Last Flight of the Angels


the typical sweet and innocent face, with curly, chocolate brown hair framing it in. Not too tall, rather short actually, with a golden tone on her skin. Green eyed.

Name: Elisabeth

Name meaning: Oath of god.

Species: Angel

She lost her sister the day the gates opened. She lost s dear friend, and never again would she have her return. Since then, death walked her hand in hand.

When the fight betweens the heavenly angels, and the creatures below started, she never wanted to take part, she never wanted to be responsible for anyones death. Yet seeing how they had no hesitation with attacking her kind and the humans they tried to protect, even Elisabeth lost her willpower to let them rage on.

Not being a front soldier, she stayed in the background, healing the wounded, and helping the ones in sorrow grief. It helped her too, after the loss of her heavenly sister, like she was losing more of her sisters and brothers in this war against evil.

Evil runs, when a good man goes to war. That the evils from the abyss had never heard of, as they continued to try to win the war, harming much more than doing any good.

Personality: Elisabeth is loyal to her kind, though she hates violence. Her patience knows few limits, and she is naturaly kind and giving. She's extra protective of children, and will do all in her power to protect them.
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Name: Death

Name meaning: The End of life.

Species: (Niflheim)

History: One of the horsemen apocalypse, he rides on a Pale horse. He was the product of his mother Lilith who gave birth to him. But he was no Demon nor Angel. He was similiar to human but not quite human. But to put it in simple terms, he is Death who brings all hell loose. He had to reappear on Earth to show that they are about to face the end. But he has a change of heart. He decides to seek out a certain Demon to finish his mission.

Personality: Death is actually quite calm and collected. He prefers to kill quickly rather than letting it suffer. He actually is quite nice if you get to know him and he also can be cruel with words.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Legato_Bluesummer_by_ekkaart.jpg.7dfcef33a1bac6b45532f5dedc6bca2b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15017" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Legato_Bluesummer_by_ekkaart.jpg.7dfcef33a1bac6b45532f5dedc6bca2b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Character Sheet:

Appearance: even if he is a demon, he got a human form. He's a 6 feet tall, with a long white trench coat, black hair and deep blue shiny eyes that can see trought your soul.

Name: Karadel, who mean... not my son

Species: half/demon from hell

History: born in violence of hell, he's always be unwanted by is own kind, so one day, he decide that he want to go to heaven. But for that, a archangel told i'm that he must earn this right. And it's on earth, betwen heaven and hell that everything will be decide.

Personality: is always calm, prefer to be lonely, he don't speak much, but when he does he like to speak in riddle or with word game. There only 3 yhing that can make i'm angry. Free violence, to be betrayd and human stupidity.

Weapon: he possess a trigun, given by the archangel, who can shoot 3 elemental bullet of is choice. Fire, water, earth air and energy. Depending the of is choice, the effect is different. Exemple, 2 water and one earth make mud.



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Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.c6fcff9e9a765032da66034ea927462a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14994" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.c6fcff9e9a765032da66034ea927462a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Ivy

Name meaning:Faithfulness

Species: ( Human, Angel, Demon )Angel

History:Ivy was very faithful and still is now in Heaven. She died and joined heaven at a young teen age. Around 16 she died by a car crash she has been in heaven since that car crash. She has since then been really faithful to The Lord and all the angels in heaven she has never once gone to meet a demon she actually has a crush on an Angel around her age. She wishes so much at times that she could go down to earth and visit her family her mom dad and little sister but The Lord said she could go only when they or her friends were in danger or going to make a bad choice and she has accepted the lord's choice. Now she mostly waits only going to earth when The Lord or herself sense her friends parents or little sister in danger. She waits for the time where The Lord will just let her go to earth and protect her sister. The day the gates opened she lost her best Angel friend and favorite Angel sister and knows that that Angel friend and sister will never come back and she hopes when her little sis or her friends come to Heaven they don't make her mistake.

Personality:Happy,Faithful,Obeying,protect full and when The Lord is visiting earth she is either with him or he puts her in charge in heave cause she is very much like a leader and very very peaceful and calm.



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Well. I would just start but eh... Lead off with a horseman? Funny but it just might work.
I used to have

I don't care what you just said. Don't ever threaten my family or me.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.c1406d71de5b02d27ba3efe75ffc7bf6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15007" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.c1406d71de5b02d27ba3efe75ffc7bf6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As a signature remember?



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Name: Una

Name Meaning: "White wave"

Species: Corrupted Angel

As the war began, Una faught to the end. She was a amazing fighter, yet one day a man came to the door of her home. He acted kind and sweet to her. And later on she fell in love with him. Yet as time went on something...began to change. Dane began to get cruel, and what happened and was continuing she would never and was never able to sense. Dane was possessed by a demon. One night, she was asleep waken by a scream. Jumping up she looked around desperate to find the point of the scream. Her eyes falling on Dane bloodied on the ground before her. Tears started to fall from her eyes, as his limps began to rip of. She tried to get up but the demons force held her down, she begged "Please! Please stop take me..take me!" The demon ripped of Danes limps, and slowly cut off his head. Leaving Danes body, the demon took form speaking in a echo dark voice "Thou will show you pain, and now thou will do.." With those words he walked forwards reaching for her wings that she kept invisible through the human world. Laying a hand on one, she screamed out in pain, her eyes a soft green now turning violet. Her skin a tan now pale, her hair a white, now a jet black. And her wings ...once a pure a jet black of a different form..

Other: her normal form now is white hair, pale skin, white wings that she hides by them becoming invisible. Green eyes.

Every full moon, her now dark side comes out, changing her hair into a jet black, pale skin, violet eyes. And black wings of a different form, yet when this happens she looses memory of the present day, and looks for only darkness, and death.


present day: kind, cares, trusting is really hard for her. She is brave, loyal, and a amazing fighter, she is 5:8, thin. Very joyful.

On a full moon: hatred, anger, darkness, sickening, thrives off pain.

Pictures below farther down the page

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Name: Thea

Name meaning: Means light

Species: Angel

History: She died when she was playing around with her friends on a bridge at night. She was 18 (And still is.) when they accidentally pushed her into the bay. The current was to strong her, so she drowned. She became an Angel but soon became to regret it. She wishes to explore the whole world and the underworld, but never gets the chance which soon is becoming to make her unsettled. She just wants to see the world, but in turn may make her a fallen angel.

Personality: Likes to be in control, she isn't easily mad, is mischievous, plays around to much, wants to be back on earth and explore new things, is a warrior, easily gain her attention, very excited sometimes, can be gloomy a lot (which is weird) and hates to feel trapped and not in control. Also very fiery.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/angels1.jpg.5e6ca1f8e5c58f66de614b7a7d5072b1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15040" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/angels1.jpg.5e6ca1f8e5c58f66de614b7a7d5072b1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Present day<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.792f2eb26152aebbc7b5a7cf9e4f32cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15051" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.792f2eb26152aebbc7b5a7cf9e4f32cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.c24772bef0e2930a7fc794542fc6a6dd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15052" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.c24772bef0e2930a7fc794542fc6a6dd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

On a full moon, below. Yet she has jet black hair and violet eyes.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.707ecdd9d0ecd28fb04d09cd54fcd8ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15053" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.707ecdd9d0ecd28fb04d09cd54fcd8ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 

ThunderDire said:
Name: Una
Name Meaning: "White wave"

Species: Corrupted Angel

As the war began, Una faught to the end. She was a amazing fighter, yet one day a man came to the door of her home. He acted kind and sweet to her. And later on she fell in love with him. Yet as time went on something...began to change. Dane began to get cruel, and what happened and was continuing she would never and was never able to sense. Dane was possessed by a demon. One night, she was asleep waken by a scream. Jumping up she looked around desperate to find the point of the scream. Her eyes falling on Dane bloodied on the ground before her. Tears started to fall from her eyes, as his limps began to rip of. She tried to get up but the demons force held her down, she begged "Please! Please stop take me..take me!" The demon ripped of Danes limps, and slowly cut off his head. Leaving Danes body, the demon took form speaking in a echo dark voice "Thou will show you pain, and now thou will do.." With those words he walked forwards reaching for her wings that she kept invisible through the human world. Laying a hand on one, she screamed out in pain, her eyes a soft green now turning violet. Her skin a tan now pale, her hair a white, now a jet black. And her wings ...once a pure a jet black of a different form..

Other: her normal form now is white hair, pale skin, white wings that she hides by them becoming invisible. Green eyes.

Every full moon, her now dark side comes out, changing her hair into a jet black, pale skin, violet eyes. And black wings, yet when this happens she looses memory of the present day, and looks for only darkness, and death.


present day: kind, cares, trusting is really hard for her. She is brave, loyal, and a amazing fighter, she is 5:8, thin. Very joyful.

On a full moon: hatred, anger, darkness, sickening, thrives off pain.

Pictures below farther down the page

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Yay ! Thanks so much!!!



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Name: Cecidit angelus, (Clay)

Name meaning: fallen angel

Species: Half demon half angel

He was born in the city of New York, told by his mundane mother who found him at her front door that he was half angel and half demon and she is here to protect him from the darkness that could control him and change his personality. This failed when his father came back and killed his beloved mother and he is forced to go with his father. At that point, he has been practising dark magic and white magic for sometime. He tried to fight his father, unluckily he is not strong enough damaging him in his appearance, but he managed to escaped his dark father.

Personality: Quite and depressed due to his past. Has a lot of friends because of his good appearance.

Trying to talk more.

Attached Files:

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