KoC: Secret's Deathlord

Who will be Secret's Deathlord?

  • The Bishop of the Chalcedony Thurible

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Bodhisattva Anointed by Dark Water (the Silver Prince)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eye and Seven Despairs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Walker in Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Mask of Winters

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Create a custom Deathlord

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Weeell, if I'm to avoid being a hippocrite, I can either accept your change in vote or retroactively reject Jack's change in vote.

So I suppose your change in vote is noted. They are now neck and neck.
Really? Then I believe I'd like to change my vote too, if it wouldn't be too much troble for you. I voted for Masky, I wanna vote for Prince.
raidensparx said:
The Lover has six hundred medical cases of VD.  Including some only found in cats and Blood Apes.  The problem is with TOO MANY people loving The Lover.
Umm...  She's dead, so how can the corpus of a ghost have six hundred cases of VD?
I'd just like to say that I originally voted for the Silver Prince, I remain happy with that choice, and I'd like to change nothing about the vote I cast.

In a setting where the ghosts of thirteen crazy monsters who were granted their powers from the sun roam around and unleash armies of walking dead and plagues from other planes of existence as they consort with the now dead or exiled creators of everything to either release the aforementioned exiled creators or destroy everything that has been created by warping the undying shards of power from their former selves to create more monsters to rival the power of those other monsters that they once were themselves...... why can't a ghost have 600 cases of VD?
Ignore flyck, he is the resident abyssal fanboi and gets twitches when someone doesn't speak with utmost respect about the dead ^^

We have a theory here that he is one of them (the ghosts) and just wants to promote ancestor worship.
So we should be careful with the salt and germinated grain around him, eh? Well, that and hope he doesn't get too low on Essence and decide people look tasty. Ah, well...most of us can manage some way of smiting insubstantial things...
I'm honest about my vote and wish to see the Lover... and I'm not about to taint my vote.

I suspect that people are all rhar rhar about the Silver Prince'sess' is because a book JUST came out with him in it. Think on the much talking about with regards the First and Forsaken Lion when Autobot book came out, with stats and all.

Also, note that it's kinda far from the Silver Prince'sess' domain, given that the comic appears to be set in the eastern threshold. Unless you want Secret to be just another emo-byssal who only signed up as an emo-byssal for the stat bonus and charms, and run away immediate....
I've voted Lover as well. Why? Hmmm...she's more interesting to me than most of the other Deathlords...and not just because she's the sexy one. She's a cunning manipulator...and unlike Mask of Winters, she isn't over the top about it...nor is she someone else's easilly manipulated bitch. She also has a fair number of Abyssals, which is always a plus when there's renegades involved...that way they don't seem to have a incredibly high failure rate. She's also one of the more likely ones to let a plaything run free for a bit before bringing it to heel.

I've never been fond of the whole Skullstone thing...and, well, the Silver Prince does sounds to be on the opposite edge of Creation. The Bishop is just...eh. Walker in Darkness is pretty much vanilla...and another patsy for the Green Lady. The Dowager already has her child plaything and the Well of Udr keeping her busy. Eye of Seven Despairs is playing dead right now. Princes Magnificent is somewhat interesting, but, well, she's got very , very few Abyssals...and those aren't legit...and adding another seems a little forced. First and Forsaken would seem a bit too cliche...at least unless Secret turned out to be a double agent...and while not impossible, that seems rather different than his standard mode of operations. Not impossible though. As for a custom deathlord...well, if that's what you actually wanted to do, I doubt this poll would be here. Writing a good custom Deathlord up can take a fair bit of effort...usually more than utilizing one of the existing ones. Considering how crappy the average custome DL that makes it on the net is...I wouldn't want to risk it...even if I have confidence in your storytelling skills. And, well, there's already plenty of Deathlords to choose from.
I'm not just voting for the Silver Prince because a book came out about him.  I voted for him because he's an incredible smart and manipulative Deathlord that knows how to use more than just "OMGBOOBS" to do what he wants to do.

He convinced hundreds of people that he was basically Jesus, used religion to take over an area, and has a Living/Dead Hierarchy that would make Sijan turn green.

And it's true.  He IS centralled in a certain part of Creation.  But do you honestly think he'd be happy with just that part?  Unless Secret is rogue, there's a high chance she's been sent out to inspect other places to instill the religion and make sure no one is intending to take Skullstone away from him.

Not to mention, Silver Prince seems like the kind of guy that would keep VERY good tabs on what the other Deathlords are doing, which would explain why Secret knows so much of Foffles and his doings.
raidensparx said:
Unless Secret is rogue
Secret is a rogue.

Anyway, the location's not important. You didn't think I'd do a proper Exalted-level "collection quest" story without sending them willy-nilly all over the map, did you? :wink:
It's always interesting to me to see how other people have had such different reactions to the Walker in Darkness than I did.  I've heard many people describe him as "vanilla" or "standard" while I personally don't see that at all.

I think the Deathlord's descriptions fall prey to the "Vampire the Masquerade" effect where all the big bad dark evil guys' plots and dreams are spread eagle on the page for everyone Exalted player to read.  Walker came across more to me as "most people don't really know what he's doing" rather than "he's a poser to the Lion."

Several of my player read this forum, so I don't want to say too much.  However, the Walker's closeness to the Eye and Seven Despairs, the Dowager, and the Mask of Winters has put him in my game as a "don't worry about me, guys, I'm just your buddy" position while the self-absorbed and self-aggrandizing other DLs strut about, he's stalking their DKs, setting them up for falls, pitting them against each other, and ultimately waiting patiently for his moment.  

Trust me, there's plenty of opportunity with every DL, you just gotta have a game that's shaped around it.  In my game, the DKs PCs are accessories to the Walker's schemes to gain power by making small attacks at other DLs and devastating their ranks without the DLs (and sometimes the PCs themselves) realizing it.  If the Lion was in my game, it'd just be weird; epic "we're evil and badass!" really doesn't fit into my style.  I'm sure there are some great games featuring Mister "I'm the Toughest Deathlord Because White Wolf Uses My Cape As 'Personal' Tissues While Alternating In Their Minds Between Me And Jessica Alba" but he would suck in my game as a central character.  Just as I'm sure the Walker would suck in a game like that.
However in canon Walker is spied upon regularly with mask of winters having several spies in the upmost levels of Walker's "army" and all the while Walker sits in his shadowland, mostly alone and his brooding. I agree canon doesn't do him a lot of justice, but you can't blame people for having their view of him shaded by canon. That is after all our common basis in discussions.
Safim said:
you can't blame people for having their view of him shaded by canon
Well, of course not, Safim.  

If you want to run a game that's horror based, you can't have all the players knowing everything about ancient and evil being that's around.  That's another reason I went with Walker.  I just think it's one of the most sparse descriptions which allows for more ST flexibility.  Not that more well developed DLs don't but it can be rough when sometimes your characters are like "well, that's not what the backstory says."  That's not scary at all.
Personally I often change settingstuff, often some NPC in the setting will not fit into my campaign like for example when I want the local guildmaster to be a greedy little bastard and he is a decent fellow in canon. My players are used to it. So far I've not changed deathlords too much, but my current games are set on the blessed isle with dragon blooded (prior to empress disappearance) and will not feature a deathlord or set in the west and feature the silver prince whose current incarnation in canon I like a lot.
Jukashi said:
Hey, Flagg! We're getting wierd problems in this thread! >.<
I know. This happens to threads from time to time. It's a bug. The only way I know to fix it is to lock the thread and start a new one. I expect you'd rather I didn't in this case.
Jukashi said:
Righto then. By the way, can you tell me if the poll has sealed itself yet?
It's set to run 30 days, as of Aug 5, so, not yet.
Well... if it comes down to the last 2 choices going neck to neck... you COULD always do up a new vote thread, with the two top contenders and remind people to write a message on why they pick who they pick or if they pick some one else like 'custom deathlord'...

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