[Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Chapter 1.B: Enter the Labyrinth

Kendra could only agree with Libby's statement. "Yes, let's. I'm getting bored just standing around, you know?"
"I have a tiny place in Galvaston, but I spend most of my time on my jet." The apartment was small and barely held any furniture, just enough to keep her clothes for the variety of climates she travelled to. But her office was part of the jet, and she spent a lot of her time in hotels while she waited for clients to join her. "Sure, I don't get many chances to see relics while they are with their owners."

She looked forward and backward as the people discussed moving forward. "You haven't dealt with too many scions... they tend to make their own exits from holes." Not that she dealt with oo many scions either, but stories were fairly common in her line of work.

Not bothering to continue the discussion further, she kept moving down the corridor. She was depending on the spell she had cast to give her clues on how the magic of the labyrinth worked. She wasn't going to be too thrilled with wandering aimlessly.
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Kendra kept close to the Scion of Hel, just as promised. She blinked in surprise as the other woman spoke. "Wait... Did you say jet?! As in... The flying kind?"
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The shapes and the thread continue as you move, now easily visible to all. Those with sight enhanced by magic can pick out colors that occasionally shroud the shapes. Mostly they are greys and blue, but there are occasionally reds, whites and oranges.

Moments after the colors begin showing, you all notice that the thread splits in 4, changing color in the same pattern at the same rate, but one per wall and forming irregular loops. Furthermore, the floor, walls and roof begin to be tiled, rather than carpet and plasterboard.

Is hepshepthingy a real pharaoh? Or made up? Also, poetry can totally kill
Indeed, Hatshepsut is probably the second most famous female pharaoh, and a much more impressive specimen than Cleopatra (betting on Mark "I am the wrong horse" Anthony, what were she thinking?).

Salawas, however, are not. Though they probably exist in Scion, so there's that.
Also, I'm not clear on what's happening with the threads, are the four walls you are referring to the two walls, the floor and the ceiling?

"How do colors factor into your divine images theory?" Karima asks Grisl as she takes in this new development. "And does any of this," she indicates the looping threads, "mean we shouldn't just continue forward?"
Esbilon said:
Indeed, Hatshepsut is probably the second most famous female pharaoh, and a much more impressive specimen than Cleopatra (betting on Mark "I am the wrong horse" Anthony, what were she thinking?).

Salawas, however, are not. Though they probably exist in Scion, so there's that.
Also, I'm not clear on what's happening with the threads, are the four walls you are referring to the two walls, the floor and the ceiling?

"How do colors factor into your divine images theory?" Karima asks Grisl as she takes in this new development. "And does any of this," she indicates the looping threads, "mean we shouldn't just continue forward?"

Yes, it is the walls, floor and ceiling
Libby eyes the bright colors and the tiles on the floor. "This is beginning to look like the literal Labyrinth," the history teacher observes. "I wonder if this is just someone's idea of 'appropriate' surroundings or if we're being transported somewhere with an actual Minoan connection?"
Kenji walks forward carefully, trying not to step into the threads "Hopefully we aren't in Crete, my last business trip there left quite a few men who would prefer to see me dead." He pauses for a moment to duck around a loop of threads near his head as if they were lasers "Though if we are in the Labyrinth I am sure the scholars of this party can figure things out, and our resident Greeks can slay any Minotaurs"
At the mention of Greeks, Kendra grins. "Of course I can take a few bull men, no sweat. Those horns would make a pretty sweet trophy, y'know?"
Kenji grins at Kendra's enthusiasm "My thoughts exactly, and perhaps the horns could have some magical powers. I defer to Grisl's expertise on the matter"
"How well do regular bullets work on minotaurs and the like?" Karima asks, "or does it vary to wildly to say anything in general?"
"We probably shouldn't leap to assumptions about what we're going to face," Libby cautions. "Theseus killed the Minotaur, they say, but three thousand years is more than enough time for someone to come up with a new threat."
Grisl stops dead in her tracks. She had tried to resist answering the woman's question, but the urge was simply too great, curse her mark. "Yes, a real jet that flies. Business class ultra light jet with a range of about 1500 miles, seats four plus pilot and copilot. Not capable of transatlantic flights, which is why the sheik's son traded it to me for the statues from the crusades." Damn that mark.

"As for the colours, the standard belief is that red is Greek (a colour associated with both Ares and Aphrodite), blue for the Norse, green for Tuatha, gold for Pesedjet, and orange for the Celestial Beuracracy. The Loa are seen with purple commonly, and there is some overlap with the Japanese and Aztec pantheons. It gets confusing when too many pantheons get tossed in."

Her mother, the one who raised her rather than her birth mother, had once told her she would be best not getting involved in divine matters. She hadn't liked it when Loki visited, she never felt like he told her the answers they needed. "Now hold on and let me concentrate. I am trying to see if I can work any of this out before we choose the way to go next. Something about this seems repetitive. And I don't want to repeat mistakes that might have been made before."

"Oh... Wow... An actual jet. I'm a bit jealous." At the mention of colors, Kendra perks up. "Red's my favorite color."
Eventually you arrive at a small room, maybe five by five metres. Four more corridors split off from the room, each with a single thread continuing down them and forming more recognizable shapes. The corridor furthest to the left has a red thread forming shapes similar to hieroglyphics. The middle left corridor has a yellow thread forming shapes similar to hiragana. The middle right corridor has a green thread forming arabic shapes and the right corridor has a blue thread forming unrecognizable shapes.

The tiling continues, as do the shapes in the fog. Grisl manages to briefly see three of the shapes in greater detail: First a cylinder with a flat bottom, a rounded top and a tube coming from it. Second a free spinning tyre with an unrecognizable symbol on the hubcap. Thirdly a stone scepter, intricately carved.
"I see what you were saying about pantheon associations now," Karima addresses Grisl, "though this places seems to have a different taste in color than you do." She looks around from one corridor to the next, "suggestions on whether we should split up based on the symbols, or stay together? I'm inclined to think that not enough has happened to change our minds about whether sticking together is a good idea, but this does seem very suggestive."
"Unless there's some obvious consequence for splitting up, it would seem more prudent to stick together," opines Libby. "Since there isn't an individual pathway for each of us, it seems more likely the symbols indicate what we'll encounter."
"I'm tempted to agree with Karima here," observes Liam, poking at the blue thread with his rowan stake. "There's not enough to say what we're supposed to do here, but...it's almost begging us to split up."
"Interesting. Apparently Fate is colour blind." She had no other explanation for why the threads were different colours than what she had known them as. Then again, there were probably more than one schools of thought on this.

She proceeds to describe the glimpses of images she sees, the colours, the threads, the directions. "I don't believe that splitting up will be the best solution. It seems that the solution is to pick a direction that might represent our challenge, some form of test to prove we are worthy."
"Then... Which one do we go for?" Kendra crossed her arms and looked towards Grisl. "Any challenge look better to you?"
Karima nods in agreement, "good, we stick together then. As for which path to take, it seems to me that we have a complete lack of information. I can read hieroglyphics and red is apparently Kendra's favourite colour, so that's two things in that direction's favor," she says, gesturing in the corresponding direction. "Though if anyone have any better selection criteria, which would be most possible selection criteria, I'm all ears."
"Well, in the absence of any Greek or Latin writing, I'm inclined to agree," says Libby, straight-faced.
"When faced with choices, I tend to pick the one I know least about. I find I am better prepared when I prepare for any eventuality rather than with ones that I make assumptions." That said, she didn't like being in the position of trapped in a maze, so she would be willing to try any path that took her out of here rather than on to some test or trial.

She turned to face the group. "However, since red is Kendra's favorite colour, I suggest we follow that route as any other form of logic would fail to assist us in this decision." Not to mention the mark that was bound to her would lead Kendra to alert them all should she be walking into certain danger. She decided to let Fate roll some dice for a change.

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