KoC 181-185

I'd also have to say that I think it will be much more awesome if Secret deals with her own fears and the influence of the Neverborn on her own. That's the point of making her have the heart of a hero. If her friends have to keep bailing her out, she'll just stay as fearful and insecure as she always has been.

Maybe once she can tell the Neverborn "screw you" then you could get a psychoplanar brawl where her mental perceptions of Misho and the gang show up and help her thrash the psychic projection of a dead god back into an incoherent coma, but not before.
Marena is a woman comfortable with her own sexuality.

As for it being 'nine', let's see, the obvious...

Mouth, breasts, vagina, anus covers four. Two hands makes six, feet make seven, possibly eight if she's good enough to do one with each foot. That leaves one unaccounted for... Tail? Or maybe (at least) two of them were women, standing belly-to-belly, and she could handle two at once with one hand.

Of course, I am presuming this is 'number of active participants touching Marena at one time', if it was an orgy in which she was but one of many participants, instead of being the center of everyone's aroused attention, nine is actually kind of pedestrian.
Hahahahaha! "Define people!" Ha! Oh, lord...

And I suppose Lunars can turn into octopuses, right?

...If you know what I mean...
The best part is, how in the last panel, Secret seems to be counting on her fingers; my guess is that she's ticking off what she does count as "people." "Hmm...humans...ghosts...gods..."
There's also the possibility of double-penetration, ShadowDragon, provided one or more of the participants was particularly flexible. That could get you an extra person to make nine.

I find it amusing that I was trying to do the same mental calculations but forgot feet. I obviously haven't played enough lunars.
There's also the possibility of double-penetration, ShadowDragon, provided one or more of the participants was particularly flexible. That could get you an extra person to make nine.
I find it amusing that I was trying to do the same mental calculations but forgot feet. I obviously haven't played enough lunars.
Go to your porno clearinghouse of choice and look up "footjob." :P

As for double-penetration, I was presuming normally human-like folks. That would preclude double-penetration being good for any extras. Two folk can't occupy the same space at the same time, so if she's got two in her vagina, one of them is where the guy who would otherwise be in her anus would be.

Of course, one of them could be a God/Lunar with shapeshifting and/or tentacular qualities and/or some other form of long, prehensile penis...
Don't forget Twin Faced Hero knack ;)
She seems to go many ways, not just one or two.
That would reduce the number possible - or at least not change it. While it is vaugely plausable for someone to sit on Maren's penis, with two penetrating him in the ass, you would lose the tit-job possibility.

I wonder if Jukashi expected/anticipated us going over Marena's comments in such thoroughness? I wonder if he's going to be freaked the frack out about us?...

He posts on the Freedom Stone (IIRC.) Naaaaaaahhhh.

Still, even if we generously presume "multiple partners" doesn't require a Flurry with a seperate action for each partner, what kind of modifiers is Marena/Maren looking at for fucking nine people at once? She might possibly have a charm to eliminate multiple partner penalties, and we know she took every Second Excellency. :)
I have often wondered how many midgets one woman could theoretically handle at once. This calls for diagrams!

(Armpits and "kneepits", perhaps? Between the toes?)
The knack can't do that (unless, I suppose, they're using the form of a hermaphrodite they nommed). It's limited to male, female, and sexless (basically a Ken doll).
I lol'd at the comic. Secret's expressions are priceless.

Oh, and I've seen some of the places where Jukashi has been. This discussion won't phase anyone who's been there.
Brickwall said:
The knack can't do that (unless, I suppose, they're using the form of a hermaphrodite they nommed). It's limited to male, female, and sexless (basically a Ken doll).
I'm sure Marena would've found a way to stunt it off or something :)
Well, once the player promised to show the ST the same fun that the NPCs were getting, they decided they'd be perfectly happy to allow hermaphrodite form...
Brickwall said:
The knack can't do that (unless, I suppose, they're using the form of a hermaphrodite they nommed). It's limited to male, female, and sexless (basically a Ken doll).
Me, one of the ultimate fans of futa, forgetting that?

I feel a big 'doh' coming on... Yeaah, there it went. D'OH!

So, yes, that would easily make nine. Let's see...

supposing a flat table, someone equipped to penetrate (either by having a penis or a strapon) lays down. Mareina sits down on his/her lap, inserting this person into her anus, and lays flat along their chest. Another person equipped to penetrate slides up between their legs, enters Marena's vagina. That's two.

Someone sits on Marena's penis, that makes three, and someone sits forward of them, squeezing Marena's ample busom around his penis, makes four.

Someone gets oral from Marena, which makes five, and she pleasures two more with her hands, makes six and seven, while pleasuring yet another two with her feet. That makes nine.

That's what I'd call a traffic jam.
Remember the previous panel. Other Lunars have achieved more "with shapeshifting", the implication being that Merana pulled off her three-dice stunt without it.

I must say, I wasn't expecting to see this discussed so frankly.
Jukashi said:
Remember the previous panel. Other Lunars have achieved more "with shapeshifting", the implication being that Merana pulled off her three-dice stunt without it.
No shapeshifting knacks, but I'm sure Lunar's having access to Charms like Spider and Octupus Barrage must have helped!

I must say, I wasn't expecting to see this discussed so frankly.
LOL! Blame Secret! Seems to me that Secret is trying to do the math of it herself, which prompts us to try to help her.

Jukashi said:
I must say, I wasn't expecting to see this discussed so frankly.
It's Exalted. It's sex. Of course we're going to discus it so very frankly. And we're going to do a lot more of it, I bet...

By the way, an octopus can pleasure up to eight people at once.
Jukashi said:
Remember the previous panel. Other Lunars have achieved more "with shapeshifting", the implication being that Merana pulled off her three-dice stunt without it.
I must say, I wasn't expecting to see this discussed so frankly.
Oooh, right.

Still, my original idea still holds - one each in vagina/anus, someone at her mouth, one on each of her feet, one between her breasts, two on one hand, one on the other. (Or replace any given other participant with two in her other hand. It's possible to masturbate two men at once if they're not freaky about their cock being contact with another guy's penis.)

As for it being discussed frankly, I think I can say with confidence that most of us here are jaded, cynical, and well-educated about both realistic and fantastic sex. That leads to frank, clinical discussions. And of course, since Secret appears to be trying to figure it out, we just have to help her! :)
One/two for the vagina, one or possibly two for the anus, one in the mouth, if they're small enough two for the ears, at least one for the tail, two for the elbows, two for the knees, any number of midgets between the toes and fingers (Four per hand and foot?), one for the breasts, possibly two more if Marena pulls her feet forward toward her shins, another two midgets for the nose...

And that's saying nothing of the midgets rubbing themselves up against her body.

Edit: And she could probably "palm" another four -- two with her hands, two with her feet -- without losing her grip on the four on each hand/foot.

So nine's rather tame in the world of Exalted, even without shapeshifting.

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