KoC: Secret's Deathlord

Who will be Secret's Deathlord?

  • The Bishop of the Chalcedony Thurible

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Bodhisattva Anointed by Dark Water (the Silver Prince)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eye and Seven Despairs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Walker in Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Mask of Winters

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Create a custom Deathlord

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Jukashi said:
EDIT: Just noticed that I appear to have accidentally kept this a mystery; Secret is a rogue Abyssal. Sorry for that confusion. >.<
... even more of a reason to pick Eye and Seven Despairs. He already has 'rogue' Abyssals (or so they think).
I say you show custom-made Deathlords.  You can have a lot of fun with that, and come up with some really goofy stuff up for no reason at all.

Heh...  And if you wanted to come up with someone really evil, you'd base him off of Samuel Haight.
Wow...no love for Walker in Darkness at all. Guess it doesn't pay to be portrayed as Mask of Winter's less-than-aware-of-spys foil.
Nah. Walker's just been overdone, as has the inimitable Mask. You don't get so much of the others.
Jees... The Lover is winning by a landslide!

To me that feels kinda ... cheap. You guys just wanna see if Jukashi's version of her is schmexy don't you.
Hell yesh!  :twisted:

It would amuse me.

Sure, it would be just as amusing if it was Princess Magnificent... ^_^

But my earlier comments still stands.
Solfi said:
Jees... The Lover is winning by a landslide!
To me that feels kinda ... cheap. You guys just wanna see if Jukashi's version of her is schmexy don't you.
Yeah, not like CW, the connoisseur, who wants... *glances at avatar* ... tentacles...
Dagnabbit. If I have to use the Lover I'll be forced to use up all the sexy traits that I was saving for... someone else.
Then use an all new original Deathlord.  Base them off of different concepts.  Make the first one what CW wants: tentacles.  His great weakness could be a terrible fear of sushi bars...
I would too!   :twisted:

On a side note, half of why I'm a fan of Lover, has nothing to do with the whore-house theme.  Rather, it has to do with her deceit and nonthreatening manner.  The Scavenger Lands fears the Mask of Winters.  The entire Underworld fears FAFL and his army.  But the Lover comes across to most as a Deathlord who's lost site of her goals, and is more concerned with pleasure over amassing an army or casting everything into Oblivion.  As far as underhandedness goes, only Mask of Winters has her beat, but he has nowhere near as many loyal followers or loyal Deathknights/Solars.
Haku said:
Jack said:
I think a lady deathlord with tentacles would be cool.
You would.

I'm just saying she'd be cool. She'd also scare the living exaltation out of homophobic players... ^_^
One of my players is a tad homophobic. And he is also in the army. I can barely hold myself back with the sparta and samurai references and all the homosexual action flying around in exalted. I think he hates me for it ^^ But in a good and heterosexual way of course :P
Charleston Chew!

Charleston Chew! :D

This my first post on this forum and I wanted Charleston Chew to be my first Utterance. 8)

I am a huge Fan of the Comic!  I sign up just to Vote!  But I think I will now look around and stay a while... :P

I stuck!  I want to vote for either the Silver Prince or a brand Brand Spanking New Custom Deathlord!

Ohh the Choiceseses!

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