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Fandom Krymmeno City (A Pokemon Gijinka RP)

AlannaTrebond said:
Hm? What are they? *curious*
You'll see. ;P

I haven't played them in forever like omg. <3

They need heavy revising. I made them a really freaking long time ago.

Like April 2014 ish?
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Hi~! This RP sounds like a lot of fun. c: It's been a while since I did a gijinka RP, but I really miss them!! Is it cool if I reserve a spot for my mareep OC?
HoneyTeaTree said:
Hi~! This RP sounds like a lot of fun. c: It's been a while since I did a gijinka RP, but I really miss them!! Is it cool if I reserve a spot for my mareep OC?
I'm not the GM, but we need more people!

So sure :3
No need to reserve unless its a legendary. So go right ahead.

Also, on a side note, I'm just wanting to finish a few characters and let others have the chance to finish theres before I start the rp
oh okay! I'm working on the character sheet right now. I'm still getting used to rpn's coding, but I should have it done in an hour or so o 3o
wow... the hardest part of her character sheet is her secret, like dang son... Dx I never thought I'd struggle with thinking of a secret....
HoneyTeaTree said:
wow... the hardest part of her character sheet is her secret, like dang son... Dx I never thought I'd struggle with thinking of a secret....
I never think too hard about it. What fits or doesnt fit with the character? Thats the secret.
there @_@ finally thought of something for her. My mareep child is up v u v please be gentle with her

I'll add color to her sheet later, I just need to take a break from staring at it
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HoneyTeaTree said:
there @_@ finally thought of something for her. My mareep child is up v u v please be gentle with her
I'll add color to her sheet later, I just need to take a break from staring at it
She's adorable. Mind if I create a character that's crushing on her?
Kiroshiven said:
Woo! Manectric with Minus as his ability!
I'm excited to see the character! > w < I'm glad you like her! Just be prepared for an easily flustered sheep who's hair gets puffy with electricity when she's nervous.
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
Prepare for trouble. And make it double. To protect the world from devastation. To unite all peoples within our nation. The braixen twins blast off at the speed of light. So surrender now or prepare to fight.

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