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Finished [Kuridan: Yale Village] Spider Plant Soil

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It's currently no longer open to be joined. If you want to join future RP's of mine, let me know, or join the IH discord to discuss other options as there's many folk with many plots at all times.


What to expect out of character:
  • Posting pace will be somewhere between every day to every four days, depending on how many others join and/or what is manageable for both of us.
  • The total RP is meant to last a month (at fast pace) or up to two months (at slower pace).
  • The RP will be a slice of life with some adventure mixed in, focussing on travelling and dialogue, with little to no combat.
  • Should others join later on, multiple posts between narration rounds will be allowed. No double-posting or moving the scene (adding NPC's, changing time, resolving things, etc.) though.

What to expect in character:
Euthalia Apricot, a Fae diplomat from the See of Chearon, is send on a diplomatic mission to aid an Drider inhabited village in the Republic of Kuridan as a sign of goodwill between both nations.

Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Euthalia Apricot – Increase her reputation as a diplomat. | Aid a village in Kuridan as a good-will diplomatic mission.
Karcen Karcen Nikita – Tag along to start exploring the world and learn more about it.

Forest Road to Yale
Second Continent, Southwest Kuridan, Forest Road towards Yale Village.
From: https://www.threads.net/@tfiredrake/post/C9aJcVkxJtW

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial> | [Terran] | #Abydsal# | %Analog%

Euthalia hadn't been home for long after she got told to return straight back to Kuridan. Tough this time, for a less pleasant visit than meeting the cat family. She was to go help out a village of driders with some issues regarding the fertility of their lands. Although she wasn't given much more detail, she was confident regarding her knowledge on nature an her Flora magic was nothing to scoff at. Even though she might not know much agriculture directly, she figured she could at least help trace down what might be at the source of their issues through what she did know about nature and plant-life.

Islwyn Meadhra

Joining Euthalia was her trusty companion, Islwyn Maedhra. “Hmhmhm~” She was humming and skipping along the forest road. She was clearly in a great mood. “It's been a while since we were out on a mission like this, hasn't it? I'm curious to see what these spider folk are going to be like~”

Keone Nagendra

Also joining them was Keone Nagendra, slithering alongside them. “I don't know, aren't people always saying they just want to catch you in their webs and eat you?”

“Says the one that coils around me in my sleep each night~” Replied the teasing satyr.

“Hey! That's not fair, that's different, we have a deal doing on!” The snake hissed back.

“No need to start bickering. Let's just enjoy the nice and quiet of the forest for a bit.” Euthalia interrupted, prompting the others to stop.

… For a little bit. Flicking her tongue in the air, Keone spoke up. “Okay, not to be dramatic and all, but I'm pretty sure I smell someone in the area.”

Euthalia replied, switching languages. “{You might've said that in Sylvan, as to not alarm them.}”

“{Right, right... my bad.}”

“Oh, come on, don't be such spoil-sports! Is anyone out there? You can come say hi!” The satyr would call out.
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It had been some time since Nikita had found herself in the strange forest full of strange pokemon, yet now even stranger pokemon had come. Most of the pokemon of the endless forest seemed not to be normal making only grunts and howls that didn't seem to be moves and not one seemed to give any hint to what they were called. These pokemon however, seemed to be able to talk like people and looked a lot like people. According to her parents books some pokemon did look kind of like humans but there was a difference between humans and pokemon that these didn't have. Yes they were like pokemon in their none human traits, but their human traits for the most part were to close to human. It was odd very very odd, this whole forest was odd. From what Nikita had discovered the place seemed not to end with an endless blue ocean, but just kept going tot he point Nikita had wondered if it really was endless. Watching the group from a distance Nikita could make out what they said though the words were a bit jumbled by the sounds of nature. They then switched to new words that again weren't what they were just what kind of pokemon were these that spoke like people? The only pokemon that could speak were all psychic types from what Nikita knew, and psychic types wouldn't be talking out loud.

When one of them switch back to what Nikita could understand it was clear they knew that she was around, or well seemed to know something was around. why would they want to meet her? Pokemon here didn't seem as nice as pokemon on her island, though maybe these were? Yes pokemon could be hostile to humans even on her island and the world beyond, but well a trainer needed to prove their strength, earn the pokemon's respect. That was how they grew together strength and respect, though Nikita had no pokemon or pokeballs to catch any pokemon. Well if these pokemon were smart they would likely understand that Nikita wasn't a trainer so wasn't really looking for a fight.

Having decided that these pokemon might be friendly and having decided anything not human was a pokemon Nikita decided to slowly approach the pokemon. Getting closer she found the pokemon were tall much taller than her and Nikita thought she was normal sized. She wasn't her island hadn't really had all the food groups and plenty to eat so she was smaller than she should be, but she only had her parents to compare herself to and those memories were 10 years old.

" I am not a trainer " Nikita said when she was close enough coming around the left of the group. her voice was strange and it was clear she was not super used to speaking. When had been the last time she spoke? Well maybe when she got hurt, but after her parents were killed she had no one to talk to so was mostly quiet. " I don't want to fight pokemon, i am friendly " She said still under the mistaken idea that the three things before her were pokemon and they might want to fight because that was what pokemon did. She did assume they would understand and it was clear to any that the small girl was no threat to anyone.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Euthalia Apricot – Increase her reputation as a diplomat. | Aid a village in Kuridan as a good-will diplomatic mission.
Karcen Karcen Nikita – Tag along to start exploring the world and learn more about it.

Forest Road to Yale
Second Continent, Southwest Kuridan, Forest Road towards Yale Village.
From: https://www.threads.net/@tfiredrake/post/C9aJcVkxJtW

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial> | [Terran] | #Abyssal# | %Analog%

“{Great, a Human.}” She stated, as her voice sounded rather displeased. She had never been fond of them. That said, seeing how they weren't in the See, she realised she had to be a lot more careful about how to handle this one. She couldn't just kill it, due to legal ramifications and the likely failure of her diplomatic mission. Perhaps it'd just run off, after being called out?

Keone Nagendra

Keone, despite not being the biggest fan of Humans either, paid more close attention. “{Hmmm... this one doesn't look that bad.}” Even so, she'd slither in front of Euthalia, keeping a single eye locked upon the stranger, just in case.

Islwyn Meadhra

“{Wel, whatever, I think she looks cute~ Besides, with an outfit like that, at least know she isn't hiding any weapons~}” Islwyn added the last bit with a wink. Typical satyr behaviour, one might assume.

Euthalia sighed at the remarks of her companions, though as the human got closer, they remained still and just kept a weary eye upon her. Even so, all three were rather confused when she started speaking.

“Trainer? You mean... like a slave trainer? I mean, it's good you aren't, but isn't that like a snitch saying 'trust me, I'm not a snitch?' Why would you even feel the need to mention it?'” Having been enslaved by Humans, it brought up some very bad memories. It's why she was extraordinarily sceptical of this sudden and contextless 'trainer' mention. “And who in the world even starts a conversation like that? And what in the world are pokemon? And why in the world would someone want to fight them?” The more she thought about it, the more this didn't make sense. “{I think she might be insane.}” She concluded.

Ilswyn shrugged. “Oh come on, don't be so mean Keone, she seems a little confused, but she just said she's friendly, so I'm gonna go hug her~” She stated, as she'd hop over to Nikita to attempt to follow up on her words (unless Nikita were to clearly pull away). Were she to be allowed to hug Nikita, she'd give her a good-old-satyr hug and smile triumphantly. “Alright, I've confirmed it, this Human is harmless!”

Euthalia, however, was not so pleased. Trying to ignore whatever Iswlyn would attempt, she sighed. Then spoke up. “What is your business with us? I'm on an important mission, so the least I desire is distractions or obstacles.” She stated, sounding rather strict and unappeased.

A slave trainer? What was a slave? Nikita couldn't really understand that word or hadn't really been taught it pokemon and humans were ideally partners, some trainers were to harsh and were underserving of their partners, but what was a slave? Also what was a snitch was that a kind of pokemon? These pokemon were odd even asking why she had mentioned not being a trainer had they been in the wild with no trainers coming around to try to catch them? These lands really were full of odd pokemon, they talked and dressed like people and seemed not to know what trainers were. Still they had to be pokemon as they weren't human and there were just humans and pokemon to her knowledge. The fact she had left her world and not been moved somewhere on her world still eluded her as well she had no idea such a thing was even a fantasy.

One of the pokemon approached her and Nikita wasn't sure if it was was going to attack though it seemed friendly and only ended up hugging her. Well at least one was friendly that was good. " Pokemon and humans are partners " Nikita said to refute the slave talk though she still had no idea what a slave was " Trainers go out to catch pokemon, to prove skill and pokemon if beat help the trainer because pokemon wish to be strong " She explained really it was odd pokemon didn't understand this. all pokemon wanted to be their strongest self and so listened to trainers that had defeated them as that strength could help them. " What is a slave ?" she decided to ask before the plant like pokemon spoke.

" I live here and you are different from other pokemon so i watched. i didn't even know pokemon could talk like humans without being psychic types " She explained the world to her was still just divided between humans and pokemon so even faced with the inconstancies between what she knew and how these pokemon acted she just defaulted to hem being special pokemon. " You can come to my home i have food " Nikita offered wanting to get on these pokemon's good sides as food was a good way to befriend pokemon.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Euthalia Apricot – Increase her reputation as a diplomat. | Aid a village in Kuridan as a good-will diplomatic mission.
Karcen Karcen Nikita – Tag along to start exploring the world and learn more about it.
Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden Thornheart – Join the Fae diplomat (Euthalia) to help find out if the insect population might be of influence on the village's issues, rather than just the soil fertility.

Forest Road to Yale
Second Continent, Southwest Kuridan, Forest Road towards Yale Village.
From: https://www.threads.net/@tfiredrake/post/C9aJcVkxJtW

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial> | [Terran] | #Abyssal# | %Analog%

Anger flared up at what the girl was spouting next, as she had to do her very best to keep calm and to not just crush the girl with a Vine Trap and have it squeeze the life out of her. “Consider yourself blessed that were are not on our native soil right now.” She stated, taking deep breaths. “You referred to us as 'pokemon', but whatever it is, we are no such things. Me and her are Fae.” She'd point at Islwyn. “She is Beast.” She'd point and Keone.

“For you to casually suggest that Humans would capture us and have us fight for them would normally be an insult grave enough that it would cost you your life.” Deep breaths. Carbon-dioxide in. Oxygen out. “A slave is someone who's freedom has been taken from them and who's been forced to, often unwillingly, serve a master that sees them as nothing but an expendable object. It is highly similar to how it seems your people would treat these 'Pokémon' and to how The Eastern Empire Humans would treat Beasts.” She stated, glaring at the girl, still not fully over it.

Keone Nagendra

“You know, I'm starting to think pokemon might just be her Terran dialect word for slave and that trainer the word for slaver. That would make a lot more sense. In which case, I suggest we report her to the authorities.” She stated, being just as angered by what this girl was suggesting. “Although if you're being surprised by us talking, I fear you've had some serious brain trauma somewhere along the road.”

Islwyn Meadhra

Having successfully hugged the girl, Islwyn was of an entirely different mind. “Oh come on, surely someone this adorable can't be a slaver~ She's even inviting us to come over and have some food with her! I think it's all just a confusion. Like... why would a slaver be dumb enough to come tell us they want to catch us and make us fight when they're outmatched and all that?” If Nikita would let her, she'd pick Nikita up and hold her up as if to show off how innocent she looked to the other two.

Euthalia sighed, calming down a bit. “You do have a point.”

“I guessss....” She hissed, still weary, but unable to beat that reasoning.

“Well, the other messenger from the See, the beekeeper, should be meeting up with us at the end of this road, if all is to go according to plan. Perhaps Keone can wait for him here and catch him along the way so they can join us later, whilst we go see what this 'home' is about.” Truth be told, Euthalia was at least somewhat curious. “Though if this is a trap, I must warn you, it will cost you your life.” She'd add. To some degree, she almost hoped it would be one.

Keone Nagendra

“Fine... I do like the sun-rays here.” A chance to laze around in the sun for a bit wasn't the worst outcome.

Islwyn Meadhra

“It's gonna be great, trust me, my social instincts never lie!” She promised. “Oh, by the way, I'm Islwyn Meadhra. The snake over there is Keone Nagendra. The tall plant is Euthalia Apricot~” She'd add, getting glares from both Euthalia and Keone in response. “Well then, cute one, lead the way~” She'd state, finally putting Nikita down again (were she have been allowed to pick her up) so she could show them her 'home' whilst the snake would wait on Aiden to arrive.

Aiden's thoughts were a swirl of curiosity and purpose as he made his way along the Forest Road to Yale. The warmth of the sun filtered through the canopy above, casting dappled patterns on the path ahead. The air was rich with the scent of earth and greenery, mingling with the sweet fragrance that always seemed to accompany him—a subtle reminder of his bond with the bees he so cherished.

The task given to him by the Fae diplomat Euthalia weighed gently on his mind. It was an intriguing one, investigating whether the village's issues might stem from the insect population rather than just soil fertility. Aiden felt a flicker of excitement at the prospect; this was a chance to delve deeper into the intricate balance of nature, something he had always been drawn to.

As he walked, his wings fluttered softly at his back, catching the occasional ray of sunlight that filtered through the trees. His golden curls, adorned with tiny flowers, bobbed with each step, and the playful antennae atop his head twitched in tune with his thoughts. He couldn't help but smile as a bee buzzed past him, its presence a comforting reminder of the connection he held with the natural world.

His thoughts briefly wandered to the life he had left behind—the world he had once known. There was a pang of longing, but it was quickly overshadowed by the contentment he felt in his new life in Sylvarin. Here, amidst the forests and fields, he had found a sense of purpose, a way to contribute to the world in a manner that resonated with his very soul.

As he rounded a bend in the road, he noticed a figure up ahead. The way the sunlight played across the scene made it hard to discern at first, but as he drew closer, Aiden realized it wasn’t a typical traveler. The figure had the form of a woman, but there was something distinctly serpentine about her lower half, which moved with a graceful, undulating motion.

Aiden’s heart quickened slightly, not with fear, but with curiosity and a cautious sense of wonder. Was she his contact? Or perhaps another traveler with her own reasons for being on this road? He wasn’t sure, but he knew better than to make assumptions.

With a gentle smile and a demeanor that radiated warmth, Aiden approached her slowly, his footsteps light on the forest floor. His antennae twitched, sensing the energy around her, and he felt a deep respect for the creature before him.

“Hello there,” he greeted softly, his voice carrying the kindness that defined him. “I didn’t expect to meet anyone on this road. Are you, by chance, here to help with the task I’ve been given?”

Aiden's eyes, filled with curiosity and compassion, met hers, waiting for a sign—any indication of whether she was friend, foe, or perhaps, just another wanderer like himself.

Fae that was another new word that confused Nikita and somewhere here wasn't adding up some piece was not falling into place. The two groups could not understand each other pokemon would understand why trainers and pokemon worked together. These not pokemon were completely ignorant of it and yet they weren't human. The plant type fae had called the ekens like one a beast, why would she call a not animal an animal? Slave and fae there was something that Nikita was missing and that the others didn't seem to want to think one. Still she should correct the not pokemon .. the people as if they weren't pokemon they were people.

" As i said pokemon are partners, only the worst of the worst and nova would treat pokemon as these slave things you are talking about" Nikita reiterated firmly. " I think there is something missing but, pokemon and trainers are meant to work together as humans and pokemon are meant to. That is how Arceus the pokemon that made everything made it" She explained

then she got picked up by the only friendly member of the group as the rest really didn't seem to get it and she didn't as well but at least she was being nice about it. " I'll explain on the way to my home" She decided as they were going to split up leaving Keone behind " I am Nikita by the way" She said as she left with the two waiting a little bit before going back to explaining.

" Where i come from pokemon seek to be strong, and trainers seek to be skilled. I told you i am not a trainer because it is customary for a wild pokemon to attack a trainer and their team as a means of challenge. The trainer must prove that they can help their pokemon be strong and well cared for in order to gain the wild pokemon's respect. The battle is not about the fight but to see if the trainer is worthy if an unworthy trainer somehow catches a pokemon they will not listen and no trainer can make them " It was a bit of a speech but it killed time between the road and Nikita's home. and it might clear up that it was on the pokemon to attack the trainers.

Nikita lead them to her home which was a clearing that held two huts what looked like a tower or mud and a strange bamboo tube that was gushing water. The main hut was small and only had one room but was made from what looked like clay brick with a grey ash looking substance between them and a nice thatched roof. The other hut was more like the outline of one as it was 4 thick sticks with a simple roof. inside there was another tower of dried mud that had odd openings at the bottom. If nothing else Nikita had been rather industrious in what she could do as around the larger mud tower with the openings were small clay pots with very poor quality iron s eh somehow had figure out how to make. any smith would be insulted to call it metal but metal it was. Looking around there was also no one here, it was just nikita no tiny village no family just one lone girl.

Nikita would go to the main hut and get a bowel of freshly picked berries. While these people weren't pokemon who didn't like berries? as she held out the bowel expecting her guests to just pick up the berries as she had never been one for table manners she did think of something an old legend of the various pokemon that had been made by arceus and that one ruled another world. If there was one other world why couldn't there be more and somehow she moved between them? " I think i know why you don't know of pokemon this world is not my world" She explained and it explained a lot to her " So no pokemon just people here" She continued deciding that fae and beast were still people so they were the same.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Euthalia Apricot – Increase her reputation as a diplomat. | Aid a village in Kuridan as a good-will diplomatic mission.
Karcen Karcen Nikita – Tag along to start exploring the world and learn more about it.
Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden Thornheart – Join the Fae diplomat (Euthalia) to help find out if the insect population might be of influence on the village's issues, rather than just the soil fertility.

Forest Road to Yale
Second Continent, Southwest Kuridan, Forest Road towards Yale Village.
From: https://www.threads.net/@tfiredrake/post/C9aJcVkxJtW
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

Keone Nagendra

She was slowly starting to doze off in the sun, enjoy the warmth, when he heard someone call out. “<Huh, what...?>” She mumbled in Beastial, before blinking and seeing whom she as facing. That didn't need a lot of explanation, did it? “Right. You must be the beekeeper then? I didn't think you'd be... kind-off like a bee yourself as well.” She stated, wondering if he was Fae or Beast. Either way, he seemed nice enough. Also surprisingly fuzzy, making her wonder if he'd be warm to coil around. Though that was another matter. “Yes, I'm with Euthalia. Though we met some weird Human along the road that told us to come to her camp. I'd normally expect a trap, but this one seemed surprisingly harmless, so they followed along.”

Having explained it, she'd point in the direction of the forest. “They went that way, it shouldn't be hard to catch up with them.... Oh right, I'm Keone Nagendra, by the way.” She added a belated introduction. “So... eh... what got you into bees?” She'd ask, hoping to attempt some conversation or something and not wanting to judge him by his looks. After all, she wasn't particularly interested in snakes herself. As they were heading for the camp, they'd arrive and regroup with the others soon enough.

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.

“I've got no clue who Nova or Arceus are, but any relationship build around catching someone seems fundamentally flawed and like a form of slavery to me.” She replied, getting a bit annoyed by this girl's odd philosophy.

Islwyn Meadhra

“Nice to meet you Nikita~” She'd reply upon the heavily belated introduction.

Hearing this weird pokemon talk, Euthalia sighed. “Whatever odd system you've been talking about, I can, for sure, say that I never heard of it and that it still doesn't make much sense to me.” Then again, Humans didn't make much sense in general. The fact that this little vermin was more tolerable than the others of her kind only matter slightly. She had no clue how Islwyn could take such a liking to a creature like this.

Upon seeing the makeshift encampment, both were surprised. Though only Islwyn spoke up about it. “Huh, you've actually put in some effort here.... though did you do all this by yourself?” She'd ask, as she rummaged through the clay pots and metal-ish stuff for a bit. Not sure what it was, but most of all, trying to figure out the tower-thing. “What's this even meant to do... like... a furnace?” Was it that? She wasn't sure, but it could be. “Some primitive living you got going on here.”

Euthalia didn't make a move for the berries, not being one to eat to begin with, though she'd have probably denied food from a Human even if she was.

Islwyn accept though, taking a hand full. “Huh, I think you can make some good booze with these as well~” She'd state after tasting them.

“You're from another world?” Euthalia asked. “Hmm... I've heard rumours of it happening before, so it shouldn't be impossible.” She sighed, at least glad to hear the girl finally seemed to get it. “Well, I've got no clue how your old world functioned, but there's regular animals here, of course. Monsters and constructs as well, whatever you'd consider those to be compared to your Pokemon.” She'd add.

That said, she recalled her mission. “By the way, have you seen anything off in this area? I'm going to help out a village that's not too far from here. Perhaps their issues affected this forest as well?” She'd ask, although it wouldn't have been the case.

Trying to explain the difference between these slaves and how pokemon worked to Euthalia seemed to be a lost cause as Nikita doubted people were jumping to to sign up to be slaves. Islwyn seemed the easiest of them all to get along with, though despite her words Nikita assumed that the plant fae was kind she at least was willing to listen to things. Even if she seemed to just dismiss it all with her own idea of how things worked. Nikita could try to explain more of her world to these people but it didn't matter there were no pokemon here maybe? There were apparently animals, but not pokemon and the differences was something Nikita didn't quite know.

" Different world different rules, but as i said the pokemon decide to challenge people " That was how much she would explain no more about that " That is how the pokemon that made my world decided things should be and so they were"

With that Nikita decided to move onto her home and how they were surprised. Well she had been here a few months and it seemed to be a drier season so she had plenty of cooking time for those bricks. " It was all by me Nova ... a team of bad people killed my parents so i was alone on an island because of something they did " She explained " I was alone for umm" Nikita counted in her head trying to remember seasons over days " 10ish years so i had to learn to make things that were in the house" it was a childish way of thinking copy what was int eh house to live, but it had worked she had food and shelter both here and in her old world.

Nikita had long ago moved past her parents death, she had been 8 when they died and 10 years was plenty of time to move on for her. She did wonder why Nova had wanted, but now she would never know, but well now she was in another world and not on an island. She could actually leave and go places. She could explore. the world was open to her now what she was no longer isolated.

Nikita moved to the tower " Its a furnace it is form making metal from river gunk" she explained though the iron wasn't high quality or very much and if she could mine some she could get more, but well she didn't have enough to get any so she just made what she could. " You put sticks on the second area and cover it in clay and start a fire on the top then use this" She moved to a smaller clay made thing that looked like a circle attached to the furnace. There was a stick with a string in the center and when Nikita pulled it there was a rush off air. they were bellows very simple air bellows.

" As for the forest hmm" Nikita thought having to use [ nature F] [ Survival F] and [agriculture f] to try to remember anything out of place about the forest recently. " Though if you are dealing with issues in nature maybe i can help i actually know a few things about growing plants " Nikita offered decided she wanted to travel the world and last time she tried to find her way out of the forest she had gotten lost so she could really use the help.

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Elvario Elvario , Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden Thornheart , Karcen Karcen Nikita

Viole returned to the mainland via the freshly made teleportation device at Gala'Kraoth, from there he simply walked to his destination, his ladies Ul Dyrils base was quite the way away so the travel took him some days. But loneliness on the road took Viole by storm, normally it would not be a problem for him, but... But he finally found the young mistress, even if it was another life of hers it was her. The things holding Viole's emotions at hold before slowly came undone till even walking alone which he used to do a lot those past few years, felt weird, lonely, and most of all boring to him.

It was then that as if by surprise he witnessed two individuals by the road, a beastfolk and a fae from what Viole could gather, just past this bend of the road were two people, just standing there talking to each other. He saw them talk for a bit before beginning to move somewhere deeper into the forest. Viole's curious mind made him follow the two deeper into the forest being silent as he did so. Only spoke up when he saw some primitive structures within.
"I have to say a bit primitive, but at the same time it does have its own appeal to some people, mainly to minimalists I think."
Having maybe spooked the people he followed Viole bowed to them briefly and greeted them.
"Where are my manners? My name is Viole, servant of Lady Ul Dyril. I hope my presence doesn't disturb any of you? And please forgive me if my facial expressions are stiff and well emotionless I'm still working on them. But I do have to ask who made this structure?"
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Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Euthalia Apricot – Increase her reputation as a diplomat. | Aid a village in Kuridan as a good-will diplomatic mission.
Karcen Karcen Nikita – Tag along to start exploring the world and learn more about it.
Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden Thornheart – Join the Fae diplomat (Euthalia) to help find out if the insect population might be of influence on the village's issues, rather than just the soil fertility.
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Help out and earn some Spidersilk for making clothes with for his mistress.

Forest Road to Yale
Second Continent, Southwest Kuridan, Forest Road towards Yale Village.
From: https://www.threads.net/@tfiredrake/post/C9aJcVkxJtW
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.

She deciding to ignore the continued pokemon talk, as arguing with a Human was already beneath her and it'd gone or for longer than it should've. Perhaps she was loosing her touch. She's silently observed what the girl had build and what she was talking about, with mixed interest. Though on the topic of plants, she'd chuckle. “Do you now?” She'd ask, a tad sceptical. Although Nikita was able to come up with some things, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary with the forest itself. Whatever was wrong likely had affected only the village or its fields.

Islwyn Meadhra

Islwyn had been a lot more interested. “They killed your parents? Oh... That's rough. Come here~” She'd say, pulling the girl in for another hug. “Though for learning it all by yourself, you've gotten pretty far. This furnace seems neat~” She'd lean forwards and whisper. “Though Euthalia probably won't like it, plants and fire don't mix well, after all~”

“Oh? You want to come along?” Islwyn asked, pleasantly surprised. “Can we bring her along? She seems fun~” She asked, looking at Euthalia, only to be glared at.

“You're really wanting to bring a Human of all things? The species that enslaved Keone and murdered your entire family? Not even to speak about what they're doing to our nation as we speak?”

Islwyns face darkened for a moment, but she resisted. “Oh come on, clearly that's not this Human. Just look at how adorable she is~ Don't you want to hug her too? Or perhaps cuddle up with her somewhere?” She asked, not dissuaded from wanting to bring this Human along.

“No.” Was the clear and direct answer from Euthalia.

Keone Nagendra

As that conversation was going on, Keone would arrive. “Eh, guys. I brought the Beekeeper.” She'd gesture at Aiden, assuming he'd followed her. That was also when she'd notice Viole. “WHAT THE..!?!? Who the hell are you?” She reacted, a tad spooked from him just kind-off being there.

Although he introduced himself afterwards, she was still taken aback a bit. “It did dissssturb me.” She said, hissing a bout about his presence disturbing her. “I sssssswear I had no clue you were following us.” She grumbled some hissing sounds after, clearly taken aback a bit.

Islwyn Meadhra

That said, Islywn was there to lighten the mood again. “Who made this, ask ask? That'd be this little cutie here.” She'd state, showing off Nikita. “Hmm... Stiff facial expression that you're working on, emotionless, looking so bloody charming that I'd wish to take you to bed already, despite looking humanoid... How curious and fun~ Don't take it the wrong way, but what are you? You seem a tad unnaturally great, if that makes sense. Oh, right I'm Islywn Meadhra, a satyr~”

Euthalia sighed, not liking where this all was going. That said, she did have a mission to focus upon. “Right. I'm Euthalia Apricot, a Fae diplomat. I'm here to help out a Drider village with some issues regarding their crop growth, possibly due to lack of soil fertility.” She'd summarise, so that the three newcomers (Aiden, Viole, Nikita) at least knew what was up. Perhaps they'd be helpful, even though she doubted it.

Keone Nagendra

“I'm Keone Nagendra.” She'd introduce herself, keeping her eye going from one to the other. “Can we go back to the road? It was warmer there, in the sun. I don't like the cold and damp here.” She added, a bit grumpy by the sudden increase in people and decrease in temperature.

“Right, we should.” Euthalia replied. “After you.” She'd state, gesturing towards the road. The sooner they could get to the village and get this sorted, the sooner she could return to the See and not have to deal with this nonsense. That was the hope, at least. Though for now, she'd rather not show these newcomers her back. Just in case.

Nikita was surprised by more people one looking like a another pokemon, something like a combee, but Nikita assumed it was another person. Pokemon weren't here so anyone that didn't look human but was human like must be just another person. that was the logic she was going with now and so far it seemed to be fitting. The other person a girl with an unchanging face that didn't match her voice was a bit odd. Nikita just felt there was something off about the woman, it was completely unlike the others who she could just accept, something she couldn't put her finger on. In Nikita for a moment the fight or flight instincts wanted to kick in as looked at something so close to a normal person and yet so other. Nikita managed to not give into that desire as they seemed friendly. When Keone started to hiss like the ekins she resembled Nikita did find that kind of cute given she was as serious as Euthalia was. So far only Isiwyn was nice to her, but the others seemed to tolerate her so Nikita did want to travel with them she at least got that she could trust them with how honest they were . With the revelation Keone had been enslaved to humans her reaction made more sense, though Nikita really didn't know what to do about it. Pokemon were different then slaves and she had been in another world till now so she couldn't really say sorry for something she was only related to by resembling the people that did it.

" Umm yeah i made them i kind of had to redo it all from scratch in this world " Nikita said not hiding that she was from another world. Euthalia had said it was rare but had never said it was very bad so Nikita assumed she could talk about it easily. Islwyn did say one thing that confused Nikita to the doll like person who she described as humanoid so she must not be human, that nikita realized was weird.

" I am Nikita from another world " it seemed that they were doing introductions so she could do some as well. Nikita still needed to ask and turned to look to Islwyn " Though i have to ask why would you want to take someone to your bed? " she asked displaying the insane lack of knowledge Nikita had. It was easy to mistake her for a human child and when it came to things she couldn't learn herself she was kind of stuck at the knowledge level of an 8 year old, which for her home world might as well have been one year from being an adult with how many started their journeys then.

Aiden steps forward with a gentle smile, his wings fluttering slightly as he speaks.

"I'm Aiden Thornhart," he begins, his voice soft and inviting. "I come from the Honey Bee Court, a place where fae creatures like myself live in harmony with nature. My family and I were beekeepers, tending to honeycombs and nurturing the flora around us. One day, while working in the fields, I encountered a mysterious elder who spoke of ancient secrets and hidden realms. Before I knew it, I was given a quest to find a powerful artifact called the Clover Charm, which would grant me the ability to wield plant magic."

He pauses, looking around at the group with a mixture of curiosity and warmth. "But before I could start my journey, I was suddenly transported to this world. The elder who gave me my task vanished, leaving me to figure out my path here on my own. I still carry the responsibilities of my quest, but I've also come to appreciate the beauty of this new realm, much like my own."

Aiden's eyes sparkle with a hint of nostalgia as he finishes his brief tale. "I'm here now, living modestly and continuing my work with bees, hoping to find a way to fulfill my duties while embracing this new life in Sylvarin. It's a pleasure to meet all of you, and I look forward to our journey together."

With that, he offers a polite nod to the group, his demeanor remaining kind and approachable as they prepare to move forward.

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Elvario Elvario , Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden Thornheart , Karcen Karcen Nikita

"A good servant is unseen and unheard like a breeze of air or a ghost, at least that's what my creator told me. Not having to breathe like a regular living creature and not being able to exhaust myself does help with that." Said Viole looking at the hissing Keone, he was curious about her eyepatch but he knew better than to ask her about that. Not many people liked talking about what they lacked.

"Ahh this young lady made it all, I see, and from another world at that, it's nice hearing that there are others like that, my creator's father and my ladyship would probably like to meet you then similar situations and all that."
He spoke up after hearing that the little lady created all of this, and especially after he heard her say she was from another world. It was weird that within just a span of a few days, he met so many people who were from another world, especially since they used to be far far rarer in the past, at least that's what he knew from his creator.

"I fail to compute a reason why you would want me in your bed. But to satisfy your curiosity I am what most would consider a construct, my mistress when she was a youngling often called me a living doll but my creator preferred calling me an automaton with its own soul. I honestly don't know what that means, but I am trying to learn about it. I just hope none of you are disgusted by my presence. I did have a few unruly encounters in the past, where people broke some of my parts, which to this day I had a hard time finding parts to fix, one of them being my face or the emotional emulation cortex."
Viole answered Islywn's question, as he did not think it would lead to any negative interaction, besides he knew how it felt being curious about something and not having that curiosity met with the facts. If she pressed the matter more Viole would even unbutton his shirt a bit, to show her the catalyst he haphazardly had attached to his own chest, or the few broken parts that could be seen easily without drawing too much attention to him, and at the same time listening to Euthalia.

"A drider village you say... They have an issue with their crops... I don't know much about agriculture but I can cast some magics, and I am well versed in Alchemy, so I might be able to help you at least in some way with it, even if it is only as an extra set of hands." Spoke up Viole as he cleaned himself up back a bit after the little showcase, he did not know enough about agriculture to be able to really help, but an outsider's perspective could always show them a way to the answer he thought, besides he might be able to barter or just straight up buy some of the Drider silk he could use later on to make a gift for Lady Ul, maybe making himself something as well with the leftovers of it.

"Once again I'm sorry Keone about spooking you. If the atmosphere is not to your liking we can certainly move."
And so Viole moved as he was instructed, after all, he did not want to create some bad name for his ladyship through his behavior, especially since he could feel some of them were not feeling that well with his presence.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Euthalia Apricot – Increase her reputation as a diplomat. | Aid a village in Kuridan as a good-will diplomatic mission.
Karcen Karcen Nikita – Tag along to start exploring the world and learn more about it.
Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden Thornheart – Join the Fae diplomat (Euthalia) to help find out if the insect population might be of influence on the village's issues, rather than just the soil fertility.
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Help out and earn some Spidersilk for making clothes with for his mistress.

Forest Road to Yale
Second Continent, Southwest Kuridan, Forest Road towards Yale Village.
From: https://www.threads.net/@tfiredrake/post/C9aJcVkxJtW
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

Islwyn Meadhra

The satyr was rather surprised by the question she'd gotten from the Human. She'd thoroughly study her for a bit, as if trying to assess something cause I momentarily forgot I didn't give her appraisal, before coming to a conclusion. The girl should be old and safe enough to tease a little, just for a bit. “Oh, but there are many reasons~ The snake over there likes to coil around people due to them being able to warm up that long cold-snaky-body of hers~” She stated, pointing at Keone.

Keone Nagendra

“What are you sssssssstarting with me for? You're the one that likes to sleep with someone to keep away the nightmares. Which doesn't even being to mention what you ssssssatyrs get up too...” She hissed back.

Islwyn didn't seem discouraged by it. “She's right. Having nightly company can help keep away nightmares. It can also just be nice to have someone to hug and cuddle through-out the night~” Then she leaned in and whispered. “Though among adults, especially among us satyrs, there are many more fun and nice things we know to do when taking someone to bed~”

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.

Trying to ignore her companions for a bit, she'd instead hear out Aiden. “It's a pleasure to meet you, mister Aiden.” She was a tad surprised by his origins, mostly as she didn't know too much about them, despite being nymph and a Sylvari. “Plant magic? That would normally be considered my race's primary magic.” It happened to be her expertise as well, though that likely wasn't something too unexpected. “I'm surprised to hear there are realms outside of the See that house Fae, especially Fae like yours. Though I must say, that 'Clover Charm' certainly sounds like a relatively common type of artefact that you could find in either our nation or the Magic Duchy. It's even akin to our species' Heart Seed, oddly enough.” It was rather interesting, though she didn't wish to get distracted from her mission too much. “Either way, I thank you for your aid.”

Keone Nagendra

She looked at Viole with one-eyed confusion. “Your idea of good servants sounds kind-off creepy.” Having folk sneak around you was not a fun thought. “Like, seriously, who'd want people to sneak around them all day? I'd only sneak when trying to rob someone. Which I don't do any more, as I don't want to get into trouble, of course.” She was quick to add that latter part.

Islwyn Meadhra

To Islwyn's surprise, the small Human wasn't the only one that didn't seem to get Satyr charm. That's why she figured she might as well give him a full dosage of it. “If you're a living doll, wouldn't that be even nicer to bring to bed? That sounds amazingly soft and huggable. Who'd even make a doll if not for hugging purposes? How about, this night, I'll show you all about it personally?” (Charm – Seduction D, – Character attempts to charm others. - Grade D – 2 Post Cooldown; feel free to judge personally how effective or ineffective this would be.)

Islwyn felt a tad about about him fearing they'd be disgusted. “Well... technically... we officially hold the belief that all 'constructs' are entrapped souls and unnatural beings... but as a person you look adorable and huggable, so I don't mind~ Besides, you seem different than the average ones, a lot more polite and personal, even without the expressions.”

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.

Hearing Viole's offer to help out, she'd sigh. “Very well, I won't stop you. Just know you won't have my aid if you get into trouble. The Beasts don't tend to get along with most constructs.” That was probably the easiest way to deal with this. A Human and a Construct. What a horrible company on a first mission. Yet if she was to keep going on missions outside of her own nation, she'd probably need to get used to this happening. Perhaps they would at least be helpful.

Second Continent, Southwest Kuridan, Yale Village.
From: https://www.deviantart.com/aiotter/art/Fantasy-Village-962572184
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

As they were approaching the village, their surroundings would shift. The forest grew more sparse and small mountain peaks started to form. Before heading into the village proper, Euthalia stopped along the river. “Hmm.... The soil seems rocky, but not necessarily infertile. The water seems clean.. the grass seems healthy.” She'd slowly inspect some of her surroundings (Nature C).

Islwyn Meadhra

“Hmmm... perhaps we could go skinny-dipping in the river~ Would any of you join me?” She'd ask. It seemed like she was truly debating to start undressing on the spot.

Keone Nagendra

“No. The water looks cold. I'd rather just laze around on one of those rocks. They look like the sun warmed them up nicely.” The snake replied, eyeing one of the larger rocks that'd been baking in the sunlight.

It seemed like Euthalia's companions weren't planning on being overly useful at this stage. Perhaps the others would be able to try figure some things out by checking the area.

OOC: Using the image as a reference, feel free to try to come up with something to inspect using skills/abilities. Either that, or just respond to previous conversations if you don't have a good clue on where to start yet.

What keone and islwyn were talking about confused Nikita quite a bit. Everything they said was well normal sounding enough Nikita had slept with her parents when she had nightmares and it sounded like keone just wanted hug people. Having been a child when she found herself alone the view of the world she had really hadn't changed much. The fact no external pressures beyond needing shelter and food existing had helped Nikita remain in a form of stasis. This meant she had never learned about the pidgies and the beedrills let alone about innuendos. A sheltered noble girl could not hold a candle to how unaware of how the world worked Nikita was. As for the living doll his face still creeper Nikita out as did his way of talking. She didn't have issues with living objects as pokemon could be living objects it was just so close to human yet just barely off. Despite this islwyn wanted to play games in bed with him.

" I don't mind hugs at night " Nikita said to keone thinking the snake girl was embarked to not be tough " though if I was going to play games at night I would say I'd play with Euthalia " though the reason was despite her seeming dislike she had this far been pretty nice so she would likely explain the rules and how to play any games better than the others. It was a bit like trusting a parent to be honest over siblings.

After awhile they would get to the village abd Nikita was surprised she and the Spinarak people had never actully met. Though they weren't Spinarak eole they were called driders. Though if they were people why did they need to be called something other than people. Euthalia would likely know she was the leader. Islwyn though spoke up about skinny dipping.

" Isn't that just swimming normally ? " she asked to no one in particular as to her any issues with lacking clothes had long faded she wore them mostly because she understood she needed to and they needed to cover certain areas. That was why she had scrapped together what little she wore over wearing nothing.

Still they were here for a reason and Nikita decided to go about looking at things from the most basic up first was water. Bad water could kill plants slowly. Nikita walked to tge water abd looked it over looking how clear it was how much alge was in it and it's color. Then she knelt diwn and cupped her hands scooping out sone water Smelling then tasting it to see if it seemed off. All this using [nature F] and [agriculture F] to see if it told her anything.

Aiden listened attentively as Euthalia spoke, nodding politely at her words. He could sense her surprise and curiosity about his origins, which only deepened his appreciation for the varied nature of this world. [Empathy F]

"Thank you, Lady Euthalia," he replied with a warm smile. "I must admit, the similarities between the Clover Charm and your Heart Seed are intriguing. Perhaps our worlds share more connections than we realize. I'm eager to learn more about your magic and your people."

As they approached the village, Aiden took in the changing landscape with a keen eye, observing the rocky soil, the clean water, and the healthy grass. His connection to nature allowed him to sense the subtle energies of the area, and he pondered the potential causes of the village's issues.

The suggestion of a swim in the river by Islwyn brought a playful smile to Aiden's face, though he politely declined. "I think I'll stay dry for now, Islwyn. But those rocks do look inviting," he added, glancing at the sun-warmed stones that Keone mentioned.

While Euthalia's companions seemed more interested in relaxation, Aiden felt a sense of duty to assist in the investigation. He knelt down by the riverbank next to Nikita, carefully examining the soil and water with her, hoping to detect any clues that might explain the village's struggles. [Agriculture F and Nature F]

Aiden's focus remained on the task at hand, yet he maintained an air of calm and warmth.

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Elvario Elvario , Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden Thornheart , Karcen Karcen Nikita

"If you really wish for me to share a bed tonight with you then it shall be done." Said Viole oblivious to the reason why she wanted him to sleep with her nor did he know of the obvious repercussions of that action. Viole even felt a bit better at Islwyn's following words, it weirdly felt good, but there was a journey ahead of them so he focused on that for now.

When they arrived at the village Viole came closer to where the crops were growing and knelt down placing his palm on the ground, first sending a pulse of his mana of water affinity deep into the ground without forming it into a spell to check if maybe it was an issue with the groundwater [Magic F, Affinity Water F]. Though the process was slow so he used his other hand to check the dirt more closely in the alchemical [Alchemy F] kind of way, maybe something in it was lacking or they had too much of it in it, truthfully he knew nothing of agriculture so he probably didn't know what was good for plants but he did know what a healthy dirt looks like, what its chemical formulae is at that.

After receiving the feedback from his magic, he began to calculate it in his head, while setting up his small portable and honestly a bit deprecated alchemy setup and left it to break down the dirt into its components so he could check it in a bit. But knowing it would take quite some time he left it with the others and walked off a bit to the closest resident of the Drider village and asked them a few questions related to the vicinity of the village, any unnatural circumstances with the crops and stuff like that of course all of that after introducing himself to them properly. Hopefully, after that conversation, he would excuse himself from the person and return to his alchemy setup to see if he could proceed with finding out the dirts makeup.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Euthalia Apricot – Increase her reputation as a diplomat. | Aid a village in Kuridan as a good-will diplomatic mission.
Karcen Karcen Nikita – Tag along to start exploring the world and learn more about it.
Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden Thornheart – Join the Fae diplomat (Euthalia) to help find out if the insect population might be of influence on the village's issues, rather than just the soil fertility.
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Help out and earn some Spidersilk for making clothes with for his mistress.
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

Islwyn Meadhra

She busted out in laughter when Nikita mentioned wanting to play games at night with Euthalia. “Now wouldn't that be a sight~” She stated, holding her stomach.

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.

“{Shut your trap.}” She replied, unappeased by this development. Sometimes Islwyn really knew how to annoyed her. Having a Human join was already annoying, but why in the world would it want to stick near her? She turned to Nikita. “Let me be straight. I'm barely tolerating your existence. Don't push it.” She warned the girl, hoping to make it clear that she wasn't happy with these sorts of random comments.

As for what Nikita stated about swimming, the Satyr was the one to laugh and respond. “You're right, it's what it should be! If it were up to me, we'd stop wearing clothes altogether, they're too restraining and it's not the traditional Fae way of life~ Yet some prudes want to keep themselves and others covered at all times, even in the water. Can you imagine?”

Euthalia would turn to the one welcome guest (at least in her opinion) as Aiden pointed out some similarities. “I do recall some stories in a world, about people growing powerful enough to create their own personal worlds and dimensions. I think there's even a legend about a Dryad's Heart Seed blooming into its own dimension after her death. I've got no clue if it would be related, or how real it is, as it's mostly used as a Fairy Tale, but I could try see if I can find it later.” She'd state, figuring she'd at least try to make one positive connection here. “You'd be one of the few. So far, it seems most animalistic beings find it too incomprehensible to learn about the manners of those that are plants.” To that extend, she wondered how much of it was politeness and how much of it he really meant.

Keone Nagendra

“Cool. You got taste.” She'd state, hearing Aiden pick sunbathing on the rocks over jumping in a freezing river. She'd slither over to the biggest one, then around and upwards, confirming her suspicion. Nice and warm. Goooood.

The Satyr, meanwhile, was taken aback a bit by Viole's agreement. “Oh wow... well! That's a promise I won't forget to take up on~” She smiled, although she had a feeling he had little clue what he was agreeing too. Then again, if he was an actual Living Doll, she'd be able to have her fun without even needing to 'have her fun' with him, so she could have him leave as relatively innocent as he arrived. She wasn't some Mermaid after all, she still had some class.

As for the findings they all made;
Nikita and Aiden (nature F) would notice nothing off about the water. It was rather clear and didn't taste or smell off. There were barely any algae, suggesting there wasn't that much nutrition in the water for them. Finally, they noticed the water was fairly cold, liking melting water coming from some remnants of snow further on the mountain peaks. Agriculture F told them nothing at this moment.

Although there were no crops growing in the immediately vicinity, just various grasses, Viole would still be able to check the groundwater. It seemed to be fairly deep, despite being close to a river, but the rocky soil likely made it more difficult for water to penetrate into it. Alchemy wise, he'd notice the soil was rich in various minerals, the ones you'd go to mountains to collect when harvesting for your reagents. How they'd affect crop growth, if at all, was beyond his knowledge.

As they were checking the area near the village, someone would come out to go check on them, meaning Viole wouldn't have to travel into the village just yet. Or rather, he'd not even be allowed to, were he to try, as the guard looking Drider would've stopped him.


The guard called out to them in Beastial from a distance. “<You! Are you the Fae they sent to come investigate?>”

A tad annoyed by this 'warm' welcome, she would reply. “<That would be me. I'm Euthalia Apricot. Who might you be?>”

“<Anansi, this village's guard captain. What's with all of them?>” He pointed at the rest of the group.

“<They're with me, they're here to help as well.>” She sighed, as she realised something. “<Why don't we speak in Common? It would save us needing to translate.>”

“Fine.” The guard stated, as he took out a [black orb] that some might recognise if they'd entered cities or guilds or used portals before. “If you could please put your hands on this, so that I can confirm your identities.” He'd request of them all. It seemed he wasn't one for pleasantries.

Nikita didn't really get why Euthalia was seemingly put off by playing games in bed. Maybe she was not good at games? People were stranger than Nikita had thought and to her the fae were the same as humans in terms of confusion. Well they had other stuff to do.

The water seemed normal enough it was colder than the water in her old world, but ut wasn't that different. The alge seemed low but not absent fir the speed of the river. Well it was nothing wrong with the water here. If they were in her old world Nikita would suspect it to be some pokemon causing the issues. Pokemon had many powers abd abbilities so maybe one could have made land bad.

One of the driders came to them abd held up a strange sphere to tell who they were. That was odd that it could do that and how it could. Maybe it was like the machines of her parents home? Well Euthalia was close to the drider man so Nikita could ask her about her idea.

" Euthalia could a pokemon be doing it stealing all the stuff in the land? she asked not having an idea of what your vall a magical beast as right now she was explaining magic before her with technology. When Nikita put her hand on the orb it would give her nane abd her titles one of which [ offworlder] would prove her story.

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Elvario Elvario , Karcen Karcen Nikita

"The groundwater is fairly deep, along with the rocky soil here I doubt the issue comes from the groundwater. As for the earth here, it is rich in various minerals which is generally good, but I don't know much about agriculture, so some of them might not be that good for crop growth." Viole reported to Euthalia, while including the more detailed spread of what minerals were in the soil at what percentage, hopefully, someone smarter in agricultural matters could think of something with that data, as he took his gear back to his small rucksack.

Seeing as one of the guards arrived from the village to Viole stopped his attempt to enter the village to ask questions and instead stood near Euthalia's group, not knowing what was being spoken but when they turned to the common language he felt grateful for it. Being a diligent person he let Nikita approach the sphere first, and seeing the offworlder title only made him feel joy and a bit of dread. "Maybe my lady's grandfathers theory is right. Maybe with each generation, more visitors from other worlds are indeed coming?" He asked himself unknowingly out loud. Before approaching the Drider guard himself, and placing his own hand on the sphere, for it to display his titles, none of them were out of the ordinary, he was after all just a resident of this world even though he served a family of offworlders.


Aiden’s wings fluttered slightly as he listened to Euthalia’s story. “That’s fascinating, Euthalia. The idea of a Heart Seed blooming into its own dimension... It sounds like there’s so much more to the magic of this world than I realized. In the Honey Bee Court, we’re more focused on the natural cycles, but creating entire dimensions? That’s beyond anything I’ve ever encountered.”

He paused, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. “I’d love to hear more about these legends if you ever have the time. It might even help me understand the magic I’m supposed to wield with the Clover Charm. Who knows? Maybe there’s a connection we haven’t seen yet.”

Aiden then smiled, a warm and genuine expression. “I appreciate you sharing that with me. It’s not often I meet someone who knows so much about the ways of plant magic.”

Shifting his attention back to the river, Aiden knelt down, running his fingers through the cold water. “The water seems clean, almost certainly from melted snow, but it doesn’t appear to be the source of the problem. Maybe you’re right, Euthalia. The insect population might be more telling of what is going on here.”

As the drider arrived, Aiden stood up and turned toward the newcomer. When asked to place his hand on the black orb, he did so without hesitation. The orb displayed his titles: Fae, Beekeeper, Isekai.
Last edited:
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Euthalia Apricot – Increase her reputation as a diplomat. | Aid a village in Kuridan as a good-will diplomatic mission.
Karcen Karcen Nikita – Tag along to start exploring the world and learn more about it.
Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden Thornheart – Join the Fae diplomat (Euthalia) to help find out if the insect population might be of influence on the village's issues, rather than just the soil fertility.
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Help out and earn some Spidersilk for making clothes with for his mistress.
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

Second Continent, Southwest Kuridan, Yale Village.
From: https://www.deviantart.com/aiotter/art/Fantasy-Village-962572184
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.

Yet again, Euthalia really didn't get why the Human tried interacting with her so badly. Clearly Islwyn had been a lot more 'open' and Keone a lot less hostile, yet the girl kept trying, it seemed. She sighed. “If there are pokemon here, I've yet to meet one. The closest beings I know that might resemble it are animals or monsters that were caught and trained by someone as 'buddies' in a way, though few people do so and even fewer do so successfully. If there were any animals or monsters stealing things... I think they'd leave signs or raise suspicion somehow. It's not impossible, but for now, I don't think it's likely either.” She'd conclude, speaking whilst thinking things through.

Listening to Viole, she was a tad surprised at what he'd picked up on. “That's good to know.” She'd reply, realising she might need to drink some water rather than expect to gain it through rooting later. “Minerals should be good for some plants, tough they might cause others to diminish. It depends on which ones can make the most use of them. There are a few minerals that can damage plants though, as I definitely know a few spots where the soil tastes awful and poisonous due to them.” (Nature C/Plant Digestion/Plant Resting Features.) Having said that, she did not know much about how that applied to agriculture either. “Assuming the locals were able to farm here before, it should be safe to assume what works and what doesn't with this type of soil, so I'd also deem minerals to be an unlikely cause, unless there is a reason to suspect the composition of them changed in recent times.” Those with agriculture knowledge would likely be able to assume that testing to see if the soil had degraded and lost its minerals in whatever topsoil they grew the crops would be a good starting point.

The bee-like Fae certainly managed to make himself a fast-friend. “Magic and natural cycles are thoroughly interwoven in our nation. One cannot exist without the other.” She'd reply. “Though I am not sure how that extends to other nations, like the one we currently find ourselves in.” She'd nod upon him showing interest. “I'm sure I'll have some time to explain you more about our folklore before long, though for some stories and legends, I might need to find and re-read them myself.” She had to admit her memory regarding such legends wasn't exactly exceptional.

As for Aiden's comment about plant magic. “It takes one to know one.” She'd state, with a chuckle. It truly showed how unfamiliar he was with their world, if he was surprised that a Sylvari knew a lot about plant magic. “Perhaps it is, in which case I'm even more glad you joined.” She'd reply, though for now, she felt it was still a bit too early to conclude anything or exclude anything. That said, certain things did become likelier than others.


As Nikita put her hand on the orb, it showed the titles not just to the one holding it, but to everyone around. “My apologies, it seems to be malfunctioning again.” He'd state, as they were normally not meant to just display it to everyone. “Then again, I'm sure none of you have anything to hide.” He'd add with a smirk.

Niktia would indeed show [Human] and [Offworlder], the latter of which made the Drider wonder. “Offworlder? I think I heard of those before, but I wasn't sure those were real until now.” He was surprised by what Viole added, though he did look slightly... annoyed, by their existence. Perhaps a display of the [Beast]s inherent dislike of [Construct] folk. That might also explain why he didn't engage with the question. After all, Viole would show [Construct], [Born for This] and [Living Doll]. “Does this thing belong to you?” He'd ask Euthalia.

“No, but if needed, I can vouch for him during his stay.” She stated, wondering if she wasn't making a mistake. Then again, he'd proven to be useful thus far.

“Very well, any trouble he causes will be on you, however.” The Drider would warn Euthalia, to which she simple nodded. In the worst case, she'd be taught a valuable lesson not to trust such unnatural beings. In the best case, she'd be able to keep around some free aid.

As Aiden's turn came up, he'd show [Fae], [Beekeeper] and [Isekai]. “What is the meaning of this... 'Isekai'?” The guard asked.

Keone Nagendra

“It sounds like a type of food.” The snake mumbled, as she slithered over, realising she'd have to join in as well, unable to keep lazing around on a sun-warmed rock.

As for Keone, the titles would show [Beast], [Naga], [Novice Trickster], [Novice Rogue] and [Novice Street-rat]. The latter made the snake hiss. “Street-rat?!? When the hell did I get that!?! Tsssss.”

The Satyr was up next, which would display [Fae], [Satyr], [Novice Acrobat], [Adept Gamer], [Adept Dancer], [Adept Actor], [Adept Singer], [Adept Seductress]. She'd look rather smug as all those titles popped up, turning around with a seductive sway of her hips. “What can I say, I'm a woman of many talents~”

The last to be up was Euthalia... as the orb actually took a moment. It seemed like it wouldn't do much, until a whole slew of titles started popping up. [Fae], [Nymph] and [Sylvari] being the first. Followed by [Diplomat [The See]], [Faazi Merchant Guild Associate F], then a list of 'random' sounding ones like [Gardeniades' Whimsy], [Manager and Owner of "Du Couer Pur" Ophenia], [Walking Ingredients], [Sun-starved], [Advocate], [Reborn]. Finally, [Novice Psychologist], [Novice Leader], [Expert Environmentalist] showed up.

Even the Drider guard looked a bit taken aback by all that. “I... I believe you are well-qualified. It's an honour to meet you, miss Apricot.” He ended up changing his tune a little.

That said, Euthalia herself was distracted by another bit. “Walking Ingredients..? That is... disturbing.” She did not like the fact that such a thing was now attached to her being. She hoped it wouldn't give anyone any ideas. Deciding she'd rather have some distractions, she would focus on their mission. “Could you surmise what happened for us, the order of events that led to the latest issues?”

“Of course, ma'am. You see, we rely on three main food sources. We harvest various mushrooms from caves in the mountain. We also breed caterpillars for their meat, as it's one of the most valuable sources of nutrition for our species. In order to feed them, we give them the inedible bits of the corn we grown, whilst using the maize for our own consumption. Yet it's the corn that's stopped growing almost entirely. Now, we feed the caterpillars grasses and plants from the forests, yet it's not as easy to fatten them up with it. We also used to make compost out of remaining corn plants and the manure of our caterpillars, in order to grow our mushrooms with it, yet with the corn not growing well, the mushroom harvest is also decreasing, as the replacements don't seem to work as well. In turn, we used some of the left-over 'digested' soil form the mushroom farm to re-fertilise our corn fields, but that's come to a near complete halt.”

Euthalia had listened to the explanation. It seemed a rather primitive food cycle, though seeing the location and state of the village, that was probably the best they could manage here. Although she was coming up with some ideas, she'd look at the others first. “Any thoughts on the matter?” She asked, curious to hear some other opinions before speaking about her own theories and risking to influence what the others might come up with.
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A beast or monster were those the none aware pokemon of this world? The creatures of this world did seem to be less able to do things that pokemon could do if Euthalia was doubting it. Euthalia being the leader of the group and seemingly smartest person that didn't creep Nikita out, it was only natural to her that any ideas should goto Euthalia. Yes she might not be as open as Islwyn and keone was well she just seemed to know about as much on the topic as Nikita knew about this world.

There was a little jealousy that Euthalia just seemed to open up to Aiden who to Nikita didn't see as to diffrent than her just smarter. Well Nikita wasn't here to make friends or no that was what journeies were about gathering friends that are your pokemon. Well she was sure Euthalia would open up if she helped.

Listening to the drider speak Nikita tried to visualize the process. It seemed normal but also like a part was skipped. They were failing to grow corn and mushrooms. It was like when weeds got into her gardens back home. They would cover everything and make the soil so bad even removing them didn't fix it. Nikita really couldn't explain it as dirt was good or bad to her so the idea of one part of it being gone wasn't there.

Euthalia did ask them about it so Nikita wanted to ask one thing which she had noticed in her gardens. Though she wanted to also clarify the pokemon thing but that coukd wait. " Have you tried growing anything else or not growing anything at all for awhile? " yeah it was a huge ask from a very simple question, but if whatever part of the soil the plants needed was gone then they couldn't grow. " I once had weeds eat up all the good soil in a garden abd even after they were gone nothing grew. Then latter much latter it could grow things again " the idea she was trying to explain was something easily forgotten crop rotation. While animal poop and compost might return some of what was used by plants it might not return it all or might not return any of the right elements.

Aiden’s wings fluttered gently as he listened to the conversation unfold, his expression thoughtful as he absorbed the various perspectives. Euthalia’s insights into magic and natural cycles were fascinating, and the way she seamlessly connected them to the situation at hand resonated with his own understanding of the world, though he realized how much he still had to learn about this new place.

When the orb revealed his titles, Aiden noticed the curiosity and confusion around the term "Isekai." He smiled softly, understanding that this was a concept unfamiliar to them. “It’s a term from my world,” he explained with a calm tone, “referring to someone who has been transported to another world, often with the expectation of fulfilling some kind of mission or task. I suppose in this case, it’s a reminder of why I’m here—to protect and restore balance.”

As the discussion shifted to the issue with the crops and soil, Aiden’s beekeeper instincts kicked in. He nodded thoughtfully at Nikita’s question about crop rotation and the potential depletion of nutrients. “Nikita might be onto something,” he began, his tone respectful and measured (he may also sense some of Nikita's jealousy with [Empathy F]). “In beekeeping, we often have to be mindful of the plants and flowers that bees rely on for nectar. If the same crops or plants are grown repeatedly in the same soil, it can lead to depletion of essential nutrients, which could explain why the corn and mushrooms aren’t thriving.”

He glanced over at the drider and Euthalia. “The cold water from the melted snow could also be a factor. If the soil isn’t warming up enough, it might not be supporting the growth of the plants as effectively, especially if it’s still holding onto some of the winter chill. Plants need warmth to grow, and if the soil isn’t reaching the right temperature, it could be stunting the crops.”

Aiden paused, considering the delicate balance of the ecosystem they were dealing with. “Perhaps it’s not just about what’s being grown, but how the land is being used. If we can find a way to restore the soil, maybe by rotating crops or allowing the land to rest, it might help rejuvenate it. We could also look into introducing different types of plants that could add back the nutrients that have been lost.”

He then turned his attention back to Euthalia. “You mentioned earlier that magic and natural cycles are intertwined. Maybe there’s a way to use magic to help restore the balance here? Something that could work alongside the natural processes to heal the land more quickly.”

Aiden hoped his suggestions would be helpful, but he remained open to the ideas of others, understanding that this was a complex issue that would likely require multiple perspectives to solve.

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