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Fantasy Lakoria High School

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So i just had a thought, Wouldn't it be fun if Nyx was just pretending to like Jay, and was just planning to kill him/Use him like a Drink dispenser for blood :D

Yes and after the deed was done he realized he loved Jay, but Jay pretty much condemns him and considers him a spawn of Satan.

And then Dal would come through and somehow fix them... or make it worse. Probably the latter..... maybe not..
@SolisNighsun You know i think this applies more in this case than any other. "Still a better love story than Twilight"
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xD Tru Dat

Though... wouldn't Jay turn into a vampire? Or is that one of those weird things that is completely unpredictable?

And would completely drinking a human dry cause Nyx to change into a vampire completely?

@SolisNighsun Changing someone into a vampire would require the vampire to drain that person of blood and then put a little of their own blood inside that person to trigger the change :)

Also would anyone like to know the Vampire rules i follow?
Right okay, bear in mind Nyx is a Dhampir.

Rule 1) Silver and Holy water will weaken Nyx, they will not kill him

Rule 2) The only thing that can kill Nyx permanently is a wooden stake through the heart, which will reduce him to ash

Rule 3) Nyx does Not have super speed (For reference he's about the speed of usain bolt if not faster, though he can increase his speed/Strength with His magic) or super strength (Though his strength is better than most humans) he does however have super hearing like a (Vampire) bat And amazing vision and can see in the dark and has an amazing sense of smell, especially for blood

Rule 4) Nyx can not enter a place of living without being invited in

Rule 5) Effects Of Various Types Of Blood On Vampires This is what all the different types of blood do to him (Though i do nerf some of them and power up others)

Rule 6) Nyx's blood doesn't flow since he's undead, so poison and harmful toxins have no effect on him

Rule 7) Nyx's immune System is amazingly powerful, It destroys Harmful bacteria and pathogens almost instantly unless overwhelmed

Rule 8) Nyx needs blood to survive, though he won't die if he doesn't get any blood he will just become feral and attack anything that moves until his bloodlust has been satisfied

Rule 9) If Nyx were to be killed by any method other than a wooden stake through the heart, he would be able to be revived (Though i'm keeping how to do that a secret)

Rule 10) This one is pretty much irrelevant but, Because Nyx is a Dhampir he will age up to his Late 20's And then stop aging

And those are the Rules i use

And for making it through these Have a Man-taur:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Man-taur.jpg.36bc88f7163b3df23f5f9692908fc471.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84043" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Man-taur.jpg.36bc88f7163b3df23f5f9692908fc471.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Totally gonna make this my next character if Nyx dies)



  • Man-taur.jpg
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GingerBread said:
Right okay, bear in mind Nyx is a Dhampir.
Rule 1) Silver, Holy water, And the old Standard cross will weaken Nyx, they will not kill him

Rule 2) The only thing that can kill Nyx permanently is a wooden stake through the heart, which will reduce him to ash

Rule 3) Nyx does Not have super speed (For reference he's about the speed of usain bolt if not faster, though he can increase his speed/Strength with His magic) or super strength (Though his strength is better than most humans) he does however have super hearing like a (Vampire) bat And amazing vision and can see in the dark and has an amazing sense of smell, especially for blood

Rule 4) Nyx can not enter a place of living without being invited in

Rule 5) Effects Of Various Types Of Blood On Vampires This is what all the different types of blood do to him (Though i do nerf some of them and power up others)

Rule 6) Nyx's blood doesn't flow since he's undead, so poison and harmful toxins have no effect on him

Rule 7) Nyx's immune System is amazingly powerful, It destroys Harmful bacteria and pathogens almost instantly unless overwhelmed

Rule 8) Nyx needs blood to survive, though he won't die if he doesn't get any blood he will just become feral and attack anything that moves until his bloodlust has been satisfied

Rule 9) If Nyx were to be killed by any method other than a wooden stake through the heart, he would be able to be revived (Though i'm keeping how to do that a secret)

Rule 10) This one is pretty much irrelevant but, Because Nyx is a Dhampir he will age up to his Late 20's And then stop aging

And those are the Rules i use

And for making it through these Have a Man-taur:

View attachment 189504 (Totally gonna make this my next character if Nyx dies)
@PhoenixFire13 Yeah these things, rules that i use for Nyx (Vampire rules sounded better than Nyx rules(Though he does))
@GingerBread -spews out water at the attachment- -coughs- Well I don't see anything OP so far but there are some chances for your powers to become stronger so just remember to limit them and I won't have to complain in the future ^^
Would anyone like to know the rules Dal goes by? Due to his general background vagueness

Well, here most of them are:

As a general rule fairies (Dal included) are attracted to (but not limited to):

  • Rowan trees (these are sacred to the faye folk )
  • Roses and their petals (for their smell and their various uses in potions)
  • Sweet things like candy, honey and anything sugary period
  • Doing creative things (like painting or making music)
  • Seeing humans overwhelmed be emotions (very attractive because of most fae’s passiveness
  • Spells/incantations and binding spells can attract and trap a fairy in a certain place

Fairies (Dal included) typically have hatred or general dislike for these things (or can’t be around [weaknesses]):

  • Gluttons (viewed as disgusting and greedy)
  • Cold iron (incredibly poisonous to them and the reaction is getting severely burned)
  • St. John’s Wort (poisonous as well to fairies by touch)
  • Ash berries (Prevent fairies from stealing children from their beds)
  • Humans doused in urine (true practice in the middle ages) "Are you a witch/or are you a fairy/or are you the wife of Michael Cleary?”
  • Fire (Harder for them to heal from than iron, so very deadly)


1.) Dhaylian is mortal, he can die but it takes a little more than a typical human.

2.) He (when in human form) is a rather pathetic example of homo sapiens and physically weak.

3.) He (when in faye form) is rather powerful, having supreme arcane healing magic, ability to fly and incredible hearing as well.

4.) Like a vampire, faye of any kind can not enter a place of living without being invite in (look it up I promise)

5.) Until the parasite within him is removes, Dhalian will continue to ‘evolve.’ A bit bad on anyone else’s part, if you do remove it than some of the evolutions (the lesser abilities) and the stronger ones will fade away do to disuse

6.) Due to his magical blood, any illness that comes into contact with it will either A) die instantly or B) adapt and mutate)

7.) The fairy realm is split up into 7 planes. Dal is from the 7th. So the time difference between Earth’s dimension and the 7th plane is about eight times faster.

8.) Dhaylian is actually in his hundreds, though fae mature incredibly slow. It would take about twenty years before Dal looked like he ages three years.

9.) Dhaylian first came to Earth and ended up in the late 1970’s, where he lived as an orphan, got into a fight club, became the master of the fight club, fell in love, got married, and was settled into life. However, his past caught up with him, killing his wife. Sorrowfully, he went back to the realm of faye for a hundred or so years and then he vengefully returned to Earth, still looking like a teenager, where he lost his memories.

I wanna give him a hug ;w;

I’m going to add even more to Dal’s backstory, mainly explaining his bloodline and how time works for him.





(I tagged you guy cause so far you have interacted with him the most ^^)
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Well.... could she talk to the whomping ash tree before it destroy anymore of the school? I mean magical wards on the building repair the building, but you know :D


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