Legendary Revolution [Inactive]

Linette smiled. "Great! Let's get going then. As bad as this place is now, I don't even want to know what it's like when it gets dark." She turned around and went through said bushes, readjusting her grip on Jiro as she did so. "By the way, what's your name?"
"Susanna. I'm Susanna." The first time she spoke her name it was a question but she added her assurance after. It sounded so foreign and yet rolled off her tongue as if it was right. She looked to the people noting them seemed just as confused as she. Most looked younger and probably stubborn and hard headed. "What's the point in moving anywhere if you don't know where to go? It may get more difficult and you'll still be lost."
A figure was lying on the grass, surrounded by trees. Sitting up, he felt woozy. Where is this? Strange. Looking down, he stared strangly at what he was seeing. Hands? Did i have hands? Ughh I can't remember Standing up, he wobbled. Legs? Did I....? Taking slow steps, he reached a puddle. He looked at himself. His hair was a dark color of the shadows. Hair? Something poked out of his back. Wings? He had black-colored winds and reddish/amber eyes. He spoke. ''Hello? Where am I?'' He knew that he was alone. A thought came to his mind. What if there are others like...me? I should try to find 'them'. Not knowing his name, he headed off to a clear path into the trees.
The dark one stood, still in the deeper shadows. He swayed a little, his legs unsure how to stand, but he assumed it was just due to being unconscious. He watched the others as they began to leave. They seemed friendly towards each other, as well as... familiar... But that familiarity brought fear. There was something to be scared of in his past, he could feel it. And, if he knew these people... They might hold it against him...

Taking in a deep breath, he began to follow them, sticking to the darkest parts of the forest. He did not want to be seen, and he really wanted to avoid the people altogether. But they might know who he was, and that was a risk worth taking.

The girl stood, confident on her feet. Her hands were familiar and she moved with an unnatural grace. She walked after the others, making no move to hide, nor to draw attention. She simply followed, not worrying about why or who she was. They were people, and they might lead somewhere.

((Sorry I haven't posted recently, I haven't received any alerts to there being roleplay here.))
Ezra moved to locate the path himself before turning back to Susanna. "And you're sure this is the proper path?" He asked, looking at it. It didn't seem dangerous or anything but this whole situation was bizarre enough that Ezra was trying to be careful not to trust anything... He would have had trouble trusting the other people int he clearing if it weren't for the fact that there was already a connection between them.
Theo shrugs as the group reaches the path. "And what would the 'Proper Path' be? We don't have any real directive... any path is good enough for now, perhaps it will lead to a village, and we can ask whats going on." He looks around a little more, he felt as though he had passed through this forest a million times, though now it seemed so alien to him.
"That's right." Linette agreed with Theo. "Maybe someone will know who we are." The forest seemed almost endless as they walked, and if it weren't for the path she knew they would have gotten lost long before now. Over ten minutes passed before the forest started to thin out and finally show a grassy plain with a dirt trail. The trail led off to a large city in the distance.

Noticing a sign off to to the side, Linette walked over to it. "Pewter City." she read.
Ezra acknowledged that it would be best not to doubt- it was obvious to him that their god had given them the path when the Forest began to thin. Certainly he was watching over them and would soon provide them with the information they desired. Ezra continued to reach into his pocket and trace the small book that he had found there, wondering what it's purpose was in the grand scheme of things.

Pewter City... the name sounded familiar but Ezra could not grasp any concrete memories of the place- as if he had only heard of it before previously. Ezra was glad the others had had more faith in him and a rush of shame of not feeling the same passed over him. He pushed it away with the thought that he would be more faithful from that moment on.

"Do any of you know of Pewter City?" Ezra asked after a moment.
Names don't seem important. He thought he heard something. Are they the 'others'? He followed the sound to the source.

(Ezra and Susanna. Can he find them?) 
''Hello?'' He called out to the end of the path he was on. I definetly heard something. It's not a dream... is it? He waited for an answer.
"I don't know anything about it." Linette responded. She shifted Jiro to her other arm. Thankfully he was rather light for a child his age. She then heard a voice from somewhere inside the forest they had just left.

Linette turned, waving with her free hand even though she knew that there was no way the person could see her past the trees. "Over here!" she shouted before looking back at the group. "He'll find his way here in a minute. Ready to go?"
The boy heard a response. He ran to catch up to 'them'. Following the path, he reached the end of it and was met with a sight of other

people- same like him.
Susanna was bothered she was following this group. It didn't seem right, after all she was lost and so were they. It just seemed so comical. Ad yet here she was trudging behind them. With crossed arms and closed eyes, she simply listened to their footsteps. Knowing there were no objects in her way, she trusted her gut for guidance.

But a snap of twigs and bushes made her spin around and growlin warning. She wasn't one to enjoy unexpected surprises.
Ezra was about to question how many more of 'them' would be showing up when he head the sound and turned as well. He felt rather... well vulnerable though he didn't know why. Being connected to the ground was a bother though... that much he knew... though considering they all were held down by gravity he didn't know why he thought it would be any different.

"What is it?" He questioned, taking a step so that he was nearer Susanna.
"Someone is near, it's like we are being followed", she hissed softly. This was why she felt so uncomfortable. The largeness of a group and the presence of more than on person was suffocating to her. She balled her fists, taking slow breaths. Something was there and it wouldn't show it face. The irritation of the whole episode was causing her to become unfavorable.

"Whoever you are! Come out!", she growled so menacingly you would think to her to be a monster.
i woke up to someone yelling loudly.

"huh whats going..." i said realising i was being held jumped out of their arms. then she kneeled down to

"hey whats your name"

"im...jiro...are you my mommy?"
The dark one's face paled further. They must have seen him earlier. He thought he had stayed hidden within the shadows, but that was obviously not true.

The shadows moved around him, clinging to his body as the left them. When they broke off, the shriveled, slinking back to the darkness. The being's face showed nervousness, worry that something would happen to him. His dark cloak shifted, flowing around him like the shadows were before.
Lucian's lagged behind the group, her feet dragging in the dirt, sending up dust. This "walking" did not feel right. She should be in the sky, flying above the land, get off the ground, OR IN THE OCEAN! The ocean sounded so nice...

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Linette glanced down at Jiro when she noticed he was starting to wake. After asking for his name, Jiro questioned if she was his mother. "No, I'm not. My name's Linette." she giggled. Now that Jiro was able to walk on his own, she returned her attention to the dark newcomer who had a couple others on edge. He didn't seem like he planned on harming them; in fact, he looked worried.

Linette looked over at Susanna and Ezra. "Hey guys, I don't think there's anything to worry about. Maybe he's just like us?" she said, hoping to calm them down.
"silly mommy" i said but then i saw wat everybody else was looking at. well past what they were looking at i saw a little yellow person. i quickly ran past the dark figure and went to the smalle yellow person. it was small about half my hieght with a big head and big pointy ears with black tips.

"hey what's you name" i said kneeling down to it.

"pichuu!" it yelled as it jmped on my head

"you wanna be my friend pichu" i said petting him.

"pichuu pi" i said jumping on my head. i ran back to the group

"hey mommy look what i found" i said to lineete showing her pichu.
Susanna kept her hard stare, watching the younger male suspiciously. Even though she had barely known these people for more than a few moments, she seemed protective. But that wasn't the case, she just didn't like the fact someone was sneak about in the shadows.

"...Friend or foe?", she asked icily.
I quickly walked up the boy who walked out of the bushes.

"hi i'm jiro" i said

"pich pi pi"

"oh yeah and this is pichu... hmm you can be my brother"
Theo looked between the group, though it seemed to him that Susanna was acting a little... toxic. Looking the dark kid up and down, he didn't seem to much of a threat, especially since he would be terribly outnumbered if he tried anything, he had no idea why Susanna was acting so suspicious, as far as Theo knew, the kid was harmless. "I'm sure hes a friend, a foe surely wouldn't try something so foolish as to walk up and have a little chat with his enemy" He looks away from Susanna and stares sharply at the newcomer. "Would you now... whats your name, boy?"
The cloaked being raised his hands in a gesture of peace. He spoke, his voice's calmness not matching his obvious uncomfortable state.

"I don't know what I am. I was hoping you would, though I see now that you don't."

He hesitated before speaking once more, his nerves finally showing themselves in his voice, "How did you know I was there?"

Dee stood behind the group. She have off an air of strangeness, out of place in the greens and browns of the forest with her red and blue color pattern. Her hair shifted around, as though with the wind, but it didn't match the movements of any breeze. She didn't speak, simply waiting for the opportune time.
Susanna crossed her arms, frowning. "Many people come in guise of friends and turn in an enemy. It's best not to play foolishly into trust." But she quieted, careful not to tread on dangerous ground. She simply watched the stranger in a stoic stillness, noting he really was just as clueless as the rest of them.She placed her hand to her head, sighing. They would be here forever if walking circles. Answers had to be somewhere and it couldn't be too hard to find them, if you looked in the right place. But where was the right place?

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