Knights of Eithia

Calina nodded. "I hope you're all ready. We should go now," Calina said to the others as she adjusted her bag on her shoulder and walked over to Esmer. "We'll fly until noon, perhaps an hour after. We should take a half an hour break then. I'll lead," Calina said, busying herself with securing all her items to the saddle on Esmer's back. "Esmer is a rather fast flyer," she explained, looking around at them all. "Anyway, when the sun starts to set we can land and make camp for the night," Calina said, tightening a strap on the saddle and climbing onto Esmer's back. One nice thing about Esmer being small was the fact that it was easy to get into the saddle. Plus, it meant she was a fast flyer. Esmer was always frustrated that she wasn't bigger or stronger but what she lacked in brute strength she made up for in agility and her flying expertise.

Calina paused, waiting for the others to ready themselves. She could feel Esmer's muscles tighten.
I want to fly, she said through the link. I know, trust me, Calina replies with a small laugh.
I could be fast too... Were the words that snapped Victor out of his daze of thought, Sure. He replied as Envy landed infront of him and he easily used the momentum of speed to jump off of his fore leg and grab one of Envys back spikes and haul himself up smoothly.

I could though, Envy continued, but my size is rather large, I am sorta jealous on how small she is, she must really fly fast...

Are we really having this conversation again?
Victor sighed enough for Envy to hear and he kept silent after that. One would think you'd be excited and not so jealous.

I am excited. Envy let out a small grown and shifted his weight between his legs anxiously to get going. It had been quite a while since he last flew with his partner, Envy always loved it when Victor was with him, cause they would talk through their link more than Victor would ever say out loud in one week and Envy thought it was always nice to have company.
Khadvalla, Norgren contacted her, Come back, it's time we set out. And with a mental grunt, she dove down to retrieve him. She landed roughly, eager to be back in the sky, and he hurried onto her back. "Ready," he said to the others, and Khadvalla once again took to the wind.
(Lol how the heck did I mix your user name up for your dragon Vaar? My bad haha.)

Rhea saw Victor jump on top of Envy effortlessly and was slightly impressed.
I wonder if I should try and jump on you like that, She asked Roen. Let’s not start thinking about ways to get yourself kill until after the war. Roen responded.

When Khadvalla landed she took off almost instantly after Norgren got on her back. “Inpatient dragons we have.” Roen said out loud in common. Rhea smiled and gently touched his sides. “You are not one to speak of such things.” She said quietly. Roen grunted and spread his wings, the warning he gave to Rhea he was going to take off. Roen liked to get a running start before he took off when Rhea was on his back because if helped him get off the ground a lot smoother then jumping.

After he got into the air he let out a long growl and tried to get behind the smaller dragons so that he could catch the broken wind resistance. He would fly longer if he did this, although he was in just as good of shape of the other dragons and could fly just as long, he still liked how it made his flight seem easier.

They flew until mid afternoon, when they landed for a quick lunch and break for the dragons. Rhea spent her time sitting on the grass eating some bread, occasionally taking a piece of the bread and tossing it, watching Roen snap it up in mid air with his massive jaws. She never got tired of seeing him do it because his strength and size was something that had always impressed her. “You should be eating your own food.” He said after the third time she threw something for him.
I am nervous, and you know I like to watch you do that. Rhea responded shyly through the link.

“You are going to be the reason I am fat.” He said with a snort.
Flying upon a saddle strapped to Draco's back, Kaname flew into the middle of the haphazard formation of dragons and their riders. When they landed, he decided to introduce himself to the group. "I'm sorry that I wasn't able to introduce myself earlier. I was in a rush to get Draco ready for the flight.” He gave a charming smile. To be honest, he was quite the looker. He’d turn quite a few women’s heads, even some men’s, at the Dragon Core. “My name is Kaname Yagami. I graduated at the top of my class, just like all of you. However, I was placed in an accelerated course due to my advanced natural ability. Or, so my instructors and superiors told me.” he said with a pleasant smile and a chuckle. “Anyway, this is my dragon, Draco. He is quite young, only 10 years old. But, he is quite feisty. He was also put in an accelerated program. For a dragon of his age, he has great potential. Additionally, his fire is already hotter than most recorded full-grown dragons to graduate from Dragon Core. But, enough about us. I’d like to meet all of you.”

Kaname used his arms to do a handstand on Draco’s saddle, and then he dismounted by doing a backwards double flip. He stuck the landing perfectly, put his hands in the pockets of his uniform, and grinned that charming smile. He walked forward towards the group. He regarded each one individually as he greeted them for the first time. “It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance, Calina Satoru. I’ve heard much about you. Your leadership skills are exemplary, and I was sent to serve in the same capacity as you. In fact, in battle, you and I are to be commanders. I look forward to working with you.” He bowed and kissed her hand with all the regal poise of a prince. His smile, as always, was dazzling.

Next, he greeted Victor Creed. “Ah, I finally meet Victor Creed. I have heard of your prowess in all thing related to survival in this natural world. I am glad that we have one such as you with us.” Kaname left the greeting short and concise because he knew Victor’s aversion to prolix conversations. He gave Victor a polite nod, his eyes conveying his greeting.

Norgren was next in line, so he was the next to meet Kaname. While shaking Norgren’s hand in a business-like manner, he said, “Hello, Norgren Crystalshard. Such an unusual name. However, I suppose it doesn’t really matter. After all, for an intellectual such as yourself, I’m sure you are occupied with greater things than the petty matter of names.” With a brilliant smile, he continued, “To be quite honest, I am a little bit of an avid puzzle solver, myself. I dabble in this and that, including poetry, music, science... it was included as part of my training and it seems that the activities have grown on me. I’m sure we’ll be great friends. You can’t go wrong with a few good melodies and a nice haiku. Perhaps even a Sudoku or two, eh?” Kaname gave Norgren a friendly nudge with his elbow to illustrate his humor.

Lastly, he came to Rhea. “Ah, I finally meet the wonderful Rhea Adorra.” Kaname, again, bowed and kissed her hand with the grace that comes only from years of noble practice. “I have been particularly eager to meet you. Your tactical scores in Dragon Core are legendary. Some of your strategies were quite daring, yet successful. I find that to be an admirable trait. Truly, the only one who exceeded your scores was me. It is my honor to be working beside you, and I hope to be valuable asset to this team.”

Moving to the center of the group, he announced, “Now, I suppose it is time to eat. However, I would quite like to get ready to plan our tactical strategy as soon as possible. I have already taken into account many variables, and the strategy I have devised has many choke points, meaning we can either clinch our victory or adapt to new situations.” Kaname, suddenly serious in the face of actual work, removed a map from his regal uniform, unfolded it, and laid it on a makeshift table of logs arranged by Draco. The markings upon the map were complex battle movements. “I’m aware that battle movements cannot be exactly predicted, but I have studied all of your battle patterns, read your bios, and analyzed your psychological and emotional states. This has allowed me to create a detailed plan tailored to utilize all members to their full potential. The color coding is to distinguish between members.”

Kaname glanced up at the others to gauge their reactions and take questions. Calina’s mouth was open for the slightest moment, before closing. Norgren looked eager and interested in understanding the complex map. Victor, for the most part was silent, but his eyes spoke of approval. Rhea, being the resident tactician, was eyeing the map critically. However, her body language betrayed her feeling of being impressed. The map illustrated a highly malleable, yet strategic plan that could certainly win a battle if executed properly. Kaname smiled. ‘Everything is going according to plan.’ he thought. “Now, if anyone has questions, please save them until the end. Enjoy your food, and I shall explain the strategy.”
It seemed too good to be true that when they landed everyone would be somewhat quiet, which, it was. Just about the few seconds past Victor getting off on Envys back, Kaname started talking. It's not like he minded the talking, he actually quite liked Kanames straight forward attitude, and fact that he already knew him and didn't have to go through the trouble of introducing himself. Though...he still talked too much in Victors eyes, making him one to easily become bored with his voice such like he did with the instructor all the time. It's a wonder he even passed his classes and graduated at the top....Victor realized he zoned out whilst the talking of Kaname continued, hm, hope he didn't mistake my zoned out look for anything else. Not that Victor cared extensively of what anyone else thinks of him.
Calina's shock at Kaname's introduction registered through her link with Esmer. Generally she was good about keeping her emotions out of their link but the introduction took her by surprise. She watched as he introduced himself to everyone. She wasn't accustomed to being greeted like that. It was expected back home when her parents felt the need to drag her along to an event, but here?

Calina could feel Esmer's amusement through their link. Calina shook her head as he pulled out his map. She hasn't met anyone who was as avid a planner as she was in quite a while. Her shock was quickly replaced by frustration.
Who the hell is this guy? Calina practically shouted through the link with Esmer. Calina had a big problem with being told what to do. Yes, this guy was dazzling. Calina decided to watch him closely. She had a feeling in her gut that something was off and she generally trusted her gut feelings.

Calina stalked off in a very uncharacteristic show of emotion. She said nothing to her group mates. Instead, she sat by Esmer, pulling out her apple and bread and eating. She fed Esmer a few pieces as she thought about the new guy. Why was he assigned to their group? She knew literally nothing about him and that bothered her. She sighed angrily and bit into her apple.

Will you please calm down, Esmer said, annoyance coloring her tone. You're driving me insane, Esmer blew air out of her nose.

Calina sat, calming her thoughts but still glaring over at Kaname.

Rhea blushed when Kaname kissed her hand. She had had that happen to her once before, but she never really liked such actions. She was shy about any physical contact and much rather people not touch her, although she held nothing against Kaname because he was just trying to be polite. Although she was slightly distraught that he had surpassed her own scores in tactician. That was one of the few things she truly felt good at.

Who the hell is this guy? Roen asked. Who died and made him leader? Roen growled a little and moved closer to the makeshift table with Rhea when Draco set it up. When Kaname started talking about tactics Rhea only leaned forward to gaze at the map. She studied until Calina turned and stopped away, causing her to look. Looking back at Roen, Rhea motioned for him to move closer. In doing so, she reached into the bags on his back and pulled out a paper and pen. Walking to the makeshift table again Rhea began to take quick notes, coping everything and numbering the color coding. Some of this was wrong, it was wrong because you can’t make things like this off flies. You have to know a person, and that is something no file could tell you. The plans were all brilliant, every single one of them. Rhea marveled at them, but they might not even work because there was no guarantee, but he knew that.

“We don’t even know out mission yet,” Rhea said quietly, closing the note book. She will play with them a little later, after they have seen real combat. No training can prepare them for real combat, no training will bring out their real fighting style. Only experience will. Gently resting a hand on the horn protruding from the side of Roen’s head, Rhea tucked her notebook under her arm pit and gazed at the maps again. He really was a better strategist then her. The only thing she can offer to this group now was Roen’s strength and her swordsmanship.
Norgren took an immediate dislike to Kaname. His overly friendly attitude felt like an intrusion. Norgren was certainly accustomed to a nice introduction, but Kaname seemed to be laying it on so thick as to appear false. Surely such extravagant wordplay is unnecessary. And all that talk of "my dragon's fire is even hotter than some fully grown dragons" BAH! Khadvalla heard Norgren's mental ranting, and said to him through their link, My fire would melt the ground on which that pup now stands.

Mind yourself, Khadvalla, you are yet a pup yourself. She was greatly insulted, and she growled at him and smacked him in the back of the head with her tail. Norgren was still angry and gave Kaname a curt "Hello" when he was forced to shake his hand. "Good friends my ass," he muttered under his breath.

(and Gabriel, don't play my character...)
(Oops, sorry Vaar. Just got carried away in the first post. Won't happen again, pinky promise :)

Kaname collected the maps after everyone was done inspecting them. His first major priority was to speak to Rhea and Calina. However, he had noticed Norgren's forced greeting. He had made a mental note, and he decided that now was the time to sort it out. He walked up to Norgren and said, "Hello, Norgren. I noticed your displeasure with my introduction. To be honest, I hope I didn't come off as overly friendly, or trying too hard. It's just... well, you see, I haven't had actual human interaction in quite a while. My accelerated program didn't leave much time for social interaction, and even when I had the time to talk to others, they refused. Everyone loathed me, and I had no idea why. I hadn't even introduced myself. Eventually, I accepted their judgement, and we never spoke. When I read up on you, as I was told to do, I was simply happy that there was someone I could relate to. I didn't mean to appear to be sarcastic or false, it was simply a... miscalculation, on my part, based on the fact that I was out of practice. However, I do still stand by what I said earlier; I would like to be good friends." Smiling and leaning in towards Norgren a bit, "Also, I hope Draco can make some friends. He is really quite bad at interaction because he was isolated for 9 of the 10 years of his life. This is sort of a new experience for both of us." Leaning back, Xander waved a quick goodbye to Norgren and Khadvalla.

Kaname’s now decided to speak to Calina. “Calina, I’d like to speak to you, if that is alright with you.” he asked politely. Walking to a secluded spot, he began to speak. “Calina, I have a few questions. I’d like to know what you thought of my plan. You see, I’m obviously new at this, and I’d like the advice of someone who is used to commanding living people. I don’t particularly like being told what to do, and I’m sure you share my sentiments. However, I defer to you in times of battle. After all, you are my senior officer. I’m glad we spoke. I didn’t want to get off on the wrong foot. I was eager to prove myself to you by explaining my strategy. It would be an honor if you advised me as to how to improve it. If you have any suggestions, I’ll be speaking to Rhea.” He smiled and waved goodbye to her, just as he did before. ‘Now, last errand. Time to talk to Rhea.’ Kaname thought.
After talking to Kaname, Calina was more at ease. Truthfully, she had felt like he was taking her place in the group. She sat back down next to Esmer, visibly less tense. She hummed a song her mother used to sing to her as she finished her bread. Calina looked at their small group. She bit her lip, struggling to decide whether or not to talk to Victor. She knew nothing about him. She sighed, stood, and walked over to him.

"Listen, it's quite evident you don't really like to speak but I would like to get to know you, even if it's just trivial information. I'm not on for getting involved in people's personal lives and I can only assume you don't want that either so maybe we could just start off with some light conversation?" Calina said, barely pausing to breathe. Victor had to be the only one of the group that made her nervous. He never spoke so she had no idea how to interact with him.

Calina had taken a liking to Rhea: she was quiet but capable and a very nice girl. She couldn't shake the feeling that they had met before though.

Esmer stared lazily over at Roen. Oh, how frustrated she got with him. The two of them just seemed to always disagree and Esmer was annoyed that, of course, they had been forced to work together. Her eyes narrowed as a quiet, frustrated growl escaped her throat.
Rhea sat down next to Roen and flipped through the note book slowly. Roen on the other hand was watching Kaname bounce from one person to another. That human is too stiff, he thinks he knows everything. He talks like a royal, he seems arrogant and forthright. He takes in no one’s feeling, just their feelings of him. He thinks he could know people by looking at a piece of paper. Roen huffed through Rhea’s link. If you ever become so arrogant I will eat you.

“I can’t even talk to my own parents.” Rhea mumbled quietly to Roen, engulfed in the notebook.

No one can, He responded, They are idiots. Roen turned his gaze to Esmer, her growl getting his attention. Shifting his bulk to face the She Dragon, Roen barred his own yellow teeth. Speaking in Draken he growled, “Do you want something from me you purple twig?” He whipped his tail around to the other side of him.
Kaname was finishing his rounds. He had decided that since the initial introduction was so brief, he'd speak to them all personally. After all, he was aware that the files he had read didn't really help him get to know anyone. He saw Rhea sitting with her dragon, Roen, and flipping through her notebook. Kaname was especially interested in her perspective of his plan. He walked over to her. "Hi, Rhea. And hello to you too, Roen. Do you mind if I join you?" he asked politely. He sat down next to the two of them. After a few admittedly awkward moments, he turned to address the two. "I have a sneaking suspicion that you and your dragon don't like me much. Is there any merit to that notion?"
This entire stop was already starting to give Victor a head ache, they all talked so much, especially Kaname. It was starting to get rather annoying how much his voice rang inside of Victors head. Eventually he had to groan to Envy in his overdramatic, yet still mainly emotionless, despair at all their voices resonating on his mind. He ended up putting his head to Envys side in an attempt to drown it all out against his hot, but striking cool and smooth scales.

To never cease, was the way talking is supposed to be he guessed, still it got on his nerves when someone talks easily a hundred times more than himself...Which is close to everyone. Then Calina came up to him and started to chat. As she came up he turned his head from Envys side and looked her dead on, which may seem a bit intimidating to people not used to full blown eye contact, but all those years in the woods made his eyes trained to stay directly on the focal point of others. He listened to her quietly without the notion of smiling at her understanding that he doesn't like to talk, or anything else for that matter.

After she was done, he waited a few seconds to reply to her, maybe to see if she would go away like most people, or maybe just out of habit, but he did indeed answer her. "Alright..." but, he wasn't about to start this "light conversation" she wanted. If she wanted to talk, obviously Calina was going to have to do the great majority of it.

Calina was relieved when Victor finally replied. She sat cross-legged and stared at him for a moment, unsure as to where to begin. "So, what do you think of the group? And what do you think our mission might be?" she asked, her voice quiet. The fact that he barely spoke made her nervous. She was used to people being talkative. She really knew nothing about Victor, which was odd. She loved to figure people out and understand their history and personalities. She wanted to understand why people did certain things. Calina realized it would be an uphill battle trying to do this with Victor.

Esmer stood, turning her body to face Roen. "I can't believe I have to work with you, you overgrown Drake," Esmer replied, her tail flicking back and forth behind her, showing her agitation.
Rhea was uncomfortable and felt slightly cornered. What did she do? Or say? Did she offend Kaname? Did he hate her? Rhea took a deep shaky breath. She did not like being confronted, “I-I… I don’t… uh…” It’s not that she hated him. He was smart and charming, very capable to do things on his own. No she had nothing against him. How did she convey to him that she didn't like him? She did not mean to.

Roen turned his head to the side and let lose a tinny stream of fire, it almost looked like he was spitting. “I didn’t want to work with you either you pile of useless scales.” He shot back. Suddenly, feeling Rhea’s unease, he snapped his head back and looked at Kaname. “You, Human, I can assure you that I don’t like you. Rhea has no Merit against you, but something about you is not right.” Roen was starting to take his anger from Esmer and now sifted it to Kaname. “You prance off your tinny dragon like you own the world. You act like you know everyone well but you are
wrong.” Roen let a long drawn out hiss at Kaname his tail whipped around on the ground.

“Roen, that is enough.”
Stop please. Rhea pleaded to him, standing up from where she sat. Roen responded by turning around to face Esmer again and gave her a mean and angry stare, “Make sure you stay out of my way she dragon.” He hissed in Draken before he stumbled a bit in a different direction.

Rhea was completely embarrassed, “Roen did not mean those things…” She quickly tried to defend her dragon to Kaname. “He is not usually like that.” She looked down at her feet and hugged her notebook to her chest, he voice slowed and she started mumbling again, “I think... he was trying to say… is to s-stop uh…” She took a strong breath, “To s-stop forcing… yourself on people... You just need… t-to relax and…. L-let time bring us together. S-sometimes… files can’t capture a person’s… t-true character.” She paused and looked up, giving a little smile to Kaname, “Somethings… you can only find with time.”

Shifting away from him with a bit of unease she looked at Roen, “I… I need to go attend to my Dragon… I am very sorry again.” She said, bowing her head to him, then she formally saluted him and ran off to go make sure Roen was ok.

Roen was sulking; He was going to hate everything about this mission if he kept making enemies. “Roen…” Rhea said, finally approaching him.
I won’t apologize to that she dragon. He said quickly in his defense. “I won’t make you, but you two need to make up and be friends soon, we all need to work together.” Roen only huffed, but he turn to her and moved his large head until he pressed his snout into her arms. I see you had stood up for yourself a bit today, He said gently. Rhea shook her head and breathed out, No just trying to help a little I guess.
"...I don't think anything of this group," Victor began out with to Calina, in his quiet emotionless voice, "or of the mission." He finished, straight and simple. He wasn't about to begin explain why he didn't think anything of the people in his group yet. Making judgements on people from just a few hours isn't his thing, it's like judging a deer by its antlers. The ones with the bigger horns dont necessarily hold the best meat, nor are the smaller ones lame.

The mission factor, was simply that he didn't care what it was at the moment. If it was some crappy end job with nothing to do with protesting against the antagonist of the lands, then it wasn't worth his time and he'd just leave no matter what the higher ups had to say about it. Fighting his own war was always an option, though a bit more difficult, he wouldn't have to deal with the excessive talking which sounded wonderful right about now.
Calina bit her lip, unsure how to deal with his seeming lack of interest. Don't take it personally. I feel like he acts that way with everyoto, Esmer said through their link. Kind of hard not to take it personally, she replied. "Well, we should get a move on. I think we've hung out here long enough," Calina said quietly, standing and walking back to Esmer without looking at Victor. Is that embarrassment I'm sensing? Esmer questioned, humor in her tone. Calina just rolled her eyes. Roen and I had an argument of sorts, Esmer said, looking slightly proud of herself. Can't you just get along with him? This isn't training. There could be life and death issues if we get a serious mission, Calina said, frustrated. She sighed. "Alright everyone, I think it's time we leave," she announced as she pulled herself easily onto Esmer's back. Esmer pushed off the ground, easily lifting herself into the air to circle above while the others readied themselves.
(Autumn and FrostMischief, the other two have had two days, we can now move on they can catch up when they can. Sorry boys just don't want to get yelled at.)

Rhea looked up from Roen, hearing Calina ask everyone to hurry up and leave. She was right though; they had all spend a little longer in one location then necessary. It only really took a good ten more minutes for everyone to pack up and double check that everything was tight and would not fall off during flight. Take off was quick and they left without a hitch. Flying went smoothly until sunset, with little hindering winds and the strong summer sun.

When they landed to make camp for the night, Rhea took the initiative to set up a camp fire. With good luck in finding the wood and a bit of Roen’s help, the fire was set up in no time. Since they were in their own territory and in very little danger, a fire would be perfectly fine. Besides, a warm meal would be nice. Before they move into more hostel territory and they can’t afford fires at night for warm meals. Rhea also pondered if she should try and cook something. She was never very good at it. Its not she was bad, she was just very bland.
The entire group was silently sitting around the campfire that Roen had graciously made. Kaname knew that such division didn't bode well for their team in battle, and he also didn't particularly want to die. So, standing up, he voiced a suggestion. "Well, since we are all here, safe and warm around a fire, I suggest we do something to get to know one another. I have been informed, and I am inclined to agree with the notion, that one cannot get to know the true essence of the people around you unless you personally interact. So, let's do a, uh... how do you say... an icebreaker. We can ask each other questions and respond to them. So, who wants to go first?" he said, hoping that everyone wouldn't just dismiss the idea as stupid.
Oh look, you've gone and scared her away... Envy snorted through his link with Victor, Like I care. He sighed back, it's not like he had anything against Calina, he just didn't want to talk and it was in his nature to be kinda mean about it. Victor stayed verbally silent the rest of the flight till night, with only a few words mentally to Envy who was throughly enjoying himself despite his partners quiet demeanor.

After the group had settled and Rhea and Roen had made a fire, Victor set himself a little away from the group sitting against Envys side as he laid down far away enough as to not crush anyone by accident. He wasn't far by much, maybe a few yards but still enough to be considered out of the group. Victor looked up when he heard Kaname speak, but didn't say anything. He honestly thought the idea was repulsively stupid.

This is stupid.
He told Envy, Well if you're not going to participate I will. Envy replied jokingly with a small chin bump to Victors head.
Calina sat, head resting against Esmer's side. Stop sulking, Esmer sighed. Calina rolled her eyes and pulled her legs to her chest. She stared into the fire. She really knew little about these people and she had assumed it would be easy getting to know them but obviously she had been wrong. She bit her lip. She had always thought of herself as good with people but maybe that would only work with some people. She was at a loss as to what to do. Esmer sighed, resting her head on the ground and attempting to sleep.

Calina looked up as Kaname began to speak. "Why don't you ask a question first?" Calina asked. She was interested to learn more about everyone but she wasn't sure what questions to ask without prying too much. She wasn't interested in getting involved in their personal lives but she wanted to know their personalities.
A question game? That sounds fun. Rhea gushed through the link. Roen though it sounded more like a good idea when ‘fun’ but none the less it was something he can participate in. Roen hung his head near Rhea, he long body snaking away from the fire. He turned his head toward the dragon that rivaled his size and spoke to him surprisingly in Common, “Envy, bring your silent rider here. We should all participate is such an event.”

Turning his head back he looked at Kaname for a long moment. Next he turned his head to his dragon Draco, “You too hatchling. You need to participate in your riders game. You have yet to speak for yourself. If you can’t speak in common that speak in draken.”

“Roen you are being really demanding.” Rhea said, gently tugging on the large dragons horns. Roen sighed and then laid his head on the ground. He seemed to always sulk when Rhea scolded him. “We will play, it sounds fun.” Rhea final said, smiling at Kaname.
I don't want to play this stupid game. Victor protested with out much enthusiasm to Envy. Not like he really cared, but he still didn't want to play because he would have to eventually speak more than he felt like.

You cannot always be like this...
Envy snorted at him with a push from his nose that sent Victor up and closer. A glare played on Victors face for less than a second when Envy shoved him up, but then he was blocked from moving back from his partners scaly body. He sat closer to the group then. Not incredibly thrilled about it. Envy sorta, growled and purred awkwardly in his triumph against his usually dominant companion. Then he sent a weird sort of smile at Roen, the look told of his agreeing and success in what Roen suggested.

You look ridiculous when you do that. Victor told him with a mental huff. Well one of us has to smile for the popularity points, and it sure isn't going to be you. Envy cheered back and waited for the questions to start with a happy thought of getting to know everyone else better.
Roen emitted a small hissing noise that was meant to be a chuckle at Envy. The dragon had to be his current favorite among the dragons around him. They had a lot in common, such as riders who don’t do what they should. Of course he hated Esmer, but he knew nothing about the little one, Draco. “I will ask a question, for the dragons to answer. How did you meet your human’s?” Roen curled his tail around his leg as he began to lie in a much more comfortable position.

Rhea moved so she was sitting between Roen’s legs. She thought that that was a really great question. The answer lingered in both their minds, more Roen’s then Rhea’s because she was almost too young to remember such a day.

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