Last Flight of the Angels

Mercutio said:
View attachment 44524 Character Sheet:
Appearance: even if he is a demon, he got a human form. He's a 6 feet tall, with a long white trench coat, black hair and deep blue shiny eyes that can see trought your soul.

Name: Karadel, who mean... not my son

Species: half/demon from hell

History: born in violence of hell, he's always be unwanted by is own kind, so one day, he decide that he want to go to heaven. But for that, a archangel told i'm that he must earn this right. And it's on earth, betwen heaven and hell that everything will be decide.

Personality: is always calm, prefer to be lonely, he don't speak much, but when he does he like to speak in riddle or with word game. There only 3 yhing that can make i'm angry. Free violence, to be betrayd and human stupidity.

Weapon: he possess a trigun, given by the archangel, who can shoot 3 elemental bullet of is choice. Fire, water, earth air and energy. Depending the of is choice, the effect is different. Exemple, 2 water and one earth make mud.
And now

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