Let's become GODS of the NEW WORLD!!!


Name: Kaimen Svale


Which God are you: Injustice

Personality: At face value, Kaimen is quiet, stoic and an enigma. Rarely has he ever branched out to those around him, preferring his own mind to the company of the would-be friends around him. This queer sort of behavior carried him through his young life, and so eventually became so second nature of him that it evolved into his preset demeanor. While he was mercilessly prosecuted by his peers for it, Kaimen never could care less about the actions and behaviors of those around him: to him, they were separate entities entirely, and nothing worth investing his own time into.

Now, in godhood, Kaimen retains his cold and impassive exterior, but has developed a pervading selfishness that permeates from his very being. Everything he does, it is for his own self service, and as such is hardly ever kind or appreciative (barring instances when this behavior works to his benefit) and has no intention of ever being such. The darkness that has begun to well within him has desensitized him to violence and vice. In fact, his twisted perception has only elevated the sins of mankind in his own perspective as means to an end: he sees personal power and gain as only achievable through cutting the ties between one another.

While a sliver of humanity may still reside in his heart, Kaimen's ascent to godhood was one bathed in blood, and before he fades from existence, he expects to force the universe to feel a similar sort of terrible injustice.


Kaimen was not always a wicked-spirited nihilist with a thirst for self-satisfaction. He was once, believe it or not, a pretty nice kid. As a child, Kaimen was the loner sort who prefered the company of toys and imaginary friends to real people. While it was no concern for much of his young life, Kaimen's life took a turn for the worst the day his father passed away. Now more reclusive than ever, the single child could find solace in only one other person: his older brother. A kind and lawful gentleman, Kai's brother tried to instill the values of self achievement and confidence in a youth he knew to be in desperate need of help. However, after being merciliessly tormented in middle school, Kai's perception of his brother's ideals came into question: whereas his one inspiration told him that, in being his own man, he would one day garner respect, Kaimen began to see it as something else entirely. He no longer wanted the respect of anyone but his brother, for he cared little and less of the mindless drones he was forced to work with on a daily basis.

It was during this time of self-isolation that Kaimen's brother turned to working several jobs a day to provide for the two of them, meaning he had very little time to spend with his younger brother. While Kaimen idolized his untainted work ethic, and unprecedented ability to be confident in the face of those who would put him down, Kai's older brother could not salvage the depraved morals Kaimen had begun to develop. Eventually, Kai's brother began to see the hatred in Kaimen's eyes, realizing that he was in need of a good mentor. Although already under severe stress, Kaimen's brother expended what little free time he had to once again try and show him the wonders of society. It was during one such excursion, however, that Kaimen's life changed forever.

On the eve of Kaimen's eighteenth birthday, the two brothers went out for an extremely pricey dinner date. The reason being that Kaimen had finalized a job offer, and would at last be able to strike out in the world as his own man. Seeing this as an opportunity to make his brother proud more than anything else, Kaimen vowed to uphold his sibling's ideals and maximize his gain through honesty and hard work. This dream for pure self improvement did not come to pass: a lowlife criminal ambushed the two in an alley, shooting Kaimen's brother thrice in the chest for two wallet's worth of money. As the only person Kaimen ever cared about bled to death in his arms, so too did his dreams: it was at that moment when so selfish an act was committed that Kaimen began to see justice and integrity as mere fallacies: the only way to live became to rob and sacrifice those around him. All that mattered was himself; his respect for others dwindling to naught. In his spiraling madness, Kaimen saw the world as rotted and broken, opting to believe that injustice was far more beneficial to oneself than justice. Slowly, he began to commit minor crimes, bolstering his belief as his pockets grew deeper. The people around him were less valuable to him than even mosquitoes, because at least--like him--mosquitos were shameless in their selfish and destructive pursuit for blood.

The shackles of innocence long since broken, Kaimen lived the rest of his mortal life a broken man, content to watch the world wallow in its own filth until they could feel the same loss as he.

What do you plan to do with your new universe?

Kaimen initially meant to do nothing, believing it a chance to finally be alone in his grief. Upon realizing this was not the case, he grew even more infuriated as it meant that he would never truly be alone. Resolved to his pitiful existence, Kaimen--in a fit of sick comedy--decided to carry on his modified ideals of self gain through injustice into the new universe. Wherever there existed a chance to shatter, kill, betray, or corrupt his peers and their creations, he would be there to see it through. Those that he would champion would be the wicked and unholy, favoring those who accepted their inherent evil rather than hiding behind the courts of law. Moreover, Kaimen is intent on creating a world where he can revel in the darkness and direct his onslaught of universal corruption.

Der referred me btw, so props to him I suppose.

Name: Lunaria

Which God are you: God of Sound

personality: Ari is a rough on the outside girl. She hates flirts and jerks but easily opens up to nice people. She tends to be a bit strange, but always changes when se sings.

bio: Ari lived in a home where she was mostly alone. She had no company and was left alone a lot, her parents being always busy. She had nothing to do, so she took her mom's old guitar and started playing. She got deep into music, like so deep that she had a spiritual connection to it. She started playing every instrument. At some point she had energy coursing though her veins.

what do you plan to do with your new universe: keep the balance and fill it with nice people.

(Hey old friend!)

Which God are you:god of music


Bio:where to start wow Genovia was born on a hot summer day,she is a cancer and is very emotional sometimes she feels the world was out to get her years ago but eventually she toughened up and learned not to be afraid

What do you want to do with your new world:create beatiful music and help anyone with anything

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