Legendary Revolution [Inactive]

Ezra listened quietly off to the side. It seemed Susanna knew what she was doing and what needed to be asked so, with no other input, Ezra just observed. He wondered how Susanna could be so untrustworthy of this newcomer though... he seemed to be one of them. But then... maybe she really just didn't trust any of them. Ezra wouldn't blame her considering none of them 'seemed' to know what was going on. Needing the comfot at the sudden doubt Ezra pulled out the little book and let his eyes scan the pages. He realized he really couldn't read and yet the information spoke to him... which didn't make sense. He knew what the words said though he didn't recognize the symbols. He'd have to ask the others if they could make sense of it later. He pocketed it once more. "So... are we continuing to Pewter City or are we going to stand around further and waste more time?" Ezra asked, no negativity in his voice- just pure curiosity.
"I say we get going!" Linette enthusastically responded. Now that the situation had simmered down some, she was ready to get moving. She was also rather curious of the large city in the distance. She was sure that a some time in the past she had been in cities before, as it didn't seem too unfamiliar, however this particular 'Pewter City' she didn't know at all.

Without even bothering for a reply--she didn't mean to seem rude, she just had a tendency to act first think later--she turned around and started walking down the trail.
Theo agreed wholeheartedly with Linette, waiting around certainly wasn't going to help the group, and so he follows her down the road to Pewter City. He figured that the group should be able to find some answers there, and perhaps it would be enough to rouse their some of their memories, and they could figure out what they had to after that.
Ezra nodded, glad by this decision. Taking a deep breath he followed after Linette and Theo, head held high. He was ready to figure out their purpose in all of this... He wanted to know why they were in these forms that felt so alien to them and what they were expected to do. Even if they never found out their reason for being here or their past Ezra felt that he could be alright with that if he could just find something that he could be useful for in this form.
TimeSplitter said:
Theo looked between the group, though it seemed to him that Susanna was acting a little... toxic. Looking the dark kid up and down, he didn't seem to much of a threat, especially since he would be terribly outnumbered if he tried anything, he had no idea why Susanna was acting so suspicious, as far as Theo knew, the kid was harmless. "I'm sure hes a friend, a foe surely wouldn't try something so foolish as to walk up and have a little chat with his enemy" He looks away from Susanna and stares sharply at the newcomer. "Would you now... whats your name, boy?"
''I'm a Friend'' said the boy. ''My name is..'' he searched for a name. ''Leo'' He glanced sideways at Susanna questionably.

[Derp tests coming up >.< Soo nurvous]
Susanna followed in step, silent as ever. Not snapped or rustled as she walked and it almost seemed as if she was in tune in where not to place her foot. She had an expression of discomfort and crossed her arms over her chest. Why were they so open to following each other? She shook her head, frowning. Why was she following them? It seemed to right but yet so ...wrong. She looked up to the sky, only catching slight openings of dull light through heavy leafed trees. She couldn't remember who she was or if she had a purpose and that thought made her shudder. Wondering without a purpose, how depressing.

She looked back to the newcomer, distain held to its fullest. It was the same stare she gave everyone and everything. Her careful nature was making her paranoid.
The lad switched his gaze between Susanna and Ezra and Theo a few times before setting off after the latter two. His cloak flowed like shadows behind him, and the darkness would reach out for him from underneath trees as he passed them.

As the group walked, he made sure to stay as far away from Susanna as possible, avoiding her gaze. She seemed suspicious of him. Maybe she knew something about him. Plus... she had called him out of his hiding spot. He made a mental note to ask how she had known later, but didn't know when he'd get the chance.

He glided closer to Theo, trusting him more as he had helped to defend him. He spoke up, his voice calm once more, "Where are we going?"
"Pewter City" Theo says in a friendly tone. "Once we get there we should be able to ask some of the residents whats going on and we can review our options" He tried to sound like he knew exactly what he was doing, but really he had no idea what they were going to encounter in Pewter City, but at the moment it was their only realistic option.
WhimsicalWriter updated Legendary Revolution with a new update entry:

Time to get this RP Rolling

Very soon everyone's going to be regaining their memories. :D
Without spoiling too much I'll give you all a heads up. Once we get into Pewter City something's going to happen that will lead us to Mt. Moon, there will be a battle and afterward all of our memories will return. It'll make sense when it happens. I hope you're all as excited as I am!
Read the rest of this update entry... 
As they entered the bustling city, Linette looked around curiously. Their appearances seemed to draw a few odd glances, but otherwise no one had come up to her yet. Question was, now what? Go up to a random person and ask who they were? That would sound kind of weird, now that she thought about it, but what else could they do?

Debating on what to do, Linette walked down a street until she heard a news broadcast coming from a TV store. She paused and glanced over at it since a few other people had as well. On the screen a young newswoman spoke clearly and concisely.

"With Team Rocket's inreasing control over capturing pokemon and evading authorities, they have recently become a dangerous force. Our police are doing everything they can to arrest them. If you happen to see someone wearing the Team Rocket uniform, please do not engage them and instead contact the police. We warn all civilians to keep an eye on their pokemon at all times. Now on to the weather."

"Team Rocket...?" Linette questioned. One of the bystanders turned toward her.

"You must not be from Kanto if you don't know about Team Rocket." the teenage male commented. "They're an organization that captures pokemon and exploits them for their own purposes. Their boss was defeated a couple years ago, but then they regrouped and recently have become a huge issue. Be careful, 'kay?" With that he went on his way down the street. Linette turned back to the group, glancing around as she did so. Now that she really thought to look, Linette noticed that there were very few pokemon out of their pokeballs. "Did you all hear that?"
Ezra nodded. These Team Rocket people seemed terribly unreasonable- a bunch that definitely needed to be put in their place. Or at least that's how Ezra felt... He wondered if there was any way to take down the group. Obviously calling the police was important but sometimes matters needed to be taken into people's hands on their own. Ezra felt determined to take down Team Rocket for some odd reason, something giving him a burning hatred of the group even though he had only just heard about them.

"Team Rocket. Bad group. We should take them down as soon as we get a better grip on who we are." Ezra said simply to show that he had been listening and his views on their newly gained knowledge.
The dark one looked around. Too many people, too many strangers. Not to mention those among his group. These people, though... The ones who knew themselves and their lives... He didn't know what, but something told him that these people should hate him... and fear him.

It scared him. He didn't want attention from them, but he drew a few stares. The darkness around him attracted attention. Slowly, avoiding the gazes of the normal citizens, he moved closer to Ezra and Linette.

Hearing the latter part of the conversation, he spoke up, "You think we could take them down? A small group with no idea who we are?"
i wany really paying attention but when the group started walking i followed

"hey pichu you know were we are" i whispered to pichu

"pi pichu"

"hmm pewter city"

i walked p to linette while she was talking to some guy

"hey li...lina...lint" i started

"it's linette" she said

"linette can we go somewhere to sleep"
''Umm can i stick with you guys?'' asked Leo. He walked after the group while saying this. Besides, being alone won't help him. It's better to have protection.
"Of course you can stay with us." Linette said to Leo before going back to their previous topic. "I don't know if we can actually defeat them...by the sound of it they're pretty powerful, so they'll have a lot of members. But we don't know what we're capable of yet either. I don't think normal humans can use pokemon moves." she pointed out.
"So what does that make us? Some sort of hybrid creature?" Ezra asked, confused. "Maybe we're just gifted humans." He pointed out as well. "I... in this books it speaks about the connection between humans and pokemon... what are the possibilities that some pokemons were humans once? Sorry, I suppose that's rather random... but I don't think us having abilities is all that important besides the point we can't remember who we are... and that we're all together also holds importance." Ezra was more thinking out loud then discussing these thoughts with any particular person.
Zachary stood at the back of the group, his red eyes scanning the nearby area, a grim frown on his face. Something wasn't right, this form, this place- had he been here before? It seemed like something was missing- he wanted the truth. And he would do whatever it took to get it.

Lucian's trudged along, and came up beside Susanna, somehow feeling like she was the person to talk to. Somehow feeling close to the stranger. "Do you feel like you know these people, or is it just me."

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"Maybe--" Someone suddenly ran past them, bumping against Linette's shoulder and nearly knocking her over. Once she managed to regain her balance she huffed and turned the way the figure had run. "You could at least apologize!" She yelled after him, smoothing down her dress.

A moment later a few police officers rushed by as well. She caught the words "Rocket" and "going east." Linette's turned to watch them as they disappeared as well before looking back at the others.

"Hey, why don't we follow? Even if we can't do anything to help I don't see why we can't look. Besides, we won't get anything done standing here." She suggested, however it was clear she was already adamant on her decision. Something about hearing a villainous team sent a spark through her blood, making her detest this Team Rocket despite having just heard about them.
"Sounds like a plan!" Theo almost shouts in a jolly tone, turning to follow the officers that had just rushed past them. He wanted to get things moving, confusion and idleness usually annoyed him to no end and he was eager to get into some action. He wasn't quite sure what would jolt his or the other's memories, but he figured following his impulses would be a good way to remind himself, or at least a good way to pass the time until he did.
If Theo's instinct was to follow, the the dark one's were the opposite.

"Is this smart," he asked, "The police might think that we're one of the bad guys. Have you seen the stares? We stand out here."
''....'' Saying nothing, he looked at the figure that had run past him and the others. He stared at the now almost out of distance person.
Zachary stepped up next to Leo. "We stand out like like the sun in the sky. You don't think they'd be suspicious of the people that we look like?"

Luciana looked at them, then moved forward and said, "yeah, but isn't this curiosity bothering you? I want to go see what's going on!"

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Ezra ignored the stares of the people, not put off in the slightest. Instead he actually enjoyed the attention, smiling and nodding politely to any who met his gaze. He felt like his group were on an extremely important mission and it made him feel slightly self important... even if there was still that nagging thought in the back of his head that he had failed somehow.
"Majority wins! I say we'll be fine. People are just jealous of our awesome looks." Linette decided excitedly before turning around. She led them down the same street the team and police officers had gone. However, after several minutes of walking through the strange city they still hadn't found the police officers. Odd, one would think that it would be easy to find them, but maybe the members scattered in order to confuse the police. That would make sense.

Her enthusiasm starting to fade in disappointment, she slowed down and turned a corner to find that they were near the edge of the city. Suddenly she noticed a dark figure in the corner of her eye; a Team Rocket member was standing in an alley. Gesturing for the others to follow close and be silent, she went over to the alley, pressed her back against the wall just outside of it, and peered around the corner.

"Yeah, I'm going to join back up with the rest of my unit when it gets dark. The police will have given up by then." The man paused and a crackly voice that she couldn't make out followed. It seemed to come from a small black device in his hand. It must be a communication device of some sort. She tried to figure out the conversation as she listened, glad that his back was turned to her so that he didn't notice them.

"Yes sir, other than that everything is...wait...what?!" his tone became panicked as the other voice interrupted him. "No, we're not ready for him yet! There's no way we can take him on right now! ...well, if you're sure that he's been weakened...alright, I'll order everyone back early and we'll head out tonight. Mt. Moon, right?"

After a few more minutes the man seemed about to end his call. Linette swiftly pulled back out of view when he seemed about to look behind his shoulder. She waited a moment before looking again only to find that he had escaped through the other side of the alley. While she was tempted to try to find him again, she was more interested in the new information they had.

"Hm...I wonder where this Mt. Moon is...and who that 'he' was they're talking about." she thought aloud.

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