KoC 146-150


Elder Member
Did anybody save the one without speech bubbles?

I want to see if it might be some unintentional hilarity. Also, mad props for including a canon game - and Ten Winds using intelectual stuff to distract her rather than trying to fight her directly is totally awesome.
Introducing new concepts to a mad scientist could be a bad idea. Like an "introducing Agatha Hetrodyne to coffee" bad idea.
So either Nova is E6+, and is somehow NOT a giant robot, or someone else built this workshop. I'm guessing the former.

Also, Nova should have said "Oh YEAH" instead of "Oh YES", because it'd be funnier.
Fact: High Essence Alchemicals are giant robots.

Fact: Nova is not a giant robot

Fact: Nova's Alchemicals are not up to Autoboy snuff

Fact: Misho said that only a high-enlightened Exalt could understand what Nova has built.

Observation: He said nothing about who could build it.

Conclusion: Nova rebuilt Autoboy tech without really knowing what she was doing. As a result she gets largely functional but flawed results.

Occam's Razor: The simplest solution is the most correct.
Fact: High Essence Alchemicals are giant robots.
Fact: Nova is not a giant robot

Fact: Nova's Alchemicals are not up to Autoboy snuff

Fact: Misho said that only a high-enlightened Exalt could understand what Nova has built.

Observation: He said nothing about who could build it.

Conclusion: Nova rebuilt Autoboy tech without really knowing what she was doing. As a result she gets largely functional but flawed results.

Occam's Razor: The simplest solution is the most correct.
Fact: Jukashi has explicitly stated that he is not using canon Alchemicals.

Your argument is based on an assumption that has already been contradicted. You fail.

That said, there's still a good chance that Nova is not the high-Essence being Misho assumes she is, or she'd probably have less of a problem simply beating down Marena and TW and just capturing Misho for examination.
The failure is yours. Fact: If we assume all information is invalid, we cannot come up with any conclusions at all. We must extrapolate from what information we have. While the Alchemicals are not bound by 1st ed rules for abundantly obvious reasons, they are clearly derived from same, and thus any information is a valid basis from which to form a conclusion.
Fact: Exalted works off of Occam's Daiklaive instead of Occam's Razor

Fact: Keychain of Creation is a comic strip, exploited for humor and drama frequently.

Conclusion: Whatever is coolest and/or most funny and/or most dramatic in Jukashi's eyes will be correct.

Suggested Course of Action: Continue to fertilize the epileptic trees.
Nova has a jetpack, a laser gun, and an energy shield when she's NOT operating at full power. That's scenelong flight, defense enhancement, and access to powerful ranged attack. And they're all Charms. If that's not full power, I'm guessing she's pretty damn powerful. Even at pre-5 Essence, Alchemicals are taller than normal humans. She'd be the size of warform Marena even if she were only Essence 4, which appears to be the general power level the core group is operating at (Secret is less, Ten is more). She can't conceivably be Essence 3 or less if she's lasting so long. It's obvious we're not operating with the size part of Essence refitting.

All probably because Jukashi would not have otherwise been able to have Nova hit on Misho. Seriously, at twice your size, logistics start to become a problem.
Brickwall said:
All probably because Jukashi would not have otherwise been able to have Nova hit on Misho. Seriously, at twice your size, logistics start to become a problem.
You clearly have no imagination :P
I do, it's just doesn't like to wallow in the dark places that yours does.

Anyway, is it just me, or is Misho going to build a ROBOT to help them defeat Nova?
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Fact: Exalted works off of Occam's Daiklaive instead of Occam's Razor.


to build...

Occam's Daiklave.

Nyeh, why bother.

I'll just have to sort it all out when I have the time.

Well, if someone doesn't beat me to it first.
This is Exalted. Building giant robots is a valid solution to almost any problem, from sewer repair to invading Fair Folk. Just make the first self cleaning and the second out of iron and you're home free.
I know this is random, but I cannot shake the feeling that in panel 1, Marena's breasts are looking at me. And surprised for some reason.
Maybe that's why Marena dislikes to take her warform.

Having to see the world with her boobs.

What kind of a mutation would that be?
merle said:
I know this is random' date=' but I cannot shake the feeling that in panel 1, Marena's breasts are [i']looking[/i] at me. And surprised for some reason.
You need help.
Oh, come on, look at that panel! They look surprised!
It's probably just an illusion created by the Moonsilver Tattoos.

That, or you need to get laid more often.

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