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Fantasy Last Lights

Or it was the owner of the RP, the only one capable of typing such things. xD It is a sort of steam-punk setting, yes. Magical constructs mostly, but perhaps somewhere in the most scientifically advanced part of the world...there would be a use of steam engines and such... *Apply X-files theme here* As to whether not people should join...I am always personally feeling the more the merrier. Those who are enthusiastic about Roleplay and really enjoy it can bring a roleplay to life. But, I'm only hesitant for a few reasons:

1) A dry typer can ruin everything. If someone types a really well worked out scene and sets you up for a well done fight/dialog/ect, and you type less than a paragraph of text ...I might mentally send demons onto you. I understand if one is new, or simply lacks certain 'creativity' that bluedude or Rabbit have. I don't expect perfection, but I do want you to put some thought into it.

2)Someone who can hold up the RP can EASILY kill it. Disappear for too long and you freeze people. (Basically what I just did. Be above the influence, don't be a Beaurmont Kids) now there are obviously exceptions, as people have lives. However, I'd just like to make it clear that you will need to give a heads up ahead of time so we know. If not, two days max is the alotted time to be inactive.

3) During the time I decided to type this I forgot the third reason so this is here as placement to look important. There is nothing within the reason. Nothing at all. You really shouldn't be reading this...what...got nothing else to do? Hey man, this is a free country so...do what you want. There...really is nothing more in this...Juuuuussttttt adding a place holder...*whistle* Its hard being a responsible RP owner.

Anyway, despite the wall of text explaining things that you probably already knooowww...I would be happy to welcome you to the RP. So far @divyansh everyone has expressed their approval for your joining. I have yet to hear anything about the other two. How about we make a middle ground, you two create characters, try your best, and That will give me time to see if you can join. :D And actually get back home. @ronnydazzler @Archive
As long as people dont randomly disappear or become godlike, I don't really mind more people joining. Like Myr has said before, you will need to be somewhat apart of the rp discussion thing we have going on on facebook. The main reason its so random is because SOME PEOPLE (Looking at you Myr) like to photo bomb the discussion with stuff. other then that we do talk about the rp and ideas of how to progress with each other. Also try to watch out for jumping into a scene you don't belong. Say, Rayon and Myr are in the middle of a fight or convo. That would NOT be the time to post a post completely irrelevant or distracting to an important scene. I'm sure that was beaur's 3rd requirement instead of a place holder i read fully of <.<. but yeah do what the pagemaster says and np. i hope to see more interesting character developments in the story ^.^
I'll actually preemptively withdraw, due to certain things happening IRL right now. Wouldn't want to be a total Beaurmont and leave mid-roleplay. :P

I'm also already stretched thin by roleplays as it is.

Thank you very much anyway; your RP is certainly intriguing, and has incredible potential. I wish you all the best of luck. Ciao!
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YAY! Thanks guys for the approval :')

And yea i can total relate to reason 1. ( *le me joins a casual rp...dumb move. Still the people were chill so yea it can be good :D . Makes a great chara writes 5 para 3+ lines each post....gets a reply of 2.5 lines.....cries and cringes )

<-< I hope you don't mind me taking my merry time to make the character. I need to make 2 more and my English exam is like on Monday. ( fun fact I just got to know that today )

I will try to have the chara up in 2 days. ( including today )
Yea, don't stress yourself divyansh. If you have an English exam, then study for it. Summer classes, are you a college student? Or do you just go to a year-round school? Regardless you should focus on studying for that exam rather than messing with this RP. Life has to come first, mate.

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