Land of the Gears- Character Creation- (STILL ACCEPTING)

Cap said:
After you make your character, you can start by making some form of a post in the In-character RP with either an NPC or a character controlled by another member. You can also just make a vague character-based post for example you maybe a nobleman's daughter, she starts off her day and you write down what she wants to do. I can come in with possibly an NPC that is another nobleman's daughter, or similar. Essentially keeping the session going till something happens.

Rules are that I control NPC's that aren't made by you, such as character's family or affiliation. you can give me control of them, but I advise against it for I have no idea what are your characters wishes.

Sorry for the large amount of information, but I tend to do this if you've noticed.
ThankYou for helping i will start working on my character now actually just give me a maximum of 15 minutes. :D



Nova FrostBurn








Nova Frostburn is a 5'4. Blonde hair that shines bright when in contact of the sun. Her body, her curves all perfect. Her suit might look weird for this time. N16(the suit) is tight on her feminine body.



Nova was born in a very poor family in Bastion. They owned a small farm where they planted minor vegetables and fruits. Nova's parents worked hard to get Nova all educated or maybe a respectable rank in WaterFront. All that Nova cared about was the Fire Ranges. she would watch men hitting the bullseye target, Some miss and some dont. She came closer and asked for a rifle, and the crowd around her were only men laughing at her underestimating her. Her mother gave her a good beating for doing such a thing, in their family women are supposed to work,not fight. One day Nova followed her dad secretly to forge, he wanted to deliver some goods. On the way she over heard a couple of men talking about the one and only "Aurora" a white and over-accurate fire arm. They said there will never be anything like it. Nova's curiousity lead her to the room Aurora is kept, sneakily she entered during the men's lunch break. At last Aurora was in her hand, it felt soo soft and not very heavy to handle. Beside it a white suit, it looked unique too. Nova had no time to try it on here, so she quickly went and hid them in her dad's cart. After she returned home, she took them and opened her parents vault. She took money enough for a year, five gold bags. Took little food and ofcourse Aurora and the suit which appeared to have a N16 stamp or sticker-like object on it. After Aurora had been stolen its owners are aristocrats following Nova FrostBurn. Nova had been on the run since then.



Nova FrostBurn is very flirtatious, she grew to be very attractive. That helped her self-confidence and speechscraft. Nova will not speak unless needed, if provoked she will turn into your worst nightmare. When loved, she is affectionate and very kind-hearted.

Personal Protection:


Nova's one and only companion that protected her was and still is "Aurora" a developed gun, one of a kind. After years of mastering her firearm, Nova tried to find out the secret to this armor and she did. N16 will meld with any enviroment placed in rendering Nova FrostBurn invisibility for a short period of time.

Aurora's Specialties:

  • Snipe: Aurora includes a lens that helps to see victims to hard to aim at.
  • Boom Pow!: Aurora has refillable explosive bullets, the ammunition for this ability is limited.
  • Unusual Sight: Aurora has built in Ruby, when introduced to a strong light it will create a harmless laser like line to help Nova aim perfectly.
  • Sonic Wave: Contains five charges, it refills charges when rested for a whole day. Sonic wave is used to disrupt enemies coming to close to Nova.

"As long as Iam here, You'll be the prey and I? Will be the Hunter!"


Nova FrostBurn is a "Bounty Hunter" fulfilling contracts for money, and has no true home till now.

Did u guys like it?
I'm sorry, but I'm going to be a bad guy for a moment.


This character is... Out of place. Her backstory is okay to a point, but the rest is way to vague to say it's even able to be allowed.
Cap said:
I'm sorry, but I'm going to be a bad guy for a moment.

This character is... Out of place. Her backstory is okay to a point, but the rest is way to vague to say it's even able to be allowed.
Why is it vague? Tell me maybe i can fix it so it could be acceptable. I did try my best though :( thought u would like it, just tell me what to change and ill tweak it a bit.

Again, I'm going to keep being a bad guy with my explanation. Before I start, I want to say that I tend to be picky with how things work in my RP that are based off stories of mine, this being my "favorite" of all of them.

So, your goal is a character that is a sexy succubus, (Judging by how you explained her appearance and personality, but that I can overlook so long as you abide by the RPN rules with how you handle her RP moments in regards to her being a flirt.) that uses a rifle that is essentially poorly explained, I can only assume it's a high-powered rifle that uses a higher caliber than usual rifles.

Starting with her suit, it doesn't fit within the world as is. This suit has the ability to blend with the environment, which... I can't figure out how to make it work within the confines of this world's technological discoveries. It's a "tight" suit that has the ability to do something that more than likely wouldn't be possible, as even "magic" in this world is still a logical science. It maybe in the fantasy group of RP, but this doesn't have conventional magic like the other RP.

(Magic in this is more like, "Science that most don't understand." If someone shoots electric arcs at you, it's not due to they are a mage or something. They are more than likely using some electrical generator and are arcing on that metal piece your holding.)Her suit, if having that ability, would be too advanced to pass.

Her suit, even if better explained, it would still make no sense.

Her background is vague, but I can let most of it slide, but the fact that she got a suit that is this advanced by literally, "sneakily entered? during the men's lunch break". If it was like a prototype train, then I would understand why the guards would be this stupid, but this is something that I have full faith that the man working on it would make sure that he had the best paid and plentiful stock of guards to protect this item.

Her abilities, which I have yet to understand why it's a thing... are okay minus the "laser" and the "Shock Wave". Again, here's a moment of which I have to critique the logic of this and go back to this is more fitting of a Cyberpunk RP than a Steampunk. She has access to a laser, which if she's such a good marksman then she wouldn't even need. I can only presume there is some reflective panel or something that causes this "laser" effect.

This shock wave... how? How does she have a shock wave, why does she have a shock wave, what logic does the shock wave follow that doesn't cause harm to user.

Lastly, how did she just all of the sudden become a bounty hunter?

Sorry for the wall I created, but there is quite a bit I wanted to say. I have no problem if you decide to edit or recreate your character, but please be mindful of this world being semi-advanced for the time. If you do something that you question if it fits, then you can always ask me ahead of time and we can work on a compromise or a way to make it work in with some explanations..
Cap said:
Again, I'm going to keep being a bad guy with my explanation. Before I start, I want to say that I tend to be picky with how things work in my RP that are based off stories of mine, this being my "favorite" of all of them.

So, your goal is a character that is a sexy succubus, (Judging by how you explained her appearance and personality, but that I can overlook so long as you abide by the RPN rules with how you handle her RP moments in regards to her being a flirt.) that uses a rifle that is essentially poorly explained, I can only assume it's a high-powered rifle that uses a higher caliber than usual rifles.

Starting with her suit, it doesn't fit within the world as is. This suit has the ability to blend with the environment, which... I can't figure out how to make it work within the confines of this world's technological discoveries. It's a "tight" suit that has the ability to do something that more than likely wouldn't be possible, as even "magic" in this world is still a logical science. It maybe in the fantasy group of RP, but this doesn't have conventional magic like the other RP.

(Magic in this is more like, "Science that most don't understand." If someone shoots electric arcs at you, it's not due to they are a mage or something. They are more than likely using some electrical generator and are arcing on that metal piece your holding.)Her suit, if having that ability, would be too advanced to pass.

Her suit, even if better explained, it would still make no sense.

Her background is vague, but I can let most of it slide, but the fact that she got a suit that is this advanced by literally, "sneakily entered? during the men's lunch break". If it was like a prototype train, then I would understand why the guards would be this stupid, but this is something that I have full faith that the man working on it would make sure that he had the best paid and plentiful stock of guards to protect this item.

Her abilities, which I have yet to understand why it's a thing... are okay minus the "laser" and the "Shock Wave". Again, here's a moment of which I have to critique the logic of this and go back to this is more fitting of a Cyberpunk RP than a Steampunk. She has access to a laser, which if she's such a good marksman then she wouldn't even need. I can only presume there is some reflective panel or something that causes this "laser" effect.

This shock wave... how? How does she have a shock wave, why does she have a shock wave, what logic does the shock wave follow that doesn't cause harm to user.

Lastly, how did she just all of the sudden become a bounty hunter?

Sorry for the wall I created, but there is quite a bit I wanted to say. I have no problem if you decide to edit or recreate your character, but please be mindful of this world being semi-advanced for the time. If you do something that you question if it fits, then you can always ask me ahead of time and we can work on a compromise or a way to make it work in with some explanations..
Ok ill get everything retweaked today and thank you for the notes :D .

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