• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Last Lights


The Born Again Novice





Appearance(can use picture):





(Feel free to add other things here.)

By the way, please do not place a character unless I actually accept you to join the RP. I don't need random CS cloggin' mah shizz. Just ask, and you'll prob be able to join.​
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-Black spiky fur cover his body that is as hard as dragon scales and just as fire proof. A long dog like mouth with vicious teeth meet his opponents first, and to his friends the soft green eyes. Dragon wings sprout from his back.

- Kind, Very protective, sick since of humor, in battle is very cocky and confident. stands by his beliefs and morals. strong soul, can be very dark if in a tough spot. can be feral.

-gauntlets and leg armor made out of a special alloy that can change depending on the type of magic the user uses. beginner electric, and fire magic. self augmentation.

-Rayon is a shady figure cast in shadows and mystery. He himself remembers nothing specifically about his past before the age of 13. After that age however he can remember it very well. For five years he roamed the streets of Ranga as a powerhouse and right man hand for the king of the underworld. He isnt like the other thugs though. He has a kind and loveing heart and will only protect who he wants to.

-other ability's include wings, sharp claws, a naturally attune with the land and animals, stealth, power over shadows street and survival smarts
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Name: Katos

Age: 38

Race: Serpent morph

Height: 6’ 3”

View media item 1798

Appearance: Katos has a relatively humanoid figure, with a lean but powerful build. His form is festooned with deep dark green scales that frame his bone structure against deeply tanned skin which is tattooed all along the left side. His tail was severed over a decade ago, and he has since relearned to fight without the extra limb.

His face is slim and somewhat more elongated about the muzzle, his eyes are an unblinking gold, and his somewhat feathery brown hair is pulled back at the nape of his neck in a leather band, continuing down just between his shoulders.

He wears a mask to protect his senses from the overwhelming smells of towns and cities, but usually goes without while on the road or in camp.

His hands, he normally keeps gloved to keep from damaging his clothing, weapon and companions with his talons, however he can extend them through the tough fabric if need be.

Personality: Katos is a somewhat shadowy fellow, and intimidating to boot. As a serpent morph, his natural predator instincts provide him with a natural affinity for melee combat, but he is also rather lazy, preferring to deal with nuisances by way of his Gravi-cannon shotgun. Though most commonly, he simply uses it as a tool for intimidation and “information gathering”.

He doesn’t speak much, as he chooses his words carefully and uses as few as possible. He finds that the less he speaks, the more he can listen. As such, Katos values knowledge above most material things, and is usually the go-to for obscure information. His voice is a gentile, but gravely tenor, and surprisingly warm. On occasion one might hear him purr, a rapid clicking that unnerves most people. This is simply a natural expression of feeling comfortable and relaxed, usually after smoking one of his infamous "cigars".

Overall, Katos is a protective sort, which is uncommon for his kind; preferring to act as a distructive shield than a combatant. It surprises most people who haven’t known him for a while, because on the outside he seems to be incapable of complex emotion, rarely showing much more emotional depth than the faintest frown or smirk. But those who have seen him after a fight remember all too well the wild glow in his serpentine eyes, and the twisted, manic grin upon his face.

Bio: He doesn’t reveal much about his past, simply because it is rather uninteresting…or so he says. There is evidence however of past hardships of a dire nature. His unusually vast emergency medical skills are not something that can be gained without… extensive experience.

Weapon: his only weapon is a double barrel sawed off shotgun. An unremarkable, if not beautifully crafted weapon until he fires its gravity pulse ammunition.

View media item 1799
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Name: Myr Echidni (Honestly, who else would you expect?)

Age: Hard to tell by appearance because kitsunes always look young, but his real age is about 21.

Race: Kitsune

Height: 6'1''

Appearance: Long hair clear down to his ass colored blood-crimson red. Has streaks of silvery white through it. He lacks human ears, but one would never tell due to his hair. He instead has semi-large fox ears on the top of his head. Fair white skin that somehow does not burn no matter how long he's in the sunlight. People attribute it to his fox magic. He's relatively lean, which is strange considering his choice of weapon. 9 bushy fox tails extend from his backside, colored the same as his hair. The tips quickly blend to a silvery white. (Just imagine what Tails from Sonic's tails look like. The change in color is similar for Myr.) He's found often wearing an oriental robe that leaves his left arm, shoulder, and slant of his left side exposed. It's colored a deep, beautiful shade of violet that blends to blood crimson red the same color as his hair down near the edges of his "pants" and sleeves. Wears steel fingerless gauntlets to protect his hands. He has deep-amethyst colored, cat eyes.

Personality: Calm and go-with-the-flow. Belligerent drunk. He's rather patient, but his fuse can blow extremely easily under the right conditions. He has explosive anger problems, most often resulting in him going in a rampage and trying to destroy everything around him with his massive greatsword. He likes being petted, but will get annoyed and retaliate if it's by someone he doesn't like.

Bio: The first thing you'd notice about him is that he's always calm. Myr is an extremely laid back person who likes to go with the flow. Because he's a kitsune, however, he's been scorned by society for being a beast morph; a child born of the union between light and darkness. Everywhere he went, people would look on in disgust and disdain. Shopkeepers would refuse to sell him anything; innkeepers would tell him to go sleep in the gutter. He was treated like absolute shit wherever he went, resulting in him developing an inferiority complex and extreme anger problems. He was born with all nine of his tails, which is an extremely rare mutation in any kitsune, as they often do not gain their ninth tail for hundreds of years. Despite having all nine of his tails, he has about the same power as a kitsune with only 3 tails. (LSS: He was born with all nine, but his powers age as if he grew his tails over time like a normal kitsune. Currently, 6 of his tails are pretty much purely aesthetic.) He has a...well pronounced fondness for women with large breasts, and is openly pervy. He hits on literally everyone while drunk. He likes being pet like a cat. He feels lonely most of the time, and desires true companionship.

Weapon: A large greatsword about the size of his body. Similar in appearance to the Lion's Bane from Monster Hunter


Keep in mind I said SIMILAR. It's double sided with small projections on the blunt of the blade from the base to the top, which progressively get larger. The one at the top is about the size of a fist. These function like rockets to push the blade and give a higher swinging velocity. They're fueled by his kitsune magic.

As a born kitsune, he has a natural affinity for magic, and possesses telekinesis/psychic abilities, and a special type of magic known commonly as "Fox Fire." While known as Fox FIRE, it is not limited solely to fire. He has the power to control the basic elements, but isn't very good at any of them other than, ironically, fire. His flames glow a bright cyan/teal blue, which mix with a blood red flame the angrier he gets.

By sheer practice, he's developed the ability to fuel his physical strength and magic with his apparently bottomless rage, increasing their power exponentially. Pissing him off in the wrong sort of way is the LAST thing you want to do in battle.

Other: He used to be a member of Aeula's Covenant, but left due to being ostracized constantly by his peers. He is currently a member of the Wayfarer's Guild, but even now he considers leaving because everyone treats him like shit due to his being a beast-morph. I might add more if I can think of anything else.

Kie you can bet your ass I'm not writing rule number 8 here. OP is I'm uncultured and you know it asswipe.
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Name: Verrona (Ver) Illidriane

Age: 19

Race: Elvish

Height: 5'5


  • Long light green or yellowish hair that reaches to her mid-back, and is always let down loose
  • Bright green eyes
  • Pale skin with a rosy hue
  • Usual attire is shown in the picture
  • Carries a large bow and a quiver full of arrows that are always strapped to her torso and carried on her back
  • Large breasts (as seen...==")
  • Pointed ears which is normal for her race
  • Usually has her bangs parted to the side
  • Slim face, small nose, and small lips
  • Slim, busty figure

Personality: Overall, Verrona is a very ecstatic, head strong girl, and is not afraid to jump into battle. She prefers not to hold back on her attacks, and believes that going all out with your strength is what it takes to win. However, this attitude causes her to become very stubborn and reckless, not noticing the damage she's done to her surroundings until she defeats her enemy, which is quite a hassle to take care of since she has to deal with the angry citizens. Although she usually appears optimistic, she strongly despises the dark demons who come to create destruction, wanting to eradicate them all at once. This attitude causes her personality to change slightly in battle, from a willful warrior with a sense of justice to a fighter who is slightly sadistic towards her enemies, usually taking longer than normal to finish them off. Sometimes Verrona goes a little too far, and requires help from her comrades to help her snap back to normal. Despite the small setback, Verrona is overall a very good friend, and usually accepts everyone, whether mixed or not. She is very protective over her comrades.

Bio: Verrona prefers to not talk about her past, since she lost something great: her loved ones. She was born in an old fashioned, rural village, and one day large demons landed in and eradicated everything. Every last house, every field, every villager.. Verrona had just returned from a hunt that was supposed to be for dinner, but little did she know that it would be the last family dinner that would never happen. What she came back to was a wasteland of destruction. Her mother, her father, and even her beloved baby sister perished. Ever since then, she held a grudge against demons, and swore to herself that she would avenge her family, her friends, and her village.

Now, she is doing just what she wanted to: fighting back. Verrona is a proud member of Wayfarer's Legion, and is highly respected, not because of her race as one of the original five, but because of her strength. Despite her slim frame, she is strong enough to effortlessly carry her large bow, which is usually heavy for most people, although it's not impossible for others to carry it as well. Normally, Verrona can be easily recognized because she gets along well with people in villages, guilds, etc. However, some people disapprove of her kindness towards the mixed population, but Verrona disregards them. She gets along with kids especially well.

Weapon: Verrona carries a white large bow that is beautifully sculptured, and is decorated with streaks and dots of blue and green. She shoots arrows that are infused with power enhancement magic, and the tips of the arrows are made with a special metal called narcoliuem. Narcoliuem is very valuable material, because it can actually pierce through a demon's skin and can cause damage.

She also carries many throwing knives as a last resort, and they're usually hidden all over under her clothing.

Other: Verrona carries a necklace that has her old village's pendant as the charm, however she doesn't wear it. Instead, she hangs it in her room and usually looks at it to remind her of what happened so that she won't ever forget of her fury and hatred towards the demons. She is very protective over it as well. Also, Verrona is a horrible cook. Her food will look delicious, but be aware of the taste. Anything simple is fine, but just don't expect her to make anything gourmet that actually tastes gourmet.

op is best
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Name: Haerik

Age: 25

Race: Halfling, Minotaur

Height: 8'2

Appearance(can use picture):

Loud and boisterous, people know when he enters a room. Haerik is not a very intelligent beast, and sometimes has trouble comprehending complex language. To avoid seeming like an idiot he speaks in short statements and often uses body language to reply. He has a deep and gruff voice, one that booms and is easily heard. Different than most Minotaur, he is rather mellow and tries to control his temper accordingly. However, sometimes you can't avoid your natural instincts and he himself will go into a blind rage. Once like that there is no talking him out of it. His rampages usually result in him tackling through everything in sight. The only way to stop him is restrain him and wait for it to subside or take him down. Has a deep and personal pain when remembering the past, if talked about he gets upset and can fall into a rage.

Bio: Not much of a past. Born and raised in a tribe far from the sentient races lands, where they won't be attacked by Humans. Later on in his life, he was outcasted for expressing kindness to a wandering merchant who lost his way. Betrayed by his own kind, hated and discriminated by the sentient, he was alone in the world. He survived simply by hunting and ransacking any travelers he came across.

Weapon: An axe he came across from a fresh battlefield.

Other: Its short and sweet cause my imagination has been destroyed by plot. :D YAY


remembervvinter said:

Name: Verrona (Ver) Illidriane

Age: 19

Race: Elvish

Height: 5'5


  • Long light green or yellowish hair that reaches to her mid-back, and is always let down loose
  • Bright green eyes
  • Pale skin with a rosy hue
  • Usual attire is shown in the picture
  • Carries a large bow and a quiver full of arrows that are always strapped to her torso and carried on her back
  • Large breasts (as seen...==")
  • Pointed ears which is normal for her race
  • Usually has her bangs parted to the side
  • Slim face, small nose, and small lips
  • Slim, busty figure

Personality: Overall, Verrona is a very ecstatic, head strong girl, and is not afraid to jump into battle. She prefers not to hold back on her attacks, and believes that going all out with your strength is what it takes to win. However, this attitude causes her to become very stubborn and reckless, not noticing the damage she's done to her surroundings until she defeats her enemy, which is quite a hassle to take care of since she has to deal with the angry citizens. Although she usually appears optimistic, she strongly despises the dark demons who come to create destruction, wanting to eradicate them all at once. This attitude causes her personality to change slightly in battle, from a willful warrior with a sense of justice to a fighter who is slightly sadistic towards her enemies, usually taking longer than normal to finish them off. Sometimes Verrona goes a little too far, and requires help from her comrades to help her snap back to normal. Despite the small setback, Verrona is overall a very good friend, and usually accepts everyone, whether mixed or not. She is very protective over her comrades.

Bio: Verrona prefers to not talk about her past, since she lost something great: her loved ones. She was born in an old fashioned, rural village, and one day large demons landed in and eradicated everything. Every last house, every field, every villager.. Verrona had just returned from a hunt that was supposed to be for dinner, but little did she know that it would be the last family dinner that would never happen. What she came back to was a wasteland of destruction. Her mother, her father, and even her beloved baby sister perished. Ever since then, she held a grudge against demons, and swore to herself that she would avenge her family, her friends, and her village.

Now, she is doing just what she wanted to: fighting back. Verrona is a proud member of Wayfarer's Legion, and is highly respected, not because of her race as one of the original five, but because of her strength. Despite her slim frame, she is strong enough to effortlessly carry her large bow, which is usually heavy for most people, although it's not impossible for others to carry it as well. Normally, Verrona can be easily recognized because she gets along well with people in villages, guilds, etc. However, some people disapprove of her kindness towards the mixed population, but Verrona disregards them. She gets along with kids especially well.

Weapon: Verrona carries a white large bow that is beautifully sculptured, and is decorated with streaks and dots of blue and green. She shoots arrows that are infused with power enhancement magic, and the tips of the arrows are made with a special metal called narcoliuem. Narcoliuem is very valuable material, because it can actually pierce through a demon's skin and can cause damage.

She also carries many throwing knives as a last resort, and they're usually hidden all over under her clothing.

Other: Verrona carries a necklace that has her old village's pendant as the charm, however she doesn't wear it. Instead, she hangs it in her room and usually looks at it to remind her of what happened so that she won't ever forget of her fury and hatred towards the demons. She is very protective over it as well. Also, Verrona is a horrible cook. Her food will look delicious, but be aware of the taste. Anything simple is fine, but just don't expect her to make an amazing stew or cake.

op is best
Well done. You are accepted my dear.

  • amber_by_exellero-d7ku1zs.jpg

    Have you come here to watch yourself burn?


    Looks to be 23. Is actually around the age of 1,245


    Fire demoness




    It is no surprise Vysesa has a dark heart; something that was never gentle nor kind to begin with. She is cruel, and like any other demon existing in the world, a monster. Vysesa is oddly calm upon first meeting someone, and often this leaves her as a mystery to most. It is rare to find a demoness acting with such maturity. Others are naturally drawn to her like a bee to a nectar-filled flower, but she hides thorns under those vibrant petals. Her 'calmness' is simply a persona perceived by others. In truth, Vysesa is one of the most evil beings that roam the lands, and not one person has been smart enough to realize it until the very end.

    Underneath that hard layer of falseness is a burning fire that is fueled by hatred. She despises anyone she meets no matter who they are. But Vysesa is extremely talented in not showing it. Being the ruthless woman she is, Vysesa is a huge intimidation factor to almost everyone who has walked in her direction. Her methods and actions are completely unpredictable. No one has been able to foresee anything she does, even the most skilled of mages who possess the power of illusion. Vysesa has taught herself over the years to be a master manipulator, using either speech, or pain to get what she wants.


    Like any demon born from the hell fire, Vysesa's heart immediately was tainted by the touch of darkness. She never experienced love, happiness, nor sadness. Only hatred that burned eternally within her. Since the beginning of time, parents have been nonexistent to a demon child. The fire is the womb that harbors them until a demon is ready to be born from the ashes. Since day one, Vysesa has lived alone on the edge of nothing; a simple life that shaped her into the cold-hearted woman she is today. Before Vysesa met Calixto, she was a demon lost in her own fire.

    A Kitsune priest and a fire demon seemed to be the most unlikely pair, but the two shared the same harsh realities, and in time, a strong bond was formed between them. A priest on the run from unknown affairs, Calixto ended up journeying with Vysesa until they had explored every inch of the world.


    Vysesa prefers to not use a weapon. Her fire oriented powers are extremely powerful, and more useful than a sword or a bow. But if the time comes and it is the only option she has left, Vysesa will wield a sword or use a bow for protection.


    Her acquaintance, Calixto, has been traveling with her for a thousand years.

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[QUOTE="The Velveteen Rabbit]

  • amber_by_exellero-d7ku1zs.jpg

    Have you come here to watch yourself burn?


    Looks to be 23. Is actually around the age of 1,245


    Fire demoness




    It is no surprise Vysesa has a dark heart; something that was never gentle nor kind to begin with. She is cruel, and like any other demon existing in the world, a monster. Vysesa is oddly calm upon first meeting someone, and often this leaves her as a mystery to most. It is rare to find a demoness acting with such maturity. Others are naturally drawn to her like a bee to a nectar-filled flower, but she hides thorns under those vibrant petals. Her 'calmness' is simply a persona perceived by others. In truth, Vysesa is one of the most evil beings that roam the lands, and not one person has been smart enough to realize it until the very end.

    Underneath that hard layer of falseness is a burning fire that is fueled by hatred. She despises anyone she meets no matter who they are. But Vysesa is extremely talented in not showing it. Being the ruthless woman she is, Vysesa is a huge intimidation factor to almost everyone who has walked in her direction. Her methods and actions are completely unpredictable. No one has been able to foresee anything she does, even the most skilled of mages who possess the power of illusion. Vysesa has taught herself over the years to be a master manipulator, using either speech, or pain to get what she wants.


    Like any demon born from the hell fire, Vysesa's heart immediately was tainted by the touch of darkness. She never experienced love, happiness, nor sadness. Only hatred that burned eternally within her. Since the beginning of time, parents have been nonexistent to a demon child. The fire is the womb that harbors them until a demon is ready to be born from the ashes. Since day one, Vysesa has lived alone on the edge of nothing; a simple life that shaped her into the cold-hearted woman she is today. Before Vysesa met Calixto, she was a demon lost in her own fire.

    A Kitsune priest and a fire demon seemed to be the most unlikely pair, but the two shared the same harsh realities, and in time, a strong bond was formed between them. A priest on the run from unknown affairs, Calixto ended up journeying with Vysesa until they had explored every inch of the world.


    Vysesa prefers to not use a weapon. Her fire oriented powers are extremely powerful, and more useful than a sword or a bow. But if the time comes and it is the only option she has left, Vysesa will wield a sword or use a bow for protection.


    Her acquaintance, Calixto, has been traveling with her for a thousand years.

Accepted of course~



I am the one who watches. Are you afraid?

  • Name : Svarog

    Age : Unknown

    Race : Archdemon

    Height : 8'1"

    Appearance :

    An extremely terrifying and intimidating appearance, Svarog's body is armed with razor sharp spikes. Like most demons, he has a pair of horns on his head that are rugged and curl down towards the side of his face. His eyes are two glowing orange orbs filled with an unsettling stare. Scattered around his facial areas are specks of orange in which are very similar to his eyes. Svarog's mouth is one of his most terrifying features. It splits into four mandibles when he's speaking or baring his teeth at an enemy. On the inside of each mandible are rows of teeth.


Character Name and Nickname: Nayacel "Naya" Ker'rosm

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Race: Tsavosan (Cat Morph)

Widely regarded as one of the most human looking of the Morphs subraces, almost the entire race lives exclusively on a tiny tropical island called Tsavos approximately 500 miles off the southern coast of the Darling Kingdom. Sailors fear drifting into their waters as the cat people are known to guard their holy island jealously, attacking ships on sight.

When a Tsavosan comes of age (16) they are encouraged take their Uldii, their Journey, to leave the island for a year and to see the evils of the outside world for themselves.

God you worship: Rak'Thiel; the Tsavosan god of fire, light, and life. (It is believed that Rak'Thiel is simply another name for the god Aether, though even the few Tsavosan that believe in Aether will argue against this.)

Weapons/Strengths: Naya is an expert martial artist, having to defeat all three of her masters before she could claim the title Uthial Ur'r Rak'Thiel; or Lion of Rak'Thiel; an elite sect of warriors tasked with the protection of the Tsavosan's holy relic, Rak'Thiel Falnor; Rak'Thiel's Heart. She is acrobatic, quick on her feet, nearly impossible to hit, and the moment you leave yourself open she will attack with lightning fast punches and kicks.

Having bathed in the light of Rak'Thiel's Heart, Naya is able to channel the relic's power in the form of golden flames wreathed around her fists. These holy flames only burn creatures of darkness or those with evil in their hearts.

Personality: Cheerful and full of energy, Naya is the kind of person that you rarely ever see without a smile. She is always willing to help with anything that is asked of her and nothing ever seems to bring her down. Being raised on an isolated island Naya is a little naive as to how the outside world works. One would not guess it but she is very religious and can be found every morning praying to the sun.

Bio: The Tsavosans taught that Rak'Thiel had given them the island and protected them from evil because only they were worthy of it. And that all other races were evil and flawed. Even as a child Nayacel never fully agreed with this elitist view, having a firm belief that the strong were given power not for themselves but so that they could protect the weak. This belief was what led her to forgo her Uldii so that she could train to become one of the Lions of Rak'Thiel. As she was taking her final trial, she was approached by what she believes was Rak'Thiel himself. In this vision he commanded her to go out into the world and to judge for herself if it was truly evil. After hearing of her vision, the Tsavosan Elders begrudgingly sent Naya on her Journey, confidant that she would return to them when her year was up.
[QUOTE="Ian Temero]
Character Name and Nickname: Nayacel "Naya" Ker'rosm

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Race: Tsavosan (Cat Morph)

Widely regarded as one of the most human looking of the Morphs subraces, almost the entire race lives exclusively on a tiny tropical island called Tsavos approximately 500 miles off the southern coast of the Darling Kingdom. Sailors fear drifting into their waters as the cat people are known to guard their holy island jealously, attacking ships on sight.

When a Tsavosan comes of age (16) they are encouraged take their Uldii, their Journey, to leave the island for a year and to see the evils of the outside world for themselves.

God you worship: Rak'Thiel; the Tsavosan god of fire, light, and life. (It is believed that Rak'Thiel is simply another name for the god Aether, though even the few Tsavosan that believe in Aether will argue against this.)

Weapons/Strengths: Naya is an expert martial artist, having to defeat all three of her masters before she could claim the title Uthial Ur'r Rak'Thiel; or Lion of Rak'Thiel; an elite sect of warriors tasked with the protection of the Tsavosan's holy relic, Rak'Thiel Falnor; Rak'Thiel's Heart. She is acrobatic, quick on her feet, nearly impossible to hit, and the moment you leave yourself open she will attack with lightning fast punches and kicks.

Having bathed in the light of Rak'Thiel's Heart, Naya is able to channel the relic's power in the form of golden flames wreathed around her fists. These holy flames only burn creatures of darkness or those with evil in their hearts.

Personality: Cheerful and full of energy, Naya is the kind of person that you rarely ever see without a smile. She is always willing to help with anything that is asked of her and nothing ever seems to bring her down. Being raised on an isolated island Naya is a little naive as to how the outside world works. One would not guess it but she is very religious and can be found every morning praying to the sun.

Bio: The Tsavosans taught that Rak'Thiel had given them the island and protected them from evil because only they were worthy of it. And that all other races were evil and flawed. Even as a child Nayacel never fully agreed with this elitist view, having a firm belief that the strong were given power not for themselves but so that they could protect the weak. This belief was what led her to forgo her Uldii so that she could train to become one of the Lions of Rak'Thiel. As she was taking her final trial, she was approached by what she believes was Rak'Thiel himself. In this vision he commanded her to go out into the world and to judge for herself if it was truly evil. After hearing of her vision, the Tsavosan Elders begrudgingly sent Naya on her Journey, confidant that she would return to them when her year was up.

You are accepted my friend! Welcome to the RP. I do like the background and racial additions~

Thank you very much, Monty.

This is the second time that i have used this character and you are the very first person to have caught that, Albino. (^U^)
Erm, is this still open ?

Man seriously! You really did put a ton of work into this RP didn't you ? Kudos man and to all you guys/gals in this rp :D . I have come back to RP nation after a while and its good to see that there are still some great role players here. ( sadly can't find a moderate leveled RP :/ all casual ).

Anyways GREAT WORK! Was fun reading it. I might just lurk and see you all RP don't mind me >-<
divyansh said:
Erm, is this still open ?
Man seriously! You really did put a ton of work into this RP didn't you ? Kudos man and to all you guys/gals in this rp :D . I have come back to RP nation after a while and its good to see that there are still some great role players here. ( sadly can't find a moderate leveled RP :/ all casual ).

Anyways GREAT WORK! Was fun reading it. I might just lurk and see you all RP don't mind me >-<
Thanks for the compliment mate. It was an idea originally by Bluedude, but Beaurmont started it cuz he's faster at this sort of thing. Currently, Beaurmont is on vacation, so check back in maybe a week's time or so. Not sure when he's supposed to come back. And if you DO decide to join, you'll need to join our facebook chat. It's mostly chaotic bullshit, but we DO go on topic. Sometimes. rarely.
Cool! I will wait for Beaumont then.

Totally have no problem with any Fb chat....frankly i am happy that its on Fb :') Tried on downloading random apps which i don't even use.
This roleplay looks interesting, and I've love to make a character. Are you folks still accepting applications? And yes, if you look at my profile, you'll see I'm a total newbie here. But I'm enchanted by the level of detail in the RP here, and would love a slice of the action.

Love me! ;~;
I'm interested as well. I've been waiting for a detailed roleplay, and particularly this environment: I too love the idea of medieval high fantasy combined with steam-punk.

I'll wait for a reply for when Beaurmont returns from vacation.
Holy piss there are a lot of you. Didn't think it would be this popular; originally it was just a thing between our friend group. But anyway, as stated, wait for Beaurmont to get back from vacation and he will decide. And ronny, there's no steampunk. Just medieval-style fantasy.
I'll be perfectly okay with sitting it out, if you're flooded with recruits. But I suppose it all hangs on Beaurmont's word anyway, so my offer is apropos of nothing I guess.
<-< xD now I feel like an intruder :'(

Anyways man as i said before u guys did make a good rp ~_~ its obvious that others will like to hop in :3
[QUOTE="Myr Echidni]Holy piss there are a lot of you. Didn't think it would be this popular; originally it was just a thing between our friend group. But anyway, as stated, wait for Beaurmont to get back from vacation and he will decide. And ronny, there's no steampunk. Just medieval-style fantasy.

Oh, I'm sorry! Like others have said, if it's too crowded, then no sweat. As far as the setting, I was referencing this:

Story Settings

This time takes place in a Medieval fantasy/ Semi-Steam punk time. There is machinerywhich is powered by magical energy...
>This time takes place in a Medieval fantasy/ Semi-Steam punk time. There is machinerywhich is powered by magical energy...

When the fuck did Bluedude work THAT in?

You know what, now that I think about it he probably did that when he mentioned it was supposed to be kinda like a RWBY fan story.

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