Konoshimi Acadamy [Inactive]

Konoshimi Acadamy was found a long time ago by a young Pureblood Vampire, it used to be an abandoned building but she fixed the place up and turned it into school for demon's, demon's that were misunderstood and had no where else to go, once young demon's came to here long ago, she gave them her main rule of being in the school, which was to never harm a human. The demon's that needed blood to live were told to get it from the nurse's office, the demon's that had any other problem's then they were to come and see her. After many year, the head master found that humans were now joining her school and some of the demon's began to get over work, so in order to keep things good between the demon's and the human's, and also keep the human's safe, the head master split them up, she put the demon's in night class's and the human's in day class, she then got some of the first student's that were able to control themselves and made them guardian; the protectors of the human's when the demon's got out of line.

The entrance of the school is always monitored by one of the teacher:


The Classroom's are big enough to fit 36 students in them:


The Lunchroom is monitored by some of the teachers and some of the guardian's:

The Hallway's have surveillance in every part of it, but are hidden where no one can see them:

The Library has mostly every book you could ask for, but some, not even the student's are allowed to see:

The school Nurse works during Night class and Day class, seeing as she doesn't sleep:

The Sport's that the student's are available to play:

The Day Class Student Dorm's and Uniform:

Girl's Dorm and Uniform:

Boy's Dorm and Uniform:

The Night Class Dorm's and Uniform's:

Girl's and Boy's Dorm:

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Adjusting her slightly too-big sweater-shirt, Nyx Caterina got ready for her first day at Konoshimi Academy. She breathed out shakily, her heart pounding. Trying to fix her hair in a way that it covered her large cat ears, she found it to be fruitless. Tugging lightly on her collar, she tied the leash so that it was shorter and less likely to get caught on things. Grabbing her backpack with slightly shaking hands, she exited her house and started walking to the academy with her eyes cast downwards.
Takumi Karusaki; the Day Class Reading teacher stood at the front gate of the school at he waited for the day class student's to come, he smiled and looked up at the sky.

Juliana Smith; the Nurse for both the Day Classes and Night Classes was in her office looking through some paper work for some of the student's that needed medicine daily and what time they were supposed to take it.

Nina Yomisaki; the Headmaster was walking through then halls and looking to see if everything in her school was nice and neat for the day classes, it annoyed her when the night classes made messes and don't even bother to clean it up. She sighed in relief when she saw that everything was good.
Chogan was walking over to the school, wearing his gray sweatshirt and blue pants. He was also listening to his music and makes sure to avoid contact to anybody. He looked at the piece of paper that he received to figure out where his first class was. He looked around the school, memorizing the places and its surroundings, in case he gets into a fight and needs something to protect him from bullies.
Nova was still in his bed, a late sleeper as usual, he had just arrived at the school over the weekend. He had never been an early riser, one thing that always got him into trouble at home.

Lilith was told to report to the head masters office as soon as she arrived there, it would be the first time she had been in school since she stopped her job and the orphanage made her go. She knocked on the headmaster's door.

Aphrodite had spent another long night in the library, she hardly ever had any sleep since there were so many books to read, even though she always retained what she read she liked to read them again. She always kept her grade up and passed any test that she had even if she hardly ever slept.
Once Nina saw that everything was clean for the Day class student's to come in, she walked back to her office, once there see saw a girl knock on the door "Can I help you with something young lady.." she smiled gently

Takumi sighed as he walked back into the school, all the day class student were now mostly in the school, he began to walk to her classroom to get ready to began teaching his first class in reading
Lilith looked at the lady "Yes I was trying to find the headmaster, I was told to report to them as soon as I arrived so the they could call the organization that I work with to let them know I had arrived and didn't run off of school grounds."

Aphrodite bumped into Takumi and dropped about 12 books that she was carrying and then she started to fall after losing her balance.
Nina looked at her then giggled "ok, come on in" Nina opened the door for Lilith "I'm the Head Master of this school, please, call me Nina"

Takumi swiftly caught all twelve book and then caught Aphrodite before she hit the ground "are you ok.." he helped her to her feet.
Lilith sighed "I thought so...you have the smell of authority all over you..." she walked into the office.

Aphrodite gave him a small smile and then took her books "Yes...sorry teacher for not watching where I was going..."
Nina raise a eye brow "I see..." she walked in then went and took a set at her desk

Takumi smiled back while handing her the book "oh its ok, just be careful next time, I wouldn't want anyone getting hurt"
Lilith took the seat across from the desk and handed Nina a piece of paper "Here's all of my forms and a letter from the church i work with."

"Thanks, I've been meaning to tell you that I really enjoy your class." Aphrodite had a feeling that Takumi may not know who she is since she never says anything in class.
Nina took the paper and letter and looked through them

Takumi looked her over "your the girl in my 2nd class aren't you, the girl that always sits in the back and doesn't speak, right"
The papers would say who Lilith is and why she is there along with what she did in the past.

"I didn't think you would know me since I don't speak up." all of her books are college reading level, she looked at a clock "Maybe we can talk more walking to your class since school will be starting soon."
Nina Smiled "so you hate demon's hmm" she looked at Lilith in the eyes

Takumi smiled "what kind of teacher would I be, if I didn't remember my student's" he looked at then clock to "that would be best"
Lilith glared at her "And what of it but the church only gave me so long to do my job and then I had to attend this damned school...the is fricking ridiculous that I have to go to school at all..."

"Well its just none of my other teachers remember me so it shocks me that someone would." she followed him as he walked to his class. "I don't talk much since those that should talk are the ones that need more help than me, I retain things easily so its unfair to answer a question that I know the answer to when some that could answer it might not remember correctly and then you can refresh their memory." she smiled a little, it had been a while since she spoke to anyone.
Nina sighed "calm down, I'm only asking because we have night classes which is for demon's, and seeing as you have demon blood in you..." she sighs again "how well can you control yourself around human"

Takumi looked at her while they walked to his class "hey Aphrodite, what you mind helping me out and becoming a tutor, help me help the student that don't quite get the tasks that are given, you honest the smartest student in my class, you haven't failed any text and you always have your work in on time"
"My job was killing demons that used humans for slaves, and I am half, I hate being a demon at all. I fight by humans for humans and to destroy demons!" she calmed down "Sorry its just my mother is a queen demon and she killed my dad...even since then I can't stand demons so I live around humans. Church taught me how to control my powers and they let me do as I wished once I didn't need to concentrate on my flair ups."

"Are you sure? I don't know if I would be any good at something like that...I could try if you wanted me too." she looked at the ground using her hair and some books to hide her face.
Nina looked at her "I see, well, I have a deal to make with you, if you work for me and become a guardian/student then I will make you part of the day class....being a guardian, you just have to make sure none of my night class student get out of line and attack then human, but that doesn't mean killing them either, do you understand"

Takumi smiled and chuckled at her reaction "you will do great, I know it"
"Don't worry I'll just pin them down till they agree to leave." Lilith smiles

"Well if teacher thinks I can then I'll try..." Aphrodite smiled at him then looked at her clothes and saw book dust on it "I have to go for now, seems that I have knowledge dust on me." she giggled
Nina smirks "good, now as for the other demon's that are day teacher's, I will deal with them, and for the other students that are guardian's, just watch them and report to me if they seem to be acting strange"

Takumi looked at her clothes and chuckled "ok, then I will see you in the classroom"
"Are there any demons in the day classes that are not guardians? I'll need a list and photo of them, along with a list and photos of the guardians sot that I know what everyone looks like and tomorrow I will need lists and pic of the night class students." Lilith was already serious about her job.

Aphrodite ran off looking happy.

Nova was still asleep, being a child of hell he needed daily doses of blood and he was already past his first appointment.
Takuma went to his class room

Nina laughed "ok, you will meet the other guardian's later when I call in a meet with them" she pulls out a picture of Aphrodite and hands it to her. "she is the only immortal student that is in the day class and is not a guardian"

Saya was walking through the halls on the night class dorm's.
Lilith took the photo and left the office so that she could get to work.

Nova was snoring loud enough for it to be heard out in the hallway a little.

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