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Fandom Krymmeno City (A Pokemon Gijinka RP)

Well, currently, I'm still waiting for @Lunar\-Eclipse to finish Natsumi the Kyogre. I want to have April and her have so many interesting moments. *cries* My groudon is lonely.
I still need to finish Xeke and Lucina for that one. And I have quite a few ideas for Aquila, though that one seems to need A LOT of people.
Yeah I really need to finish Natsumi and Diana… >.> And since the characters I actually have finished have been accepted now, I can get to work on a post for them too.

I'm considering having cresselia as one of my legendaries so having the limit be more than two on them would be nice
[QUOTE="Lunar-Eclipse]Yeah I really need to finish Natsumi and Diana… >.> And since the characters I actually have finished have been accepted now, I can get to work on a post for them too.
I'm considering having cresselia as one of my legendaries so having the limit be more than two on them would be nice

Yay Natsumi!and I already tagged Kallista with Mikey.
Sorry I poofed Dx

My finals were right after Thanksgiving, so I wasn't really able to be on much. But now my finals are over and I can enjoy my life and post in the thread again! I hope everyone enjoys their holidays! c:

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