Legendary Revolution [Inactive]

"Mt. Moon? Sounds familiar." Zachary threw into that conversation.

"Sounds cool! Lets go!" Lucian's cried and grabbed Zach's hand, dragging him after her.

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Linette walked up to a random couple talking on the sidewalk. "Hello! Mind if I ask you a question?" she asked cheerily.

The teenagers hesitated a moment, surprised by both her friendliness and her appearance. "Um...sure." the male finally responded.

"Great!" she continued, unaware that they were uncomfortable. "Can you tell us where Mt. Moon is?"

"Keep following this road east out of town and you'll come across it eventually." the girl answered. After thanking them Linette returned to the group. "It's this way. Let's hurry and get there before it gets dark." She said and started leading them down the road.
Luciana dragged zach behind her happily, with a big smile. "I hope there's water!"

"Ugh... I have a bad feeling about this.." The dark boy murmured.

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The boy followed, slowly. He didn't care if it got dark. Back in the alleyway, the dark had felt comforting. It felt as though he was supposed to be there.

He increased his pace, gliding towards Linette. His clothes gave the impression of actually floating, and looking at his feet for too long made one dizzy. Dizzy enough that one wouldn't notice that he was barely walking at all, his feet melding with the shadows beneath and around him.

He neared the green haired girl. Once more, his voice was nervous, "Is this smart? We're going against a massive crime organization, and I don't think any of us have so much as a pocket knife." He gestures a thumb at Theo, saying, "Maybe he could take one, but that's it. They'd leave our bodies in the caves for the bugs to eat!"
"Have a little more faith in us. It's obvious there is more to us then what meets the eye." Ezra replied simply. It had come to his notice as well that they were without weapons... and yet Ezra did not feel either weak or vulnerable. He couldn't explain why... it was just something he knew. Just like he knew he had something to make-up for. "Don't you feel some kind of strength within you? I think we're supposed to head to this Mt Moon... it may hold the answers to who and what we are... because it is obvious we are not normal- just look at the way people are looking at us... yet they do not look at each other with such expressions."
Linette nodded in agreement with Ezra. "See, we'll be just fine!"

In the distance a mountain range and into view. As they got closer to a large cavern--it seemed to be the only entrance--several Cleffa and Clefairy emerged and ran past them. Linette jumped out of their way. The pink pokemons' faces were frightened as they scuttled over to nearby bushes and hid inside the foliage.
"Huh?" Luciana looked at the little pink Pokémon as they passed, and she attempted to follow after them, but thought against it suddenly. "Something is wrong here... I'm not sure what, but, there's definitely something going on."

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The boy spoke up, "Whatever is it, we can find out inside." His voice retained is nervousness, but his attitude towards the adventure had taken a sharp turn. He quickly moved into the cave, grateful for the dark refuge. It didn't seem to bother him at all, and his form quickly faded into the shadows- even though he hadn't moved more than a few meters in.

He looked around, expecting the others to follow, or for himself to be besieged by zubat and other cave denizens. The latter did not happen. In fact, it seemed that most avoided him.
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