Let's become GODS of the NEW WORLD!!!

Name: Ishoku Konran

Age: 14

Height: 5'1"

Gender: Male

Which God are you: God of Darkness

Personality: Ishoku is a very smart and sadistic boy. His classmates shun him because he likes to draw disturbing images of them and has no humanity. Ishoku also had some complications in birth that killed his mother. He was lucky to be born but it did leave him with Bi-polar mood disorder and Indoctrination.

Bio: Ishoku was born in Japan. During his birth his mother died and he was stuck in the birth canal. When the doctor's finally got him out he had some serious damage in his brain. When he was still young he witnessed his father being murdered in front of him. The murderer beat Ishoku before leaving. Before he could enter the adoption center he had to have a check up. The doctors noticed some abnormalities in his brain. Some of the receptors in his brain that controlled sympathy where severely damaged. He then went through a psychological scanning where they discovered he suffered from BPD and Indoctrination.

When he was finally adopted he was ten. The man who adopted him was a bit of a mad scientist. He liked to experiment with extradimensionary travel. Ishoku went to public school after that where he was not treated like a person, buut a thing. He became overly angry at them. This is one of the reasons why he harbors a hatred for humanity. One year his father began a project to send humans to another universe. Even though Ishoku was warned not to come near the device he did. Ishoku was sent into the other universe, upon arrival though he was surrounded by a dark energy that enveloped him and corrupted his soul and mind. His small frame was suddenly filled with energy. This was the beginning of the God of Darkness.

What do you plan to do with your new universe: Ishoku plans to make a "better" world where all creatures shall feel the pain and torment he endured.

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Name: Nicholas Agustin

Which God are you: God of Justice

Personality: Nicholas is a simple student in college, Hardworking, fairly nice, He is the guy you can depend on to help you in studying, A designated driver, an ear to lend, anything. Though still he does have a more…“Aggressive side” A side that seems to be more along the lines of something like a paladin. Protecting the weak the innocent, Hell he once got suspended for beating the crap out of a bully that was harassing his one of his friends during high school. For sometimes Good may be done with an open and helping hand, sometimes…it must be done with a closed fist.

bio: Nicholas was the son of a banker and a lawyer, always he was exposed from a young age to the corruption both his parents had to deal with. His father would tell stories of how his boss told him to lend people money they couldn’t pay back, His mother had to defend people that were obviously guilty because her job required it. This Nicholas hated, Order…justice, right? They seemed to fade away the more power you got, the higher people in society got, the more rules they got to break. Thus they got to use that break in rules to boss people around, abuse them. For as nice as Nicholas was, and as much as his teacher praised his helpfulness in class, at the same time he was written up for taking matters into his own hands for bullies. He was praised for his intelligence but condemned for his temper. However when college came around, he seemed to cool down a bit, though that all ended one night during sophomore year, his friend was in a bit of a bind, in the fact that he managed to somehow piss off a group from a frat. There was no apparent reason, possibly his hat was not to their liking or the fact this was at a bar…and they were drunk. His friend got punched in the gut, Nicholas responded by jumping in. The frat’s response? A bottle of beer to the back of the head. The last thing he remembered was the sound of fading laughter then a very worried. “Dude…he’s not getting up.” Now…he could be having an out of body experience… or he could be hallucinating in a hospital. But this is definitely not a normal experience.

What do you plan to do with your new universe: Bring order to the land, maintain good will throughout it, and stop any who would threaten it, with swift and efficient Justice.
Name: Sarah Nightgale


Which God are You: God of Death

Personality: a very unbalanced child, Sarah is a sociopath who is a massive sadist. Growing up alone, she knows no manners or restrictions and is a very passionate young girl. Always letting her swords do the talking, she keeps those close to her close and the rest at lying at the mercy of the tip of her sword, assuming she has not already killed them. Though irresponsible, she is always able to cleanly and proficiently clear tasks, but be warned: she is quite spoiled. Your head might be the next she adds to her collection if you stand in her way.

Bio: Sarah grew up in an extremely rich family as an only child, but never had the luxury of getting close to the rest of her family. She was a child born as an accident and was treated just as such. Her dexterity is her aspect that marked her as a prodigy from day one, and as such, her parents left her with various tutors to teach her many instruments, including the violin and the guitar. Her nimble fingers have awed many musical geniuses across the globe as she had preformed for many, earning her family name quite some fame. This however does not compensate for her poor attitude off-stage. Demanding and forceful, many refuse to work for her even for large sums of cash. This is one factor contributing to her extreme loneliness and her negative attitude towards life.

She would pray and pray at night saying, "Lord, if you would grant me the power, I would destroy this world and recreate it anew; it ill-suits me and I can't stand my parents: especially because they moved my bed time to 9 PM. P.S.: make sure santa doesn't give me more damn coal this year. The joke is old," in hopes of obliterating all those she resented. Little did she know, however, she would soon become a goddess of Death, as The Lord was indeed watching her.

One day, before a piano concert, Sarah sat in a room, stiff from her confining dress, as her mom was adjusting her makeup. "Now Sarah," she said, "tonight is a big night for all of us. The president himself is coming to this performance so we must make it the best we can, you understand me? If he sees us-...I mean, you, sweetie, on the stage, it'll put ...you in quite a good position, you understand? Now don't let down your family, you understand me? I can always have another child, so do not fail me," she finished as she stood up and walked hurriedly to the stage. Tonight a performance featuring professional dancers and stage fighters reliving an epic fight between two samurais to completely woe the president, a grand scheme to give her parents more money. Sarah had realized it too, and resented both of her parents for it. She had always resented her parents.

As the curtains opened for the performance, Sarah's fingers gracefully danced on the piano as the samurais fought in accordance with the beat. Gasps could be heard from the crowd and faces of pure awe could be seen in the crowd as the steel clinked and clanked to Sarah's slowly ascending piano solo. By the end of the performance, the crowd was on their feet giving a standing ovation for those involved in the performance. They clapped and they clapped as the samurais came up for a bow. Sarah stood up and made her way to center stage to receive her praise, but her parents pushed her back in her chair and took her place. Clenching her fist, she gritted her teeth and eyed her parents. "The bastards...they'll pay... They'll pay, here and now!" She yelled, but her voice could not be heard over the screams and shouts from the crowd as her parents bowed alongside the samurais. Sarah stood up then and made her way up to center stage. The noise drowned out her footsteps as she approached the backs of her parents, anger welling up, filling every inch of her being.

She stood in front of the two samurais and her parents grimacing all of them. The crowd confused, the cheering stopped as the voices from the crowd slowly faded to quizzical banter. Sarah then took each of the katanas swiftly out of the samurais' sheathes and stabbed them just as quickly in their chests. Before anyone knew what was going on, she concerned her parents, both katanas in her hands as she smiled, "goodnight, mom,... dad,.... It's your bed time!" She laughed as she plunged the blades into her parents. The thrill...the excitement...she was finally free of those bastards! She licked the blood off her blades as the crowd began to sprint frantically in random directions, tripping and screaming over one another, creating the beautiful chaos Sarah had always wanted to see. as she was quickly contained by the security guards who carried her away, she laughed and laughed proclaiming at the top of her lungs, "I'm alive! Finally, I'm alive!"


What do you plan to do with your new universe: Kill EVERYTHING!!! Nyeeheee!!! nyaHAHAHA!! What better way to bring peace than obliterate all obstacles in my path?
Name: Conor Anil


Which God are you: God of Technology

personality: 'I wonder what would happen if Iiiii..' *BANG* 'Ooooh, I'll have to play with that later...'

'Hmm, I wonder how sharp I can make this, oh! How fast could I launch this... WOW! I wonder if Alora would mind if I let Sarah borrow this?'

Basically he likes screwing around, doesn't really care for leaving something as is because it can always be brighter or sharper or bigger or explodier! Consequences aren't really a factor in his mind he just does what seems practical or fun. He can be serious if he needs to, but only if it will get him somewhere fun later!

bio: When he was little his parents thought they had learned a lesson, keep technology away from their son, only because he took apart the t.v. to see how it worked, and because of that they thought he hated it! Growing up like that was hell on him, never having technology around because of his parents stupidity and leaving him always wanting to learn, always wanting to take apart then put together better then do it again until it was nothing like the original and it was DriVinG HIm INSanE.

From when he was three until he was twelve he had lived like that, trying to accommodate to what he thought his parents wanted, until he couldn't take it anymore. He ran out in the middle of the night and broke into the mall, not caring about the alarms and went into technology shops, hobby shops, video shops, anywhere where he could get his hands on anything he could play with. He went into the hobby store and began experimenting, building and breaking, fixing and toying, until he found the fireworks. Oh they were wonderful, all those fun chemicals he could learn about, maybe he could do something amazing and he wouldn't get into any trouble because of it? Of course this didn't happen or you would not be reading this.

His first mistake was trying to give himself a jump boost with the gun powder, the second would be trying that where he was keeping the weird tools that he didn't need yet, his final mistake was the axe.

what do you plan to do with your new universe: Look for new things to mess around with and find new ways to apply the other gods creations! Maybe screw around with elements in the g orbital and play with some quantum foam!
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_n0v5g7E0Aw1qk6ezjo1_r1_500.jpg.ebf1287df593d6d821c1ba36b11c3a6f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20405" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_n0v5g7E0Aw1qk6ezjo1_r1_500.jpg.ebf1287df593d6d821c1ba36b11c3a6f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Alora Smith

Which God are you: God of Life

Personality: Alora is warm, sunny, stubborn, determined, and concerned about others. She can be proud at times, and doesn't know how to keep her nose out of other people's business.


Alora was the daughter of a waitress and a gardener. Her family was never very wealthy, but they were close and loved each other very much. Whenever her father was off work he would bring her outside and play all sorts of games. Her favorites by far were the ones where he taught her the names of plants and animals, and what each one did. Who knew that willow bark could help headaches? Or that worms helped plants grow? Alora reveled in her knowledge and could never wait to show it off to her teachers and friends. Her mother was always smiling, and would bake treats on rainy days. She even let Alora help sometimes, though she was little and wasn't very good at it. As far as Alora was concerned, life was good. She was happy and healthy and loved.

One day, when Alora was almost thirteen, her mother was diagnosed with stage three pancreatic cancer. Devastated and searching for some form of relief, her father turned to alcohol. At first it wasn't much of a problem, just a few drinks with his friends after a hard day. It was fine. Then her mother's health started to rapidly deteriorate. As the medical bills and emotional turmoil increased, so did her father's drinking. There were no more games from her father, there was no more smiling from her mother. There was only emptiness and pain and tears.

By the time Alora was seventeen, her mother was on her deathbed. None of the treatments had worked, and Alora was drowning in debt. Her father had lost his job, and what little insurance money they had was gone. Alora worked double shifts and was rarely home anymore. The color was draining from her skin and hair, her once vibrant smile was barely a shadow of itself. All she could do was pray for a miracle.

One day as she was walking home from work, attempting to pull her shirtsleeve down so no one could see the bruises on her wrist, she got a call saying that her mother had passed away. She broke down right there in the alley, sobbing her heart out. She didn't notice the man in a dark coat until he was right behind her with a gun to her head. "Alright doll, listen close and I won't have to ruin that pretty face of yours." Alora sat up slowly and asked in a tearful voice, "What do you want from me?" The man laughed and said, "Not much, just hand over your purse." Alora nodded and reached for her purse, fully intending on handing it to him, when suddenly there was a shout from down the alleyway. The man cursed and his hand slipped. The last thing Alora saw was a flower, growing up out of the pavement.

If only I could have been like that flower... Wait, what is that light? ...It's so warm. I wish i could share it.

what do you plan to do with your new universe: Fill it to the brim with all manner of life and laughter.



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Name: Leo Genovesi

Age: 19

Which God are you: God of Prophecy

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/10443846_678286785577568_1056664981_n.jpg.1648ab82bc7fc5ee8343948111aa035f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20598" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/10443846_678286785577568_1056664981_n.jpg.1648ab82bc7fc5ee8343948111aa035f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Leo is quiet and thoughtful. He's a realist and usually sees things for what they are. He's formed his beliefs and opinions by doing the research and listening to others. He's Agnostic.

Bio: Leo's family was tied to the Italian Mafia for generations. His dad was never an active member, choosing instead to open a bookstore, but his uncle was heavily involved. When Leo was two, his mom walked out his dad.

His family paid for Leo to attend a private school. He slipped through with average grades, reading through his classes and hanging around his cousins.

When Leo turned 19, two of his cousins and his best friend took him out to celebrate. Leo didn't want to go; he'd felt weird all day and had a feeling something terrible was going to happen. On the way home, the small group was attacked by a rival family.

The last thing Leo remembered was watching his family bleed out next to him.

What do you plan to do with your new universe: Use his new foreknowledge to help others and mold Heroes.



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Name:Gregory Redfield


Age: 24

Which God are you: God of Agriculture

personality: Calm, reserved, serious. Gregory is one who tends to be meek and shy, and always try to stay behind things. When pushed too far, however, he can become quite angry.

bio:Gregory was a perfectionist. He always had to do exactly what his life plan said. Straight A's in high school, a 4.0 in college, a career that he both loved and would make him financially secure. He graduated, and attended a prestigious university far from home, and began to try and make his dreams and plan a reality. He studied history, philosophy, and Religions. A triple major was daunting, but he managed to make it happen for the two years he was able to attend. Until life decided to knock his plan completely out of order.

His constant stress over classes combined with his mother's recent death finally caught up with the time-bomb his genetics had been hiding since his birth. His heart failed him, and his life was uprooted forever. He was treated as best he could, but modern medicine could only do so much. He was given a mechanical heart, a machine that he felt mocked him every time he had to look at it. His only solace was the garden his mother has begun before her death. It was here where he tried to forget, where he brought life where there was none, and for a time, this placated him. He tolerated this existence for three years, until finally he snapped. He took an entire bottle of his blood thinners, and then slit his wrists in his bed. This life, this wretched incarnation, was finally over.

what do you plan to do with your new universe: I will spread flowers, herbs and fruit across it. No one will ever be hungry or die from disease ever again.
So i'm reading this so far and here's alignments for as far as I can tell

quick guide and only guessing

Lawful Good: Nicholas Augustin= paladin justice code

Neutral good: Gregory Redfield, Alora smith = let it grow let it grow let it grow (to the tune of let it snow)

Neutral: Leo = I see all before me, and am the guide

Chaotic neutral: Conor = I will take apart everything! and see how it works! FOR WHIMSY

Lawful evil: Ishoku = I will build a world made of the same pain I felt.

Choatic Evil: Sahra = (it was written best...by the author) Kill EVERYTHING!!! Nyeeheee!!! nyaHAHAHA!!
Name: Leilah Lillith

Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned


Which God are you: God of Hate

personality: Cold, Reserved, Snarky.

bio: Having been bullied in middle school she had the opportunity after moving to a new town to completely create a new person in high school. She was abused at home by an alcoholic father, her mother had died when she was very young. She created someone that wouldn't take sh*t and would give it instead and surprised herself how well she fit into the role. She got in with the wrong crowd and soon found herself the leader of it. Starting off with vandalizing, graffiti, and petty theft and escalating to substance abuse, stealing cars, and robbing houses and small businesses. During her time at school she had her first and only boyfriend ever. He was the quintessential "bad boy" and the perfect match to her, making her crimes all that much more fun and passionate. Sure her boyfriend was abusive in every way conceivable but a piece of her managed to always justify it, she was used to it anyways and it almost seemed the norm to her. A few weeks before graduation she found herself pregnant, knowing her father would have nothing to do with it she decided to tell her boyfriend and plan a life with him after high school. However, when she told him he had a fit, claiming it wasn't his and wanting nothing to do with her, going as far to spread rumors in school that she was a wh*re and such. No longer seen as the "bad ass" and only a girl to be pitied combined with her boyfriend hooking up with a new girl not even two days later she couldn't take it. She went on a drinking binge, stole a car, and the last thing she remembers is a telephone pole, pain, and a lot of blood.

what do you plan to do with your new universe: Show everyone how the world is nothing but cruelty and despair. Love is an illusion.
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If it gets to the point, I will suggest characters, and let those currently part of this RP, and RP as them and my true character, The God of Gods.. and the only true God in this RP all the others were given this power by the God of Gods

Here is his CS

Name: YHWH

Which God are you: The God of Gods

personality: He is not understandable. He is the pure essence of love, light, passion, justice, and all things seen as positive. He is viewed as perfect and unattainable by his first creation, and feels lonely.

bio: 12.5 Billion years. That's how long he tioled and worked, creating a perfect universe, when Lucifer, one of his most beautiful creatures, decided that he was better then his creator. He rebelled, and set in motion a chain of events that lead first to a creation to replace Lucifer, then to Lucifer tempting them. His second perfect creation rebelled, and no longer knew him. This tore a hole in his heart. YHWH was a loving being, so he could not kill them all. He was a just being, so he would not judge them based on Lucifer's selfishness and pride. He set in motion a plan, wherin his only real son, Immanuel the Messiah, more commonly known as Jesus Christ, sacrificed himself for the world. the world wasn't ready. It cast him out, and subjugated his followers, until one day, a military power called Rome saw potential in the unwavering faith that "Christians" had for God and for Immanuel, and they adopted the religion.. or more specifically, an altered form of it. They used this religion to convert many nations to the new Holy Roman Empire, which was an affront to everything YHWH stood for. It forced people to believe in him, which was not love. His new followers were weak and faithless. Eventually, YHWH was at an impasse he could not stand this universe, nor could he destroy it. He decided to split his consciousness, and create a new universe. It would be like this one, in that positivity woudl be the goal, but different, in that iniquity would be known and accepted at the very beginning. He would love each God equally, and they would know him, and be known by him. he would no longer be alone

what do you plan to do with your new universe: know my children, rather than be a detached and obsolete term

Everyone, vote on this character, if you accept him with a majority, this will be my main character. I will not close voting until I have 8 comments on this post, one from each God, and a vote in the comment. Yay or Nay


Name: Tom Cariveras

Which God are you: God of Love

Personality: He is an enduring spirit, and loves to make people happy. He believes that all people deserve to be loved unconditionally, no matter what. He always looks at the good side of things and has the aura of love around him, and he reveals all evil is just good seen in a different way.

Bio: He grew up with two parents that hated him, he was never loved. Ever day his father beat him more and more severely, and his mother wouldn't even look at him and threw things at him for no reason. One day when he was walking down the street he say a group of people, crowding in he saw his father getting attacked by a gang and was about to get stabbed. Since no matter what they did he had always loved them, so in an act of finally love and pain. He jumped in the crowed of people, and took a stab for his father as he got up and ran. The last thing he saw was his father running away, and he made his last wish to maybe one day, be loved like he loved everyone else. In his prayer the Lord and answer and he was given the gift to be forever loved, and when he felt what it was like to be loved, he promised that day to always share that with everybody.

What do you plan to do with your new universe: Spread love everywhere, and everything no matter how crooked and wrong will feel how it feels to be loved.

anyone know anyone else who'd be interested in this or is our only recourse to drop the link in the SB?
Name: Ryuu Kimari


Which God are you: God of Light

personality: Ryuu has always been caring of other from a small age, bring small gestures to others even if he missed out on things, he is smart when picking friends always figuring people out and telling who are bad people. Ryuu is always cheerful, making people smile and smiling himself when those people feel better, he takes utter joying making the world around him a better place.

bio: Ryuu was brought up in a rich family, everything was bought for him but his family always thought he never had enough. He was only a child but still he grabbed clothes and toys and took them too the people who where less fortunate, his parent always wondered where the new console they bought him or where the new toys he had just gotten him went. Ryuu instead drew and played with the kids in the street he lived with. It brought joy to him to see everyone smile even if he had nothing in the end. Except one day everything went wrong, a car had hit Ryuu while he played with the other kids, last thing he remembers was laying in a hospital bed covered in blood...

what do you plan to do with your new universe: let the light shine upon everyone and share my gift with the world
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Name: Ken Morningstar


Which God are you: God of Ignorance

Personality: Ken is a very stubborn and hot-headed guy. Whenever people try and give him information he usually slaps them in them face because he hates being educated. The one epiphany he got out of life was that people who didn't know much were always happy, and so he lived his life according to this virtue

bio: Ken grew up in a normal house in North Korea; his parents both worked in offices and all he ever did was played with toys in his free time. Whenever he went to school he did learn to like it because they just learned about some all powerful leader, but he hated the boring history and science class. Ken loved the part when he got a cookie when he talked about the good deeds of his all powerful leader. He loved it so much in fact he became a little bit crazed with the nationalism in his country. As Ken got older he started to become more and more patriotic. He would go around on the streets giving out cookies to little kids who would now down on their knees and pray to their leader. The only problem was that he slowly became poorer and poorer. Since Ken was uneducated and was unemployed he started falling very deep in debt with the government. One sunny afternoon whilst sitting under a shady tree Ken noticed something out of the corner of his eye. It was a man in a suit. He came up to Ken pulled out some papers and said "Mr. Morning-Star, I'm sorry to inform you that you have gone 50000$ to far and debt. You know what that means don't you? The almighty leader is very upset." As he was saying this a black van pulled up a few yards away. The man in the suit took out a pistol pointed it at Ken and told him to get in the van. Ken got in the back next to 2 more men In suits. They took him to the South Korea and kicked him out. This was the end of happiness in Ken's life. He was forced to enroll in highschool classes even though he was 19 and didn't know how to write well. He started to see the world for what it truly was. He saw the internet for the first time and hated it. He found out that the almighty leader was really just some fake god who dictated the country with power. He was so mad at everything and then he slowly realized over time that he was happier in North Korea. He was happier not knowing about the troubles of the world. He decided that people are better off uneducated and ignorant. The last thing he remembers is being taught about the gruesome hellish warfare that went on in WWII. He still longs for the simple life he had not knowing about the terrors of this ungodly world.

what do you plan to do with your new universe: I plan to suppress the extent of the human knowledge they can experience the idea of "Ignorance is bliss"
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Name: Michael smith, but he renamed himself Kruphix


Which God are you: god of life

personality: he wants to be fun, but tends to be serious

bio: he never got on with other people, instead of going outside, he just stayed in his room, drawing creatures from his mind, when he went to school he always carried a note pad with him, and would sketch on worksheets rather then do them.

what do you plan to do with your new universe: create a perfect ever-changing system of life and evolution, and to create the perfect life form.

(by the way you made a new rp? does that mean death note is done?) 
Also one god of prophecy short, according to my count anyway
Zac said:
Name: Ryuu Kimari

Which God are you: God of Light

personality: Ryuu has always been caring of other from a small age, bring small gestures to others even if he missed out on things, he is smart when picking friends always figuring people out and telling who are bad people. Ryuu is always cheerful, making people smile and smiling himself when those people feel better, he takes utter joying making the world around him a better place.

bio: Ryuu was brought up in a rich family, everything was bought for him but his family always thought he never had enough. He was only a child but still he grabbed clothes and toys and took them too the people who where less fortunate, his parent always wondered where the new console they bought him or where the new toys he had just gotten him went. Ryuu instead drew and played with the kids in the street he lived with. It brought joy to him to see everyone smile even if he had nothing in the end. Except one day everything went wrong, a car had hit Ryuu while he played with the other kids, last thing he remembers was laying in a hospital bed covered in blood...

what do you plan to do with your new universe: let the light shine upon everyone and share my gift with the world
Is that better :D

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