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Fantasy Kokoro Academy

"You remind me of... Me," I saidquietly as well. "Any reason that you keep to yourself so much?"
Arye gets up, pushing her chair away loudly and starts walking out of the classroom. She laughs quietly to herself, "I don't even belong here...and I have no idea where I'm supposed to go." For some reason she finds this quite amusing, as she stares down anyone who looks her in the eye. Even though she was small, she could intimidate someone just by looking at them, it had something to do with having a demons eyes.
"The only reason I keep alone is because I can't find anyone to trust..." Fox walks out of the classroom. Fox promptly walks into his next class to find Avril his teacher again.

Fox walks up to Avril's desk and asks "Umm, may I ask you something? Please?"

Fox's hair is covering his blue eye so you can't see it.
"Yes, what is it?" Avril asked the boy, making eye contact innocently although she couldn't see his eyes, only assuming where it is.
( Fox's hair only covered his blue eye, you can still see his gold one ) "I was just wondering how you are the teacher, you seem very young and probably too young to be one. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be rude so please don't think of it that way" Fox is clearly saddened by his own question.
"Oh, I'm only here for more years than you are and because I can't learn anything useful. You're not being rude, it's a question I'm used to" she said, giving a slight smile. Avril didn't want to tell him why she can't learn but if he asked, she would only answer.
"Hmm, I see" Fox said lifting up his hair to reveal his other eye (The blue one). "Is it okay if I ask why you can't learn anything? And please, if you don't wanna answer then it's fine, really, it is."

A fire etched its way in the air, creating a flaming pentagram in the air. From the fire a portal was created; Zanna came out of the portal, from the opposite side was absolute whiteness. The portal closed when Zanna came out, she being only a sad 5'2 feet tall; a red cloak hiding most of her features from behind. A small smile escaped her lips as she brought out her papers to check if she had the right room number, and when she did, she put them back.
"Are you the teacher?" asked Little Red in a neutral tone.


From the front she would have her long white hair covering most of her forehead and her right red eye. Protruding from the covered forehead seemed to be some sort of triangle or point of sorts, very hard to tell what it was without lifting up her hair. She was quite small for her age, possibly the smallest student in the school and had a younger vibe about her than the other kids of the school. In her other hand, behind her cape, seemed to be a book of sorts.

@GiannaCoco @Fox
"Because..." Avril paused, finding the right words, looking at the boy's mismatched eyes. "I practice the dark arts... It doesn't allow me to do anything else..." Avril continued when a girl with red cloak entered, inquiring. "Yes, I am the teacher"
Fox turned to look at Zenna and shyly said "H-hi there." He clearly wasn't good at communicating. Especially with girls.

Fox looked back at Avril "Thank you, I was just wondering." After saying that, Fox went back to looking at Zenna.
"Then nice to meet you, I'm "Little Red," I'll be joining your class" replied Zanna with another one of her small smiles before turning to the fox boy who had just shyly greeted her, she guessing he wasn't use to social interactions... perfect... thought Zanna to herself before smiling at the boy. "Hello there" greeted Little Red with a small bow of her head.
"Why bow? Is this common now? I'm sorry, I'm not exactly... Social..." Fox said still shyly but not as much as last time.
Dante had fallen asleep and missed the bell, He woke up with a groan . He shrugged and got out of his chair and slung his bag over his shoulder. He walks out of the classroom trying not to talk to anyone because he wasn't really in the mood . He wasn't angry , he was just tired, and when he was tired he was cranky. He also didn't like the feel of some of his new classmates ....
(She didn't bow all the way, it was just her head)

Zanna tilted her head to the left a little out of confusion, she didn't realized that she bowed; all she did was nod her head but a little more obviously then a normal nod. Either way she shrugged it off, not answering the question as there was no real answer to it.
"No problem who-ever-you-are" replied Little Red with a small smile, her hinting at Fox to give her his name.

(Who is the boy:? There are multiple boys' at this academy; you should tag the person you mean when you are that vague. Even though I can probably guess who you mean, you don't wanna cause any misunderstandings.
@djFluffernugget )
"Oh, sorry. My name is Fox, nice to meet you!" Fox replied shyly because he realized he had forgotten to introduce himself.
Odin4Life4Life said:
(She didn't bow all the way, it was just her head)
Zanna tilted her head to the left a little out of confusion, she didn't realized that she bowed; all she did was nod her head but a little more obviously then a normal nod. Either way she shrugged it off, not answering the question as there was no real answer to it.
"No problem who-ever-you-are" replied Little Red with a small smile, her hinting at Fox to give her his name.

(Who is the boy:? There are multiple boys' at this academy; you should tag the person you mean when you are that vague. Even though I can probably guess who you mean, you don't wanna cause any misunderstandings.
@djFluffernugget )
( I was told that the boy was not in the class i was in so i changed my message :P And the boy was *points to fox* Him )
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"Its nice to meet you to, the names Little red" replied Zanna with a smile at the shy Fox boy, she guessing this must be a challenge for him. "So what's this school like? I haven't needed to go to school so I don't know what to expect" asked Little red, sounding very curious indeed.
eventually, Arye finds her new class. There's a few students at the front talking to the teacher, she passes them without looking at their faces and sits down in the back of the room.

The way she holds herself makes her seem like she's daring anyone to piss her off.
"Well.... This school is like... Umm.... I don't know really, it depends who you find and talk to. The only reason I'm here is because Joshua found me in a village not farm from my house..." Fox replied hesitantly, it was clear he didn't want to dwell further into that topic.
A few minutes later, Arye can feel the floor vibrate a bit and suddenly Lui is standing in front of her, dusting off his shirt, he then proceed to take a seat next to Arye and instantly fall asleep.
Dante walked around the halls looking for his next class. 'Man am I ever lost!' he thought to himself as he stopped infront of a class. "Here we go!" He shouted with joy as he entered the class. He moved to the back like always did and noticed Lui was sitting in his spot. "Ugh, Lazy bum." Dante mutters as he sits in the seat next to lui.
"Coming through!" Lynx says as he pushes everyone in the hallway aside and nearly kicks the door down as he enters the class. "Hey teach sorry I'm late I had to get through some punk on the street" he said as he sat down and fiddled with his tail.
Arye raises a eyebrow at Lui, and moves over slightly to not touch elbows with him. "Weirdo..." She mutters and turns to inspect the rest of the class. Another boy sits beside Lui, and she rolls her eyes, everyone wants to sit in the back of the class!
Lynx said:
"Coming through!" Lynx says as he pushes everyone in the hallway aside and nearly kicks the door down as he enters the class. "Hey teach sorry I'm late I had to get through some punk on the street" he said as he sat down and fiddled with his tail.
(please put in your character's information in the Character Sign Up tab before you role play here please)
Lynx said:
"Coming through!" Lynx says as he pushes everyone in the hallway aside and nearly kicks the door down as he enters the class. "Hey teach sorry I'm late I had to get through some punk on the street" he said as he sat down and fiddled with his tail.
( You wanna post a character before randomly joining please? )

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