Kire High (Anime School Roleplay :3)


drugstore perfume

Hello! This is the OC layout:


Age (15, 16 or 17 for the Japanese school years.):

Year (15=1st year, 16=2nd etc.):


Appearance (Please use an anime picture ^3^):



History/Background Story:



Here's my character:

Name: Misaki Tarunaya

Age: 15

Year: 1st

Gender: Female


Crush: Osmond O'Bryn

Personality: Misaki is quite a quiet girl on the outside, but she seems a lot more focused on the world than she looks. She takes time doing things and is basically a perfectionist. She is easily influenced and can take care of things on her own; she realizes the sadness/happiness in people by how they look and act, and can be pretty clumsy at times.

History/Background story:

When Misaki was younger (about the age of 7-8), her mother and father left her on her own in the house to explore the world. She learnt things on her own, and even taught herself by looking tutorials up online. No one really knew the Tarunaya family's background... but many people are very interested in learning it. Even though Misaki knows they do, she brushes it off and changes the subject. She joined the school council to help people out and help them make things 'perfect'... or so she thinks. :3

Family: They always travel around the world. I have an older brother, but he is in college.
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Name: Takashi Tomoro

Age : 15

Year: 1st

Gender: Male



Crush: TBA

Personality: He is usually silent, and a very mysterious guy. Once he gets used to you, he is extremely kind and gentle. Unless you are on his bad side then you will mostly get the cold shoulder and he will be very cold towards you. If you are his crush you will be able to tell instantly since he isn't very good at hiding things and gets like a nervous wreck near her.

History/Background Story: Not much is known about him except that he is half Russian(Father's side) and half Japanese(Mother's side) which can be picked up in his accent since he lived half his life in Russia (7-8 years) before his father died then he went to live with his mother at the city (Don't know its name but where the roleplay is set.).

Family:All around and about the world.
Name: Hiroshi Tomachi

Age: 16

Year: 2nd

Gender: Male


Crush: Misaki ;)

Personality: Academic, yet athletic, funny, optimistic, motivating, determined, curious

Background: Hiroshi has always been smart and sporty and has never been lost for cause. He grew to a middle-classed family, which is how he has afforded private education. Thus begins his second year at Shizuka and he has now been voted President of the Student Council.

The reason Hiroshi joined was mainly to just make friends and spend his extra time in his first year. However, at the end of that same academic year, he was voted to be the President and therefore decided to stay with the council.

Family: He has a traveling father; business man, a houswife mother, and a younger adopted brother, Yukimura.

Osmond O'Bryn

Age (15, 16 or 17 for the Japanese school years.):


Year (15=1st year, 16=2nd etc.):




Appearance (Please use an anime picture ^3^):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.55221c30f78463e17365a0d951650d01.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23148" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.55221c30f78463e17365a0d951650d01.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Osmond is very optimistic and kind, like a sibling to anyone he has come to care for. He is very loyal and protective over his friends and even the people who may be mean to him. Because he believes in everyone getting a chance, a smile always on his face. Osmond often jokes about being blind but is truly a bit sad saddened by the idea. If someone where to insult him or pity him for being blind he'll often times become flustered and irritated. Because e doesn't want to be known as that blind kid, but as Osmond.

History/Background Story:

Osmond grew up in Ireland with a weak poor mother after his father ran away after his first year if life. Then by some strike of gold his mother fell in love with a man they soon found to be a wealthy man in (our location). They married one another after a few years of dating and them moving into his home. It was like a fairy tale the sparkling eyed Osmond over joyed by his current situation. But as expected there was a silver lining, it turned out that his new father was abusive and made that clear whenever he was angry by hitting Osmonds mother as well as him. In one of these experiences when he was around the age of 10 the older man threw burning coals into his eyes. Unable to heal correctly he became blind and doesn't allow anyone to cut his bangs except himself.


Step Father: Lui Ramirez 38

Mother: Shirly Ramirez(O'Bryn) 42


Vanella Rose

Age (15, 16 or 17 for the Japanese school years.):


Year (15=1st year, 16=2nd etc.):




Appearance (Please use an anime picture ^3^):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.4367f0324f1b72bab81cd354d70f015c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23149" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.4367f0324f1b72bab81cd354d70f015c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Vanilla is very sweet and upbeat, always up for new adventures and new experiences to write in her journal. The teen though is very sensitive to negative emotions and may get teary eyed if yelled at. Though she may be somewhat of a child she can become serious in a snap preparing herself for any situation

History/Background Story:

Vanilla was raised by her aunt after her parents fled to a different country wishing to make their love as young as it was when they first met. She's never met them but she secretly writes within her journal her own adventures and letters to her parents.


Mother: Sylvia Rose

Father: Charlie Rose

Aunt: Penny Kiplin, 34

Older sister: Kalel Rose, 22



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Name: Kaname Todo

Age (15, 16 or 17 for the Japanese school years.): 17

Year (15=1st year, 16=2nd etc.): 3rd

Gender: Male

Appearance (Please use an anime picture ^3^):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-18_13-43-41.jpeg.e70a631437cce1d75ec13701c2cda024.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23146" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-18_13-43-41.jpeg.e70a631437cce1d75ec13701c2cda024.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Crush:None.... yet. (I'll probably change this later)

Personality: He's an outgoing guy. He likes to make people laugh and he likes to do new exciting activities. He's too smart for his own good. He likes to make friends and hang out. He loves music, it's his escape from reality. He has self taught himself how to play piano, drums, and guitar. He hates fighting, and it takes a lot to get him mad, but once he's mad all h*ll brakes lose.

History/Background Story: He was born into a very poor family. His father died when he was very young, and soon after that his mom remarried a wealthy man. His mom has had three kids with her new husband. He's tries to not care, but deep down he does. It makes him somewhat angry, but it never shows.

Family: He has two little sisters and one younger brother.

Name: Kisa Manabe

Age (15, 16 or 17 for the Japanese school years.): 15

Year (15=1st year, 16=2nd etc.): 1st

Gender: Female

Appearance (Please use an anime picture ^3^):

Crush: None yet. (again, I'll probably change this later)

Personality: She's very shy until you get to know her. After she's familiar with you, she talks quite a bit. Once she knows she can trust you, she'd do anything for you. She's a very caring person. She can't partake in an boring activity. She doesn't like watching movies unless they're deep or complex. She is definitely not into sports. She'd rather stay in her room and listen to music/read/write/draw. It takes a lot for her to open up to somebody. She'd do anything to avoid talking about her feelings. She has a lot of walls built up for unknown reasons. But once she's committed, she's committed.

History/Background Story: Her father used to abuse her when she was younger. She doesn't have too many memories from it, but her brothers do and so they're pretty protective of their fragile little sister. Her fathers in prison for almost beating her to death, but she doesn't know that. All she thinks was that her dad got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Basically he was framed for something 'he didn't do' when everybody but her knows the truth. This is why her personality is how it is, she just doesn't know it.

Family: She has two older brothers.



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Aoi Fujiwara

Age (15, 16 or 17 for the Japanese school years.):


Year (15=1st year, 16=2nd etc.):




Appearance (Please use an anime picture ^3^):



Will develop later..


Aoi is a softly spoken and sweet person who tries to help others in any way possible. She is studious and very hard on herself as far as being in sports teams and academics are concerned.

Despite these traits however, Aoi is also very playful and loves to mess with people. She will say sarcastic or snarky things without a hint of humor just to see if you believe her, and being shy she still likes others a lot, even if she has yet to really know them.

History/Background Story:

Basically, she is from a rich Japanese household and raised as the only child. She is expected to surpass all her peers in school and remain successful and likable. She is just planning on doing whatever it takes to leave this rut she lives in.


A mother and father.

Name: Mariko Sakura

Age: 16

Year: Second

Gender: Female

Appearance: She is 5'8, weighs about 135 pounds and wears stuff like this:


Crush: Kaname Todo

Personality: Mariko is a sweet loving girl, with a bit of an

attitude she loves animals and really hates people who push her around because shes different.

History/Background Story: Not much to it, She used to live in a big city she moved and shes been alone except for her friends all her life, oh and her mom whos always sleeping or out with friends.

Family: She has her mom and thats it she has no idea what happened to her father, for all she knows hes dead.
Name: Nekura Heyashi

Age: 16

Year: Second

Gender: Female



Crush: To be determined later...

Personality: Nekura is fairly shy. She likes to keep to her books and her school work. She is clumsy and un-athletic, so she doesn't do much outside of school. She longs for friends and social interaction, but being around a lot of people makes her anxious.

History/Background Story: Nekura grew up as the only child to two wonderful parents. She was raised in the outskirts of Okinawa but transferred to the area shortly after primary school. She had never been the new girl until then, but feels like she has been treated like one ever since. Her family places a lot of importance on academics, so her homework always comes first.


Father: Isamu Heyashi

Mother: Kiyoko Heyashi


Name: Haru Tsukuda

Age: 16

Year: Second

Gender: Male



Crush: Pretty much any chick, Ladies.

Personality: Haru is a hot slice of meat, and he knows it. He flirts with any and all women and isn't turned off by rejection. He can be a bit of a hot head at times and has been known to take it out on others. He enjoys fighting, physically, as in mart ial arts.

History/Background Story: Haru was raised by an adoptive mother and has four younger siblings. He grew up taking care of his brothers and sister as babies and continues to take care of them now that he's older. His mother is very loving and cares deeply for all of her children, but has issues paying most bills. Because of this, Haru has been helping out financially as soon as he could.


Mother: Imari Tsukuda


Tenako Tsukuda (12)

Ikami Tsukuda (9)

Masuyo Tsukuda (5)


Ayumi Tsukuda (9)
Name: Saichi Kyotsuda

Age : 16

Year: 2nd year

Gender: Male


Crush: Saichi finds himself staring at the boys on the swim team

Personality: Saichi is an unsocial and quiet boy who usually just keeps to himself. He rarely talks and when he does, it's something rude, when really he's just trying to be honest. He figured more people would like him if he talked less

History/Background Story: Saichi was just three when his mother and father died in a car accident. He was too young to understand at the time that they died, and he couldn't figure out why he hadn't seen them in a while. When he was thirteen, his grandmother finally told him and he had been quiet ever since. Once he got to the school the 1st year, he tried making friends but they discarded him like a pest. The next year, he dedicated himself to the swim team. Now, he's one of the best swimmers on the team and many people try to make friendships with him now.

Family: Ria (mother, deceased, 34), Sado (father, deceased, 36), Rin (Grandmother, 71)

(If you're still accepting...)

Name: Juno Yuki


Age: 16

"I'm 16."

Year: 2nd Year


Gender: Female

"Come on, is it that hard to tell?"

Appearance: Juno is incredibly short - She's only 5 feet tall.


"Why are you looking at me like that?!"

Juno in her usual outfit - Juno usually wears a pink shoulderless top with a short blue skirt. She also wears black thigh-highs and flats. She pins her bangs aside with pink hairpins because if she didn't, her bangs would cover her eyes.

Crush: Unknown (Even I don't know...)

"Shut up, you!"

Personality: Juno doesn't like most people. She keeps to herself for the most part, and if anyone tries to change that (Example - By trying to talk to her) and her arms or legs are unrestricted, she'll punch or kick the person. As stated before, she's quick to violence with people she doesn't like, and she's feared by a lot of people because of this (Though some people still like her and just keep their distance). Juno is bitter and hard to please, and she's very blunt, but when she's around someone she loves she's awkward, she stutters a lot and in short isn't herself at all.


History/Background Story: Juno was born as a 50/50 British-Japanese girl - She didn't really take much from the Japanese side besides her name and financial support from her dad. When she was ten her mom and dad got divorced - Since her father was incredibly successful and her mother wasn't, she was provided with financial support until she could live on her own. In order to get away from her parents, she asked to go to a school far from them both, so she now lives in an apartment near her school, far from her family. She despises her family for the most part, and only tolerates her brother (Doesn't like or hate him).

"Why should I tell you my life story?"

Family: Juno's mother is rather unsuccessful, and her brother and father are both successful businessmen. Her parents are divorced, but she gets money from her father so she can go to school and buy food and other things she needs.

"I have a mom, a dad and a brother. Is that all? Can we stop talking now?"

Other Important Things: Juno is incredibly athletic - She's fast and strong, but she doesn't like sports. Juno is skilled in archery and kendo, and she knows both English and Japanese. She can speak both languages fluently. Juno isn't the smartest person, but she seems to luck out on most tests, so she keeps a B- average (Or equivalent in other marking systems).
Name: Ah, the dear lady asks for my name and I shall deliver. It is Jacques Aimont.

Age: Quite the nosey one aren't you. I like a good curiosity in my women. 17 years old, just turned actually, shame I couldn't invite you to the party...

Year: The 3rd year madam, but my cunning intellect would suggest that I am much beyond the school curriculum. Haha, I simply Jest, dear.

Gender: WHAT!? Was it not obvious!? You wound me with your words. *sigh* But I am a male, inside and out.

Appearance: That is a strange question to ask... But I quite understand, these good looks are just simply
unbelievable! Here you go, perhaps a picture will prove it:


Quite dashing if I do so myself. But I pale in comparison to you, sweet heart.

Crush: A crush? Why would a bound myself to one female? Any woman that breathes is a candidate for my love!

Personality: Well I couldn't say that myself, that would be rather weird. Here is a description.

Jacques, put simply, is very flirtatious. He enjoys the company of the opposite gender, however he fears confrontation with the male community, for reasons that will be covered. He usually retains a rather calm aura to him and is able to relax, perhaps to well. He is a slacker and only passes school because of his natural smarts. Despite his wealth, he is very giving and will help anyone he can, even if it burdens him in the long run. However he hates getting dirty, sweaty and wet. He is very sensitive to remarks and is usually the first one to burst into tears.

History/Background Story:

Ack! You ask of that? Very well, I shall not keep anything hidden, I shall be a open book comfortable for your reading experience. I am your average French-Japanese student coming all the way from the heart, Paris. My original family consisted of just me and my genetic father. We lived in the slums and I remember being abused on the days he was angry, which was mostly everyday. Life was tough, especially when he put me into a coma when I was only 10 years old. Ever since then being around men has never been the same.

Erg, I dislike being so glum, so lets jump to the happier part, shall we?

I was soon discharged from my original family and was sent to live with a Japanese female model. She was a very kind woman and treated me with utmost respect. She helped me get back on my feet and finally gave me someone to call mother. When I was 13 years old I moved to Japan and that's where the story now resumes. Hehe, hope I didn't bore you, perhaps we can catch a movie?

Family: My family is rather small. It only consists of me and my mother, who now works an insane schedule and is only home late at nights and holidays. We have a very healthy relationship and I enjoy her company. However I find my house very lonely when she is absent.
(( If it's not too late... Hope you don't mind if I changed up the layout and added a few things... :3))

Name : Yoki Tsutomu (It means cheerful worker :3)

Age : 16

Year: 2nd year

Sex/Gender : Male

Part of Japan where you come from : Matsue

Crush: TBD

Personality : Very upbeat kind of guy. He's always seen with a smile on his face, and isn't afraid to stand up for what he thinks is right. However, he doesn't always think before he acts, and that can get him into some pretty bad situations. An overall funny, energetic, yet stubborn and clumsy person. His only true kryptonite is talking to girls, that makes him sweat. Like, a lot.

Likes : Jokes, food, sleep, video games, reading, females(straight),

Dislikes : Negativity, getting hit in the face, spicy foods, building up the courage to ask a girl out,

History : He lives with his Aunt Aki as well as his sister and brother, Hira (9 yrs) and Dai (17 yrs). His parents work for an international fashion line and are always away on business trips.

Appearance: [Picture]

Height : 5'2

Weight: 133

Appearance (Descriptive) :

Hair - Brown

Eyes - Blue

Often wears a wristwatch and a silver necklace under his school clothes. When outside of school, he enjoys wearing, T-shirts, jeans, and a sweatshirt when it gets cold.

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-Scott Miller (Scotty).

-23 year's old.


-195 lbs, 6'5".

-Blunt, Cocky, Flirt, Lazy, Short tempered.

-Likes; Boob's, Food, Cigarette's, Liquor.

-Dislikes; Whining, Whores, Being told what to do.

-Well Scotty was your average dude, He spent most of his time at bars and working. He was a loner not really paying much mind to anyone, He could be antisocial at time's. But things had to change, He was going to become a professor. So he decided what's a better way to do so than be around a bunch of annoying high school students. He was going to do his internship there, Not knowing how it would turn out to be but it was a risk he had to take. As for family they all are dead, That's what he was told anyways by his foster parents.



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"I prefer Yuki..."

Yukimura Tsubasa


"I guess this is needed?"



"Halfway there~"



"Could it not be anymore obvious?"



"Where'd you find this?"


Yuki is 5'3" and weighs 105 lbs.


"Go away..."

No one

(As of right now)



Yuki is rather quiet in class unless she is spoken to or asked to speak. The small girl is rather kind, but can be rude sometimes, but it only due to her past and what's happened to her. She enjoys having a quiet nature, it makes her seem as though she's a huge mystery; which she is. She hardly speaks of her past unless needed too, when she does, she is literally fighting back some tears.

While she may seem rather cold sometimes, she actually quite shy, she won't talk too much and often has a pink dust on her cheeks when talking to strangers. She enjoys the company of at least one person as a companion/friend. Yuki is quite the mystery, she can be cold one second and kind the next, her emotions mix sometimes and get confusing for her. Don't be alarmed, she just had a rather tough upbringing.


"Go. Away."

Yuki was born into a normal family with a decent sized home, as usual. By the age of 5 she was already cooking for herself and doing practically everything to raise herself, her mother she had hardly gotten to see due to her job over in Europe. Her father, he usually was working outside or helping out the neighbors; Yuki just stayed inside, reading, cleaning, or cooking.

Unfortunately for her, at the age of 8, her mother had died due to a plane crash. Exactly a month after, her father died of unknown causes. Yuki, thankfully knowing how to raise herself, lived in the home alone; with her parent's deaths, she had quite a bit of money to survive.


"I live alone."

Sachiko (Mother: 35), Owen (Father: 37) [both Deceased]
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Name: Haiko Uzumaki



Gender: Male


Crush:He's kind of shy, so he doesn't really have one.

Personality:He's quiet and easily surprised or startled. He feels bad alot of the time, he doesn't have a big self-esteem.

History/Background Story:He had a pretty normal life, nothing to bat an eyelash at. He always kept to himself although he did have several friends.But lately he's had to move due to bullies and his family just so happened to move here.

Family: (mom) Haruhi Uzumaki (39) (Grandmother) Saiko Uzumaki (59) (Grandfather) Techi Uzumaki (63)
Name : Ayaka Koizumi

Age : 16 ^~^

Year: 2nd year

Sex/Gender : Female

Part of Japan where you come from: Moves constantly

Personality : Ayaka is a quiet girl to everyone at first and seems very unapproachable, but once she opens up to someone she is very fun, spunky, outgoing, and loves being the best at everything. Though she cries easily because she hates being yelled at, bullied\teased, or getting pressured into doing something. Being both intellectual and athletic seemed unusual at her middle school so she never really fit in because they thought all she cared about was school. She tries her best not to bother anyone and seems to put up that wall of 'Don't talk to me' because she wants to protect herself and others from being bullied. (she thinks if someone talks to her they'll instantly get bullied) if someone who was nice to her gets bullied she will stand up for them and usually stops them from being bullied and gets bullied more, at her old school everyone thought she kind of liked getting bulled since she never said anything bad when she was bullied or teased, she just kept quiet and did her work without disturbing anyone.

Likes : Bunnies, sports, sweets, fashion, being the best, likes boys, music, writing, reading, singing, and anything cute!

Dislikes: Bullies, sour things, death, yelling, and being ignored



She has shoulder length light pink hair and light sky blue eyes. She is slim, but she isn't very skinny. She is about 5'6" 1\2 and is self conscious of her height. She likes to wear all kinds of cute clothes and when she is at home studying she will wear a large baggy shirt and shorts with her hair tied up (which is an unusual hairstyle for her) she doesn't consider herself cute so if she gets complimented on looks she tells the person
"It's the clothes and makeup, not me" (personally I think she is super cute, but she doesn't think so. Goodness a complicated girl)

Crush: She won't tell anyone >< but I'm guessing Akira

History/Background Story: Ayaka is the oldest child of a very successful family. She has a younger sister named Fumiko and she is a 'little demon' according to Ayaka. She has moved around a lot due to her parents jobs and her getting bullied. She always wants to be the best of the best because she feels like that's the only way she'll be noticed by anyone. Before she transferred to Kire High she was invited to a party by her 'friends' and it ended up being a setup to prank her. After that she became very quiet and seemingly unapproachable, but she doesn't mean to seem so her aura of 'I don't want to talk to you' is really she's just naturally is like that. When she does get bullied she will put up a wall basically that seems to say, 'Don't talk to me'. Even though she looks like she doesn't mind being alone she hates it because it makes her feel like she has done something to be bullied and usually just cries about it to herself when it gets really bad, but seems to blend in with the crowds when she's bullied. In middle school she only brought home one friend and it was to finish their health project together, but it made her happy. Ayaka's parents got very worried about her as she began to tell them about a couple bullying incidents so they had her transfer again and again. To make sure that she didn't bother her parents with complaining about bullies she began to draw how she felt with pastles, paints, chalks, pens\pencils, and mixed media. She also so began to get very involved in music and sports when she was in grade school, she is very musically inclined and her parents bought her quite a few instruments so she could sing and play her music both at home and at her lessons. For a job she works at a couple places, her parents own a couple of them. She works at a café, bakery, pet shop, dog groomers, and had done a couple modeling jobs (family friends hired her. She likes to keep quiet about this part of her life though) She was discovered for her singing talents and became an Idol. She didn't want to use her name or look the same when she was an Idol so she changed her Idol name to Asami. Asami is a very big thing and Ayaka is very proud how popular she is but she won't let anyone know that she is an Idol.

Family: Chiyo (Mom 45) Hayato (Dad 47) Fumiko (Sister 11)
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Name: Akira Tashiyama

Age: 16

Year: 2nd

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c02275a9d_large(1).jpg.620a8bae197f7d819a13a6256ee4d7c6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27133" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c02275a9d_large(1).jpg.620a8bae197f7d819a13a6256ee4d7c6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He's actually pretty fit but wears long sleeves and clothes that are alittle big so he can hide it.


Personality: He's the type of guy that's liked by everyone but doesn't actually have anyone to call a friend. He mostly sits in the back corner of the class, quiet . He listens to music but keeps one ear bud out, so he can pay attention to everyone. Even when it looks like he's not listening, he always is. He's never someone that's quick to judge. He's very understanding of others and is always there in case someone needs someone to talk to. He loves music and plays guitar but only in his room. He's very charismatic when he does talk. If he see's someone get bullied, he'll always stand up for them. He used to be that type of kid until he finally stood up for himself a beat the bully up that was trying to stuff him in a trash can. He may be a little guy but he can really pack a punch. He's not easily tempered, but there are four things that he won't stand for: Bullies, people that have no respect (for them selves or others), people harming women, and anyone attacking God. Other than that, he's just your average Joe. He also has a weak spot for cute girls. He is extremely shy when talking to girls he finds cute. He's secretly. He feels like love and girls are supposed to be cherished and adored.

History/Background Story: Akira is a nice kid that grew up in a nice family. Growing up he was the kid that was the center of attention, but not the good kind. He got picked on to the point that he was almost considered instead of being nice to everyone, he was a jerk back. Never gave anyone a chance to get close. He soon became a very depressed kid but kept it all bottled inside. He soon got moved into Kire High (because his parents feel like it's a better school) and he decided to change. He decided to be nicer, and act happy when people talked to him.

Family: Two older siblings, mother and father. Older siblings are married and live in different towns and rarely talk to them. Mother's a chef and father is a Mechanic.



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((Whoa.... Aya is gonna have fun talking to this guy. Oh that is a super good character description and what not))
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Name: Haruka Takahashi

Age (15, 16 or 17 for the Japanese school years.): 15

Year (15=1st year, 16=2nd etc.): 1st

Gender: Female

Appearance (Please use an anime picture ^3^):

Crush: N/A

Personality: (On the outside--) Haruka seems like a cold-hearted person who is indifferent due to her lack of facial expression and blunt replies. She has a tendency to hide her feelings, whether it may be positive of negative and is always seen by herself, even though she's not particularly disliked by people. She doesn't know anything 'love' related, so she can be a bit...difficult when it comes to such topics. (ex: family affection, BF/GF love, friendship)

(On the inside--) Haruka is a surprisingly caring and gentle person, though she doesn't look at herself that way. She puts others and their needs before hers in almost any situation. She truly treasures friendship and company, as she learned since she was always alone, even though she has slight trusting issues. She can get embarrassed easily, even though her face may not show it, and absolutely loves food (especially sweets--which is why she's good at cooking). She is an easy person to talk to, as she listens rather than talks, but she has trouble continuing conversations since she is unintentionally blunt at times, and is afraid to open up to others. Even though she won't admit it, she's always wanted a friend who would stick by her despite her flaws.
History/Background Story:

Her parents raised her in a cold, stern way, and so Haruka seemingly lost her ability to feel emotions (which is not the case). She was alone throughout childhood, as she was an only child (relatives around her age didn't speak with her often since she was 'not fun to talk to') and spent a lot of her time reading, studying or wandering around in the garden. As she grew up, people took advantage of her since she seemed small (she's kind of short) and insecure, which gave Haruka a bad image of interacting with others, thus creating her trusting problems. She grew fond of the arts (specifically: music--piano and flute, drawing, singing and ballet) to keep her mind off loneliness.
Family: Mother and Father--dead; lives with cousins and other relatives

(Still accepting?)
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it doesn't look like anyone was officially "accepted" it looks like they just started. 
with the gm too i might add. ;-; so idk if we just start or whatever ;-;

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