Ninja Jane
I am a ninja in real life.........
Alec glanced at the two pistols in the Elf's hands, more than enough time to analyze them.
"Those are good pistols," Alec said, " however they are ugly blighters and only good for short range. Take a look at this"
Alec pulled out his trusty rhino and fired off a few shots, each shot hitting center mass of the targets. All of the targets hit were well past the range of the glocks.
"Would you like to try it?" he said as he held out the revolver.
" It doesn't hold as many shots as your Glocks do, but if you're good you don't need that many. If I ever do need more shots for longer engagements or more armor--piercing I just use my rail gun." he then unslung his bullpup railgun.
Kilturn graciously accepted the revolver and held up the gun in a safe manner so as to look down the sights, "This is a good weapon. But we elves have a deep love for our Glocks. They are specially and specifically designed to each elf in accordance to their personality and preference. But I see you know your weapons. What brings you all here and can I help? I know the grounds well, my job is to protect the dragons in the field as they lay eggs."