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Fantasy Legend of Knights OOC

_Exodus_ _Exodus_
To your CS, can you add the personality and abilities and such? Also, the Title is different from the name. The Title is the inanimate object associated with the first Knight that the surface personality is named from. I gave a few examples in the sheet but if you need ideas, just let me know and I can come up with something for you.
Shield Knight:
One would say that the Shield Knight is overprotective and much too serious. Indeed, there's a marked humorlessness and brooding nature. He's gruff and by-the-rules. However, he has a strange appreciation for animals, particularly horses and does well with them. He'd rather die, or even let a human die, before an animal.
Can't wait till the RP starts! First time I have made a knight with a weapon other then a sword/axe/hammer basically any of the weapons that would first pop into your head. I really like how my character turned out, and I hope you guys like it as well.
I'll open it when we get six characters and I write more lore down. I'm not satisfied with it as it is. By the way, if any of you want to add an elemental magic to your characters' abilities like I did, feel free.
hi I posted a character and I hope its cool but y'know its cool if she isn't cool, I wasn't sure if it was but I just went ahead and posted it?

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