Kire High (Anime School Roleplay :3)

(Hey, I'm right here. :P I'm checking the other RP's I joined. I don't get notifications for some of them)
(Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy everyone....)

Name: Akiko Kirigami

Age (15, 16 or 17 for the Japanese school years.): 16

Year (15=1st year, 16=2nd etc.): 2nd

Gender: Female.

Appearance (Please use an anime picture ^3^):


Crush: There is one boy... His name is Haiko...

Personality: Kind, shy, not very talkative at all. Really doesn't like physical contact.

History/Background Story: Born. Grew up. Attends Kire High. Doesn't really know anyone though.

Family: Parents. That's it. She's an only child.
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hey guy's there's also an OOC thread too xD all for your OOC needs lol 
i doin't need to be rude if i came off that way ;-;
Name: Kuroha Kokonose



Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-14_15-18-26.jpeg.55ad65bf896e6326c031554fc73544ba.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27325" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-14_15-18-26.jpeg.55ad65bf896e6326c031554fc73544ba.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Crush: None

Personality: Usually quiet and withdrawn, but has multiple personality disorder.

Background Story: Kuroha was taken in by scientists, and does not remember life before this. His true body remained in a lab, and they transferred his body into what it is now. His original name was Haruka, and all he remembered after the change were the words; "I want to have fun with my friends." He soon learned about what they did, and went into a rage. The scientists were killed, and he has tried to live a normal life ever since.

Family: ???



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"Not many people know me....cause i'm quiet..."

Kyo Ryuno

Age :

"Im kinda old...missed a grade because of my problem..."


Year :

"...yeah ive been here a while"



"Is it that hard to tell...?"


Appearance :



"No one really knows me....but there is one girl in particular...but she wont notice me..."


Kyo is actually quite quiet and shy. Kyo can at first come off as a little odd but once you get to know him he is a nice really chill guy. Kyo always keeps his cool and talks in a low voice, he always seems to be tranquill and happy but quite quiet. Kyo is deep down a really sad guy about his past and really needs friends and comfort to help him through things, he fairly enjoys hugs and is all around a nice timid, shy guy. Also Kyo is very protective of his friends and stands up for most of them despite his shyness.

"I am really quiet...and hopefully i can get friends...and if not im used to it.."

History/Background Story:

Will be revealed

"The past...I can't live to much in seemed to always lead me wrong..."


Kyo has no known family left

"I would rather not talk about them...."

Yeah, me, too. :3

It makes it so mysterious~ :P

(Do you guys know how to use the new format? I can't find anything anymore.... T.T)
I can't find's so confusing.... :(

Can you find your way through the site? It gives me error pages and the RP's I view are all broken up...

(like, there would be Character Sign-Up and OOC tab in one place, and the overview and others would all be everywhere else..... D' :)

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