[Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Chapter 1.B: Enter the Labyrinth

"Well, she already went through... I was totally willing to go first. Oh well." Kendra let out a sigh as well, following after her magically-bound charge. "And I don't know that song, by the way. I can sing Don't Stop Believin' if that makes you feel better."
Karima sighs as she exchanges her flashlight for her gun. "Why do these things always resist figuring out?" She asks rhetorically as she follows Grisl and Kendra into the magic mirror.
"Just to be on the safe side, let's try to remain in physical contact as we pass through -- we don't want to get split up."
"Okay, so hold my hand or grab my something?" Kendra held out her hand for someone to take, maybe. She was a bit embarrassed by the whole ordeal. Physical contact that didn't involve punching someone was not something Kendra was used to.

Though her attention quickly went to Grisl. Kendra quickly placed a hand on the (slightly) older woman's back.
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After putting away her gun yet again, Karima grabs Kendra's wrist, "wrist holds are stronger," she says, holding out her arm to Libby or whoever else seems most likely to follow.
Kenji takes hold of Karima's arm and follows "Thanks for not sending me down that pit Libby. Now hopefully there are no minotaurs or dark reflections of ourselves waiting for us on the other side"
"Or light reflections," the dark skinned woman says with a slight smile, "whatever it is, I doubt that it will be entirely pleasant."
Libby blinks...then chuckles. "Actually, I was thinking about someone else," she says, catching hold of Kenji's wrist.
He raises his eyebrow in amusement and looks at Libby "Oh well isnt he a lucky man then. You must care for him to not send him down a bottomless pit. I wish I had more friends like that"
You all feel the resistance of the mirror's surface push against you as you pass through it, though it fades once you're more inside it than out. On the other side you see a room much the same as the one you were in before, except there is now a shining hole in the ceiling and the hallway out is on your right rather than your left.

There is no mist and the mirror shows a perfect reflection when you look at it
Karima glances at the floor beneath the hole in the ceiling, looking for her quarter, and lets go of Kenji and Kendra. She proceeds to walk forward to look up what may or may not be the pit from before.
Kendra quickly removed her hand from Grisl's back. It was likely that the other woman didn't know why she was being touched, and it was best not to draw attention to it. Sadly, Kendra lacks the common sense to realize that retreating too fast also draws attention.

Of course, her attention was now on the weird mirror universe that they stumbled into.
As Karima walks away Kenji lets go of Libby's hand and quickly scans the room. He sees the whole in the ceiling and walks forward standing underneath it. Looking up he smirks and says "Now that we are through the looking glass lets step into wonderland and see how deep the rabbit hole really goes".
"Oh, joy. Like I haven't heard that before," Liam groaned at Kenji's statement, letting go of Karima's other hand. Nevertheless, he makes his way to the hole that was in the floor, which was now the ceiling. Tentatively, he poked at it with the point of the Gae Dearg.
"So, basically our choices were go through the hole or go through the hole?" says Libby, raising an eyebrow.
"It's called an epidermal basilisk malformation," she said to the woman who had placed her hand on her back, not bothering to look into her eyes. She had become so used to answering the questions from doctors and students that it was almost second nature. She had taken to teaching hospitals because they were often willing to waive her fees for other students to learn. Plus, no insurance company would insure a woman with 14 pages of pre-existing conditions.

Without another raspy word, she looked around the room using the blessing from the Unlidded Eye to absorb more information than the rest of the group would be able to see. She could sense the strands of fate but was unable to sense whether the woman who had her hand on her back had even felt the hard protrusions along her spine through the jacket. It was partly the reason she wore a jacket in 100 degree heat.

As she hobbled her way around the room, making way for the rest of the group to follow her, she inspected the room and walls. Fate had brought them together and she wondered how much of this place was now tied to them. As she moved, a quiet click-tap of her cane gave away her every step. "I suspect this hallway to the right is our next path. Don't get too far separated."

She began moving down the hallway, taking point as she had offered. She hoped Kendra would stay close by, not sure why.
Kendra blinked. And wondered what brought up that spew of long words she didn't understand. "...What?"

But, it seemed that it was time to move on, so Kendra didn't push the issue. She just moved along with Grisl, keeping close to her. It was best to keep close to the person she marked, after all.
The ceiling hole doesn't respond to being poked with a stick or anything else, simply radiating light into the room.

The threads of Fate seem to be drawing you all to the corridor to Grisl's eye, flowing out of the mirror and the hole to go steadily down the fogless corridor.

As you move down the corridor, you realise that what seems to be the end is simply fog, which fades away as you move towards it, only to appear behind you as you do. The fog is nothing special to Grisl's magical sight, though she gets the feeling it isn't anything direct.

roll wits+perception and such. I promise this is going somewhere
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