KoC 181-185

You know, having sex with nine people at once just means having sex with nine people without taking even a moment's rest. The impressive part should probably be that she found 9 people in the same location willing to share. It can get to be a pretty nasty ordeal, especially when you wonder just who has STDs there.
Nah, just head to Great Forks. They're into that sort of thing. Also, if she wasn't a "foul Anathema," she'd have no problem whatsoever at a House Cynis party.
Barking up a different tree
Because she has a canid animal form! Ha ha!

Of course, foxes don't bark. Or can they? Is it howling they don't do? I know they don't have the muscles to snarl.
Exalted are immune to petty disease. Bring on your whores' date=' your sluts, your ladies of the evening![/quote']
Why am I suddenly reassured by Seraglio of the Demon Concubines being a solar circle spell.

Not that Marena couldn't get into almost infinite amounts of trouble using Vibrations of the Serene Promise or a Many Stalked Flower of Delights

I'll point out, we don't yet know what feat of endurance or love resulted in Marena's exaltation...
I think I'm going to keep from having to scrub my brain and just say, "Stunt dice can do anything."

Also, is it really definite that she was talking about nine people with her simultaneously? I mean, what if one or more of those partnering with her also had other partners? That's an easy way to get more people involved.

Also, I thought that Secret was trying to count off how many different ways she can think of to be with someone, which is just adorable.

Mouth (1), V (1), A(1), Hands (2), Feet (2), Ears (2), Armpits (2), Knees (2), tail (at least 1).

That gives a total possible theoretical limit, assuming no more than one person per point, of...14, though it would likely be a very tight squeeze.
How do you with the neck?
Open your mouth and say 'aaah'.

Now there's a groove formed between your jaw, neck, and sternum. It kinda precludes deepthroating, so there would have to have been a chick on the mouth end.

Granted, it seems a little pointless to have sex there. Unfulfilling at least.
Nine is an easier number to imagine if you accept that many of those may have been females. You can rub with far more body parts than you can grip.

Jukashi said:
Because she has a canid animal form! Ha ha!
So... Marena does it doggy style?


Zeikfried said:
The best part is, how in the last panel, Secret seems to be counting on her fingers; my guess is that she's ticking off what she does count as "people." "Hmm...humans...ghosts...gods..."
I think she started trying to do the same math we were doing... and then was shocked to realize that she had fingers.
The fourth panel in today's strip is just great. I'm very glad Nova's arc is finally over.
Quchu said:
I just don't want to see Secret's Resonance break out. :(
You already saw a little leaking, I guess...

Jukashi said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Let's be fair, if you're completely Melee/Archery specced with no Martial Arts, let alone Styles, you're pretty boned if you get caught barehanded. Even a Dawn Caste is right to be a little scared under those circumstances...
It is in such situations that the wisest warriors make use of that most ancient of fighting techniques.

"Pick up a stick."
That's the second one. The most ancient is "Hit the groin". Hilarious post though.

"Yes, Marena?"

"Tell me about your mother."
Funny how this could match with today's comic. "The problem is EVER your mother".

Zeikfried said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
And then Misho, Karen, Marena, and Ten Winds appear in her dream thanks to a little Sidereal charm purveyed by Ten Winds - or, alternatively, a dream-invading artifact produced by Misho - who tell the evil voices in no uncertain terms that if they want to get to their vulnerable friend, they go through them first.
Cue emotion-battle within Secret's psyche, where Warform Mama Marena is aproximately the size of Juggernaut and three times as pissed. A battle wherein Misho uses analytical skill and logic to smoothly and deftly counter the insanity-inducing whispers by pointing out how stupid they really are, a battle wherein Ten Winds spreads serenity and peace through meditation, and the Sisters Ragara rip through mind-ghosts and niggling doubts, squirming fears and suicidal impulses like, well, a Dawn and a Warform Lunar through whatever gets in their way.
No, that'd be bad. Part of Secret's development as a character is that, while she can rely on her friends for help, she shouldn't have to rely on them to come solve all of her problems for her. Secret wants to become a strong, valuable member of the party, not the eternally helpless, scared little girl who can't do anything without Misho and Marena and Ten coming to save her. An internal battle within her soul against the Neverborn ultimately has to be won by Secret herself. And victory against a Primordial is exactly the sort of thing that proves her worth to be Exalted.
That's true, and there you win. That would be more "dodging" and just a little "parrying" social attacks and then it wouldn't be exactly a victory, but still.

Zeikfried said:
Oh, and as for Secret being the reincarnation of Brigid, I'd say that there's a far better chance of her being the reincarnation of Shadow's Grace...particularly since it's a potential plot-hook for Five Days Darkness to show up and make a request. Also, Secret using Ebon Shadow Style would be pretty awesome.
That will eliminate the "I lost my weapon I'm doomed" issue too.

Zeikfried said:
There's also the chance that she is the reincarnation of Brigid, but who got a Day Caste Exaltation stuck to her because the Deathlords aren't using the same methods of Caste selection that the Incarnae use and the Exaltations themselves naturally have.
And there you fail. Secret has the same psychological problems of Brigid, but from another source. Brigid was incompetent with charms, and so failed to save her mate. That made her so insecure and self-pitying. Then she SACRIFICED THAT for Sorcery, and became very different. Secret is competent with charms and her problem is her heroic attitude (not truly worthing in her opinion). They are specular.

NOT in an Solar-Abyssal way, I mean! :mrgreen:

You people are all very, very sick.
Good for you!


Whee hee hee! Now that's an exaltation story worth telling! With pictures!
I strongly agree! :D

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