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Graded [Kirkwall Village] (Caelia Barony) – Kirkwall, Baroness who?

Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
DuckPrince DuckPrince Uasal Uasal

Retili looked at the other Fae. His piercing gaze seemed to assess and analyze almost every feature of the Elf, the silence stretching on in the intervening time. Then at last he spoke. "It's no trouble. Your concern is admirable and was clearly genuine. I was too deeply affected by the memories dredged up by the sudden attack. I'd be glad of the company if you would come with me. Perhaps you could guide me to a local tavern. I am in desperate need of some refreshment following my encounter in the woods." He started walking in the direction he knew the town was in and spoke as he did so. "I take it you aren't familiar with the events that unfolded in Yemaya?" Retili's line of question came unbidden and suddenly as he walked.
Regula Caelia
Mentions: Amanda Uasal Uasal

The long silence was dragging by rather uncomfortably, making her flap her wings a little like she was stretching her shoulders. At least when the reply finally came through after Amanda put her hand on the truth, it was positive. Getting conformation was a little odd. Technically, she wasn't supposed to be the one looking for approval and agreement from others, but to be the one giving it, yet hearing her thoughts backed-up was still oddly satisfying.

The possibility she failed to mention, however, was of bigger concern. Unsure of what Amanda might mean by it, she made sure to pay close attention. Sadly enough, she didn't exactly follow along with Amanda's logic. “Wouldn't causing a scandal in the same region, with people related to the previous one, not merely amplify the previous scandals and risk turning me into just another martyr? If I'm meant to fail for the reason of causing another scandal, I don't see how it would attract from the previous things as much as that it'd bring it back up or even amplify them.”

That said, the news about Kirkwall didn't surprise her all that much. It was still shocking to learn her worst-case scenario estimate was the correct one, but it'd still been on her mind already. “That part is easier to comprehend. Baron Highgrove was eager to attempt becoming the next Count, so seeing that aspiration thwarted must've made him set his sights elsewhere. It wouldn't surprise me if that means he's been trying to steal land from the other baronies, with ours being the weakest prey for him.” She highly doubted this was orchestrated by just the villagers alone, although technically not impossible, it just didn't seem like the thing baron Highgrove wouldn't take advantage off. Whether it started with Kirwall's citizens themselves or with Highgrove interfering didn't matter much, what did matter was that he was likely playing a part in it.

That said, there might be one positive. “I'm assuming then, that mayor Kirk is at least in favour of remaining with Caelia Barony?” That'd make the battle a little more do-able. That said, how to even fight this battle? “I honestly doubt baron Highgrove will care much about Kirkwall once it's his. He'd likely use it for his own good, so even for the sake of those here, if not for the entire barony, I'd like to prevent that outcome. Yet I'll admit I'm not quite sure how to convince people against it, as I'd rather not use violence or force. It'd be both against my morals and detrimental in the long run...”

Actually, no, there was another option. “Even without the two mayors, the people still hold the Hunters in a high regard, correct? If I get them on my side, would it be safe to assume I'll also have the population on my side?” That made her meeting with the captain even more important. “Even if they, like how lord Light once intended the Order to function, are attempting to be politically neutral, they might still be willing to speak out on the issue if we can prove to them that staying in this barony is in the benefit of Kirkwall as well, or would that be too optimistic to assume?”

That seemed to be her best bet right now. She even had a few more concrete plans. Figuring out how to rid Ashley of her criminal titles, assuming she had indeed been set-up in obtaining them, like Amanda seemed to assume, might be a great start. Well, there was still the 'if' and the 'how' that were both two mayor questions. Ah, there was another idea. “Are there any issues plaguing Kirkwall that even the Hunters cannot take care off? That would allow me to prove myself and possibly influence their minds on this matter.”

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Uasal Uasal

Teuihua was a bit puzzled when one of them mentioned something about a hunt but back peddled. He did not feel the best when it was revealed that the group of adventurers knew who Mia, and it sounded like she knew who they were and she hadn't done anything to stop the fighting. If anything Teuihua was worried that he could have seriously hurt one of them.

Teuihua first and foremost looked to the one he had shocked defensively. "I apologize as it is now apparent that we on the same side, I hope that my reaction did not cause you too much pain, it is never my intention to do harm to those who do not need to be harmed."

Teuihau said sounding genuinely apologetic, despite him being fully in the right to respond the way he did considering the way they had all attacked him first. They were just lucky that he had put two and two together that the way they looked did not convince him that they were criminals and the way they spoke about the situation did not make them sound like criminals either, nor the way they had acted, since in Teuihua's mind if they were they would have gone to attack Mia or try to steal from her of and of course then he would have been forced to take more aggressive action. Thankfully there had been no need.

Teuihua then looked to Mia rotating his head. "Ah, so they are adventurers, while I was not certain, when you say this, this does not surprise me." Except with everything she said obviously she had seen this very thing coming and did nothing to stop it, but Teuihua was not there to be accusatory, he was there to carry out those requests and continue to protect her regardless.

"It is not very often I hear those words, normally when I am 'seen in action' it is not normally because of good things happening." Teuihua responded reasonably, whenever the golem was in combat, it was usually to protect someone or something from something dangerous, far from ideal situations usually.

"Of course, I hold no ill will against you Mia, It is clear to me that you are well respected, and i trust your judgment. With this misunderstanding now in the open, I am ready to proceed with the current task when you are." He stated gesturing to the box, before looking to the adventurers, perhaps they could let him know some what was going on here too. Teuihua's voice was warmer once more as he said this.

After turning to the ones who had attacked him he decided to ask,

"However I hope that you do not mind if I ask this much, as adventurers, I presume you must be part of the Adventurer Guild and in your line of work you get to speak with, and assist many, would any of you happen to know anything about slavers who have been operating in these border regions? I have heard from second hand information that there may have been some of this illicit activity ongoing. " Given that slavery was not legal in Ryke, this question probably wasn't all too strange coming from a construct who was working for the soon to be Baroness as Teuihua had been describing.
The Wolf's Rest Inn and Tavern

With Micah, Retili and Ryan having done their fair share of sightseeing and adventuring the trio end up congregating within The Wolf's Rest. The tavern was quite packed earlier in the day when Micah had first visited but now that dusk was quickly approaching the tavern was crammed tight. Adventurers of all sorts, tradesfolk and indeed many of the farmers from the outskirts had come to spend their wage. The atmosphere was electric, no matter where one looked there was something to be seen, a game of dice, cards, snail racing. You name it and there was probably a bet of sorts to be made.

Laughter filled the building and the sound of people moving and rustling echoed just as true. This was not the place one would have chosen for peace and quiet. Not by a long shot.

Fortunately, the trio and Aileen had managed to secure themselves a table. Courtesy of one 'Mayor Levin', though the trio knew him not it was clear he wanted them in his good graces given how packed the tavern was. The night was still young, ale was running like water. And best of all, that ale was on the house. Again courtesy of Mayor Levin.
Rev IX Rev IX conman2163 conman2163 DuckPrince DuckPrince

Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
DuckPrince DuckPrince Uasal Uasal Rev IX Rev IX

Retili felt the setting was odd. The place was packed full of people and he found it interesting that there were so many adventurers present. He regretted that he had not been able to lay as much of a foundation as he would have liked for the area, but he would have scribes sent with the appropriate letters to gather more information once he got back to the town. An ale was in his hand and his hood was down. It revealed the rare sight of his pale face. The black scar that covered one cheek ever present. His hair was a similar pale white to his skin and a neatly trimmed beard was visible around his mouth. The sunburn that Retili was certain would arrive had yet to appear which was strange. The others might also have noticed that his yellow eyes seemed to have taken on more of a reddish tint compared to earlier that same day.

He looked around the Tavern and studied the various people there. He spotted a group of adventurers decked out in gear racing a set of... snails? They had painted shells and everything. He also saw a lot of local craftsmen and tinkerers. Retili kept an eye out for any who might be a skilled enchanter or tinkerer to make the badges of office that Lady Caelia wanted. (Persuasion E, Business F, Insight F). While he watched, Retili removed a small number of herbs from his pack and began to munch on them as he looked around.

Amanda Steelhaven

Amanda shook her head slowly in response to Regula's words and then thought deeply for a few moments. It seemed the Baroness was not following her logic, which was fine. Amanda was an advisor for a reason. That being said Amanda was quite impressed with Regula's mention and plan of winning over the hunters in order to win the people. It was terrific thinking for someone new to Kirkwall and even more so seeing as it was devised on the fly. With a soft smile and sigh, Amanda shrugged her shoulders, yet again the Baroness had surpassed her expectations. "Baroness Celia, you truly are a peculiar noble. Your morals, I wonder will they hold as steadfast throughout your reign. I certainly hope so."

Shaking her head yet again, Amanda moved to glance Regula's way. Her smile no longer surpressable. "I'm glad you've come to rule this Barony. Was I to tell anyone else in a similar position as you about this situation I doubt a peaceful resolution would be their primary aim. Let alone one that involves earnestly trying to win over the people. You'll make a great leader. And I'll do my best to ensure you do not fail."

Laughing softly Amanda returned to the topic at hand. "You speak of martyrs correct? To become a martyr one must be killed for their beliefs, igniting a flame in others who such as an injustice. That won't be the case should you fail here. No, in this case, you will have tried your best and your best won't have been good enough. Incompetence. They will strike from the shadows, manipulate the situations around you and when you fail to bring the region under your control despite all the generous assistance the guilds and kingdom have supplied. Well, they'll frame you as incompetent and the people will revolt. You'll be seen as an unfit ruler who despite given the kingdom's grace, economic assistance and land, failed to accomplish anything for her people."

"Lord Light failed, the capital was destroyed. If you fail now, even with all the assistance Ryke has given. It sets a pattern. It's no longer Ryke that's incompetent, it's your order and those affiliated with Lord Light who are in fact cursed. Incompetent and unfit. If the new Count then swoops in and fixes everything. Well, then that must be true. And the kingdom, swooping in to save the day and restore the region earns them a nice boost to their reputation and all the animosity shifts to you. Of course that's just one example. There are many ways they could make use of your failure to spin truths of their own."

"Not to mention the Barons surrounding you may also seek expansion. Like Baron Highgrove. That alone is reason enough for them to spin rumours about you, to drive your reputation into the ground and then save the people in your stead."

"Anyway, that's just something you should watch out for. And seeing as you have me and all the others, you aren't going to fail."

Stretching with a grunt Amanda began scouting the area, clearly looking for something as she spoke. "What you said about winning over the people with the hunters is interesting. But it won't work. At least not how you see it. The hunters are affiliated with Mayor Kirk, his grandson is the leader actually. That being said, Mayor Kirk is on your side. Well, he wants to remain in your Barony anyway. On your side might be a stretch, but hey, he's a lot friendlier and more likeable than Levin. Mayor Kirk is likely visiting the elves at the moment, he won't be back for days in that case. But George, he should have spotted us by now."


A sharp whistle echoed as if on cue, guiding both womens attention to a nearby tree. High up on which a blond-haired man was nestled upon a branch, A hawk perched on his arm and fiddling with its breast feathers. "Actually, I spotted you as you left town. Though, I couldn't bring myself to interrupt such a tantalising conversation. Plus Amanda, you're so attractive when you're ranting. Wouldn't you agree, Lady Caelia?". Smirking the man lay his head back against the tree and closed his eyes, his hawk companion moving to instead perch upon Amanda's head.

With a disgruntled sigh yet beaming smile Amanda moved her hand from her hip to instead motion to the flirtatious tree man. "George Ironclaw, leader of the Hunters. As requested. Oh and this". Moving her hand to her head, Amanda pet at the hawk's head gently "This little guy is Littlefoot". Chuckling to herself Amanda shooed the Hawk from her head and let it insead fall to her arm where it sat happily. A relief to the woman as she internally had worried its talons may get tangled in her hair. Something that had happened far too many times in the past.

"A pleasure to meet you. You're as dignified, strong and beautiful as the rumours say. But like Amanda, I must say, I'm impressed by your intelligence. That's quite the devious plan you came up with. I'm happy to help you boost your reputation, but the hunters will not be used as a tool. Let's get that straight from the get-go. Allies sure. That I can work with. Anything else you'd like to ask me about or for M'lady?"
Elvario Elvario


Nekomia Twobell

The swordswoman waved her hand flippantly in response to Teuihua's apology "There's no need to apologise, clearly, you were misled and it's not as though I'm guilt free either. I struck you too, even if it was a misunderstanding. For that I too apologise, so we're even ok."

With Teuihua's focus back on Mia, the woman was once again all smiles. Her warm and welcoming aura was radiant even from a distance, even had Teuihua decided to hold ill will toward her, it likely wouldn't have held up for all that long in the face of such a heinous foe! The woman was simply too cute and friendly to hold a grudge against, her smile and expression was enough to melt one's heart as well as lull them into a state of comfort.

Thankfully though, Teuihua was not the type to hold a grudge and Mia was all to happy to see he was still willing to carry out his task, even after what had happened and without any convincing on her part. "You have my thanks Mr. Teuihua. I'd be oh so lost if you bailed on me now. What with this crate and all. I really must thank you for forgiving me so easily, you are truly a kind soul. I shall give you a little something when the task is over as thanks and to serve as an apology. And I must insist you accept it, I shan't allow you to refuse."

With Teuihua then asking about slave trading the atmosphere changed somewhat. In particular, the party of adventurers looked somewhat uncomfortable. Needless to say, Mia was unfazed and very much still doing Mia things. It took a few seconds for one to speak up but eventually, the spearman did "Look, Teuihua was it? This area is a border zone to the east. Naturally, slaves try to flee across the border right. And I suppose it'd also be natural people would be kidnapped near the border and then enslaved once across it. But well, in Kirkwall. That doesn't really happen. Sure some slaves make it here after fleeing from the east but most die trying to navigate the construct graveyard that lies between Borderhill and the East."

Chipping in a ghastly shade of white the swordswoman added "In terms of the other side of things. Kidnapping and the like... Well, to do so here in Kirkwall. It'd be akin to suicide! No one could possibly be stupid enough to try. Your source is wrong!"

With a single loud clap of her hands, Mia drew everyones attention to her before shifting her parasol and motioning to her crate "It's not wise to talk of such things to outsiders, you lot should get going. If you don't hurry you'll be left standing all night at the bar. And you don't want that now do you". Not needing to be told twice nor wishing to speak on the subject any further anyway, the trio quickly said their goodbyes while moving quickly back toward the town. "Now then, shall we?"

(Your quest has been completed, you may now join the others in the Tavern. Your delivery went off without a hitch and Mia accompanied Teuihua back to town thereafter. In return for helping her out, Teuihua was given a monetary reward as well as the addition of a small cat bell, the token of apology she had mentioned. Teuihua's reputation in the town has increased, though people are still on edge around him, they will not act hostile toward him without reason)

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Ryan Kylieth

Bart shrugged as an answer to Ryan's inquiry, which meant it was time for him to go. With another polite gesture, Ryan sent himself off, leaving Bart to his own devices. Looking around Kirkwall for Aileen took some time, it was nearing dusk when he stumbled upon her near the tavern. "H-Hey there. I've been l- Whoa!" Without notice, a small amount of people heading for the tavern pushed them both in. By the time they freed themselves from the crowd, both of them were in front of Retili and Micah's table... Which apparently was reserved for them. "Reserved, huh?" Taking a glance at the sign. He took a seat and gestured Aileen to join them "Did any of you did something to warrant for the special treatment?". He asked in order to make conversation.

However, right now all Ryan had eyes for was Aileen, he attempted to hide it, but it was futile. He also seemed nervous, something wasn't sitting right with him. It took him a few moments to build the courage to lean in closer to Aileen and whisper right in her ear "Wanna talk about earlier? We can step outside so that... well, we have some privacy."

As for Retili, Ryan would stand out a bit in what he was looking for. Since on top of blacksmithing, enchanting was one of his fortes and he had his sights set on working with more mundane mechanisms, like his gun. "Sorry to leave so quickly. Some things happened earlier in the day that we need to discuss. Now, if you excuse us..." Is what Ryan said to the other two, barely managing to snap out of the trance Aileen's presence had on him.
Last edited:

Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX

“H-hi...” She'd reply to Ryan, a little shy after how brazen they'd been earlier in the day. Having the table reserved for them was an odd feeling and she felt fairly out of place between these these two, but seeing how Ryan had gestured for her to join... she'd played along. The fact that Ryan was looking nervous made her nervous as well. When he whispered into hear ear, it nearly made her jump, but instead she just nodded. Outside yes. She knew where that was.
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM.png
Uasal Uasal

Teuihua took note of what was said to him. While he was glad that there was no ill will being held toward him (Despite it really not being his fault they decided to attack even when he clearly stated his purpose. He did take what Mia said rather well, irrespective, it sounded like she wasn't keen on him refusing her gesture, so he would accept it naturally, may as well when people were being kind enough.

"Oh well in that case Mia, thank you for that, I appreciate that gesture very much." He said with a friendly tone once more looking toward her at her insistence, wanting to keep a respectful tone, if someone wanted to thank him as she said or perhaps it was an apology without being worded as such it only seemed right.

What Teuihua wasn't really sure how to take the information he received about the slavers. He had heard that there was likely activity going on here from the Baroness herself who had clearly heard something compelling enough for him to go and investigate from what he could gather, and now he was being told by these adventurers that there was nothing going on because Kirkwall was so secure, and anyone would be crazy to try it.

Yes well, people were crazy enough to try to cross Teuihua's border during war time without permission and anyone could have seen where that got them. He did respectfully look to each person as they spoke however, confirming that he was Teuihua once more when the person inquired about his name, he certainly understood that it was an unorthodox one for this time.

Before Teuihua could really respond to what Teuihua had heard from each, Mia was quick to shut the conversation down, claiming that it wasn't wise to talk about such things with 'outsiders' as far as Teuihua was concerned it was his business working for the Baroness in land that she was going to be overseeing but he was not going to push the issue given the troubles he had already had, as she dismissed the group,

Teuihua would bid them farewell with a "I imagine I'll be seeing you all around again then sometime, I wish good fortune and safety on your adventurers and thank you for telling me what you know, farewell." Finishing this with a wide friendly wave of his more dexterous arm.

He then took the crate without a hitch to the location it was supposed to go to.

Teuihua naturally accepted the cat bell token, deciding perhaps the ear engraving on his arm was a good place to keep it for now, in a pocketed area where it was unlikely to fall out. He also accepted the monetary reward, which he normally would not ask any one of for doin what he was made to do, but figured it made sense to accept here if someone wanted to actually pay him. Thanking her once again as respectfully as he knew how.

Teuihua then found himself nearby the tavern with his money and token of appreciation in tow. He didn't quite feel comfortable trying to make his way in fully with so many people given his large frame as it felt like it'd be too imposing for an area that people weren't used to him being in, so for now he'd simply make himself known to the appropriate parties that he was there, before he went back to waiting outside.
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Amanda/George Uasal Uasal | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

She was pretty relieved to hear some praise. After so many less than optimal interactions and challenges, hearing even a few words of support was a nice break of pace. To hear Amanda's commitment was even more reassuring. “Thank you.” Although that didn't exactly cut it, it was the most she could utter whilst she was still gathering her thoughts on all that had been said.

Her confusion was increased by Amanda's next topic. She still wasn't sure if Amanda was correct. “No offence, but I'm still not convinced. It doesn't seem to add up to me. For one, they made me distance myself from the Order publicly and openly. If they wanted to frame me as an incompetent remnant of it, there'd be no need to thoroughly have me disconnect all my ties to it. Secondly, Ryke would still look incompetent, for they are the ones that entrusted this Barony to me, in particular the same count that'd have to swoop in to fix everything might just as well be seen as someone that didn't grant this Barony accurate leadership to begin with, if I end up failing. They'd assume he'd just be cleaning up his own mess. That ties in with how they've already done exactly what you said. By excommunicating Michael and executing lord Light, they made it a clear case that it was the Order that was at fault. If they continue to also try to frame me, all they would really accomplish is to show that they themselves failed to weed out the problem before, bringing new attention to the previous scandal, after already wrapping most of it up.” She felt like Amanda was overthinking the level of nobility involved and the intentionality of all of this by a long shot.

“It seems far more likely to me that these are the actions of Baron Highgrove alone, at best with some push and shove from someone with a vested interest against me. Not as something orchestrated from a Duke or Royal. I doubt even Count Sadek would want the increased mess after wrapping up the scandal. He'd stand equally much to gain, if not more, if it turns out he's had a good eye for people in giving me a chance and by trying to lay claim on my accomplishments here as his own or as being made possible only due to his support.”

That said, there was one point at which she agreed. “Not that Baron Highgrove alone isn't problematic, especially considering it sounds like there's already a lot of influence he exerted on the people here...” She'd have to be pretty careful on how to deal with him, as the old fox was likely having more than a few tricks at the ready.

It was odd to learn that the Hunters were already affiliated with the more 'friendly' side of the conflict. After that meant it would indeed not work. “I should visit them myself as well... There are some people I'd like to ask for additional council that might help me, which they could potentially get me in contact with...” She spoke, partially just to herself, as she debated using her [See Commission] rights to get some ideas on how to deal with Ashley. After all, if she was a friend of the Fae, it was likely that the See's pantheon would be down to aid her in ridding her of her criminal titles. She might also be able to make use of her [See Inquisitor] status if the right people were among those Elves.

Either way, all those thoughts were put on halt by the arrival of George. Regula's face reddened a bit. Having been so caught up in her thoughts, she hadn't even been paying attention to her surroundings. That was the most rookie of rookie mistakes. “R-right.” She agreed to... what exactly? She'd been caught to off-guard to pay much attention to his first sentences. She got back into the 'flow' of things when Amanda introduced him and his bird.

To be overwhelmed by compliments was such a total 180 degree change from the previous few conversations that she could barely keep up. If Amanda's previous encouragement hadn't warmed up her a little, she might've just overheated and fainted on the spot. That's at least what she felt like right now. “It's a pleasure to meet you as well, although your words are far more flattering than I've proven worthy of.” That was the sentence she eventually managed to formulate. “Even so, I'm glad to make a good first impression. After hearing how much you mean to the village, I'm more than happy to count you as an ally.” She was pretty sure that these were the type who's loyalty needed earning, not commanding, but that was alright. It's what she preferred. Hard-earned loyalty was worth more in the long run than blind obedience.

As for what he could help her with... she'd had an inkling he already knew. “You've likely already heard me mention it. If I'm to prove my worth in Kirkwall, I'm going to need to look for a challenge that even the mighty Hunters can't handle.” She spoke, finally regaining her footing a bit and delivering those words that suggest a friendly challenge to the both of them, for him to admit to a task too much to handle, for her to not have to claw back on doing so in his stead. Perhaps his friendly attitude, after the first failures, had made her a little more daring than she should be, but even so, she was ready for it.

[See Commission] - Whenever character is in doubt and not acting against See interests, character may obtain guidance from the See pantheon. (Narrator discretion advised).

George chuckled to himself, opening one eye to gaze down toward the Valkerie Baroness. The woman seemed to be humble, far more so than the last Baron and Lord at least. Littlefoot too seemed curious, which to George, meant far more than the Baroness could possibly know. After all, Littlefoot was his partner and it was that little hawk's gut instincts George trusted above all else. His grin only grew when the Baroness issued a challenge with her playful words. What an interesting woman, Amanda was right, this Baroness was quite peculiar in all the right ways.

"Oh a challenge not even we, the mighty Hunters, can handle. Now that is quite the ask. But, I suppose I can think of a few challenges that might suit such a goal. I must admit, I'm quite curious to see how you handle yourself in battle, I've only heard rumours."

Glancing at the firearm on the woman's hip, George then turned his focus to the distant village "Very well, I'll set up something for tomorrow morning. Both you and your Construct should ready yourselves for battle. Make for Borderhill come daybreak. This challenge might not be something we hunters can't handle, but it should at least buy you some time and increase the people's opinions of you. And your companion."

With a whistle, the hawk returned to the man's arm and again George moved to lay back and rest. "Overcome this hurdle I've set and then leave this place for some time. When a suitable challenge like the one you asked for appears, I will send word. In return trust and let Mayor Kirk handle the rest until then. Are those terms acceptable, M'Lady?"

Upon seeing she'd caught the bird's attention, an interesting thought formed. “Would you be down to show me around from up there at some point, hmm?” She asked the bird, not expecting a reply, but trying to see how it'd react to her voice regardless. She wished she could fly well enough to keep up with birds like him. How amazing it must be to soar across the skies with little to hold you back. She'd learned to fly, but was far from soaring right now. It's a shame the bird wouldn't be able to teach her.

Such thoughts were better left for a later date, however, as she had a captain to talk to. “I'm fairly confident in myself, so long as I don't have to burn in the fires of hell.” She replied, trying to make a joke about her trauma from the See, yet failing to do so due to being unable to deliver it in any way that didn't sound like there was some seriousness to it.

She'd quickly regained confidence at his suggestion. “Sounds like an interesting task might await me. Very well, I'll be ready. I should say though, Teuihua is working for me, but he's not under my direct command. I'll have to ask him if he wishes to join and while I think he will, I won't force him into it should he not desire to do so.” That part needed some clarification.

There was one part that surprised her. Trust and let mayor Kirk handle the rest? Was that man already planning something? “It's difficult to trust someone I never met, but if you and Amanda trust him, I'll trust in the trust you two put in him instead.” It was a bit roundabout, but that felt more logical to her.

“Ah, this might be a really odd request... but is there a chance you'd let me pet Littlefoot? If he'd let me, of course. I'm very curious to see if his feathers feel akin to mine.” Perhaps she'd gotten brave out of nowhere. Or she'd gotten a little out of it after a long and stressful day. Either way, she'd said it before realising how unprofessional it might sound.

Upon seeing she'd caught the bird's attention, an interesting thought formed. “Would you be down to show me around from up there at some point, hmm?” She asked the bird, not expecting a reply, but trying to see how it'd react to her voice regardless. She wished she could fly well enough to keep up with birds like him. How amazing it must be to soar across the skies with little to hold you back. She'd learned to fly, but was far from soaring right now. It's a shame the bird wouldn't be able to teach her.

Such thoughts were better left for a later date, however, as she had a captain to talk to. “I'm fairly confident in myself, so long as I don't have to burn in the fires of hell.” She replied, trying to make a joke about her trauma from the See, yet failing to do so due to being unable to deliver it in any way that didn't sound like there was some seriousness to it.

She'd quickly regained confidence at his suggestion. “Sounds like an interesting task might await me. Very well, I'll be ready. I should say though, Teuihua is working for me, but he's not under my direct command. I'll have to ask him if he wishes to join and while I think he will, I won't force him into it should he not desire to do so.” That part needed some clarification.

There was one part that surprised her. Trust and let mayor Kirk handle the rest? Was that man already planning something? “It's difficult to trust someone I never met, but if you and Amanda trust him, I'll trust in the trust you two put in him instead.” It was a bit roundabout, but that felt more logical to her.

“Ah, this might be a really odd request... but is there a chance you'd let me pet Littlefoot? If he'd let me, of course. I'm very curious to see if his feathers feel akin to mine.” Perhaps she'd gotten brave out of nowhere. Or she'd gotten a little out of it after a long and stressful day. Either way, she'd said it before realising how unprofessional it might sound.

George couldn't help but chuckle when the Baroness asked to be his avian friend. It wasn't all that bizarre of a request, indeed many had asked him such in the past, yet in the end it was always up to Littlefoot himself. The bird was rather picky when it came to who could and could not pet him. Though judging from the birds earlier reaction, the Baroness might have been in luck.

Scratching at his own head George's eye flicked open and toward the Baroness once more. She had gotten brave, bold even and her playfulness with words had put the man at ease. Though he was undoubtedly dealing with a noble the man felt no reason to act stuffy around her. Not that he would have in the first place, but seeing how she was acting, it had left him with quite a good impression. That being said, the man did wonder just how far he could push his playfulness before hitting a barrier. So, with a cocky grin and playful tone, the man responded "Sure, If I can pet your head in return M'lady"

Amanda visibly cringed at the request, throwing her eyes up toward the sky with a grumble "Of course... Baroness, please ignore him, he's just hitting on you at this stage."

"Can you blame me? The Baroness is absolutely radiant, I'd be mad not to at least make an attempt"

She was, in a sense, a bit confused. Between having recently started to try figuring out feelings and trying to see love as more than a political tool, she wasn't really ready or expecting to be 'hit' on like that. What in the world did you do when someone did that to you? Was she supposed to just... do it back? No, no, that'd be inappropriate, he wasn't of the same status! Wait, no, she'd just concluded status and political power weren't all the requirements. So then, should she, like, just go for it? No, that didn't sit right either. She had to like him first, right? Well she did, sort-off, but she barely knew him. Darn, this was far too complicated to deal with. In the end, or rather, fairly quickly after a bullet-train of thoughts having passed by, she concluded in just using words and wit to 'delay' anything concrete. “That'd not be a fair trade now, right? It'd be Littefoot who'd get to 'pet' my head in turn. I can't have him pay the price whilst giving you the reward for it~”

Chuckling in response to Regula's logic the man couldn't find fault in it. She was as witty as she was beautiful, what a dangerous woman! Not wanting to test his luck by pushing any further the man shrugged and on cue Littlefoot flew to the Baroness where he perched upon her head. Though his talons were razor sharp, Resgula wouldn't feel any pain, the bird seemingly intelligent enough to avoid such. With a shriek the bird flapped its wings and then tucked them in close, inviting Regula to do as she had asked. Remaining still until she had finished.

Then taking flight the Bird rocketed into the air, circling high above the group, flying as freely as it was rapidly. Gazing up at the bird Regula would feel a slight headache grow before her vision went black only to then be replaced with the birds. The affect would only last a minute but it seemed Littlefoot had indeed taken a liking to the woman, much like her owner. Her prior ask of wanting to be shown around from on high seemingly answered. Well, as far as the bird knew how.

"Well then, my beautiful Valkerie. Shall we part for now? It pains me to see you go, but alas 'tis the fate of star-crossed lovers such as ourselves!"

"George... please, I'm going to be sick"

"Haha, fine fine. I'll stop for now. Baroness, it was a pleasure meeting you. I do look forward to seeing you again. Tomorrow, at border hill. Don't be late."

She'd expected to feel some claws digging into her skull when the bird landed atop her head, but was surprised to learn that didn't happen. She had no clue how the bird was taught to land without using them, but that was impressive. The bird seemed to agree to her request, as she gently stroked his feathers wafter he tucked them in. They were indeed oddly similar to hers, except a bit smaller and fluffier, perhaps? She couldn't really reach too well while he was atop her head, but that was the impression she'd gotten.

However, what happened next caught her off guard. Just as she'd been wishing she could use her wings as well as he did, she got some pain in her head and suddenly ended up seeing what the bird was seeing. “Wow...” Was all she could utter. So that was how George kept an eye on things. Moreover, however, this vision only made her want to use her wings more freely. If only she could just take flying lessons from someone, somewhere.

George's words, once more, confused her. Her first reply had given her an 'out', yet this time, he was even more direct. Luckily, Amanda interrupted and he got more serious. “Likewise, I'll make sure to be there.” She was truly glad she'd made at least one good first impression here.

A while later, as she was heading for the tavern, she spotted Teuihua outside of it. What a perfect timing. “Ah, hello again. Did you manage to make a good first impression here?” She'd ask first, allowing him to reply before getting into the grittier parts of things. “I'm afraid I also have another request. George, the head of the Hunters, asked you and me to be present at Border Hill tomorrow morning. I'm not sure what it's about, but he told us to be ready for battle, and a tough one at that. You're free to refuse, but I would appreciate it if you could join me. Without Aria around, I could use someone else that I can trust to have my back.”
Ryan Kylieth



Seeing as Aileen was being a bit overwhelmed, Ryan put up another strong front for her. Holding her hand, both gently and firmly at the same time as he made way for them through the crowd. And just like that, they made it out. Ryan walked with Aileen's hand still being held. "This should do..." He told to himself as he found a somewhat secluded spot for them to chat privately. It was then that it dawned on Ryan he was still holding Aileen's hand. Immediately scrambling to give her space "Ah! uh... Sorry!" What was he saying? They should be past holding hands by now, right?

With a heavy sigh, Ryan decided to address the baking elephant in the room before they could talk about... The other elephant. "Did you end up finding Cynthia? What happened after you went to look for her?"

Being led into a more quite place made her heart race, although she wasn't quite sure why. Well, perhaps she was and she just didn't want to admit to it. She was a bit surprised when he suddenly apologised. “Oh no that was... n-nice.” She replied, just brave enough to get out the words as intended, rather than quickly resorting to 'okay' or something less honest.

The mood instantly changed upon the mention of Cynthia. She shook her head. “Not a trace. I'm a little worried she might've done something silly.” She wasn't sure what to say about this. “I mean... she's pretty strong and knows this place well and we've butted heads a lot, but... I'm not sure if I've seen her like this before, so... I'm not sure what to make of it.” She rambled, trying to explain things as best as she could.

Ryan rose his eyebrow for an instant. Aileen was becoming more forward with Ryan about her feelings, or so it seemed. Which was still surprising, Ryan admired that. It made him feel safer sharing his own with her.

Unbeknownst to Ryan at first, he may have killed the mood. Though looking at Aileen quickly informed him of it. Damn, why did he have to be such an idiot? After a sigh, he tried to get things back on track "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you with that... I felt bad for being so mean to her at first. I'm sure... She is fine... She just needs... time... She's strong." Ryan started becoming more nervous with every word he spoke, because now came the moment to talk about each other

"...Regardless... Y-You know... I didn't have a chance to... You know, ask... B-But... Why did you call me your... B-B-Boyfriend? Was it... Just so that your uncle didn't take my arm off?"

She nodded at the mention of Cynthia being fine. She probably was, right? Probably. Besides, she'd earned it to some bit... Actually, no. “I do feel a little bad for her, with her uncle treating her like a kid, despite being older than me. I still think she shouldn't have just tried to push me away from you like that, but... maybe she's just... jealous that my dad's trying to get me married whilst hers keeps treating her like a kid?” That might be a thing, maybe?

Her thoughts were halted instantly by what Ryan went on to talk about next. It took her a while to figure out how to talk again, as she needed to figure out how to breath again first. “No! I mean... yes, but... not if you... you know.. are okay with it?” Real smooth Aileen. Real smooth. She hoped he could figure out what she meant by that.

Ryan nodded slowly "Well, you do know her better than me, obviously. So I doubt you're off the mark". Ryan really had no concrete grasp of how Cynthia really is, because even if her actions were a bit questionable, she meant no ill will. Not on purpose, at least in Ryan's eyes.

Now, back to the current topic:

The mention of her words from earlier made Aileen almost collapse, by the looks of it. Ryan attentively waited for her to pull herself together. Her answer was a bit difficult to understand. Ryan looked visibly confused for a few moments. "I mean... thank... you?" scratching the back of his head, and going from confusion to a mild sadness "... Does that mean... There were no feelings behind those words?"

Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, panic, stop, halt, abort, redo, undo... She panicked a lot as she saw Ryan's reply. She'd botched it! That wasn't what she meant at all! What to say what to say what to say what to say... ”Iwantyoutobemyboyfriend!” She blurted out in a panic. Breathing, yes, that was a thing she should do a bit. In. Out. In. Out. Okay. “I just, didn't want to decide such a thing on my own and not just because uncle Bart forced it out, I... I'd like to know for sure that you'd want to be it first, before saying you are again...” She said, wanting to hide her face behind her hands as she was saying it.

Even while doing his best with his [Introverted Charisma F], Ryan couldn't help but blush when Aileen gave a less confusing answer. Ryan took a deep breath, preventing himself to not be overwhelmed by the sweetness of Aileen. Ryan stepped forward, clasping both of her hands with his own. "I... Am going to let you in on a little secret" he stepped forward again, this time, slowly moving his hands to hug Aileen at the waist and whispered to her "What I said back there wasn't a lie..."

"My heart truly belongs to you" Ryan then planted a brief and gentle kiss on Aileen's lips. "See... Nothing would make me happier than being your boyfriend!" Finally, he let go of her, wanting to see what she would like them to do now.
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Uasal Uasal Elvario Elvario

Teuihua looked at Regula and gave her a bit of a wave.

"Greetings Baronness, the first impressions were a bit more difficult than anticipated. I assisted a merchant bring her cargo near the destination you requested for me to investigate and apparently a group of adventurers were out looking for a rogue construct who had been causing problems so they mistook me for this construct, and I took superficial damage in the exchange."
He'd gesture to where he had been scratched by the blade on his larger arm.

"I took good care not to use unnecessary force in defending myself, and at first I believed these to be criminals attempting to rob Mia, but their behavior did not align with those of criminals nor did the way they dressed from what I could gather when they soley focused on attacking me, the one who hit me only received a shock from striking me, but was fine afterward. Once they realized I was not the construct they were looking for and I was employed by Mia to assist her, they quickly stopped being hostile. This provided me the opportunity to ask them about the slaver activity you wanted me to find out about, and they reassured me that it was highly unlikely to take place near Kirkwall because it would be 'suicide' but Mia asserted that it was 'best not to discuss these topics with outsiders.' given everyone's reactions I have reason to believe that there may very well be actual suspicious activity taking place, despite not having any solid evidence to support this at the moment." Teuihua clarified.

"I mention this suspicion to you because I believe if it is true it is important matter of security in the land you are assuming responsibility over. which further action may need to be taken on."

"Thankfully Mia, who I can only presume has a positive reputation in Kirkwall gave me this small bell as a token of appreciation and since then while I wouldn't say many feel at ease around me, I've felt a great deal of decrease in open hostility." Teuihua took it out of his arm ear piece carving to show the baroness what he was talking about, concluding his report there.

Upon hearing the additional request Teuihua nodded. "Then accompany you I shall Baroness, I have no qualms providing support in that capacity and will perform ot the best of my ability to keep you safe. The timing of this request is most convenient as I've already felt some of my power returning which will ultimately allow me to better fulfill this role." Teuihua replied relatively warmly.
Ending Words

With everyone gathering back at and around the tavern the group enjoy the remainder of their night. Early the next morning Regula and Teuihua depart for border hill and engage in a test the hunters had prepared for them. This raised their standing in the town and the perception of both has slowly begun to change toward that of acceptance, though still requiring quite a bit more effort to solidify such.

Ryan, Retili and Aileen set about handling the tasks they originally set out to do. Those being tool repair and census gathering.

Micah, enjoys the scenery of the countryside and grows one step closer to his goal of taming those wild horses near Kirkwall. Having observed them for the day, Micah is confident he could track them down should he need to in the future.

Amanda spends her day with her family.

In the end, the group had a rather productive visit to Kirkwall this time around. Though the forest remains unexplored to the group, Retili seems to have made a friend in the elf he previously met. And the Hunters are now aware of all the characters with whom they engaged, preventing further trouble crossing the border should they decide to return. With the day turning to night the crew are well rested by the time it comes for them to depart on the morning of the third day. Retilit did try to recruit some artisans but none accepted his offer, seemingly already aligned with the Merchant Guild.

George sees them off and again offers the Baroness flirtatious compliments and a promise to greet her upon her return. All in all, despite the rocky start, the visit to Kirkwall ended on a good note.

Recommended rewards-

Title - 'The Earnest' - This character, given her noble position, has shown something so very rare. A willingness and drive to work hard for the recognition of her people.

Title - Mediator - This character defused a quite dangerous situation using the power of words and steadfast conviction
Asset - 'Nekomia's Magical Charm' - 7 points - Item (This character does not yet know how this item can be used, for all they know it is just a trinket)

Title - Heart-Throb - Having rode into town with two beautiful women on either side, this character has become the centre of many a rumour. Women are more likely to view this character as an attractive individual.

Title - Close Encounter - This character had a very close encounter with death though he knew it not.

Title - Close Lipped - This character refused to sell out their friends

Novama Novama TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX DuckPrince DuckPrince conman2163 conman2163
Isekai Hell RP Grade

Mentions: Uasal Uasal TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX DuckPrince DuckPrince conman2163 conman2163

Like the other Caelia rp's, seems like there is a running trend of running multiple storylines in one thread. This one did a good job at chunking it and keeping in focused rather than trying to do all the things in one thread. Due to the split nature of the story, it does beg the question why certain characters are present and taking up screen time as they do not seem relevant to the overall plot in the same way the others are. Some points or characters may be better served in their own threads. Have to keep tuning in to see how everything pans out ^_^

While too early to tell what would result, the party's presence and activities in Kirkwall were noticed and putting things in motion for future rp's to leverage or face the consequences of.


Amanda - 80pts (partial narration bonus applied) (applied bonus for attentive student)
optional title acquired - [Liaison] - character has become the go between for one or more entities and acts as the voice of a faction/group of individuals.

Regula - 40pts (partial narration bonus applied)
optional title acquired - [Earnest] - This character has shown a willingness and drive to work hard for others.

Teuihua - 32pts
optional title acquired - [Mediator] - This character defused a situation using the power of words and steadfast conviction
optional Asset - 'Nekomia's Magical Charm' - Item with unknown purpose and significance. Should its use ever be discovered, it may be issued as a reward in another rp.

Ryan - 32pts
optional title acquired - [Ladies' Man] - Character is becoming increasingly more attractive to women

Retili - 27pts
optional title acquired - [Close Encounter] - This character had a very close encounter with death though he knew it not.

Micah - 12pts
optional title acquired - [Confidant] - This character is good at keeping secrets for allies.

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