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Fantasy Lakoria High School


Chibi Sky


Lakoria High School

Just your average high school with a prestigious reputation

Except no one knows how to enroll for this extremely strange school. Rumor has it that only special people acknowledged by the administrators running this school are invited. That is the only way you can stand within the school grounds beyond the iron gate entrance.

But what the people outside see is not what the school truly is. Unknown to the outsiders, students at Lakoria High are more than just "special". They are unique individuals that have personalities and histories of their own. In other words, they are fantasies. By fantasies, what I mean is that they are unreal, dreams, myths, irregulars, you name it.

Alright, I'll cut straight to the point. Lakoria High is a
fantasy school. It doesn't exist, yet at the same time, it does exist. It doesn't exist, however, to normal human beings. It exists as a school facility for ghouls, vampires, warewolves, fae, every mythical creature you can think of. Oh, and humans.

Welcome to Lakoria High. Let's get started on your enrollment.

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The school bell rang loudly as the clock stroke 8:00 AM precisely. It was the first day of school at Lakoria High. Each species had separate classes with their own kind, with the exception of Physical Education as the sole mixed class. They're referred to as "classes" but there aren't official lessons. Each course varied per species. For example, vampires had lessons on mind control while werewolves spend their time in the gym, learning how to control their transformations. Most of the time, "class" is just free periods in which the students are encouraged to study on their own or with friends. There weren't many humans as most soon get eaten by the first week of class. Despite such dangerous conditions, Lakoria still accepted humans and held no responsibility over their deaths.

Shina stepped into her classroom, already exhausted from the boring start-of-school speech she was forced to sit through a few minutes prior. As usual, there weren't much humans around. Then again, the bell had just rung so maybe a few more would pop up. She picked a seat far away from the rest of them and sat down, gazing out the window.

How boring.
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Hayate soon arrived through the door of the classroom at 8:03 he stole a quick glance at the clock and noted the time. He emphasized being punctual and made odd habits out of looking at the clock. He soon realizes the girl sitting at the far side of the room because he was going to sit where she is now. He walks over to the seat two seats in front of her and makes it his.
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Lost in her daydream, Shina didn't notice the boy walk over until he pushed back the chair and took the seat two spots in front of her. He had blue hair and a dangerous feel to him, despite his kind look. She tried to remember if he was in her class last year but she couldn't remember anyone that looked like him. She returned to her staring contest with the window, already losing interest.
Outside of the window where the Ms. Shina was looking, settled a strange looking object depicting of an egg like shape, but a larger size, and electric blue zebra-like stripes upon it's surface. It looked like a fruit of some kind. In the shade of a tree, the stripes seemed to glow a very low luminescence.
Kyzaba sighed. Well... guess who's back. He thought as he entered the school building before reaching the classroom meant for humans.... but he wasn't one. He opened the classroom door to see that a conversation had already spewed. Hm? I don't know any of these people. Kyzaba realized before walking up to the group. Might as well make some friends right now. He thought before taking the seat in front of the girl and behind the boy. However, there was a third person and she introduced herself friendly. Well... isn't someone active. He thought before realizing that it was best to introduce himself as well. He rose his glasses with his pointing finger before stating professionally. "Kyzaba Mushimoto, Honor student... Probably your soon-to-be class president."
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People were starting to come into the classroom, some of which walked over and tried to talk to Shina. She ignored the conversations around her and continued to look out the window, annoyed at all the noise. A small object caught her attention on the school grounds. It looked like a plant of some sort, giving off a faint glow. How weird ... What was a plant doing in the middle of nowhere? To make things even weirder, she suddenly felt an urge to run out of the classroom and pick up the plant.

Shina resisted since she knew it might be an evil plant. There were some weird plants out there in the world that lured their prey over with its beauty only to eat them, bones and all. However, the temptation was beginning to grow and she knew she had to take a closer look at that plant later. She turned to the students chatting near her to distract herself.

She rolled her eyes at the boy with the glasses that referred to himself as an honor student. "If you become president, it'll be because you look like one. Glasses and all that."
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Bree looked at the boy when he introduced himself, "Kya Mushroom?" Bree tried pronounced his name but she giggled when she couldn't. "I'm Bree" she said in response. "I'm also an honor student" she added with a smile. "I'm new to this school." She said to the boy and girl who was in the back.
"Hm?" Kyzaba asked. She doesn't look like she's our age. "Are you sure your a junior? If you're not... I'm afraid you're in the wrong class." He said with a smile. Sure, he'd just been insulted with a purposeful change of his name but as an educated individual, he was to remain an educated individual. "And I'm sure that you would soon find out that there are different degrees of honor. Well, glad we could develop such a healthy relationship so early on in the school year." He said. Immediately, Kyzaba twisted his hips so he could face the girl that had critiqued him based on his glasses. "Well... That is the one unique thing I have in particular right? I don't even know why they recruited me to this place..." He lied.
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Shina felt a chill down her back when the boy- Kyzaba, turned to look at her. She didn't know whether or not he was playing dumb but if there was one thing she knew for sure, it was that there was no way a normal human would be able to enroll in this wacko school.

"Didn't you hear at the speech today? All human species classes have been combined into a single class. Something about not enough teachers for separate classes with so little people."
"Speech?" Kyzaba repeated, not sure that he remembered about a speech. "Oh. The opening ceremony." Kyzaba remembered. "The one I slept through." Kyzaba said amusingly as he scratched his hair. "Well... I guess that was why I didn't know about the combination of class." He continued. Kyzaba looked at the clock hanging high in the classroom wall before realizing that school should be starting soon. "Now, is this everyone in our class? And where is our teacher?" Honestly, Kyzaba could care less about where the teacher was. Heck, he was probably smarter than the teacher but he was at a school and a school would require teachers to run it.
Hayato realizes all the commotion going on around him and tries to ignore it, but he realized its almost time for class to start. He decided to introduce himself since we we are going to have introductions when class starts anyways. "Hello, my name is Hayate Yoshida," he tries to keep his introduction short and concise so he doesn't reveal too much information about himself. He returns to sitting idly after his introduction and continues not to acknowledge the people around him because he does not want to hurt them when he loses control over himself.
Shina was about to snap a smart remark but stopped because the teacher came in that very second. She grumbled some complaints under her breath and turned back to her window. She impatiently tapped her desk as the teacher did the usual introductions and took attendance and all those good boring things that made you want to sleep. Which was exactly what she did.

She woke to the sound of the bell telling her class was over and it was lunch time. If there's one thing she found not boring at this school, it was the freedom she had during lunch. Students were able to go anywhere on school campus and do anything they want as long as it didn't intentionally hurt other students.

After hastily stuffing her stuff into her backpack, she speed walked out of the classroom, not bothering to say anything to the stares directed at her. She didn't know why she was in such a hurry but before long, she stopped in front of the weird plant she saw in the morning. She crouched down and poked the object, jumping back immediately and readying herself in case it decided to turn into a ferocious flesh-eating monster.
Denver walked around using his staff as a walking stick, "This place... I hope its better than my other schools..." He said to himself right before running into someone, "Ow..."

Kyzaba sighed. Well... that was disappointing... no quiz? He thought as he stood up and put his notebook back into his backpack before walking slowly to the door following the girl in front of him. Well... isn't she in a rush. He thought as he watched as the girl jump back from a small plant. "Well... Isn't someone a bit jumpy today?" He asked with a bit of humor and taunting. If you think... that is just an ordinary plant and even if it does have powers, shouldn't the girl have enough ability to attack back. However, he grinned even wider when some random guy came along and bumped into the girl. "Hwahaha." He finally unleashed.
Shina whirled around, already starting to form a fireball on her right hand, when she realized she had bumped into a human, not a crazy monster.

"Oh sorry," she apologized, "I didn't see you there."

Distracted, she didn't bother to check if the other person was okay and turned back to the plant. After all, if the plant was dangerous, neither of them would really be okay.
Denver looked at SHina and jumped, "F-Fire?!" He hid behind Kyzaba. "I hate fire.." Without realizing he dropped his staff. After realizing how much of a fool he made of himsef he dusted himself off and picked up his staff, "Whatca lookin at?"
The fruit pulsed with energy. A dangerous aura spoke in her mind to destroy the world! See everything burned, and revel in the entrails on her enemies!! Oh.. No wait, the fruit just sat there unresponsive... Turns up it's just a fruit so far. Nothing special.
Shina stared blankly at the plant/fruit. For one weird second, she thought she saw some image of burning buildings and exploding universes in her head. Nah, just her imagination. She was probably hallucinating from being overcautious. She tenderly took the plant/fruit out of the ground and poked it some more. Somewhere deep down in her heart, she felt like she wasn't acting like herself. For one, she was being too nice.

Shrugging off her doubts, she smiled at the plant. It looked so delicious that she couldn't help putting it in her mouth and savoring the wonderful taste of the- WAIT A MINUTE!

Sputtering in surprise, she spit something out into her palm.
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Seth arrived at the school as late as he possibly could manage. His time was wasted if he arrived when he was supposed to, but he also knew if he was gone too long, they'd call his current guardians. "Saleh, tell me again why I have to do this rather than just living on my own?" Seth asked the dragon that was bound to his body.

Simply put, we can't teach you to survive if we have to save you every day. So you're going to learn to live like a human." The dragon was the closest thing to a mother Seth had, and having her in his mind constantly was a problem.

You say that, but know that I'mgoing to sit on the roof all day again." The dragon sighed in his mind.

Would either of you like to convince the child that he has to go to school?"

I don't care what he does." The ogre spoke. "I just want some grub. Can you get some food Seth?"

Spicy like usual?"

That's mah boy!" The dragon sighed at the two's interactions.

Fine. Just do what you wish Seth. We agreed not to take control unless it was to protect your body so do whatever you want." The dragon isolated her mind from the others. To anyone else, it would look like a crazy person talking to himself, but Seth didn't care. He knew he was alone. He walked through the door and made his way up the stairs to the roof. He smiled as the breeze rushed past him. He lay back down and stared at the clouds as they rolled by. His mind wondered what it'd be like if he was just an average human.
Denver looked on, "KILL IT KILL IT WITH FIRE.. I mean.. with Ice..." He chuckled lightly.
Kyzaba smirked. What a crowd we have forming here. Kyzaba thought as the boy that was scared of fire quickly left his back. Well... you better stay away from me then. Kyzaba said. "Gee... calm down... it's a seed." Kyzaba said with a grin and a swish of his hair. "Learn some composure my friend."
The fruit taste of a combination of plum and peach, but not to overpowering with the sweet part of taste. As the lady took a bite, the center was stolen from the fruit, and spat out to reveal a twenty sided object. A seed. The odd thing was still a little wet from the combination of the fruit's juices, and the saliva from the girl. The seed sat in silence, looking like it is ready to be planted into the earth to start it's cycle of life.

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