Land of the Gears- Character Creation- (STILL ACCEPTING)

  • Name: Alana
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Female
  • Homecity: Waterfront
  • Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/fe54b82c503ac29d2ab0a6e8d04ecd58.jpg.058ef399eff8bd805a15031c5e5895b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51397" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/fe54b82c503ac29d2ab0a6e8d04ecd58.jpg.058ef399eff8bd805a15031c5e5895b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
  • History: She was moved around alot ever since she was little. Her parents eveuntally sent her brother off to become a royal guard and sent her sister and her off to work in factories while both the parents worked in a mine. Her brother was never heard from again and her father died in a mining accident. Her mother died soon after from sickness. She took care of her sister until her sister turned 13 and ran off. Her entire family was illiterate except for her. When she and her sister moved she taught herself how to read but is still not very good at it.
  • Personality: Smart-ass, stubborn, crude, to-the-point, loud, boisterous and a loose cannon
  • Personal Protection: Pistol and knives
  • Occupation/Trade: Factory worker



  • fe54b82c503ac29d2ab0a6e8d04ecd58.jpg
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ashlynn said:
  • Name: Alana
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Female
  • Homecity: Waterfront
  • Appearance: View attachment 118031
  • History: She was moved around alot ever since she was little. Her parents eveuntally sent her brother off to become a royal guard and sent her sister and her off to work in factories while both the parents worked in a mine. Her brother was never heard from again and her father died in a mining accident. Her mother died soon after from sickness. She took care of her sister until her sister turned 13 and ran off. Her entire family was illiterate except for her. When she and her sister moved she taught herself how to read but is still not very good at it.
  • Personality: Smart-ass, stubborn, crude, to-the-point, loud, boisterous
  • Personal Protection: Pistol and knives
  • Occupation/Trade: Factory worker
(@TenThousandWishes @DergTheDergon @LadyMatsudai @Hurikane )

If you still wish to participate, I have linked you here for if you would still like to. If you do not, then disregard this entirely. You all mentioned you were interested, but I wanted to make sure that if you were to be fine with joining that you would be notified directly.
So uhh apparently "crazy-ass steampunk blacksmith/alchemist" is quite cliche. Is it alright if I scrap Geon and make a new character? I was thinking of making an airship pilot.
Steampunk characters are hard to think of from the lack of the universe-style being used, so I fully figured that the major amounts of characters would end up being either inventors or alchemists.

I have no problem if you want to start over with a new one. It's all on you if the character is even used or not.

Airship Pilots are few, about being nearly twenty, with four full known crews. If you want to take that rout, just remember there are VERY few among the human population.
Hmmm. Nah, doesn't sound right for me. Aggggghhh so many choices! Such little brainpower! What ever am I to do...?

Any roles need to be played so that the storyline can continue?
This is a really cool rp but I think maybe I won't join I'm in like five others. Thank you for the offer, though!
Name: Elliot Kaufman

Age: 24

Gender: Male (dfab)

Homecity: Waterfront




History/Backstory: Before Elliot even knew he had a family waiting for him in the wings, it was just mother. Beautiful as Bastion itself and just as hard working, Elliot's mother ensured the boy a childhood others inside the Fault might never have received. Elliot went educated, clothed, and fed, being one of the only children in his town that could read.

Elliot only knew his mother a decade. Natural causes make for a boring way to die, and Elliot's mother certainly deserved better than dying in her sleep. Now, Elliot's sure she swallowed a bit of mercury, but ten year olds should get used to lies. Elliot certainly deserved better than meeting a complete stranger at his mother's funeral, one who acted like he knew the boy. At age 10, Elliot moved to Waterfront, joining his father (and the woman he happened to be courting) in an estate far too big for his small world. Baron or… count? Elliot couldn't remember what title it was that his father pretended to have as a means to cover up the shadier business filling his pockets. Ten year olds should get used to lies.

There was one… one who almost outshined his mother in more ways that one. Alexander. Being Elliot's adult half-brother, the two bonded rather quickly. Three years, Elliot managed to be somewhat happy in that toxic place. By the fourth, recovery was unlikely. Elliot and Alexander had been kidnapped by a rather nasty bunch of cronies, employed under some sleazy noble who had a bone to pick with the Kaufmans. Each boy had a hefty ransom on their head, while their father made it very clear what kind of man he was. I only have one son, father wrote as Elliot was thrown to the wolves, devoured in ways that a child should never be. When they were done, Elliot was to be bathed in oil and set aflame. Managing to struggle free, Alexander wrested the flare from their captors hand, throwing it to Elliot-- but also succeeded dowsing the kidnappers and himself in gasoline. Free yourself, Alexander cried.

Now his father really did have one son.

Memories stay in the past for reasons, though. Nostalgia can't get you a hot meal, but it can certainly squeeze a few tears out of you. Years later, Elliot looks back on what had happened. Why he does what he does. By age 20, Elliot was employed under the radical organization Basilisk as its best assassin. Assassin is such an pretentious word! Elliot prefers hired gun. If you say it's revenge, Elliot would say it's more complicated. Alexander told him to free himself, and he did. He decided there's a filth in the Fault, and he's got tot clean it up. One royal, one politician… one father at a time.

Personality: Elliot can be a lot of things if he decides to be, but overall, he is in control. On the outside, Elliot acts kind, charismatic, and genuine in every way-- which is a lie of course, since he's a manipulative asshole void of empathy. He understands other's emotions, but does not feel them himself, as if he can't put himself in another's shoes. This leads to Elliot feeling little consequence from actions others would deem amoral. When you get to his center, Elliot's control wanes and you see what he always wanted to be-- someone like his mother and his brother.

Personal Protection: Various concealed knives on his person (all time), a standard revolver he usually keeps when leaving the house, a modified rifle for precision long range shooting (when working, doesn't keep it on him off the job).

Occupation/Trade: Paid assassin part of a radical extremist organization, while playing the struggling artist as his day job.

Radical extremists are... well... common? Technically protests are a new concept to a point.... killing guards out of angst is actually very common regardless of any social connections.

Definitely looks interesting. ^_^ Just peeking my head in to say that I'm pretty interested, though I'm currently at work, and need to find a bit more time to read through everything in depth, before I can say for sure.

But, from what I've seen so far, I do think I'll like it! Sorry for the pseudo-pointless post. Haha. Just want to make sure I can find this later. ^_^
AshenLily said:
Definitely looks interesting. ^_^ Just peeking my head in to say that I'm pretty interested, though I'm currently at work, and need to find a bit more time to read through everything in depth, before I can say for sure.
But, from what I've seen so far, I do think I'll like it! Sorry for the pseudo-pointless post. Haha. Just want to make sure I can find this later. ^_^
No problem, it's good to know there is someone else interested.
Therikos Malta

  • Age: 47

  • Gender: Male

  • Homecity: Waterfront


Therikos is not man constantly trying to break free of the mistakes of his past. His rugged and worn exterior would tell you that he has a rough history. To say that he is a troubled man is an understatement. His past is full of memories he would rather forget yet he keeps them only to tally how many sins he needs to undo.

Therikos wasn't always the problematic fellow that he is now. He was once one of the scores of the young men mining in the city of Forge. He was part of a pack of foolish, like-minded boys who work for themselves. Unlike the bigger companies, this small group of miners only have small claims in the greater mines. They either strike it rich or strike out. They gamble most of their funds on buying this claims and hope that they find those veins of precious ore that will get them the riches they so badly desire. Therikos and his intrepid friends and fellow miners were one such group. Their group had bought a claim near the deeper area of the cavern. They weren't concerned though. They were more worried about running out of funds before they could get to start on searching for the precious extracts.

Therikos and his mates wasted no time and went to work right away on their small mine. Day after day though, their morale began to drop as they chipped away at the rocks only to find nothing. They would dig deeper into their claim only to keep being disappointed. It seemed like they threw their lives and money away at nothing. At the verge of giving up however, they stumbled upon the discovery of their life. It was a vein of gold. They couldn't believe what they found. They kept mining day and night for three days without pause because of the mother load they had discovered. Each day they would grow more and more excited as they found ever more gold in their small claim.

They came out of the mine triumphant. They felt like kings as they exited their claim with a sack full of gold incrusted rocks. They left the mine with big dreams and even bigger egos. They yelled and shouted at how they were going to be rich men and how they made their future with that single haul. However fate would have other plans for them. On their way to the main settlements, they were ambushed by unknown assailants. Therikos only knew that he was knocked out and when he woke up, his shirt was covered with blood and his friends were scattered besides him. They were lifeless and drenched in their own blood. Therikos appeared to be unharmed. This placed the doubt on him unsurprisingly. Hey had no other choice. He left the Forge with nothing but the bloody clothes on his back and made his way to the Waterfront.

It was a grueling eleven years after his escape to Waterfront. Therikos had to do everything he could to survive. He slowly descended more and more into the city's shady reputation. He swore it was only to survive as an outsider in the city of thieves and scum but slowly, he succumbed to the underworld. He became every bit as vicious and atrocious as the most vile citizens of the city. There's was no chore below him and no task too despicable to accomplish. He stole, he smuggled, he scammed and some say he even murdered just to get by day to day. His existed slowly because of his desire to survive.

However this all changed one faithful day when Therikos decided to steal from the wrong person. It was a suppose to be a simple snatch. He was suppose to steal from a house and run off with whatever was inside. However he was caught red handed by the owner of the house, his wife and their young daughter. He tried to flee but the man of the house caught him and dragged him out to the street. Therikos knew he didn't have any chance if he was dragged towards the mob. He did what he thought necessary to survive. He stabbed the man in the neck with his knife right in front of his family. He watched as the man's young daughter and his wife watched as he bled to death. Therikos tried to escape but he was soon caught by a furious throng.

Though the city was made characters with dubious character, there were still standards. This standards weighed heavily on Therikos as he was an outsider who killed a local of the city. He was subjected to mob law. He had to decide whether he was going to be ripped apart by the angry crowd that gathered around him or accept the punishment to be placed on his by a local gang that ruled the streets. He had no choice. Ever since that day, Therikos has worked as a slave in for the local gang as an operator of a heavy press used to make ball bearings. He toils each day and night as reparations of his sins. He is given only menial scraps on survive on and he sleeps for only 3 hours a day. Such is the life of a lowly thug such as himself.

Therikos has had a lot of time to think during all those years. He yearns for redemption. He knows there's nothing he could do to bring back the man he murdered or to return all the items he ever stole. However if given the chance, he would do anything to clear his name. However Therikos is trapped by his past actions within the massive factory which he has called his home for the last 19 years. All Therikos needs is the prospect to prove himself a better person.

  • Personality: Therikos is often aloof and withdrawn from most strangers. Being an outsider in a city full of scoundrels, Therikos has learned to avoid most people in Waterfront. Not many know his past. Rumors and half truths are always spread about him. This only adds to the man's paranoia, constantly fearful for his life. He only wishes to survive and this is why he has become stoic and almost emotionless. However if one were to somehow gain his trust, they would find Therikos's boyish wits and charms underneath the dead husk of a man he is now.

  • Personal Protection (If any): Therikos is armed with a Machinos Revolver with a four bullet chamber that fires lead, ball rounds. He bought the firearm with stolen money back when he was new to the city. Although Therikos isn't the best shot with this weapon, he can still use the weapon properly enough.

  • Occupation/Trade: Machinery Operator/Organized Crime Group Slave.
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Lindliel Fahn









(Picture mainly meant to showcase style of dress. Physical attributes are as follows:)

Lindliel is, in a word, unremarkable. She stands at a rather average height of 5'4". Chill blue eyes set within an angular face are her only truly distinct feature, her thin lips and distinguished cheekbones typically remaining unnoticed. She has the type of face one almost forgets, even while looking at it. Long, black hair tumbles down her back, a cascade of molten obsidian. Her small frame disguises a rather well-toned figure, masking her strength, and giving her the advantage of surprise in many combat situations. A flat midriff descends into narrow hips, supported by legs that seem to be impossibly long, given her average height. Lindliel wears a set of goggles atop her head at all times, a pair of armbands on each of her wrists, and a small pouch at her hip (these objects to be elaborated on later in the bio).


Lindliel's history isn't very important. At least, not from her perspective. Orphaned at a young age (can go more in depth on that in-RP, if necessary), she's struggled to make it on her own, for almost as long as she could remember. She began working in the mines of Erodel at an age younger than most, trying to support herself, without much luck. Not long after she began working in the mines, she had met an older lady, who had immediately taken a liking to her. The woman, Mildred, took Lindliel in as her own, giving her a place to stay, and eventually even something that resembled a normal life. Mildred was an Alchemist who specialized in herbs, and the crafting of potions and elixirs that could have wondrous effects when consumed, or devastating effects, if used as a weapon. She taught Lindliel nearly everything she knew, before a collapse in a part of the mines she was working in led to her untimely death.

Left with the house Mildred had raised her in, and a renewed sense of hopelessness , Lindliel was forced to return to work in the mines, only occasionally able to dabble in Alchemy, when time permitted. Over the course of time, she was able to secure herself financially, leave the mines behind, and open her own shop, selling herbs she had been taught to grow, from seeds left to her by her caretaker. Lindliel loved the thrill of dabbling with the more dangerous concoctions she'd been taught to brew, preferring to craft poisons and acids, rather than elixirs and potions, though she sold only potions and elixirs publicly, to avoid any problems with the city guard.


Lindliel is a rather odd person. While her profession does require her to socialize to some degree, more often than not, the girl comes across as aloof. She typically does what she can to keep her distance from others, fearing the idea of getting attached to people, after losing both her family, and Mildred.

Personal Protection:

Lindliel has a hidden blade within one of the wristbands she wears, on her right wrist. With a short flick of her wrist, she can trigger the blade's activation mechanism, which projects a spring-loaded 8" steel blade out. This weapon is primarily kept for emergencies.

Her left wristband has a number of vials filled with various poisons, antidotes, acids, and their neutralizing agents.

She also wears a pair of goggles atop her head, can be dropped into place over her eyes, to protect her from her from her own chemicals/gasses


Lindliel is currently a shopowner in the Market District of Erodel. She specializes in alchemical reagents, particularly herbs, which she grows, herself.

(Welp. Guess that's about it. First Steampunk sort of CS I've ever made, so my apologies if it's not all that great. Haha. Any feedback/questions/concerns are greatly appreciated. Let me know if you come across any. Thanks!)
@AshenLily It looks fine from my end and is well made, plus it's a character that isn't from Waterfront and The Forge.


Start whenever and you can always talk in the OOC if you have questions or just want to talk with everyone. I do post updates relating to the group there, so even if you have no interest in talking, you may want to at least watch it occasionally. I do plan on some major additions, seeing how the story has started technically.
@Delightful Phantom

Aside from this quick question about his occupations, Accepted!

So, I get the Machine Operator as it is a common job, especially in Waterfront. I need to understand this other job, "Organized Crime Group Slave." I can only understand the gist by what is essentially said , but I want to make sure I get it before I say yes or no to it.
Cap said:
@Delightful Phantom
Aside from this quick question about his occupations, Accepted!

So, I get the Machine Operator as it is a common job, especially in Waterfront. I need to understand this other job, "Organized Crime Group Slave." I can only understand the gist by what is essentially said , but I want to make sure I get it before I say yes or no to it.
Basically he works 24/7 for a local mob for proctection against the local populous because he killed a local of the city. Sort of like those people who are smuggled by the cartel and are forced to work for them to clear their debt.
@Delightful Phantom I figured, but it was slightly vague in a sense that I didn't want a surpise, "no, they do this". Accepted regardless, you make make your first post whenever and use the OOC for questions or to just talk.
Cap said:
@Delightful Phantom I figured, but it was slightly vague in a sense that I didn't want a surpise, "no, they do this". Accepted regardless, you make make your first post whenever and use the OOC for questions or to just talk.
Be posting later on in the day, still have class for now. Thanks again mate and I'm glad to be on board.
I want to join this interesting RP but i dont know how and where to start after i do my character sheet

After you make your character, you can start by making some form of a post in the In-character RP with either an NPC or a character controlled by another member. You can also just make a vague character-based post for example you maybe a nobleman's daughter, she starts off her day and you write down what she wants to do. I can come in with possibly an NPC that is another nobleman's daughter, or similar. Essentially keeping the session going till something happens.

Rules are that I control NPC's that aren't made by you, such as character's family or affiliation. you can give me control of them, but I advise against it for I have no idea what are your characters wishes.

Sorry for the large amount of information, but I tend to do this if you've noticed.

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