Knight Academy character sheets

Faith Eliza Cord

Four Thousand Club
Dormer Academy character sheets

Dormer Academy

Opportunity for training and growth in skills, powers, and self-confidence. A home for the rejected, pursued, and unwanted. Haven for the troubled at heart and soul. Practice grounds for the battle against evil or misguided souls that often misuse or misunderstand the supernatural world and abilities. And more often than most of its inhabitants might like, a target for those who would wage wars against them.

Dormer Academy is an academy intended for young and/or inexperienced people, races, or breeds of supernatural talents and/or origins to make into their home as well as to help them to grow to understand and control their abilities. Dormer Academy does not merely accept those with talent, however, but particularly tends to seek out students who have come from particularly troubled backgrounds and/or are potentially headed for self-destruction or possible swaying towards misuse of powers. In this setting students are given the chance to grow to their full potential and to use their powers to aid rather than add to the corruption of the world, but many may not live up to their teachers’ intentions.

Description of school setting:

Dormer Academy is located in a fairly remote area which is privately set apart from the surrounding city, which is about five miles away. It consists of a large, castle-like building bordered by woods on one side, a human-created lake on the other, and fields which contain a playground for the younger children, a skate park for the older ones, and several training areas set aside outdoors, such as obstacle courses. Within the building are two cafeterias, four floors consisting of academic classrooms, five wings consisting of dorm bedrooms for students, two wings consisting of larger living quarters for families, and two wings consisting of larger living quarters for staff and their families. Teacher offices are all on one floor and training rooms of many varieties, specifically designed for a variety of powers and races, take up three more wings. There are exercise rooms and an indoor pool, game rooms and an indoor movie theater, an auditorium, and music rooms as well.

This roleplay takes place in an imaginary location somewhere within America and it is assumed that most of the players are American and have been raised in modern times.

When a new student is admitted, he or she is usually assigned to a specific teacher to be closely worked with/mentored until he or she and his or her strengths, flaws, and possible dangers to others have been made more known. Students who are older than 21 and/or who do not have supernatural powers but who nevertheless need a home or training of some kind can be admitted with the discretion of the headmaster and teachers. Students are being trained to help keep themselves safe, but guards routinely patrol as well to help keep up security as much as possible.

School rules of conduct:

School rules mainly are intended to help keep students and staff safe. The main rule of the school is to earn one’s place by working hard and by keeping oneself and others safe through a lack of deliberately self-destructive or violent actions. In other words, no deliberately harming oneself or other students. Students who break this rule will be dealt with on an individual basis.

Current villain: I am in the process of fully developing in my mind a current threat to the school/students called a Dreamwalker. The Dreamwalker is able to infiltrate unconscious thoughts and desires through dreams, to implant dreams into people to reflect fears or to extract events or people from dreams and to bring them forth as reality into the person’s waking life. But if anyone else has another idea or villain I am open to it.

I know supernatural academies are a dime a dozen here, but let’s hope we can make this one our own. Feel free to bring in characters with complicated pasts, or villains of your own shadowing them in some way.


1. Literate roleplayers only. This means that you will write at least a paragraph, preferably at least two, about five to eight sentences per post minimum, with reasonable grammar and spelling.

2. Please try to be fairly active. For me an active poster posts at least once a week unless he or she has a good reason for not doing so and has ideally let me/us know he won’t be able to. If you do not post for three weeks or more and have not satisfactorily answered attempts to contact you I reserve the right to get rid of/take over your characters as I see fit. I also reserve the right to ask you to improve your post quality if you consistently post below the minimum requirements.

3. No one liners allowed. Ooc posts are allowed only if you put them either before or after an ic post. No posts that are just ooc posts and that’s it, there must be an ic post included as well.

4. Characters must show evidence of considerable thought put into them. It’s true that sign ups are a starting point, but I would like to see that characters will have some depth and personality to them. Previous characters from other rps are allowed if you would like.

5. No godmodding, no harming another character seriously without permission of rper, any major plot points that seriously affect other characters should first be discussed/approved of by them.

6. Violence and swearing are fine by me, sex should be a fade to black, I’m fine with innuendo. Also fine with homosexual characters.

7. Open to most supernatural characters within reasons. However, if you have multiple powers, they must be related to the character's condition/race/must have some compelling reason as to why. For example, Faith as a Slayer, because it is part of being a Slayer, has multiple related abilities. But a human who is human but happens to be able to fly, see through walls, and read minds would not be acceptable. No one can be all powerful, everyone must have some vulnerability to them.

Character sign up:




Appearance: please post a picture


Position (Teacher, student, villain, relative of character fitting one of those roles, or other):

Powers/abilities (if he/she has them):

Length of time at academy:

Relationships with other characters?:


Name: Faith Eliza Cord, maiden name Lehane- yes, Faith from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, several years and many events after show’s conclusion

Age: 26

Race/breed: Human, Slayer

Appearance: please post a picture

Height: 5'5

Weight: 120

Hair: Brown, long, wavy

Eyes: Hazel

Vampire bite scar on neck, wrists, scar on abdomen, collar bone

Often dresses in a sexy fashion, favors leather, not a big fan of dresses, likes black and red

Personality:A leader- assertive, aggressive, and deadly when needed, fiercely protective of her loved ones and innocents. Loyal and caring friend, comes off as hard and ill tempered, but deep down is generous, kind, even sweet. Stubborn and sarcastic. Inclined towards teasing and physical affection when in a good mood, irritability, anger, and pettiness when not. Feels deeply even when she does not show it. Has gained responsibility in recent years but still has self doubts. Very family oriented but a restless soul, tends to always want to be on the move and seeking challenge and stimulation. Faith has recently become drawn to helping troubled kids with powers like she herself once was and pulling them back from the brink of darkness, whether of their own making or drawn by someone else. Street smart and a strategizer but impatient, likes to look before she leaps sometimes. She is also bisexual.

Position (Teacher, student, villain, relative of character fitting one of those roles, or other): Teacher/headmaster

Powers/abilities (if he/she has them): Faith is a Slayer, which means she has increased strength, stamina, endurance, heightened senses of hearing, sight, fast reflexes, increased speed, skilled in combat and various weaponry, particularly stake, crossbow, knives, guns

Length of time at academy: She and Macal opened it about two years ago, had a hiatus of being present at it, and have recently reclaimed their positions in it.

Relationships with other characters?: Faith is the mother of Liza Cord, calls herself the sister of Sheena Sadovsky, and is the husband of Macal Cord. Izabella Mochizuki and Jirro Mochizuki she considers to be family and dear friends, calling them her sister and brother.

Background: Faith grew up in a low income Boston family in which she experienced physical abuse from the hands of her alcoholic, jealous mother and sexual abuse at the hands of her father. As a result of the abuse, the eventual seeds for Liza were planted; see Liza’s character sign up below for more detail. Faith ran away from home at age 13 and was homeless for about six months, in which she was taken under the wing of an older girl; see Sheena’s sign up below for more detail. Faith was at fourteen taken in by her Watcher, Diana Dormer, who adopted her as her charge and provided a safe and affectionate home for her, training her to be the Slayer that she knew Faith one day may be called into being. Faith received her powers as a Slayer at age fifteen but was betrayed by Sheena in such a way that her Watcher was tortured to death in front of her; again, see Sheena’s sign up.

Faith ran then to Sunnydale, California, joining up with Buffy (the other active vampire Slayer) and her friends, but kept on the outskirts of their group due to their reluctance to accept her and her own insecurities. Through a series of unfortunate occurrences she accidentally killed a man, then later deliberately killed one and engaged in a series of self-destructive actions that eventually lead her to a suicidal state of mind, then into prison. Three years into prison she broke out in order to help Buffy save the world from an apocalypse.

Years have passed now, Faith has lost most of her family and friends, and is currently married to demi god Macal Cord, with daughter Liza and sister by heart Sheena making up most of her close relationships. Faith has discovered that she is drawn towards teaching, helping, and mentoring teens as troubled or potentially heading towards trouble as she herself was, and she has centered her position as headmaster, her school’s purpose, and a large part of her life to doing so- even if she can’t outright spell out to herself or anyone else that this is important to her.

Name: Margaret Ann Sadovsky, known as Sheena and sometimes Legs- rather modified version of Foxfire character by Joyce Carol Oates

Age: 18

Race/breed: Half Lycan, Slayer

Appearance: please post a picture

Height: 5'9

Weight: 117

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Long, black, straight, often unbrushed

scar on chin

Dresses boyishly, is not comfortable identifying as feminine

Personality:impulsive, emotional, somewhat insecure, but generous and concerned for others at heart. Street smart rather than book smart, and easy to trick through emotional manipulation. Loyal and fiercely protective of those she loves. Still finding her place in the world

Friendly, adaptable, action-oriented. Focused on immediate results. Very much a tomboy, uncomfortable with her femininity. Awkward, often skittish and wary, but eager to please and affectionate when she grows used to you. Bisexual. Slowly developing into an adult and woman but still maintaining a childishness to her as she continues to develop confidence and to experience new things.

Position (Teacher, student, villain, relative of character fitting one of those roles, or other): Student and junior teacher

Powers/abilities (if he/she has them):shifting, speed, strength, endurance, heightened senses of sight, smell, taste, hearing, skill with a variety of weapons, particularly guns, knives, and swords

Length of time at academy: almost a year

Relationships with other characters?: Adopted daughter to Macal, adopted sister to Liza and Faith, girlfriend of Alex, first cousin to Izabella Mochizuki (Izzy’s mother was Sheena’s mother’s twin sister)


Margaret goes by Sheena or Legs, never Margaret. She is 19; her mother Stella was Lycan, though Legs did not know this. Stella, having fled her pack, hid her Lycan tendencies long enough to take up with a human male in order to have his child. When her human father, Abe, discovered this, he was repulsed and threatened, and he killed Stella shortly after Legs was born. Though he dreaded that Legs would become like her mother, Legs showed no tendencies of her half blood status growing up and is unaware of it. Abe, an alcoholic, neglected and occasionally was physically abusive towards his daughter; Legs grew up wild, often in trouble, yet charismatic and charming in her own way. By the age of eleven she was often on the streets as much as in her home; by fifteen she had left home for good and had become practiced in avoiding being apprehended by police for shoplifting or truancy.

At sixteen Legs befriended Maddy Wirtz and several other girls, forming a gang they called Foxfire; when the gang's attempts at vengeance against others resulted in the death of a man, Legs fled. Soon after she met and befriended fourteen-year-old Faith Eliza Lehane, taking her under her wing as her friend and protege. When Faith brutally attacked the men that tried to rape them one night, drawing attention of the police, Legs fled; eighteen months later, having earned knowledge that Faith was the Slayer and vampires were real, she was apprehended by a vampire named Kakistos and offered a deal. She could use herself as bait for him to be brought Faith, and not be killed.

Legs took the offer; she appeared to Faith's Watcher, asking her to help her and an injured Faith; when Faith's Watcher came out of her house, Kakistos and his minions caught her and then used her as bait to lure Faith to their lair. They brutally killed her in front of Faith; though they did not kill Legs, they did turn her into a vampire. Faith, upon later learning what Legs had done, staked Legs.

Over a decade later, after Faiths' defeat of the First Evil, a hole was torn into the world, and the dead of all walks of life have been resurrected. Legs, the seventeen-year-old human girl, was one of them. Whereas she was the same age she had been upon her death when resurrected, Faith had aged twelve years and was now old enough to be her guardian.

She now is eighteen and lives with the Cords as Macal's adopted daughter and Faith's little sister. She goes almost entirely by Sheena. She is Liza's adoptive sister and currently dates Alex Sage. Only recently has Sheena realized that she is also a latent Vampire Slayer, the last of those other than Faith.

Name: Liza Kathleen Cord

Age: 5…forever

Race/breed: Demigoddess

Appearance: please post a picture

Height: 3'8

Weight: 39 pounds

Brown wavy pigtails, brown eyes, dimples, likes girly clothes yet is often disheveled or dirty because she enjoys playing and fighting. Often seen carrying both a large sword and a teddy bear.

Personality:enthusiastic, lively, loving towards everyone and everything, yet very much like a typical child in her behaviors, habits, and tempers. Liza is very used to having her way and tries to maneuver others to get it to her, but overall is sweet and concerned for others to a fault. She is also very strong in her powers and trains regularly to improve them. Liza is both a girly girl and a tomboy, depending on her mood and the activity, and is physically and verbally affectionate. She is stubborn and sometimes bad tempered though, and always, always convinced that she is right and others simply don't understand her reasoning.

Position (Teacher, student, villain, relative of character fitting one of those roles, or other): Student

Powers/abilities (if he/she has them):strength, teleportation, able to heal others, controls lightning and wind

Length of time at academy: has been training there for almost a year

Relationships with other characters?: Daughter to Faith and Macal, adoptive sister of Sheena, good relationship with Sheena’s boyfriend Alex

Background: Liza is a little girl who used to reside inside Faith Eliza Cord's head, though she can travel between minds. She is five and is an extreme manifestation of personality of Faith as a child. Though Faith never behaved as she did as a child, parts of her subconscious split off into two personalities at traumatic times of her life as a child, into Liza and Fay, a feral homicidal teenager Liza is sweet and loving, capable of great joy; she is the innocent part of Faith as a child that was not protected. When she lived in Faith's mind, she and Fay were entirely under Faith's control and were not capable of taking over her body. She experienced whatever Faith experienced as though it were happening to her. They were so well blocked off that Faith was unaware of their existence. Liza was physically abused by her mother and sexually abused by her father, as Faith was, and in fact came into being in the same year that Faith broke several bones and was first molested, for this reason, as a form of mental blocking.

Liza now has a real body and lives with Faith and Macal Cord; they are her guardians and parents, sharing pieces of their DNA to form her body. She is firmly attached to Faith and Macal, much more confident now, and is being trained in a few classes at the Knight Academy, learning and performing well in magic and fighting. She will remain five years old forever, however, because she is created from the DNA of a god and extracted from a piece of Faith’s personality rather than fully formed as a genuine human person.
Name: Izabella "Izzy" Mochizuki

Age: 28

Race/breed: Black Blood Hybrid (Vampire/Lycan)

Appearance: Izzy is about 5'6" with a curvy but very built physique. She had several noticeable scars along her body (including claw marks running down her back) and various tattoos.

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Personality: Having once been an alpha of a Lycan Pack, Izzy is very head strong, acts fast under pressure, and can be quite the b**** when need be. She always puts her family and friends before her own well being, and it's said that her biggest weakness is that she sometimes cares too much. Always at the front of the line when there's danger, has a bit of a sarcastic edge and doesn't like to be ordered around.

Position: Weapons Teacher (once she gets her memory back)

Powers/abilities: Shape shifting (Lycan form) heightened senses, fast healing, flight (Black Blood)

Length of time at academy: Has only just arrived recently

Relationships with other characters?: Married to Jirro Mochizuki, older cousin of Sheena. Considers Faith and Macal Cord to be her siblings, but also refers to Faith as her heart/best friend. Two daughters: Esme (deceased) and Mitsumi (whereabouts UNKNOWN)

Background: ((anyone who doesn't know Izzy already is MORE then welcome to read my About me section on my profile page, her whole background is there...way too much to post it all here :/ ))
Accepted. So are you going to still have her have no memory, then? What if Jirro joins? It's up to you, we could always act as though she's always been part of it
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Name: Macal Cord

Alias: Hunter/ God of War and Valor

Appearance: please post a picture

Personality: Macal is very easy going, even considered goofy and silly around family and friends, he has a strange sense of humor which annoys and baffles his wife and daughters, Macal is fun and games until it's time to get serious, once that switch is flipped pray that you're on his side especially when you mess with his family or his planet. Macal has no problem killing but he detest backstabbing and dirty tricks in combat, he rather go toe to toe with his enemies instead of resorting to tricks.

Position: Founder

Powers/abilities (if he/she has them):Teleportation, Time Manipulation, Healing, Control Lighting and Wind, Flash Step, Matter Manipulation..etc etc etc, Macal is God of War which means the more intense and harden the battle is the more powerful he becomes and the more he enjoys himself.

Length of time at academy: Founder so been there since the beginning took a year or two off

Place of Birth: Laredo, Tx/ Oberian

Date of Birth: May 8, 1973-current reincarnation

Age: Apparent age 35/ Actual age est 12,000

Relationships: Married to Faith Eliza Cord,Liza Kathleen Cord- Youngest Daughter, Margaret Ann Sadovsky-Oldest Daughter (Adopted)

Background: Macal is the King of The Gods of War, steping in after his father died in battle against The First Evil and his brother became evil. Macal was originally sent to Earth to hide him under the pretense that he was to protect it and the other planets in the sector, in truth he was hidden from his Uncle Hextor who was wagging war against his father.

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Name: Alex Sage

Alias: Alec Sage

Code Name: Techno

Place of Birth: Pasadena, CA

Date of Birth:

Age: 20

Relationships: Dating Sheena, Macal Cord Mentor, Faith Eliza Cord Mother to Liza Cord and Sister??? to Sheena

Military Rank: Lt. Commander-United States Navy

Group Affiliations: S.H.I.E.L.D.

Personality: Alex is a Genius, the combine IQs of Reed Richards, Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne barely touch this kids, in the short time he's been with S.H.I.E.L.D he's made inprovements on all their tech and then phased them out with his own tech. Alex now may seem like a well adjusted young man but he didn't start that way, having a troubled past that almost landed him in a federal prison, a serious jealous streak that almost cost him his relationship with Sheena, but in a year he's become a dependable Agent even a Knight assigned to protect the Cords daughters, He's gained Macal and Faith's trust and now is considered extended family. Sheena does however have to drag him away from his research and encourage him to shower since he gets so involved in his work he does tend to forget to take care of himself.

Current Affiliation:Unnamed Division of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Security Clearance: L-7

Division: Research and Development

Alex like all S.H.I.E.L.D Agents is trained most forms of Hand to Hand combat, Expert Marksman and skilled Pilot qualified on both Fixed and Rotor Aircraft. Alex is a Expert in Combat in Harsh Environments, Including O-G, and Under Water. Alex was taken in along with his girlfriend Margaret Ann Sadovsky aka Sheena as a student of Jirro Mochizuki who is teaching them the art of Ninjutsu.

Alex has an Unearthly Intelligence which has come in handy giving S.H.I.E.L.D an decades edge over it's enemies in Research and Development in Technology. He's has been capable of making improvements on the genius level tech of both Reed Richards and Tony Stark. Head Hunters from Wanye, Stark and several other tech base giants have tried stealing him away from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Alex has created or improved every issued piece of tech S.H.I.E.L.D has in the field including Armor, Weapons, Vehicles and Computer/Communication Tech.

Powers and Abilities:

S.H.I.E.L.D has known for years that Alex was a mutant, his powers slowly appearing mostly only showing itself in his intelligence, but recently it's taken on a physical form.

Technokinesis: Technokinesis is the mental manipulation of electronic and digital technology so that they can be controlled without the need for physical contact, and can be made to move and function like controlled puppets (or even be made to simply function or malfunction according to the user's will). This ability by many is considered identical to Technopathy, however whereas Technopathy directly controls the technology Technokinesis controls the wavelenghts that control the technology, therefore they are just a medium for that control. Technopathy and Cyberkinesis can encompass this ability into their own.

Electrokinesis: Electrokinesis is the power of the mind to manipulate energies,electrical currents and generate static electricity. One with this power could even summon lightning, or convert one’s own body into an entity of electrons, the other side of this possible power is to create and manipulate energies into solid waves or blasts. and thus travel through electrical appliances or outlets. This power can even be used to take control of the electrons in objects, allowing motion control. if you had advanced in this then it should come to being able to generate forcefields and develop technopathy as well as manipulating any energy . The advanced version of this is called Quintekinesis. the ability to manipulate the 5th element of absolute quintessent energies. with this you could create astral drops, weild absolute energy, control electricity element, project forcefields of any shape, travel through dimension, and do loads more.Electrokinetic Wave

Both powers seem to be brand new and the Electrokinesis seems to be barely active but given training and practice who knows it's potential. But at the moment he must use equipment such as his version of the S.H.I.E.L.D Nanosuit, A bio-mechanical suit powered using Nanobot Tech, to access this power

Okay. Wait, since when does Izzy call Faith her heart?! Sheena calls everyone SHE loves her heart...did Izzy start to copy her? haha
((Okay, gonna try to rp as a guy now, bringing in Bucky :D ))

Name: Bastian "Bucky" Harris

Age: 27

Race/breed: Lycan

Appearance: Bucky stands at about 6'2" but a very lean yet muscular build. No noticable markings, except for the runes tattoo he has along the inside of his left bicep. He has dark blonde hair which is curly and always appears to be messy and blue eyes.

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Personality: At first glance, Bucky tends to give off a very cocky, know-it-all vibe to those that don't know him. He's always trying to outdo himself and impress others, out of fear of being rejected. Having no real family of his own, he tries very hard to fit in, and sometimes ends up making an ass of himself from trying too hard, and it may come off the wrong way to the wrong people.

Position: Unknown right now

Powers/abilities: Shifting (Lycan form), heightened senses, and fast healing

Length of time at academy: New

Relationships with other characters: Is an old friend of Izabella's, having been a part of her original pack before it broke up.

Background: Bastian was born in Dover (Kent) where he was abandoned as a child and later on "adopted" by Hank Danvers and brought to Rome where he became part of one of the largest known Lycan packs in Italy. One of Izabella's closest friends, Bastian, who as he grew older took on the nickname, Bucky, was trained at a young age to one day be a Beta, and was given the role of protecter of the Danver sisters, despite being a few years younger then both. After the fall of Hank Danvers, Bucky took over as Izzy's beta, and kept the position until she moved to the states and stayed back in Rome where he kept things in order until Theon returned and took things over. Unable to work under his best friend's exhusband, Bucky returned to Kent, until the death of Izzy's oldest daughter, Esme. He came to the states for the funeral and decided to stick around and keep an eye on things here.
Name:Jirro Mochizuki

Age: 224

Race/breed: Blackblood

Appearance: View attachment 13832

Personality:Jirro posseses a very calm matured attitude, deeply cares for his family and friends and seldom shows outright anger

Position: Instructor of Ninjutsu and Martial Arts

Powers/abilities: Jirro is a master swordsman and has many powers and abilities but the most notable are:
Hide HandAn ability that grants vampires the power to manipulate objects (e.g.: moving objects, levitating, breaking people's bones, etc.). It can also create an invisible barrier that can stop bullets. Only vampires with certain bloodlines have this ability. Most Kowloon Children (if they are direct descendants) are known to have this ability.Eye RaidAn ability that grants a vampire to control a person's mind through eye contact. They can search through their memories, induce hypnosis, and control their actions. This ability can work on multiple targets at once.

Length of time at academy: 1 Year

Relationships with other characters?: Married to Izabella Mochizuki, Friends with Faith Eliza Cord, God-Father to Liza Cord, Best Friend to Macal Cord instructor to Alex Sage and Sheena

An Old Blood vampire that sided with the humans to fight against the Kowloon children during the Kowloon Shock. Jiro was transformed into a vampire in 19th Century London. He used to be a lieutenant in the Imperial Japanese Navy until he was severely injured in a fight protecting Alice. Besides being an Old Blood, he also comes from a very special bloodline: the blood of the Sage. He wields a long katana which has a blade made of silver. During the war, after defeating most of the Kowloon children, he became known as the Silver Blade and the Kin-killer. He is able to use some of the Kowloon powers as well as those of his own unique bloodline to be able to challenge even the Kowloon King and the three powers of the Special Zone.He is weak against sunlight and water. He is shown being burned to the bones from staying into the ocean too long and releasing smoke under the sunlight, even though he was carrying an umbrella. He has a little brother, Kotaro, who is the only other vampire who shares his bloodline. He is considered to be the chosen Guardian. As the chosen guardian, he is devoted to returning the sage's blood, which resides within him, into her reborn body Kotaro.

He reveals to Mimiko that once Kotaro fully matures and he gives back the sage's blood, he will no longer be around. Jirro was prepared to die when returning Alice Eve's blood to her but she instead rewarded him by allowing him to live, Alice later withdrew from the world of men, but forbid Jirro to follow her, with instructions to live for himself for once. Jirro reluctantly obeyed her and left Japan along the way he made life long friendships and eventually met the love of his life Izabella a Lycan Alpha, who he married and embraced making her the first Lycan/BlackBlood Hybrid adopting her young daughter Esme and eventually having a child between them Mitsumi.

Blackblood History:

Black Blood Brothers are an Elite Coven of Vampires who's primary Duty is to protect the world from a subrace of Vampires called Kowloon Children who can not only infect humans but other vampires Part of their duty is to safe guard the remains of the Kowloon King, since if his body fell into wrong hands it would ignite the End of the World.

Black Bloods have a variety of strengths and weaknesses varying from vampire to vampire. Common strengths include agelessness, extreme strength, turning humans into vampires, and surviving wounds that would kill a human. , but the Order Coffin Company has a holding cell with crosses and garlic, which are common vampire weaknesses. All vampires, however, are vulnerable to silver, as most are reduced to ash just by receiving a small scratch from it. Only powerful vampires, like a Black Blood, can survive being impaled by silver.

Black Bloods are the Elite of Vampires not because of their age, but they share a unique bond each member is over 200 years old but their all the Bastard Sons of some of the greatest Kings to every walk the planet.

Black Blood Code

1. We do not interfere with mortal affairs without a formal request.

2. If such request is received we will then vote on if the request is within our ability.

3. No request can be accepted from those with evil intent

4. No member of the Brotherhood is allowed to feed on an a innocent, with only two exception

That being is another Immortal ie. Goddess, Vampire, or Canidate into the Coven Wives or Husband

5. Protect the Masquerade no member of the Brotherhood is allow to used any media outlet to inform the world of the Brotherhood, and anyone that discovers this is either sworn to secrecy or has their memory alter.

6. No Member of the Brotherhood shall ever draw his sword and engage the enemy in public view, if he

can reasonably prevent it.

7. If forced to engage he will show no quarter and destroy his enemy and any vampire or lycan the enemy


8. No member will ever draw his sword on another member without a challenge made and accepted on all terms of the challenge.

9. Coven member ie. Wives that have not been turned are not allowed to vote on issues that affect the

Brotherhood until they are Black Bloods.

10. The Brotherhood will not get involve in Vampire vs Lycan wars for any reason
(All accepted. Ignore the bottom pic, I couldnt' get it removed. (of girl in hat)

My other character pics:

Faith: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/511-08.jpg.c5b6ba298348136b30756f1524563e84.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/511-08.jpg.c5b6ba298348136b30756f1524563e84.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sheena: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/angelina_jolie_teen_photo.jpg.e82b10eed5ea11df07692ec8861a2bfe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/angelina_jolie_teen_photo.jpg.e82b10eed5ea11df07692ec8861a2bfe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Liza: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/37523_141070759250187_100000417906023_299480_8021069_n.jpg.95b73185c5766d40f7cfadb122632935.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/37523_141070759250187_100000417906023_299480_8021069_n.jpg.95b73185c5766d40f7cfadb122632935.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Basically, I'll play them as if it were post Castouts events, and as if Chris had never existed. Macal, if you don't feel like playing Kyle, that's perfectly fine, I'll simply send him elsewhere or say that Adrian started the fire that killed Alice (which would mean in this rp, Kyle never existed). If anyone would like to play a seven-year-old girl with the ability to form protective shields to block herself from harm, let me know and we will go with the events of Castouts even more closely, in which Alice has been discovered to still be alive. Also, Macal, if you do want to play Kyle, I hope you don't mind if Adrian (formerly Xander) is also a firestarter, I want to distance him what Xander was originally)

Name: Katarina DeSanto

Age: 18 (recently turned)

Race/breed: human

Appearance: please post a picture

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/006SIT_Rebekah_Hoyle_009.jpg.6fdf929b46fec5e9e6b4954558846426.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/006SIT_Rebekah_Hoyle_009.jpg.6fdf929b46fec5e9e6b4954558846426.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/009BRK_Mackenzie_Firgens_002.jpg.99acc3184e2c810f2dd86e2ddd1f3f6e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/009BRK_Mackenzie_Firgens_002.jpg.99acc3184e2c810f2dd86e2ddd1f3f6e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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long straight hair, often alternates between dying it black and letting it return to its natural brown, icy blue eyes, pierced eyebrow and thrice-pierced ears, light freckling, slender. Katarina has self-inflicted scars from cuts and burns she has caused herself scattered about various places of her body.

Height: 5’6

Weight: 127

Personality: Katarina is extremely insecure, passive, and often very gullible. Katarina believes herself to be a total failure whom no sane person would like, if they really knew her. She is desperate for love and acceptance to the point that she is often completely foolish in her choices, and she can be very gullible, particularly with guys and older men who flatter her. Katarina is willing to believe and be in any form of a relationship with nearly anyone who would take her up on it or offer, and is often hurt by the way it turns out. Katarina also tends to be self destructive, and when she is feeling especially terrible or stressed, will hurt herself in small ways, such as deliberately banging her wrist until it bruises. However, she is also genuinely trying to improve herself and to stop herself from being so self-destructive. She is always trying to do the right thing and to take care of other people but struggles with guilt and self-doubt. But overall she is a sweet person who with proper guidance could become an interesting adult. She is often irritated at her twin brother's protectiveness of her and rebuffs against him.

Position (Teacher, student, villain, relative of character fitting one of those roles, or other): Student

Powers/abilities (if he/she has them): No powers. Katarina has been accepted into the school at the discretion of Faith due to her twin brother's abilities and her lack of an acceptable home.

Length of time at academy: about a month

Relationships with other characters?: Katarina has a twin brother, Adrian, who is also a student at the school. She is very close to him. Faith has recently taken an interest in her due to Katarina's obvious need for guidance and so tries to help her. Katarina is interested in Bucky and is in the process of trying to get him to notice and like her.

Background: Katarina had three siblings, two brothers and a sister, and she and her twin brother are the oldest. Katarina felt extremely protective towards all her siblings and desperately inadequate at keeping them safe, often worried about them. Katarina loved them and felt very responsible towards them, even if she herself didn’t always do a great job showing it or caring for them. Although she worried about their powers, she is also secretly jealous that she herself has none.

Their biological parents were both alcoholic and volatile; Katarina, as one of the two oldest, often deliberately tried to provoke them towards her to draw attention away from the others. Screaming matches and occasional violence usually occurred because of this. Katarina was never a good student in school. Her friendships tended to be short and full of drama because of her ways, while her relationships were even worse.

Just over a year ago, Katarina's sister, seven-year-old Alice, died in the midst of a violent confrontation between the DeSantos and their parents. When Katarina tried to interfere in protecting Alice and her fourteen-year-old brother, Kyle, Kyle accidentally started a house fire with his uncontrolled pyrokinetic powers, which trapped and killed Alice before they could rescue her. Shortly after the fire Katarina left with her brothers, not only because they no longer had a home, but also because she feared what would be done to them by their parents if they discovered that her brother was the reason for the fire and Alice’s death. Katarina and her brothers were homeless for some time and went through many stressful adventures before being discovered by Faith and taken into the academy as students.

Name: Adrian DeSanto

Age: 18

Race/breed: Human/mutant

Appearance: please post a picture- Black hair, brown eyes, 5'11 and 165 pounds, dresses casually

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/alexander.png.9dde1a3ff1ee8a8c957260741406421f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/alexander.png.9dde1a3ff1ee8a8c957260741406421f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Adrian is a very responsible sort of person who often takes more onto himself than he can reasonably handle. Intelligent and somewhat quick-tempered, he is a very protective brother to Katarina and thinks it his personal duty in life to look out for her. Adrian is generally a nice person but is suspicious of most and needs people to prove themselves to be trustworthy before he will accept them. He is basically a leader and mature for his age but has always taken so little time to get to know himself and to have fun or relax that he is only recently discovering that he doesn't know how to very well.

Position (Teacher, student, villain, relative of character fitting one of those roles, or other): student

Powers/abilities (if he/she has them): pyrokinesis- Adrian is able to start and control fires, especially when angry, and does not currently have excellent control of it.

Length of time at academy: about a month

Relationships with other characters?: Adrian is Katarina's twin brother and will likely be friendly with Sheena and Alex Sage.

Background: Same as Katarina's. Adrian feels the same guilt she does and also tried to protect his siblings, with even more ferocity she did. Adrian is aware of Katarina's self-destructive tendencies and feels himself partly to blame for them. If Kyle is not in this roleplay, then it was Adrian who started the fire that killed Alice. Adrian has had little experience in romantic relationships and is in fact still a virgin, which makes them that much more protective and shocked by Katarina.



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Name: Nickkie "Nick" Tereasa (first and middle name)

Age: 8

Race/breed: Half faerie/Half human (she doesn't know about her faerie half)

Appearance: please post a picture

View attachment 13844 Sorry for anime picture, but I couldn't find one that looked like Nick that wasn't anime.

She has long silver hair and sapphire eyes that are light and joyous when she's in a good mood and go to dark and haunting if she is in one of her darker moods.

Height: 4'

Weight: 64 lbs

Personality: Being Fae makes her a little strange, she can be playful and have fun like a child should, though she tends to speak of things like an adult when her eyes go dark. She has no idea why she is the way she is, which is the biggest reason that she is at the Academy, she is looking for answers.

Position: (Teacher, student, villain, relative of character fitting one of those roles, or other) Student

Powers/abilities: (if he/she has them) Control of the four elements (like in Avatar: The Last Airbender, with a few differences, she cannot move earth, and water isn't her healing ability, earth is. She draws energy from the earth to speed up the healing process.
<- also, in case you don't watch Avatar, so you can see how it works) She is pretty good with air and water, but can only reach earth if someone is seriously injured, and fire is still very erratic for her. As she grows she will eventually learn how to use glamour, which is the ability to make something look like something else. Sadly this illusion can be seen through if you look at it out of the corner of your eye. (Note: Not sure where to put this, so I will put it here, she cannot lie. It is impossible for her to tell a lie, though she can speak in half truths. Also, she has a weakness to iron, it burns to the touch.)
Length of time at academy: About a week

Relationships with other characters?: She knows Liza since she was the one that brought her there, though she doesn't really know her well, nor anyone else.

Background: Nick's father was a human who had been experimented on and gained abilities because of this, her mother was a faeries of the Seelie Court, she left them, meeting Nick's father while she was gone, she returned to them after giving birth to Nick and leaving her at an orphanage. The owners of the orphanage found a baby on their doorstep with a teddy bear (which Nick still carries with her) and a note with her name on it.

Nick normally stayed away from the other children, she knew that she was different from them, and they could sense it as well. One of the few times that Nick tried to join a game with them ended with one of them throwing a rock at her, their aim was true and because of being hit she tapped into her abilities for the first time. She sent the child who had hit her flying with a strong gust of wind, though he was not hurt. Nick still has the scar over her right eye from where the rock hit, after that she started to practice her abilities whenever she was alone. When Nick was around seven years old she was finally adopted, but she turned out to be such a difficult child that she was returned to the orphanage, each time she was adopted she just ended up being abandoned again until she eventually ran away.

It was while she was on her own that she found the first place she really thought of as home. She wandered into a bookstore, the owner of which was not human, the man unofficially adopted her, and gave her freedom that living with humans had never given her. He allowed her to come and go as she pleased, knowing that she would come home when she was ready. During this time Nick met someone else who started teaching her about controlling herself, ways to keep her temper under control and to meditate, she figured that learning things like that would help her to find the control that she lacked on her other two abilities. With time she returned to the bookstore once to find it abandoned, she found herself on her own once more, though it didn't last long before Liza found her and brought her to the Academy.

(Dear God, I need to start learning to condense what I want to say.)

Name: Melidianna "Mel" Lecarde aka the "Princess of Lucifer"

Age: 16

Race/breed: human . . . technically

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bda725136_DormerAcademystuff_0001.jpg.bc307365028ed14d49e047fe90185c15.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1006" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bda725136_DormerAcademystuff_0001.jpg.bc307365028ed14d49e047fe90185c15.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Mel stands at 5'5" and weighs noneofyadamnbusiness. She has rather pale skin and jet black hair with long bangs that only makes her look paler. Her signature feature are her deep blue eyes which lack pupils. As for scars, she has one slash mark across her neck hidden beneath a choker, identical circular scars in both her hands and feet, small puncture scars that run across her forehead right beneath her hairline, and an upside down pentagram carved into her back.

As for style, she's fairly girly, loving lace and accessories. Her clothes often give off a gothic feel though as she only wears dark colors, especially red and black which hide blood stains, further psyching opponents to lose their morale. She always wears heels, though nothing too thin or high, some form of gloves, and a choker given to her by her late half brother, a simple black ribbon with a treble clef pendant.

Currently, Mel's soul is stuck in a doll. The doll is about four feet tall with porcelian skin, literally, curly blonde hair and glass blue eyes.

Personality: Mel can be a bit hard to understand and contradictory. Though fairly arrogant, she is also rather insecure, especially concerning the question of whether she is a good person or not. Though extremely blunt, not bothering to censor herself or spare the feelings of others, she's rather secretive about her own wants and emotions. Though rather abusive to her own friends, she will kill anyone who makes fun of them. Though violent and sadistic, she is not the type to throw the first punch. And though she is all for cheating in battles, she will never outnumber her opponent. If anyone tries to join the fight in order to help her, she will treat them as the enemy as well. The only traits of hers that are consistent are her distrusting nature and her immense hatred for . . . well, everyone. At least everyone that hasn't entered her approved circle.

Position: student


  • Summoning - Mel uses her summoning magic in multiple ways, mostly for changing her clothes when it's an emergency or when she'd too lazy to search through her closet, but there are battle uses as well. Anyway, summoning requires a great deal of concentration and visualization which is why she often needs an image to focus on, such as her tarot cards. Without an image as a crutch, it requires an immense amount of concentration, especially since art is not exactly her forte making her visualization ability weak, that leaves her vulnerable to attacks.
  • Emperor Aura - One of the abilities that got her in trouble in the first place, it's sort of like mind control for demons, this ability is still very raw since Mel refuses to use it unless absolutely necessary. If used on beings that aren't demons, it can induce short periods of insanity. (I won't use it without other people's permission but currently the only demons seem to be my characters so we might not even have to worry.)
  • Blood - This is an ability Mel wants to hide more than anything as it's caused nothing but problems for her as well. Mel's blood contains a great amount of vitality. It can be used as a powerful fertilizer. Although it doesn't work on herself, it can heal those who drink it. The effect is strongest on demons and other beings considered "evil" and is ineffective on any "holy" beings. To prevent unwanted people using it, she can also crystallize her blood given that it hasn't been outside her body for more than three minutes.

Abilities:Mel is a speed oriented fighter.

  • Weaponry - Mel is skilled with swords, adopting more of a fencing type of style, and the bo staff. Her other weapon is a magical length of barbed wire that she uses as either a whip or a grappling hook. She is terrible with ranged weapons such as guns but doesn't like to use them anyway since she prefers to fight head on and not from far away. She also uses a variety of poisons that she keeps in small syringes strapped to her thigh, usually under her skirt
  • Physical Abilities - Due to years of running from hunters and mobs, Mel has developed a great amount of strength in her legs. She can run faster, jump higher and kick harder than the average human. Though not on par with someone supernatural born with speed or strength, it isn't something to overlook. She also has fairly keen hearing but that's mostly used for music.
  • Martial Arts - Mel is adept in three forms of martial arts having hidden in temples and dojos before and mimicking the lessons. She practices capoiera and savate, which make use of her powerful kicks, and north shaolin kung fu, that makes use of her speed.
  • Poker Face - On the battlefield, Mel practices complete control over her facial expressions and body language. Even if heavily wounded or in pain, she will show no indication of being hurt. This gives her the illusion of being invincible though that is not the case. Even if she is running low on stamina, she won't show it and can be seen passing out mid-attack.

Length of time at academy:2 months

Relationships with other characters:

  • Vash - Mel has Vash's master for a year and although she will deny it with every fiber of her being, she considers him her friend and family. She sort of plays the role of caretaker to him and often punishes him for being stupid or reckless.
  • Riff - Mel has been Riff's master for five years and considers him her friend and family. She sees him as a big brother or mother sort of figure, possibly as someone who could replace Maer though she also sees him as a different person. Lately though, do to a misunderstanding where Mel thought Riff was saying that people who don't fit in deserve to get punished, she has been snubbing him.
  • Lilith - Mel hates Lilith with a passion. This is because after their first encounter eight nearly nine years ago, Lil has been spreading the rumors of the "Princess of Lucifer" around to as many towns as she could, making sure Mel could find no refuge anywhere and the academy is no exception. The fact that Lil now resides in Mel's body didn't help either.
  • Other - Most likely, she hates everyone else. There can be some she finds tolerable though. Depending on what has happened here, she may already find Faith tolerable.


Born out of incest between a brother, Edmund Lecarde, and sister, Lorelei, in a strict and wealthy family in England, Mel was already unwanted before leaving the womb. Being rather religious, the family went to a priest to ask what to do. Upon hearing the parentage of the unborn child, the priest screamed and pointed at Lorelei, he exclaimed that she now bore the child of the Devil which would bring only misfortune.

Scared by the priest's words, Mel was born in an underground room of the Lecarde's countryside mansion. They kept her barely alive so that they could not bear the sin of murder, but no care was shown to the girl. They didn't even register her birth or give her a name. For the next few years after her birth, misfortune did indeed fall on the town around the mansion. Crops failed to grow, livestock died suddenly, a great number of people got ill and a large percentage of babies died almost right after exiting the womb. Fearing this to be the work of the girl in their basement, the Lecardes once again consulted the priest.

The priest told them that Mel was absorbing everyone's good fortune for herself and that killing her would not solve the problem. What they had to do was make her experience great pain. Only then would the evil be expelled from her body and the land flourish. Desperate and scared, the family decided to do as they were told. Since she was only three, it started out as hard pinches and moderate slaps but as she got older and more used to the pain, the torture escalated to the point where they began cutting her at the age of five almost six. They had even crucified her at one point so that she may "know the pain of Jesus". Never did they feel bad for doing this to a young girl, because it was all in the name of exorcism. The sick part was that it worked. Using her blood, crops grew tremendously, the sick were healed, livestock grew up healthier than ever. Soon the entire town was in on it and the "Princess of Lucifer" became their biggest secret.

Believing that the "exorcisms" were really for her benefit, Mel didn't hate the people who hurt her. Instead, she tried her best to be a good little girl, never cryingor screaming from pain. She smiled and stayed quiet as to not trouble anyone, believing that if she was good enough her mother and father would come and stop the pain. And when she was five, she met Maer Lecarde, her half brother though they didn't know it at the time, from the small barred window of her "room". The two became quick friends and it was Maer who had named Mel when she was six.

On her seventh birthday, a Christmas Eve, the people came as usual, sporting their robes and masks. She noticed a person shorter than the rest though. Today, as with every birthday, they were going to implement a new form of "exorcism". Mel complied as they held her down but felt a sudden sense of dread as she saw one member leaning over her. Let's just say she became a woman that night. The pain this time was too intense. Mel screamed and struggled, begging them to stop. As more members came to help suppress her, one of them bumped into the short member and his mask fell. It was Maer. With the great pain she felt and now the sense of betrayal, she lost it. Mel screamed again, this time awakening her summoning power.

Lengths of barbed wire erupted from the ground around her and latched onto to everyone in the room, ripping them apart. When it was over, Mel looked around the room. For once there was blood that wasn't her own. Upon seeing Maer's decapitated head, she finally realized what she had done. After burying his body in the garden, she ran from the mansion and toward town to turn herself in. The constable immediately threw her in jail. While in her cell, waiting for her punishment for murder, she overheard people taking in the station at around midnight, saying that they were happy that there was now a good enough reason to justify what they were doing. That she had finally shown her true colors as a demon. That they never intended to save her and planned ot use her for as long as they could. Something in her snapped. All the anger and pain she had kept pent up for years turned into immense hatred. These people needed to die. If they wanted a demon, they got one.

Needless to say, Mel escaped and the events that happened after were referred to as Bloody Christmas.

What everyone else may or may not know:

After the events of Bloody Christmas, Mel began traveling around the world on a murder spree, having somewhat accepted her role as the "Princess of Lucifer". Though most of these killing were recorded by journalists, what was never mentioned or even looked into was that Mel killed to get revenge for those she saw as pitiful. When she was eight years old, she was confronted by Lilith, an angel bent on killing her to gain favor with God. (More on this encounter in Lilith's background) Mel defeated her and for years to come, the angel would spread word of the Princess so that Mel would never be able to find refuge wherever she went.

While on her travels, Mel felt lonely so she picked up some followers, ones who she had taken revenge for, and turned them into demons. The first was a fifteen year old boy named Cobra, when she was nine, who gained the power to manipulate fire. Unfortunately, he died from a codebreak* when his demonic power consumed him and half a forest in western Europe. The cause of the codebreak was never found out. The next person she picked up was thirteen year old Riff when she was eleven. And finally seventeen year old Vash when she was fifteen.

Eventually she came to the Academy, hearing about how the school would open its arms to anyone. Unfortunately, Lilith had gotten there first and had already began working her magic on the other students. Not even a week had passed before Mel was ganged up on and lost her body to Lilith. Now she's concocting her plans for revenge.

*A codebreak happens when the demonic power given to a human becomes too much for the formerly mortal body. It consumes the host and kills everything within half a mile of him.

Name: Vash Lilicka

Age: 18

Race/breed: demon formerly human

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bda729f1c_DormerAcademystuff_0004.jpg.1af87084d0581fa100160785c9452a37.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1007" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bda729f1c_DormerAcademystuff_0004.jpg.1af87084d0581fa100160785c9452a37.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Vash stands at 5'6" with a rather muscular body from years of manual labor. His skin is fair, being from Scandenavian descent. His eyes are a violet color and his hair is pure white. His bangs are long and most hang in front of his face with a small section held up with bobby pins. His style is rather casual as he prefers clothes that are easy to move in. Mostly sweatshirts, shorts or jeans, and either sneakers or hiking boots. His favorite colors are red and green.

In Vash's demon form, he wears black armor, only showing the lower half of his face. He has a mouthful of sharp teeth and his arms are replaced with large black metal wings that are as sharp as blades. These wings can elongate and travel in different directions to attack. When he does this, he cannot fly though. Above his head are thirteen large swords that form something of a halo above him. He can control these swords to attack. This is especially used when he is in the air.

Personality: Vash is loud, arrogant and a bit stupid. Often relying on his heart to lead instead of his head, he's one to charge in recklessly without ever thinking of a plan which often gets him in trouble. He's also terrible at reading the mood and can come to some very ridiculous conclusions if he stumbles upon serious scenes. Extremely loyal, he gets angry easily when people hurt or insult the ones he cares about or when he spots scenes that look like bullying. Though reckless and immature, he knows his limitations well and can be rather mature when the situation calls for it. After what happened with his sister, Vash never wants to see people suffering from perverted religion or ignorance. Like how Mel prides herself on never needing to gang up on opponents in battle, Vash prides himself on always giving his all whenever he does something.

Position: student

Powers: Note that he has only had his powers for a year so he has not mastered his powers yet.

  • Metal Manipulation - Vash can move, shape and well, manipulate metal. So he can form weapons and even conduct electricity with the use of metal wires. Vash must be touching the metal he wishes to control though. He can also turn his own body into different metals and sort of shapeshift. He'd have to stay as metal though and if he wishes to revert back to flesh, he needs to go back to his original shape.
  • Manipulation of Magnetic Fields - This is sort of like Vash's defense power. By creating and controling magnetic fields, Vash can control metal without having to touch it though he cannot shape this metal. This power uses more concentration and energy than normal metal manipulation so he cannot use it often. It is used mostly to deflect metal projectiles such as bullets and metal arrows.
  • Explosion Manipulation - Vash can draw out and focus some of his energy to produce explosions. He can only make pieces of metal explode though and he must've touched it first in order to place the energy within it. Think of it as being able to make his own grenades.
  • Anger - Just a note but the source of Vash's power comes from anger, much like the anger he felt at his sister's death. The angrier he is, the more powerful he is.

Abilities:Vash is a strength oriented fighter.

  • Weaponry - With his keen eyesight, Vash is most skilled in guns and sniping, but since he doesn't have the patience for sniping, he prefers hand to hand combat. He aslo makes use of the shakles/handcuffs around his wrists, using it to grab people. Then he'll either tighten the grip to choke them or shorten the chain quickly to make his punches stronger by pulling the enemy toward his fist.
  • Physical Abilities - Vash has always had keen eyesight from birth and a fair amount of strength from years of manual labor. Both of these were enhanced further when he was turned into a demon. His speed is still that of a normal human though so he is rather slow.
  • Hand to Hand Combat Style - Vash's main forms of combat are boxing and judo, making use of his strength. Because he isn't that fast, he works to deliver strong finishing blows as soon as he can. He rarely uses his legs.

Length of time at academy:about two months

Relationships with other characters:

  • Mel - Vash is one of Mel's servants. He is somewhat sympathetic to her since her situation is much like his sister's. Though having only known her for a year, he has developed a crush on her but knows that she is in no condition for a serious relationship, so he plays the goofy sidekick so that she's not always so solemn.
  • Riff - Vash is Riff's fellow servant. Though the two don't have much in common, Vash respects Riff and how he never fails to believe in Mel. He envies Riff's close connection with Mel, but feels bad for the blond since Mel began ignoring him.
  • Lilith - Vash doesn't like Lilith. Partially because she hurt Mel and partially because she reminds him of the people back in his hometown.
  • Other - . . . I dunno. I guess he's friendly?


Vash grew up in a poor but religious village in northern Europe. His father died in a civil war when Vash was about five years old so he can't really remember the man. For the longest time, it was just him, his mother and his younger sister by two years, Maria. Vash had always envied his cute sister who seemed to be getting everyone's attention. An innocent angel, Maria had a heart that match her looks. It had gotten to the point where he wished Maria would just die. And as if an answer to his envy, Maria fell ill when she was nine years old.

Vash, repenting, prayed to God everyday for her to get better and she eventually did, but then their mother fell ill and died shortly after. Her last words to Vash were to take care of his sister. He took them to heart. At the age of eleven, Vash began working to support his family, or what was left of it. They had never been able to afford school before so at least he didn't have to worry about that. He started with small errand boy jobs and eventually esculated to construction jobs. He would work long hours and then come home to his sister's smiling face. It wasn't too hard a life. The townsmen helped them out a lot and would often keep Maria company while Vash worked. The women were very cold to them though.

Then Vash figured out why the townsmen were so kind to them . . . Maria had gotten pregnant . . . Everyone gathered in the town square to discuss this since Maria was not married nor did she seem to be in any relationship. All the men looked to eachother but stayed quiet. The air was silent until the tailor's wife ran up and slapped Maria across the face. "Ungrateful little tramp!" Vash, enraged, punched the woman, breaking her nose. In anger, the woman shouted, "Witch! That is the child of the Devil!"

As the townspeople took Maria to be burned at the stake, Vash tried his best to fight back but he was immensely outnumbered. He continued screaming and cursing the townspeople as he watch his beloved sister be tied and the straws at her feet lit. As the flames began to engulf her, Maria smiled at Vash. "Thank you, big brother. For getting angry for my sake." He couldn't do anything as she turned to ashes.

Vash stayed by the remains of his sister long after the rest of the people had left. Practically paralyzed in his spot, a shadow looming over him made him look up to see a young girl, the same age as Maria. She wore a mask over the top half of her face. Extending her hand out to him, a smile formed and she said, "You want to see something funny?"

The girl, who introduced herself as Mel, then lured all the townspeople into the church. Then locking the doors behind her as she left, she lit the whole church on fire. Vash watched as the monsters who had called his sister a witch suffered the same fate as she did. Listening to their screams and watching as they burned, a smile formed on Vash's face. Served them right.

After that, Vash began following Mel as her next servant, especially since he had nowhere to go now.

Name: Riffael "Riff" Raffit

Age: 18

Race/breed: demon formerly human

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bda72e072_DormerAcademystuff_0003.jpg.fb22734c4b74b9560c28d85fdbe3a9ae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1008" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bda72e072_DormerAcademystuff_0003.jpg.fb22734c4b74b9560c28d85fdbe3a9ae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Riff is 5'11" and weighs 158 pounds. He has an average build. Riff's skin is slightly tanned and he has emerald green eyes and golden blond hair that he always keeps neat and combed. He has a small scar below his right eye and three bullet scars in his left shoulder area. He is always wearing a butler's suit but opts for a vest in warmer weather.

In his demon form, Riff looks like an ice statue of a beautiful woman though he still has a man's body, using his mother's face. His hands are replaced with large ice claws. His entire body is as hard as diamond and the only part of him that isn't ice are the nine tails coming from his . . . well, the place tails come from. He is eternaly crying and though stands upright, runs on all fours. He is often heard emiting a sad howl.

Personality: Riff is generally very mature, polite, calm, quiet and fairly easy going. Generally kind, he is loyal and is not one to be swayed by others easily. Caring and intelligent, he is like a big brother figure. From his delinquent days though, he has a violent and angry streak in him, especially when you hurt someone he cares about, or at least sees as pitiful. And despite what his general personality, he has no problems killing people he doesn't like. And he absolutely hates those that use other people as stepping stones or scapegoats. He also gets easily depressed despite often providing advice and care to people through their problems. Riff prides himself on how he never runs from a fight.

Position: student


  • Ice Manipulation - It is what it is. Riff can manipulate ice, as well as create his own ice by freezing the water in the air. For the most part, he uses this power to either create walls of defense or claws to attack with. He can also create ice clones that don't really look like him, being ice and all, but they can fight.
  • Dragon Scales - Riff can cover his body with white scales that provide a nearly invincible defense. The only ways to get through it are with attacks thin enough to penetrate between the scales or to destroy the scales with a holy attack.
  • Sorrow - Like how Vash's power stems from anger, Riff's stems from sorrow.

Abilities: Riff is a defense oriented fighter.

  • Weaponry - Riff doesn't tend to use weapons as he tends to rely on his ice powers, mainly the claws. He does use some scalpels as throwing knives though sometimes. He mostly provides the defense and first aid for the team.
  • Physical Abilities - Riff has always had a keen sense of smell that has only bee enhanced further with the demonic powers, much like Vash's sight. His endurance and stamina has also increased substantially though he still has the speed and strength of a normal human.
  • Fighting Style - Riff practices aikido and krav maga, which focus on using the opponents momentum against him or attacking weak points. This is useful since Riff isn't fast or strong enough to take more offense oriented styles.
  • Team Medic - Because he isn't too much of an asset as a fighter, Riff makes up for it by being the team doctor. He's learned things from simple surgeries to first aid to various drugs.

Length of time at academy:about 2 months

Relationships with other characters:

  • Mel - Riff is Mel's servant and has been for five years. At first, he was very disbedient to her, he now respects her and cares about her a great deal. Currently though, Mel has been ignoring him and he's kind of depressed about that.
  • Vash - Vash is a fellow servant and Riff considers him a friend and comrade. He often doesn't understand the white haired boy but he admires how Vash could always say what's on his mind without worry about what others think.
  • Lilith - He hates Lilith . . . That's about it.
  • Other - I don't know yet. He'd probably treat everyone with respect but I don't think he would've formed any deep relationships now.


Riff was the product of an affair between a married New York CEO of a small business, William, and his French secretary, Siobhan. When she became pregant, William told her to leave to prevent a scandal, saying he'd come for her once the divorce goes through. Because Siobhan loved him so much, she quit her job and moved back to France. Everyday, she waited by her window for the form of her beloved coming to get her. Because of this, Riff was pretty much neglected as he was growing up. Siobhan always made sure he was fed and loved but her mind was always elsewhere.

Riff became a delinuent, skipping school, getting into fights and stealing things they could not afford. Still, his mother didn't notice anything. When he was thirteen, William actually came and knocked on their door. The man told Siobhan that the divorce didn't exactly go through buthe wanted her t come back. Though fishy, the French woman agreed wholeheartedly and Riff and her flew to America. However when they got there, Will made the two stay in a cheap motel telling her to wait for him to prepare a nice home. Riff was suspicious but he didn't want to ruin his mother's dream.

A few days passed and there was a knock on the door. Siobhan ran to open it. It was William . . . and a few big men. Apparently, in the thirteen years since she left, William's comapany took a turn for the worse and he had to borrow a lot of money from an influential gang in the area. When the time came to pay the gang back, William's company was doing better but there was still not enough money to pay back the initial amount plus interest. So, to save his own skin, he had sold Siobhan to work off his debt as a prostitute.

Upon hearing this, Siobhan was afraid but because she loved him so much, she agreed to do it. Siobhan turned to her son before going off with the men. "Just wait here, Riff. Mommy has to help daddy and I'll be right back." She wasn't.

A few days had passed and his mother still hadn't come home so he was starting to worry. Then a knock on the door, but instead of his mother, it was a police officer. The officer took Riff to an alleyway three blocks from there and showed him the body. Riff fell to his knees. There was his mother, raped and beaten to death. And the culprits didn't even have the decency to cover her up. After identifying the body, Riff left the station and stormed right into his father's business, a metal bat in hand. Forcing his way past security, he entered William's office and gave him a solid blow with a bat. He managed to get in three more blows before security came and took him away.

Riff was thrown in jail overnight until they could decide his sentence in the morning. While in his cell, Riff began crying. Hating himself for not being able to kill his father. Hating himself for not being able to save his mother. Hating himself because he thought that if he had spoken up sooner the whole thing may have been avoided. Hating himself because maybe if he had been a better son, his mom wouldn't have still loved his father.

It was then that a little girl, no older than eleven, appeared in front of his cell door. Mel, as she called herself, listened to his story without interrupting. Then she extended her hand to him. "If you follow me, then if there is anything you hate, I will personally destroy it for you." Wanting his father to suffer, he took her up on her offer.

At 3 AM, William woke up to see Mel and Riff by his bedside. With them were a dozen or so large demons. William tried to plead with them, offering them money but Mel had already made her decision. Riff and she left the room. And well . . . William got to experience everything Siobhan did.

After that Riff began following Mel on her travels. At first, he ket his delinquent lifestyle though and would often fight with Mel and disobey her orders. But after an incident where he was kidnapped and used to lure the "Princess of Lucifer" out, he began seriously following her and adopted the butler suits at the age of sixteen.

Name: Lilith

Age: unknown

Race/breed: angel

Appearance: When she first came to the Academy, she had the body of a fourteen year old. Standing at 4'10", she had medium length blonde hair and big sky blue eyes, as well as an immature figure. Now she is in Mel's body and hasn't changed anything other than dying her hair blonde and wearing paler colors. Her true form is yet to be known . . . for now. Mostly because it is like 1 AM and I want to get these done already so I'm not even going to bother with this description anymore.

Personality: Lilith is a manipulative, arrogant, hypocritical, lying skank. . . . That's about it . . . Again . . . 1 AM . . . She loves to cause conflict but will never be in the frontlines. Instead, she will get other people to fight for her while she stays in the safety of the back. Still, she will take credit if the attack is successful as if she did the whole thing herself. She doesn't care how many sacrifices need to be made as long as she gets what she wants. She's cunning though and a natural born actress, sort of how she was able to turn the majority of the (NPC) students against Mel. Because she is technically an angel, she believes she can get away with anything she wants.

Position: student/villain

Powers: Currently she also possesses Mel's powers but can't control them well.

  • Wind Manipulation - I don't think I need to explain this . . . Well, she can summon wind and use it to attack people. She mostly uses it to summon gusts to knock people over or something. But she can also use a thin current of wind like a blade to cut people.
  • Flight - She's an angel . . . She has wings. Duh.
  • Manipulation of Holy Light - Lilith can create and control a white light that has immense holy properties. It's especially useful against demons but can even hurt other angels since, well, it's an attack. And those things tend to hurt.


  • Weaponry - Lilith uses a whip.
  • Physical Abilities - Physically, she isn't any stronger or faster than anyone else, but currently she's in Mel's body, so . . . yeah.
  • Fighting Style - Like I said before, Lilith rarely actually fights, but when she does, she'll use and many cheap tricks as possible.

Length of time at academy:a little over two months

Relationships with other characters:

  • Mel + Company - She hates them . . . That's kind of it. She can be a bit flirty with the guys but that's it.
  • Other - She looks down on them.


Lilith was one of the first angels created by God, around the time of Adam and Eve. At first, she did her job properly, watching over the humans. But as time passed, the praises humans gave her went to her head and she began to envy their free lifestyles. She fell from grace and began taking vices. For centuries, she used her angel status and lies to get what she wanted. If the angels hunted you, then for the right price, she could give you a new life and erase your name from the list. If you wanted to avoid death, then she helped you for a certain incentive. And as years went by, she became more corrupt, now manipulating everyone to give her what she wanted with promises of blessings and heaven.

But eventually, the other angels began getting suspicious. She needed to do something big to shake of their suspicions. That's when she overheard a brief discussion about the "Princess of Lucifer". That was it. She'd kill this girl and be regarded as good again. So without listening to the rest of the conversation, Lilith departed. She came across the eight year old and recklessly attacked, believing that she could easily kill a little girl. However, years of comfy living had dulled her skills and Mel had won.

Before the girl could give the final blow, Lilith decided to strike a deal with her. If Mel could make her young again, then Lilith would try to convince God to let her off the hook. At first, Mel was skeptical but decided to take the deal. Using an unpredictable summon, the Wheel of Fortune, she tried to do as Lil wanted. But something went wrong and Lil was now stuck in a prepubescent girl's body. Petty and conceited, she had never felt so much humiliation. She stormed off and decided to make Mel's life a living Hell. This included turning as many people against the girl as possible and killing those that stuck by her. Lilith was actually the cause behing Cobra's codebreak but no one knows that.

Her petty revenge continued at the Academy as well, having turned a fair amount of students against Mel, she ambushed the girl. The attack ended with Lilith's victory as the angel took over Mel's body and forced her into a doll.

(Would you believe it only took me three @#$%ing days to do this? God, it all seems so tedious now . . . 2 AM now . . . Ugh . . . Must sleep.)



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Name: Mikey Winchester

Age: 17

Race/breed: HAP (hyper-accelerated protean)


View attachment 13878

Personality: Bright and bubbly, with a boisterous outlook on life, Mikey is the most cheerful kid most people have ever met. He is very childish at times, living in his own makebelieve world. Innocent to the point of ditzy-ness, he doesn't understand most of the things your average teenage male understands. Sexual innuendos, puns, jokes, he doesn't get. It just doesn't occur to him to be vulgar or to understand at all. He lives blissfully unaware that he is different to others.

Position: Student

Powers/abilities (if he/she has them): When in his turned form, Mikey is incredibly strong. His fangs and claws are dangerous and sharp but he can't turn people as far as he can tell. Of course, he's never tried.

Length of time at academy: this is his first year

Relationships with other characters?: only his brother Jaxon (i may or may not put him in later)

Background: Mikey knew what he was from the beginning. he was raised to understand that he wasn't a beast at heart, that he could in fact control his changes. He understood that perfectly, being a kind natured boy to begin with. His family were all HAPs and they all had very close bonds to one another. His older brother, Jaxon, protected Mikey through everything. When people found out what they were, both he and Mikey were targeted, taunted. They were attacked by the other teens, teens that tried to bring out the monster inside them, tried to show what freaks they were. it affected Mikey greatly and he slumped into a depression. Their parents sent them to the Knight academy to protect them from such tauntings and dangers. Mikey refused to leave his parents for a long time, but Jaxon went two years previous. Now it's Mikey's turn to escape the torture of those that pry.

i'll post the others when I'm more focused
All right, head count as of now:

Players: Faith Eliza Cord, Macal Cord, Izabella Mochizuki, Jirro Mochizuki, CaterpilAli, amdreams, Serenity Black


Teachers: Faith, Macal, Jirro, Izabella

Students: Sheena, Alex, Liza, Katarina, Adrian, Nick, Mikey, Mel, Lillith, Vash, Riff

Unknown: Bucky

Villains possible: Lillith, Dreamwalker

I think that's plenty to be able to start this up. This is still open and more may be added, and I'm open to ideas/suggestions/discussions on villains or plotlines. I'll try to think of how to start this up and try to have it up by Monday.

So as of now here is my thoughts. Dreams, Mel can be in the process of trying to best Lil if you'd like, we can leave it as Faith has recently spoken with her about it. Faith is not quite as stressed as she was in Fight Acad; what she has on her plate now is mostly concerns with students rather than any specific villains. Jirro, I'm not sure what you and Izzy have planned as far as where your characters are, we need to talk about it. Izzy said she recently arrived but Jirro said he's been there for a year. So...which is it? Did they recently arrive, or did Izzy arrive first and then Jirro? Are we scrapping the entire failed memory of Izzy storyline and just behaving as though they have been part of the school for some time now? Esme is definitely dead in this world, correct?

Sheena's sister Evangeline has still recently died/been killed by Sheena and she is still recovering from that somewhat. Serenity, I actually think it would be best if Liza, Faith's daughter, and not Faith herself had found Nick, that seems more in character to me. Liza is constantly roaming about unsupervised and curious about other children, she would have probably been fascinated by Nick and insisted on bringing her back with her to her mother.

So as of now, I'll probably open it up with no known villains other than potentially Lillith, at least in Faith's mind. To her knowledge, the only active villain of the school, Sheena's sister Evangeline, who had been murdering other students and townspeople, has been dealt with and all is reasonably well. So Faith would be concerned about Alex's new powers, Sheena's grief, Lil and her saga with Mel, Katarina becoming less self-destructive, etc, nothing super serious, which would make the initial villain more of a surprise.

I'm thinking the Dreamwalker thing, if we end up using that, will start slowly. Here and there characters have a dream that is particularly meaningful or disquieting or upsetting in some way, they shrug it off as a dream, until pieces of the dream come true or pop up in reality. It could for some become harder to know what is reality and what isn't eventually because they are overlapping so much, dreams can kill or hurt them while they're sleeping and things that should have been restricted to dreams are reality when they're awake, etc. So people wouldn't be able to know right away that something was up.
Idk what Jirro wants to do, but lets not scrape the whole memory thing, can just say some time's passed since then. Be easier, plus I liked using that to explain my absence and yes, Esme is dead in this world, she's only alive in the Bloody Moon rp
Okay so maybe Jirro has recently returned and Izzy has gained her memory back? Or is it still gone but Jirro has returned? You guys hash that out but I probably need to know before I write this up
Name:Master Stick

Age: Ancient (like hella old)

Race/breed: Oberian (God of War)

Appearance: (site is buggy won't let me add a picture right now)

Personality: If you ask Macal, Stick is a cranky, hard ass that enjoys making his training a suffering shopping spree. But if you ask Macal what he really thinks about Stick he'll say all those things in his first answer but then he'll smirk and say. Stick is exception teacher, who's lessons has saved his life hundreds of times, Stick is caring although he has a strange way of showing it like with pet names like Dumbass, his favorite and most that know Macal when he was younger will say is a well deserved name. Stick is by far the most fair and honest person, his loyalty has no bounds, his generousity is limitless. In some ways Stick and Tsai could be considered Macal's adopted parents especially after Macal lost his mother, they stepped in and pretty much raised him along side with their own son HardTime, who later becomes evil and even after defeating him several times including killing him at least half of those times, Stick has never held it against Macal for killing his son. He always said that he lost one son but still has one left.

Position: Special Guest Instructor

Powers/abilities: Stick is a grandmaster of The White Lotus Style of Ninjutsu, Stick has absolute control over wind and can manifest it in varies ways, as a god he has powers similar to Macal, teleportation, flashstep, healing etc etc.

Length of time at academy: He was an instructor at the older academy that Macal attended for tens of thousands of years, he now starts his first year at the new academy under Macal.

Relationships with other characters?:Macal-Former Student, now his advisor, Faith-Stick and Faith have nor formal relationship they are friends and allies and considered extended family. Liza-Currently studying in one on one lessons with Stick, he considers her to be his grand daughter of sorts, Sheena and Alex-Stick has no formal relationship with either but that is because they have not interacted very much.

Background: Stick was the royal instructor in combat, as long as anyone can remember Stick has always been the personal instructor to the royal family, training Macal and his older brother Ethan. Stick also was the advisor to Macal's father Heironeous until his death in battle, now he advises Macal and Faith the new king and Queen. Stick is married to Tsai a master in the black arts of poisons and toxins who used her skills to protect the royal family with her anti-toxins and carried out lethal strikes against the royal family. His son HardTime, who started as a childhood friend of Macal and Ethan who later became evil and took Hextor's place as the King of Chaos and Death after Hextor died fighting The First Evil with his brother Heironeous. Stick and his wife have been stand ins ruling the kingdom while Macal and Faith live on Earth.
Name:Master Stick

Age: Ancient (like hella old)

Race/breed: Oberian (God of War)

Appearance: (site is buggy won't let me add a picture right now)

Personality: If you ask Macal, Stick is a cranky, hard ass that enjoys making his training a suffering shopping spree. But if you ask Macal what he really thinks about Stick he'll say all those things in his first answer but then he'll smirk and say. Stick is exception teacher, who's lessons has saved his life hundreds of times, Stick is caring although he has a strange way of showing it like with pet names like Dumbass, his favorite and most that know Macal when he was younger will say is a well deserved name. Stick is by far the most fair and honest person, his loyalty has no bounds, his generousity is limitless. In some ways Stick and Tsai could be considered Macal's adopted parents especially after Macal lost his mother, they stepped in and pretty much raised him along side with their own son HardTime, who later becomes evil and even after defeating him several times including killing him at least half of those times, Stick has never held it against Macal for killing his son. He always said that he lost one son but still has one left.

Position: Special Guest Instructor

Powers/abilities: Stick is a grandmaster of The White Lotus Style of Ninjutsu, Stick has absolute control over wind and can manifest it in varies ways, as a god he has powers similar to Macal, teleportation, flashstep, healing etc etc.

Length of time at academy: He was an instructor at the older academy that Macal attended for tens of thousands of years, he now starts his first year at the new academy under Macal.

Relationships with other characters?:Macal-Former Student, now his advisor, Faith-Stick and Faith have nor formal relationship they are friends and allies and considered extended family. Liza-Currently studying in one on one lessons with Stick, he considers her to be his grand daughter of sorts, Sheena and Alex-Stick has no formal relationship with either but that is because they have not interacted very much.

Background: Stick was the royal instructor in combat, as long as anyone can remember Stick has always been the personal instructor to the royal family, training Macal and his older brother Ethan. Stick also was the advisor to Macal's father Heironeous until his death in battle, now he advises Macal and Faith the new king and Queen. Stick is married to Tsai a master in the black arts of poisons and toxins who used her skills to protect the royal family with her anti-toxins and carried out lethal strikes against the royal family. His son HardTime, who started as a childhood friend of Macal and Ethan who later became evil and took Hextor's place as the King of Chaos and Death after Hextor died fighting The First Evil with his brother Heironeous. Stick and his wife have been stand ins ruling the kingdom while Macal and Faith live on Earth.
Name:Master Stick

Age: Ancient (like hella old)

Race/breed: Oberian (God of War)

Appearance: (site is buggy won't let me add a picture right now)

Personality: If you ask Macal, Stick is a cranky, hard ass that enjoys making his training a suffering shopping spree. But if you ask Macal what he really thinks about Stick he'll say all those things in his first answer but then he'll smirk and say. Stick is exception teacher, who's lessons has saved his life hundreds of times, Stick is caring although he has a strange way of showing it like with pet names like Dumbass, his favorite and most that know Macal when he was younger will say is a well deserved name. Stick is by far the most fair and honest person, his loyalty has no bounds, his generousity is limitless. In some ways Stick and Tsai could be considered Macal's adopted parents especially after Macal lost his mother, they stepped in and pretty much raised him along side with their own son HardTime, who later becomes evil and even after defeating him several times including killing him at least half of those times, Stick has never held it against Macal for killing his son. He always said that he lost one son but still has one left.

Position: Special Guest Instructor

Powers/abilities: Stick is a grandmaster of The White Lotus Style of Ninjutsu, Stick has absolute control over wind and can manifest it in varies ways, as a god he has powers similar to Macal, teleportation, flashstep, healing etc etc.

Length of time at academy: He was an instructor at the older academy that Macal attended for tens of thousands of years, he now starts his first year at the new academy under Macal.

Relationships with other characters?:Macal-Former Student, now his advisor, Faith-Stick and Faith have nor formal relationship they are friends and allies and considered extended family. Liza-Currently studying in one on one lessons with Stick, he considers her to be his grand daughter of sorts, Sheena and Alex-Stick has no formal relationship with either but that is because they have not interacted very much.

Background: Stick was the royal instructor in combat, as long as anyone can remember Stick has always been the personal instructor to the royal family, training Macal and his older brother Ethan. Stick also was the advisor to Macal's father Heironeous until his death in battle, now he advises Macal and Faith the new king and Queen. Stick is married to Tsai a master in the black arts of poisons and toxins who used her skills to protect the royal family with her anti-toxins and carried out lethal strikes against the royal family. His son HardTime, who started as a childhood friend of Macal and Ethan who later became evil and took Hextor's place as the King of Chaos and Death after Hextor died fighting The First Evil with his brother Heironeous. Stick and his wife have been stand ins ruling the kingdom while Macal and Faith live on Earth.
Name:Master Stick

Age: Ancient (like hella old)

Race/breed: Oberian (God of War)

Appearance: View attachment 13921

Personality: If you ask Macal, Stick is a cranky, hard ass that enjoys making his training a suffering shopping spree. But if you ask Macal what he really thinks about Stick he'll say all those things in his first answer but then he'll smirk and say. Stick is exception teacher, who's lessons has saved his life hundreds of times, Stick is caring although he has a strange way of showing it like with pet names like Dumbass, his favorite and most that know Macal when he was younger will say is a well deserved name. Stick is by far the most fair and honest person, his loyalty has no bounds, his generousity is limitless. In some ways Stick and Tsai could be considered Macal's adopted parents especially after Macal lost his mother, they stepped in and pretty much raised him along side with their own son HardTime, who later becomes evil and even after defeating him several times including killing him at least half of those times, Stick has never held it against Macal for killing his son. He always said that he lost one son but still has one left.

Position: Special Guest Instructor

Powers/abilities: Stick is a grandmaster of The White Lotus Style of Ninjutsu, Stick has absolute control over wind and can manifest it in varies ways, as a god he has powers similar to Macal, teleportation, flashstep, healing etc etc.

Length of time at academy: He was an instructor at the older academy that Macal attended for tens of thousands of years, he now starts his first year at the new academy under Macal.

Relationships with other characters?:Macal-Former Student, now his advisor, Faith-Stick and Faith have nor formal relationship they are friends and allies and considered extended family. Liza-Currently studying in one on one lessons with Stick, he considers her to be his grand daughter of sorts, Sheena and Alex-Stick has no formal relationship with either but that is because they have not interacted very much.

Background: Stick was the royal instructor in combat, as long as anyone can remember Stick has always been the personal instructor to the royal family, training Macal and his older brother Ethan. Stick also was the advisor to Macal's father Heironeous until his death in battle, now he advises Macal and Faith the new king and Queen. Stick is married to Tsai a master in the black arts of poisons and toxins who used her skills to protect the royal family with her anti-toxins and carried out lethal strikes against the royal family. His son HardTime, who started as a childhood friend of Macal and Ethan who later became evil and took Hextor's place as the King of Chaos and Death after Hextor died fighting The First Evil with his brother Heironeous. Stick and his wife have been stand ins ruling the kingdom while Macal and Faith live on Earth.
Name:Master Stick

Age: Ancient (like hella old)

Race/breed: Oberian (God of War)

Appearance:View attachment 13922

Personality: If you ask Macal, Stick is a cranky, hard ass that enjoys making his training a suffering shopping spree. But if you ask Macal what he really thinks about Stick he'll say all those things in his first answer but then he'll smirk and say. Stick is exception teacher, who's lessons has saved his life hundreds of times, Stick is caring although he has a strange way of showing it like with pet names like Dumbass, his favorite and most that know Macal when he was younger will say is a well deserved name. Stick is by far the most fair and honest person, his loyalty has no bounds, his generousity is limitless. In some ways Stick and Tsai could be considered Macal's adopted parents especially after Macal lost his mother, they stepped in and pretty much raised him along side with their own son HardTime, who later becomes evil and even after defeating him several times including killing him at least half of those times, Stick has never held it against Macal for killing his son. He always said that he lost one son but still has one left.

Position: Special Guest Instructor

Powers/abilities: Stick is a grandmaster of The White Lotus Style of Ninjutsu, Stick has absolute control over wind and can manifest it in varies ways, as a god he has powers similar to Macal, teleportation, flashstep, healing etc etc.

Length of time at academy: He was an instructor at the older academy that Macal attended for tens of thousands of years, he now starts his first year at the new academy under Macal.

Relationships with other characters?:Macal-Former Student, now his advisor, Faith-Stick and Faith have nor formal relationship they are friends and allies and considered extended family. Liza-Currently studying in one on one lessons with Stick, he considers her to be his grand daughter of sorts, Sheena and Alex-Stick has no formal relationship with either but that is because they have not interacted very much.

Background: Stick was the royal instructor in combat, as long as anyone can remember Stick has always been the personal instructor to the royal family, training Macal and his older brother Ethan. Stick also was the advisor to Macal's father Heironeous until his death in battle, now he advises Macal and Faith the new king and Queen. Stick is married to Tsai a master in the black arts of poisons and toxins who used her skills to protect the royal family with her anti-toxins and carried out lethal strikes against the royal family. His son HardTime, who started as a childhood friend of Macal and Ethan who later became evil and took Hextor's place as the King of Chaos and Death after Hextor died fighting The First Evil with his brother Heironeous. Stick and his wife have been stand ins ruling the kingdom while Macal and Faith live on Earth.

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