KoC 181-185

ShadowDragon8685 said:
Secret looks just so... Just... Just so...

Hope Marena-To-The-Rescue is here to give her a hug.
Bad ShadowDragon!
Bringing in the hated Tropeses.

I had to pull myself away before I was drawn in too far, but still ended up clicking on three links before I could do so.

"Come to the Tropes side, we have cookies."

Yes, that was the first link that popped up when I put the highlighted portion in the Yahoo search bar.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Secret looks just so... Just... Just so...

Hope Marena-To-The-Rescue is here to give her a hug.
Bad ShadowDragon!
Bringing in the hated Tropeses.

I had to pull myself away before I was drawn in too far, but still ended up clicking on three links before I could do so.

"Come to the Tropes side, we have cookies."

Yes, that was the first link that popped up when I put the highlighted portion in the Yahoo search bar.
Ahhh, TVTropes... Yes, TVTropes.

TVTropes would be the end of the Fae. Get them into it, and they'd suddenly get addicted, contributing, changing, editing, reverting, vandalising... I think they'd take Wiki'ing TVTropes to a VtM level of intrigue and politicking.

As for Secret, looks like she has a high (traditional) Compassion, and Valor 1.

Let's be fair, if you're completely Melee/Archery specced with no Martial Arts, let alone Styles, you're pretty boned if you get caught barehanded. Even a Dawn Caste is right to be a little scared under those circumstances...

Of course, for most melee-specced Exalts, that's the time you use the charm that hyperaccelerates you to bullet-time (and I know you made one... Right?) and GTFO Dodge. Freezing up entirely?

Poor Secret. She needs a hug now more than ever. Looks like Marena's obliging, thank the Sun.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Let's be fair, if you're completely Melee/Archery specced with no Martial Arts, let alone Styles, you're pretty boned if you get caught barehanded. Even a Dawn Caste is right to be a little scared under those circumstances...
It is in such situations that the wisest warriors make use of that most ancient of fighting techniques.

"Pick up a stick."
This strip made me smile. Which is good, I like smiles.

Speculation-Time: Secret sounds a hell of a lot like Brigid here. Methinks Misho should start giving her some Sorcery lessons.

Also: she left not to protect anything, but because she was afraid. Understandable given who she works for, but it might be problematic in terms of Redemption, and it might well mean that with a bit of training she'll make a really good deathknight regardless of who her travelling companions are...
Jukashi said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Let's be fair, if you're completely Melee/Archery specced with no Martial Arts, let alone Styles, you're pretty boned if you get caught barehanded. Even a Dawn Caste is right to be a little scared under those circumstances...
It is in such situations that the wisest warriors make use of that most ancient of fighting techniques.

"Pick up a stick."
Aren't Staves technically Martial Arts, though? If you have MA, you'll do well enough against mortals with bare hands, and if you don't, you're still kind of boned...

Though you could weild it as a particularly blunt-ended spear... :P
If you forget to use your Dodge Charms, or have run out of Will to use the appropriate ones, you deserve a lesson in not doing that.
Arthur said:
Brigid was a Twilight. She could only have reincarnated as a Twilight or Dusk caste.
True, unless ST alteration is involved, which I rather doubt.

Still, the "I seem to suck at everything" theme is the same. And they're on a quest which seems likely to take Secret to all five corners of Creation. And her deathlord IS given to long-term planning.
Ribusprissin said:
If you forget to use your Dodge Charms, or have run out of Will to use the appropriate ones, you deserve a lesson in not doing that.
And Secret is all about the Dodge Charms. :mrgreen:
The Journeys is back, and talking to Ten. Not sure if Ten is talking Sidereal matters with him, or talking drinks. Or both.
Well, with Tepet wondering around in my game as a PC, anything is possible.

Long story...

Wind Beneath Dragons' Wings, an abandoned Dragon-Blooded was born during the First Age, got a hold of a Gem of Immortality after the Usurpation, etc., a few dozen name changes later, he's Tepet. In the Age of Sorrows, he's a guy named Falen Kel and is still trying to take over the world before the Solars, Lunars and Siddies muck it up first.

I, as the ST, am having a blast!
Oh yeah...so that's what I'd liked about Lunars! I'd almost forgotten. :oops:

One of the things that turned me off from Exalted when I first heard about it was the idea that you had to be a special person to be Exalted...that for a regular human, there was no way they could possibly make a difference unless they got ludicrously lucky and were given an Exaltation.
And Dragon-Blooded don't even need to be heroic to Exalt. They just have to have a good bloodline and a bit of luck.

Imagine the life of a Dynast that had the most refined breeding on both sides of the family, yet still didn't Exalt. :shock:

I'd just about want to off myself.

(Abyssal character creation idea!)

"My family must have somehow dishonored themselves and THAT is why the Elemental Dragons have passed me over!"

"They shall all pay for my disgrace!" :mrgreen:
I can't remember where exactly, but I'm pretty sure that at some point it was said that even Dragon-Blooded need some small spark or at least potential for heroism in them for their Exaltation to "catch", even if they had excellent Breeding.
DBs usually exalt when under extreme stress. This may or may not involves any heroic potential. Could be the opposite in fact.
It's in the base definition of an Exaltation. Exalts are heroes by definition. Exaltation can only take hold in those with great mortal destinies. It does not go to those who would be unwilling or unable to use the power. This even goes for Dragon-Blooded, so they need good breeding and the will to use it.
Jukashi said:
find myself feeling that I've committed some sort of crime when I don't end a comic with a joke
You have not committed some crime, Jukashi. You have committed 'epic', and I give you a standing ovation for it.

Re-reading I keep finding reasons to love this comic, for it is expertly crafted. I just got the 'Keys' reference in #180 today, for example, and laughed out loud. I feel for several characters (Our merry band of four) and am invested in reading their adventures to their conclusions. I like that they have different worldviews and I find it amazing how well your knowledge of the Exalted setting translates through them. I have quoted you and seen you quoted in many Exalted discussions where you have succinctly and masterfully encompassed an idea present in Exalted via your characters.

The humor is an excellent touch and worthy of your effort to strive for often, but don't feel like it is the sum total of the entertainment value. There is a class of reader, myself included, that values the struggles, often humorless, that the characters undergo in their present, past and future very highly.

By all means, do continue.

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