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Futuristic {KRYSIN: Virtual Reality}

Surprisingly no one make a highschooler XD
I was thinking Shen could have been an ex student of Louise's. He hasn't been out of school that long so she could still potentially remember him. Was waiting for an ooc to be posted or something to talk about it tho. I could make a discord just for the time being if anyone's interested.
Anyone want to be friends with Thalia? Could just be in game friends or both
I could see Thanatos being friends with her in game since they both seem to play all the time. Upon rereading my character sheet I feel like he seems super edgy but I promise he's not lolol. They could group up a lot together assuming that's a thing in the game.
I could see Thanatos being friends with her in game since they both seem to play all the time. Upon rereading my character sheet I feel like he seems super edgy but I promise he's not lolol. They could group up a lot together assuming that's a thing in the game.
I like it. I think they would make a good combo
Btw, what year is it in the RP, and are we allowed to be from different countries? Like, do we see people in game based on region, or is it more of just everyone is dropped into the same location no matter where they are from?
Surprisingly no one make a highschooler XD
I was tempted to do my character as one of the students when I saw you made a teacher, but I thought it was rude to do that without asking first, so I changed it
Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 My AVATARS are nearly all finished and my first post is actually written up! Nothing fancy, just a starter. Starting in the morning time, we should get this thing underway. if you have established relationships, friendships, or anything with your partners in PM, conclude them now before the first post!

*Does an "I'm Stoked!" dance!* w00t W00T!
I was thinking Shen could have been an ex student of Louise's. He hasn't been out of school that long so she could still potentially remember him.
Sounds good.
giphy (1).gif

I was tempted to do my character as one of the students when I saw you made a teacher, but I thought it was rude to do that without asking first, so I changed it
I actually planned to threatenoffer anyone who make a student character to become Louise's student for some potential school shenanigans XD
Lurker Lurker : Here are your Avatars! Unfortunately there was so much background noise that I could not make Shen's background transparent. If you have another image, I'd totally be glad to make another, but if you're okay with this one, then here ya go!

LadyOfStars LadyOfStars : Here are your Avatars. Just with Lurkers, there was a lot of background noise on KRYSIN Seji's image, so I wasn't able to make it transparent. If you have another image you want me to use in it's stead, thats fine! ^^

seji.pngoutput-onlinepngtools (3) (1).png

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