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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Hayate heard the bell ring and he decided to walk around the campus to try and get to know the place. He notices the girl rush out of the room with a guy following her. He thought to himself, they must be real close already. He decided not to follow them and instead to go to the cafeteria because he was starting to get hungry after the lesson. He walks past a window and notices the girl in his class again, this time she was spitting something out of her mouth. He ignored what she was doing mostly because he didn't care about whats going on around him.
It was as if her body was moving on its own. Shina took one look at the seed, walked over to the nearest dirt plot, and began to dig a hole. Placing the seed in the center and covering it up, she stood back up and waited, ignoring her inner voice screaming in her head.

Relax, she told herself, one tiny seed won't do any harm.
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Denver shrugged and walked off to his first class, "Id rather stay and meddle in such matters like this.." He said quietly.
After a very short moment, a plant popped up from the ground in the form of a small ball of vines. On top of the plant sprouted three, different colored leaves. For once, the plant acted like it was talking to her through feelings and instincts. It told her to remove two of the three leaves, but the choice was her. One leaf, the blue one, felt of wisdom and mystery. However, people can be scared of what they do not know. The next leaf, a red one, felt very powerful. However, power tends to corrupt in experience. The last one felt slightly devious and tricky. Both with the feels of pros and cons. What came next was up to the girl.
Feeling curious, Seth stopped on the junior's floor. There was a lot of commotion and it was different than the usual first day of school commotion. He walked quietly over to group of people. He stood beside one female that was watching them with intrigue. He said nothing, but wondered if she could sense his awareness of her.

As if stuck in a trance, Shina heard a smoothing voice in her head, directing her to remove two leaves from the three that appeared. Her hands moved unhesitatingly to the yellow and red leaves, plucking them off at the same time. Leaving the vibrant blue leaf alone to stand proudly as the remaining leaf.
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The remaining blue leaf soon started injecting a glowing blue liquid into the root, like a heart to veins. It started growing rapidly compared to a normal plant to the form of a small, doll like form the size of a medium dog. The head started having two spots sink into it, and small lights started forming in the void like eyes, and grew bright and big. The doll like root with glowing eyes then stood still for a moment in silence.
Shina stared at the doll before her. She was speechless. After standing there in silence for a few minutes, she realized the scene she was making. Looking around in embarrassment at the crowd around her, she grabbed the doll and ran off toward the bathroom.


This was the first time something so shocking beyond her comprehension had happened. And she didn't know what to do except to escape those piercing stares and laughter at her pathetic escape. First day of school, and she already made a mess of her reputation.
As she was running with the root, it soon moved and its little vines at the end of it's arms gripped onto the girl's shirt to prevent itself from falling from her arms.
A figure walked inside the classroom, slamming the door open. She proceeded to walk to the farthest side and sat down on a chair nearest to the window. She saw some eyes staring at her and she gave a glare to anyone within a five foot radius around her.
Corvus wandered the halls of the school, taking in every sight he could see. Everything was brand new, and for the first time he had felt a sense of peace. However, that feeling was quickly replaced with bewilderment and confusion as he saw a girl running past him with a doll-like root clinging towards her like a parasite. Unsure of what to do, he just walked the other direction, attempting to discard from his mind what he just saw. But he couldn't.
Denver wandered around not knowing where he going, obviously lost, "For a school.. its confusing to get around in." He said to himself.
Reaching the bathroom, Shina slammed into a stall and dropped the doll onto the toilet seat.

"Who- what- how- why- random plant- WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!"
RealityEntity said:
A figure walked inside the classroom, slamming the door open. She proceeded to walk to the farthest side and sat down on a chair nearest to the window. She saw some eyes staring at her and she gave a glare to anyone within a five foot radius around her.
The freshman watched as a woman with an attitude stormed into the junior's class and took a seat.

Whats her problem? Mordis silently spoke to Seth.

Glad you could join us mongrel. Saleh spoke harshly toward the cerberus.

"Will you two be quiet?!" Seth shouted and noticed the juniors look at him. "What? Yall got a problem?" Seth felt his blood boil with the stares, Arak was trying to get control. Easy Arak, im not in danger.

Alright Lad, but dont be afraid to call us if you need help.

I know. Thanks. Seth looked to the female and gestured toward the roof as if he wanted to talk. The 6'2" male left without another word.
The doll sat on the seat and stared up at the girl in an almost still state. It's lights on it's head then dimmed away fast and reappeared, simulating a "blink".
Shina watched curiously as the doll seemed to blink the lights above its head. She sighed and let her body relax. There was no good in overreacting.

"Can you tell me what you are? I kind of need to go to class soon and I want to know what to do with you."
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The root tilted it's head to the side in an act of confusion, trying to find the purpose of the question. Perhaps the new born needed to learn the language first. It's body and roots started growing a bit more, making him into the size of a small kid.
It was the first day of school, and Tyrrell had already missed the first class. So far he wasn't making the best impression as a student so far. He ran to school as fast as he could, He lived far from the school. He looked around and then focused on a few things as it reshaped into a hover board, He then hoped onto it before taking off to school a lot faster. The 4 orbs stayed right next to the entire time. He then saw the school coming into view, He then jumped off the hover board and landed and made the hover board return to were it came from. He then ran inside and headed to class going as fast as he could.
Watching the weird doll was like watching water, shifting and shaping into a human form. Shina found herself distracted by all the shifting, unable to focus on what she had been thinking of a mere second ago. While she was trying to recover her thoughts, the bell rang, indicating the end of lunch. Next was physical education. She looked wearily at the doll, unsure about what to do.

"I'm just going to ... leave you here, just do what ever."

She rushed out of the bathroom and accidentally bumped into a boy.

"Oops. Sorry."
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(No hoverboard)

He looked over towards the girl that bumped into, The 4 orbs also look towards The girl.

"Don't worry about it, I was just rushing to class and wasn't looking where I was going"

He then looked at the orbs which then look away from the girl
The root looked forward for a bit in silence, alone, thinking to itself. It soon decided to get off, and follow the girl, running between the legs of students and teachers alike. Just this little root kid running down the hall, trying to find it's owner.
(okay, I fixed it)

After a closer inspection, Shina noticed 4 blue orbs surrounding the boy. Glancing at them quizzically, she decided that class was more important at the moment than prying into someone else's business.

"Well, I'm going to go to class. Bye."

She ran off toward the gym, not wanting to be stuck in a lecture with the gym teacher, who never seemed to run out of things to scold the students about.
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