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By the time she caught up she was already completely out of breath… running was not her specialty. She hunched over placing her paws on her knees as she attempted to catch her breath.

“H-Hang on…. Gimme a sec…”

Once she finally caught her breath, she looked up to get a better look at the Espeon. It….! Was not who she thought it was. She couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed, but hey, at least it was another Pokemon. As he held out his paw, she placed her’s in his for a… handshake?

“Ah… My name’s Lana! It’s nice to meet you!… and uh…. Continent…? Uuuhh…. Yeeeeeeah the sand one is definitely where I’m from..!”

She had no idea what a continent was.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow


"Please, you flatter me. I really do not require anything more, though. Wakanda is in your debt - as is the rest of The Multiverse. The quest you are setting out on is not one just anyone would be willing to take on. So, please, do not feel obligated to repay us in any way. To act as your allies in this time of need... it is all we can hope to do."

She nodded her head in understanding as she continued to talk to T'Challa - his people must be very lucky and thankful to have an outwardly generous leader ruling the roost - and he is continuing to deny any further thanks for his help? "You are... a benevolent leader. I hope your people have put as much trust in you, as you have put in them. If what you have done for us and said to us in any indication... I'd assume your people - and your home - could not ask for much more."

"I do wish I could stay and chat. But you are all due to leave soon - which means I will need to be overseeing your exit. But I promise you, though I cannot join you in your fight from here, I and the rest of Wakanda will be with you along the way."

"I understand. Then, I trust you will make good on that promise." She seemed to hold T'Challa to a high standard already - but before she could properly discuss more with him and Naoto, as T'Challa said that he could not partake in such a conversation, she heard what was going on not too long after - it was time to get ready to go.

“It’s time. Grab your watches and use the dials to sync the numbers as Shuri reads them out. These are your coordinates - so make sure you input them correctly. Otherwise, you’ll wind up lost in some other universe with no way for us to find you. Some of you know where we’re headed - but just in case you need a recap, it’s a place called Gravity Falls. Freeing it from Bill Cipher’s control is essential in weakening Ganondorf’s hold over the Multiverse.”

Without hesitation, she reached to the watch on her wrist and listened out to the coordinates that were mentioned, carefully inputting the numbers one by one and making sure she didn't get anything wrong - it would be pretty awkward to mess it up right away, wouldn't it? Four, two, seven, nine, eight, seven, two, three - in that order - one by one, she inputted the numbers on the watch as they were spoken.

“Good luck, my friends. I wish all of you a safe journey.”

She wasn't as welcoming of the cloud though - at least until it surrounded the group at large and basically buried them in a warm sensation. From there, the travelling began - one world at a time, she was determined to see this through.
Well... the arrival here was at least smooth. This place looks a little ordinary - she could tell that almost immediately as her eyes scanned the new location. This world, whatever it is - this place, Gravity Falls. She gets a little tipped off when someone in the group mentions that somehow, this place hasn't visibly changed at all since being taken over - so something was 100% wrong here. "Don't like the sound of that - that just reeks of suspicion."

She wasn't exactly sure what to make of the people they found here, either. They're all quite different, and she just kind of stood there in awkward silence as she just let them argue and speak in such volumes to each other - never mind what any stragglers were up to. She sighed as she shook her head, not too sure how well this was going to go - it's already off to a much different start, that's for sure.

She cleared her throat as she decided to speak up. "Well, I suppose a good place to start would be - what the heck is going on here? If you say there's some kind of situation, surely you're going to need a couple extra pairs of hands." She spoke as coldly and as flatly as ever, trying to get straight to the point and - ideally - get stuff done.
Hex Code: #487ea8
Font: Tahoma
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Fine
Items: Rock Cannon (inactive), Black Blade (inactive), Watch (activated earlier, on right wrist)
Skills/Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, and durability
Course of action: "What the hell happened here?"
Location: Gravity Falls (clearing?)
Interactions: T'Challa Twice Knightly Twice Knightly (and GM)
Mentions: Naoto TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Nearby/In Group: Pretty much everybody
mori crop.png

Jason interceded between her and Nolan, not that she figured the man needed the protection. She narrowed her eyes at him, wordless, as she often was. Eventually, she stepped away, shooting Nolan a cautionary look. He stunk of guilt and arrived late -- if she were to peg anyone in the group as a spy, it'd be him, though he'd already be making for a bad one so far. Her intensity had not lessened for being surrounded by strangers. If anything, it had grown worse. Some part of her knew that and felt some pang of guilt, but it was quickly overwhelmed by the rest of her that screamed that she did not know these people, including Jason.

Her head snapped in Minthara's direction at the beckoning, eyes narrowing. She had never handled authority well, leastwise from near-strangers, no matter who they were. An edge entered her voice as she spoke. "I am not a dog to come when you call, Paladin Minthara. I respect your mission. Vengeance is sacred." She did not elaborate on her words, feeling they spoke for themselves. "But I answer to you no more than you answer to me."

Her willful tirade over, Reverentia... did, in fact, still move to accompany the Drow.

Where else was she going to go?

Interactions: Twice Knightly Twice Knightly (Jason) Miso_Tofu2.0 Miso_Tofu2.0 (Nolan) Jeremiah Jeremiah (Minthara)
Nearby: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Ciri)​
Venturing off toward the source of the magic eventually led you to a tent, propped up in a clearing just within the town's outskirts. Bright spotlights had been put up to really shine on its outside. Whatever was going on here, it seemed like it was at the very least important. There was even a line standing outside its entrance. At the very end of the line there stands a large man covered head-to-toe in tattoos, guarding the entrance.


Loyal Bodyguard

He doesn't look very friendly.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
For those who ventured out into the town, it seemed pretty normal overall. There were corner store shops, an arcade, a church, a diner - basically everything one would expect. To your left, you found a pathway leading into the woods. And to the right, there was another clearing, where a large tent could be seen in the distance. If you'd been paying attention, that's also where Illumina and Lana had gone. Subsequently, Minthara would find that the magic had been emanating from that direction as well.

Jeremiah Jeremiah BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2
Beyond that one comment, Asuka had been entirely silent since they got here. She understood the gist, of course. They had to free this place from the control of this guy called Bill... it's supposed to be a terrible hellscape but it isn't... so they're walking into a trap. Not much to be done about it, Asuka supposes. Especially not with this thing's supposed power. In truth, Asuka doesn't know how they're meant to defeat such a terrible beast. Maybe if she had her 02, they'd have some kind of fighting chance. But without that...

There isn't any point in thinking about that, now. What's done is done.

Everyone else seems to be handling the mission side of things. Some have already split off, while others are still questioning those bickering idiots in the middle of the street. Asuka doesn't really care about doing either. Well... exploring could be a boon later, she supposes. But that will have to come later. Because right now, her eye isn't even focused on anything in the town ahead. Instead, she's focused on what's back. In the far back, to be precise. There stands a boy. A boy who, until now, had gone unnoticed by pretty much everyone. Even Asuka herself hadn't noticed him. Not until right before they left.


"You idiot. Just what the hell are you doing here!?"

Asuka finally speaks to that boy - Shinji Ikari.

She stomps over to him, shoving past anyone in her way. Her steps are measured purely in their intensity. Each one carries with it a weight that holds everything she's felt about this boy in the year they've known each other. From when they met, to when they ended the world. All of it comes out right here. Even Medic, who had healed her wounds and proven to be a good conversation partner before their journey to this backwater town, goes entirely unnoticed by the former pilot as she makes her way over to Shinji. She stops until her face is mere inches away from his. They're so close that he can feel her breathing down on him.

Her eye twitches, and he can tell that it isn't just the usual brand of anger. There's genuine worry here, too. No matter how much she tries to hide it under that scowl.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed!?" she asks again, giving him no opportunity to respond. "In case you somehow forgot, we don't have our EVA Units anymore, Shinji. And the last time I checked, I'm the only one of us who knows a damn thing about defending themselves."

Nokirathephantom Nokirathephantom Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins (Mention)​

"Not a damned thing, I'm afraid," the stranger responds, eyes closed and arms folded. "If you know anything about this, though, now would be the time. My memory's all foggy... I can't get a firm grasp on what happened."

All of a sudden, his eyebrows perk. Another second and he's bowing at the waist -- a practiced, refined gesture that lingers no longer than it needs to.

"Ah, but where are my manners! My name is Ling Yao, the pleasure's all mine. You'll have to forgive my-- ah, his, outburst back there, we're both struggling in our own ways. He'll make his own introductions when he's good and ready, but for now, you can call him Greed. We're sort of..."

Ling Yao furrows his brow and contemplates how to put the idea into the proper words.

"Sharing, I guess. This body was mine, but Greed ended up setting up shop in it a ways back, and we got used to it before long. For that, I suppose... we're luckier than some."

At the newcomer's voice, Ling Yao turns to look -- though his face betrays his feelings on the matter long before his words do.

"You won't get anything useful out of them, I can tell you that for free. I don't advocate for threatening people's lives, but I can't exactly blame my other half for it. The town's as boring as it gets, but..."

Ling shuffles toward Rock and leans in, whispering harshly enough that Raz can make it out.

"If you see some really short guys with beards and pointy red hats... look the other way."

BoltBeam BoltBeam brandy-schmandy brandy-schmandy

Rex shrugs and rolls his shoulders.

"You'll have none from me. Let's get stuck in."

And without another word he sets off walking, an indomitable, if tempered, resolve showing in every step.

Until, at least, he comes up on the Tent of Telepathy and the line stretching outward from its entrance. Keeping his momentum going, he has little choice but to (not so) smoothly ease into the back of the line. He taps the person in front of him on the shoulder.

"Oi, mate. You mind tellin' us what's goin' on round here? We're tourists, y'see. Ain't from here, can hardly tell up from down."

megar megar isupposeimphi isupposeimphi Miso_Tofu2.0 Miso_Tofu2.0
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After a while, the girl's eye twitches. It's when Ling Yao mentions the tiny people in hats that she purses her lips and speaks up again.

"Yeah, I've got better things to do than stand here and take a bunch of questions from some weirdos."

With that, she turns on a heel and begins to walk off in the other direction. She doesn't even say bye. She simply leaves and walks over to a large, white building across the street without a word. With a huff, she pulls open the door and enters, leaving the group to their own devices.


"Well... that was pretty useless."

Jason sighs, before turning to face the other guy they met here - Ling Yao.

"So... how long've you been here anyway?"

allegedlydave allegedlydave

Ling scratches the back of his head as he mulls the question over. Eventually, with a defeated sigh, it's shown to avail him naught.

"I couldn't tell you exactly... a few hours, give or take. Getting dropped into a place you don't know with somebody you thought was gone living inside your head, your biggest concern isn't going to be keeping time, you know?"

His demeanour lightens as he claps his hands, rubs them together and looks the group over.

"That being said... you lot don't look like you're from around here either. Just a hunch, but trust me -- I've learned enough about this damn place to know who's local and who isn't.

So! I think it might be best for us to team up. We're in the same bind as far as I can tell, so we might as well help each other out of it. Sound fair?"

Twice Knightly Twice Knightly
Jason, too, takes a moment to mull this over. They do need all the help they can get...

"Yeah, alright," Jason eventually responds as he steps forward and reaches into his pocket. Out comes a watch - which Ling can immediately notice matches the same one he and everyone else is wearing. He hands it to him before pulling back, "This is how we get around. Right now, we're here to free this place from a demon called Bill Cipher. Last we heard, he'd transformed it into a hellscape. So it being normal is suspicious, to say the least. Once we figure out what's going on, the plan is to take down Bill and then hop over to the next universe and handle whatever threat we have next. Then we basically do that a bunch of times, and eventually we'll save the Multiverse. That all make enough sense?"

allegedlydave allegedlydave

Ling blinks, his mouth hanging slightly open.

He blinks again.

Looks over Jason's shoulder to the rest of the group.

Blinks yet another time.

"No, not even a little bit. But..." he sighs and cracks his neck, "if I tapped out in every situation I didn't understand, I'd probably be dead by now. I'll figure it out as I go, I guess!"

With that assurance Ling straps the watch to his wrist, taking the time to ooh and ah at its make before his attention returns to his new cohort.

"Speaking of things that don't make much sense, I'll let my friend have his turn now, 'kay? Wouldn't be fair to spring this on you out of nowhere, so..."

In an instant, like a pin dropping, Ling's mannerisms change. His posture loosens, his neutral expression turns to a cocky smirk, his features grow sharper and his eyes open fully.

"Took ya long enough. That bein' said, I like where your head's at. So, with that in mind..."

He offers the group a devil-may-care salute.

"Name's Greed, the Avaricious. Ling and myself are gonna be taggin' in and out from now on, probably for the best you don't think about how it works.

So, boss man..."

Greed clasps his hands together and glances around, craning his neck where necessary. Eventually, he settles back on Jason.

"You say somethin' about hellscapes, or did I mishear that part?"

Twice Knightly Twice Knightly
Yeah, Jason about expected that response. It's not like he got it the first go around, either. He stands back and watches as Ling slaps on the watch before his... "friend" takes over. Not the weirdest thing he's seen today. Or in the last hour.

"Yeah," he nods. "This whole town was supposed to be taken over by a demon. The reports said that when he did that, he went and turned the whole place into his own personal hellscape funhouse. But... well," he gestures around with both arms. "Does this look like a hellscape funhouse to you?"

allegedlydave allegedlydave
Flandre Scarlet
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
isupposeimphi isupposeimphi allegedlydave allegedlydave megar megar
[Open for mid-air reactions]

Unfortunately for the trio, one tiny gremlin wasn't paying attention. Jingling crystals rattle as Flandre spreads her arms wide open, propelling her feet above the ground as her eyes gleam at her surroundings. Four hundred+ years in a secluded basement makes a town like Gravity Falls a sight for sore eyes. Tall trees! Fresh air! Away from the stresses of boredom and plight! But a bat's wings can only flap so ecstatically in a mere standstill. So what does Flandre Scarlet do to fix this problem?

Well, like what she always does when she's outside!


♪ Fly high, soaring skies
Got so many places to beeeee~

I haven't forgotten what I'm supposed to do-oo-ooo~
But just this once, for once in a while

I get to be


"If you see some really short guys with beards and pointy red hats... look the other way."

She raised a brow at his description and seemed confused - from the sounds of this very simple description, she is struggling to imagine how something of that description can be... threatening? Problematic? She pauses and just looked at him with a straight face - and even if she does assume the things he is speaking of are humanlike, even if very short... what exactly 'is' the problem here?

"...You're kidding, right?" She sounded like she was not only confused, but quite disappointed - how can something of that description pose 'any' kind of threat? Sure, looks can be deceiving, but... For a while, she goes quiet as she tries to think about it - and though she was not attentively listening to their conversation, she could hear Red Hood not too far away - as he was now talking with the exact same person.

Or at least, he was.

"I'll let my friend have his turn now, 'kay? Wouldn't be fair to spring this on you out of nowhere, so..."

"Took ya long enough."

When she zoned back in, barely caught onto what he said before she turned her attention to just what exactly was going on - helped by the different tone of voice that rang out before she could get a word in. The appearance of whoever this was meant to be didn't seem to change, but not only did the voice change, so did his behaviour. Was she just going crazy, or was that just incredibly strange? It probably didn't help she was too busy processing 'this' that she totally missed out on what he said about swapping places with somebody?

"What." She blurts out as she shakes herself back to her senses, unsure of what to really say or do - other than... more or less back up what Red Hood was saying? It just made the most sense, so what's the harm in it? "At least, that's what we were told, right? Just a massive red flag pretty much as soon as we got here."
Hex Code: #487ea8
Font: Tahoma
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Fine
Items: Rock Cannon (inactive), Black Blade (inactive), Watch (activated earlier, on right wrist)
Skills/Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, and durability
Course of action: "What the hell happened here?"
Location: Gravity Falls (clearing?)
Interactions: Ling Yao/Greed allegedlydave allegedlydave
Mentions: Red Hood Twice Knightly Twice Knightly
Nearby/In Group: Pretty much everybody

"My friend, take it from me."

Greed stuffs his hands into the pockets of his coat and idly kicks a loose stone down the path. As he does, he clicks his tongue morbidly.

"Hellscape? Now that, I'll give you. But this place? This place is where fun went to die. If you ask me, even that's being generous."

He gives a carefree shrug.

"Who knows? Maybe somebody else took care of the whole 'demon hellscape funhouse' problem. It'd sure make our jobs a helluva lot easier, wouldn'tcha say?"

Twice Knightly Twice Knightly BoltBeam BoltBeam
Nolan Grayson
Twice Knightly Twice Knightly Jeremiah Jeremiah BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Nokirathephantom Nokirathephantom (brief mention)

Through the rising tensions of misunderstandings and immediate skepticism from brief glances (notably from a young boy being chased by his lousy partner), Nolan does nothing but stare without a word to say back to them. Eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly. His arms crossed as he lightly hovers above ground level, observing through ears and eyes. In truth, they were as much of strangers as he were to them. He didn't bother to deny their suspicions, as much as he didn't appreciate the sentiment. If things got out of hand, it could get worse. Not for his sake but the whole team's morality in putting their faith in him. Nolan still remembered that talk with Jason- how the operation may not go as smoothly as anyone would want it to be. He agreed to this. There wasn't any changing it now.

Then again, he had a reputation of breaking trust, didn't he?

"I do not wish any unnecessary damage to this group," a subtle gesture to Jason is turned. Nolan's voice was stern, but not aggressive. There was undeniable anger beneath his composure, held by little strings that kept it from breaking loose. His eyes were notably sorrow,though, perhaps.. a bit regretful of what he will say next to them. Regardless, a sigh is forcefully churned as the briefest shadow cast over his eyes-

"But if things get ugly..."

"I won't hesitate an inch."
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"A Psychonaut, hm?" Blake clearly hadn't heard of that term before, but it sounded like some kind of portmanteau between 'Psychic' and 'Astronaut.' Truthfully, her curiosity had been piqued by Razputin's talk about True Psychic Tales, about being involved in nondescript 'serious stuff'. But, before Blake could respond and potentially get any answers, Jason spoke up and announced it was time to move. Blake stood to attention almost immediately. "Alright." Blake responded to Raz's 'later' comment with a nod. Punching in the coordinates to her watch - an older model from a much earlier incident, Blake felt the familiar mist enshroud her...


She was met with the idyllic sleepy town. It looked more akin to a frontier village, just without the walls of lumber and village militia on guard. Blake hadn't any plans quite yet, but she was, if anything, good at picking up information. She stuck close to the head of the group for a moment, listening in to their concerns before dipping back as she saw some magician land on the ground. According to the witch, it seemed that there was some kind of suspicious shack not far out of sight from here. Whatever it was, it almost certainly something worth investigating. Tightening the ribbon around her forearm, Blake headed towards the MYSTERY HACK at a brisk pace, her guard up and Gambol Shroud ready.

Twice Knightly Twice Knightly (GM)
Jason shakes his head, "If someone did, word would have gotten back to us by now. Something isn't right."

He turns his head to the nearby path - where the Tent of Telepathy sits at its end.

"Clovis mentioned something about picking up on magic over this way, so I'm gonna check it out," he begins his walk, only to stop and look back over his shoulder a few steps in. "You can come if you'd like, or you can look elsewhere. Just... try and be of use."

With that, he turns and walks off without another word.

allegedlydave allegedlydave BoltBeam BoltBeam
Byakuya Togami
"Well," Byakuya coolly starts to address those remaining, "Are we going to stand there and simply watch one of our only leads walk away, or are we actually going to try to interrogate her?"

A scoff escapes him as he simply starts walking towards the same building the strange woman had walked into. If she isn't going to take asking nicely, they're just going to have to press her until she does give a proper answer. It feels like he's the only person who knows how to hold an investigation around here...

That would hardly be a surprise, now that he thinks it.

Josuke Higashikata
"Anybody who doesn't feel like dealing with The Moody Blues that way... let's go thiiiiis way!"

Josuke isn't even planning where he's going. He just walks off -- straight into the woods next to the group. He is mostly motivated by the idea of finding something that has nothing to do with those weirdos. Besides, this is kind of like exploring, right? Who knows what he'll find in there!

It takes him about a few seconds, whether anyone follows him or not, to come across the shack. Or hack.

"Call me a spelunker, I think I just found treasure!"

Oh, yeah. This is the kind of hardcore investigative work that saved Morioh, alright.
Interactions: Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara (Lana) | allegedlydave allegedlydave (Rex) | Twice Knightly Twice Knightly (Tent)


She has no idea what a continent is, does she.

Huh. Either she's overdosing on silly or she might not even be from my world. Weird to think about, actually meeting a Pokemon from another universe.

"Well, Lana, it's nice to meet you! Hey, if you're really willing to come along with me, just make sure you stay behind me, okay? This is very likely to be super dangerous." Despite the warning, my face is still beaming with enthusiasm. "But follow my lead and you'll be alright!"

With that, I turn back to the tent. Oh. There's a line. And a guard, it seems, covered head to toe in some kind of markings... ah, well, what can you do? If this is the line to the magic show, then it seems like the performers are pulling in a pretty good audience. These Gleeful Twins have to be really good to have a turnout like this even though they do this every week! That, or something else is at play...

From what I've heard about this place? Probably the latter.

I trot my way over to the back of the line. My eyes flick back and forth between all the other people there, mostly concentrating on what they're holding. I assume there's gotta be some sort of admission into the tent. Walking up without one would be crazy embarrassing...

Just as I'm trying to figure things out, this HUGE guy, I'm talking PRETTY MASSIVE, probably one of the biggest creatures out of this team Red Hood assembled- he just comes over and politely asks the guy in front of us what's happening. Pretty good question, all things considered. Curious, I fly my way up to just over Rex's shoulder and peek over. I wanna hear this too!


She came all this way, so she might as well continue following the guy. She nodded her head in response to him saying to stick behind him, but she didn't make any promises about actually doing that. Once they came across the tent, she just groaned in annoyance.

"Seriously... a line... are we going to have to wait in this thing...?"

After airing out her grievances with the line, she took notice of the guy at the front. some sort of guard? Did they need tickets? Maybe some sort of guest list? She didn't pay much attention as some giant hulking guy walked over and began talking to the guard. She didn't even notice Lumi following him. Instead, she was a bit preoccupied... She was busy looking at all the people in line trying to find out if they had some sort of entry ticket. While she was at it, she was also glancing at their pockets to see if there was one she could nab if they did exist.... Chances are there was no entry ticket at all, but she was hoping she could maybe find something of value anyway. Definitely not to sell later...​

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Twice Knightly Twice Knightly
As Josuke and Blake head up the path in the woods, they find that the air itself seems to almost shift the further they go. It gets colder, despite the summer heat very much still beating down on them. The cold is more of a chill that runs down their spine, or a wind of unknown origin brushing against the back of their necks. Goosebumps creep up their arms and legs... and they could even swear that someone is watching them.

That feeling does not go away as they finally reach the Mystery Shack, and the rest of the town fades behind the treeline.


Everything is just as quiet here as it was in the town - if not more so. But despite the apparent lifelessness of the place, the lights are still on, and what sounds like footsteps can be heard from inside...

megar megar isupposeimphi isupposeimphi
Raz nods along with Ling's words, though he can't help but let out a slight groan as the redhead points out that she heard him loud and clear... man, she really wasn't friendly. Two people sharing one body though... he's seen Helmut's brain borrow a body - heck, Raz's mindscape briefly merged with Oleander's that one time! Still though, this was similar to things he has encountered but not exactly the same - so it was of interest to Razputin.

Though, as Ling shuffles off and then begins to speak with someone else, Raz decides it may be best to give his surroundings a quick look-see - Jason and Ling did seem to be discussing something important, anyways, and Raz wasn't all that sure about what input he could have on their business.

As Josuke invites others to come along in a different direction, Raz perks up. Well, they were already a bit familiar with each other - so it couldn't hurt to accompany the Stand User! "Hey, wait up!" Raz calls as he runs off after Josuke, managing to catch up pretty quickly.

The Junior Psychonaut skids to a stop at the Stand User's side, shivering a bit at the sudden chills down his spine. Raz glances around for possible stalkers before looking to the shack- the hack? The hack. Anyways, he looks to the hack before him, hands on his hips. "This is... off. Mysterious, even." He manages a small chuckle, trying to lighten that creepy atmosphere that formed as he got closer to the shack - he thought it was pretty clever, since obviously the Mystery Hack would be mysterious!​

The figure - whose head only goes up to Rex's waist - promptly turns around, revealing...


Toby Determined
Failed reporter

...quite possibly the ugliest-looking man Rex had ever seen.

"Well, you must be pretty silly if you're in line and don't know where you're headed!" The... "man" exclaims in a voice reminiscent of a dying giraffe. "But if you're tourists, I'll tell you anyway! You're in line for the wonderful, magnanimous Gleeful twins! They host shows every week, and everyone LOVES them!" He throws both hands into the air and holds them there for an uncomfortable amount of time, all while continuing to stare at Rex.

Lana, meanwhile, found what seemed to be an entry ticket sticking out of the pocket of the man in front of this crime against nature itself.

allegedlydave allegedlydave Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
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