could be used for a last farewell speech or wise words to that favoured pupil or bastard son or old friend or local hero that the gift is bestowed upon.

It could also be used to laugh at his old rival (while removing the rival's knife from his back), commending him on finally getting the job done, and letting him know that there's a new prodigy in town, looking for him.
I like the DB transfer of power idea, one idea I thought of was a charm for the Abyssal based on the Wraith from Stargate: Atlantis, I don't have the book so correct me if it already exists, but this charm would cause any one with an essence lower than the abyssal to see nightmare like ghosts attacking them at all angles. Of course they couldn't hurt the enemy nor be hurt, but it would drive an army mad.

Another, again inspired by the wraith would be that of rapid regeneration by sucking the life out of their enemies. The charm would shoot a paralyzing poison into the victim and then the life would be sucked out in order to heal the abyssall. Then it would give a faster healing rate for essence/2 turns.
Creating half-caste is a nifty idea- and technically already possible, for Eclipse and Moonshadow who learn the right spirit charms. An exalt-only one would be good, somewhere along the line from Power-investing Prana.

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