Knights of Eithia

"Forest. She had wandered away from her town following a bird of some sort. She ran into a clearing that I had stopped in for the night and she stayed there with me. Her parents were worried sick, though," Esmer answered grudgingly. "She was quite small," she said, glancing around at all the dragons. This was probably the most she had said to all of them. She wasn't good at socializing. That was Calina's department.

Calina smiled, remembering vaguely walking through the woods and entering the clearing and seeing such a great creature sitting there. Of course, she was scared at first but Esmer had a way of calming her down.
This RP has now become a 1x1 between @Autumn and I because of the disappearance or neglect of the other RPers.... If any would like to join please PM me.

Now we will continue once again:

Roen made a chuckling sound deep in his throat, “Rhea had wonder off from her home. I landed because I thought she was a small dinner. Of course I was extremely surprised to find she was my bonded. Her parents were pleased by my presence at first, but soon changed their minds in the later years of Rhea’s childhood.” Roen speculated. Rhea was so brave when she was younger. She had approached Roen with no fear, touching he claw with a smile.

Rhea let out a small smile, she was so young that she did not really remember this. But she loved listening to Roen speak about it regardless. Rhea got up and put a pot on the fire, putting in water to start a broth for a soup. They can enjoy warm food now while they are still in their own territory.

Rhea looked up at Calina and flashed a nervous smile. She was not sure if she should ask a question or try and talk to her.

Calina looked over at Rhea. "So, where are you from?" she asked, deciding they should get to know each other. Esmer kept her eyes on Roen, curious. She knew nothing about this dragon other than the fact that they didn't get along really well.

"What did you do before you found Rhea?" Esmer questioned, lifting her head off the ground. Calina had crossed her legs, looking intently at Rhea. She really did seem so familiar but Calina couldn't place where she had seen her before.
Rhea shrinked a little under the intense stare of both Calina and her dragon Esmer. Roen on the other hand seemed to puff out his chest and stand tall, his tail twitching a bit. “I am from LaMoure.” Rhea answered Calina quietly, “Close to the capital Yale City, but I lived slightly out of town towards the ocean a bit, to the west. What about yourself?”

Roen nodded at Rhea’s explanation and then pondered the other question, the one aimed more at him, “Travel. Fight. Hunt.” He said in a short explanation. “I lived no life worth living until Rhea.” Most dragons, no matter the terms they are on with each other, can agree that being with your bonded human is a life changing experience. “And you?” He asked in return.

Rhea seemed to better resituate herself so she no longer looked weak, but her timid composure was still obvious.
Calina's eyes narrowed slightly at her answer. She was surprised, to be sure. Perhaps Rhea was joking? No, she didn't seem like to type to joke about that, plus it was highly unlikely she knew where she was from, anyway. "I'm from LaMoure as well," she said, her voice soft. She tilted her head, realizing that, of course, they had met before."What do your parents do?" Calina asked. She noticed how shy Rhea seemed and frowned slightly. Hopefully she would snap out of that once they got to know each other better.

Esmer just nodded. "It was the same for me," she admitted, not particularly liking the fact that she agreed with him on anything. Esmer looked down at Calina, realizing that the two girls were apparently from the same town. Esmer's confusion matched Calina's. How had she not been aware that there was another dragon in the area?
(Sorry a bit of a short post, busy busy)

Rhea’s head snapped up to look Calina in her eyes. It was probably the first time she looked up at her. “My father owns a fishery…” She said quietly. She did not really want to get treated differently if someone knew what her background is.

Roen thought the question was a tad personal and began to scolded Rhea, but decide to wait to see Calina’s reaction to the answer to her question. “Why do you ask?” Rhea asked.
"My parents own a shipping company. I thought I knew you from somewhere the first time I saw you," Calina replied, a smile gracing her lips. "I must have seen you before," she said, absent-mindedly patting Esmer's head. "Our parents probably worked together and that's how I know you," Calina explained. "I'm surprised Esmer and Roen didn't know about each other," Calina continued, trying to pull Rhea out of her shell.

Esmer looked between the girls, happy that they, at least, had found something they had in common. It was important that they got along.
Rhea nodded, not really remembering the girl. Thinking hard about the matter Rhea fell silent. “I agree.” She said moments later, “I thought I saw you from somewhere too, but for some reason I still don’t recall from where. Our parents working together most likely is the answer. Still…” She said, standing up. Rhea soon began to stretch herself, thinking they should probably sleep soon. They will want to get an early start in the morning.

Roen snorted, “I am glad I didn’t know her before this.” Roen said coldly, giving Esmer a sour look.

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