Kingdoms of Twilight [Storyline, Info, OOC]


Hit Me!

(Alternate Reality and Time)

Two glorious Kingdoms, Hallavera and Terradwer, have been at war, spilling each others blood simply because that is the way it has been for years. Countless lives have been lost in a war that has no recorded beginning: people no longer remember just how, when or why this all-consuming feud started. The citizens of these societies have magic symbols on their bodies since birth, known as runes, granting them give unique powers depending on the runes they were blessed with. A gift from the gods, the strength of an individuals rune is unique to each person, and they enable feats of unimaginable magic and might. These empowered warriors cross blades on the battlefield, flying the banners of their country, perpetuating the bloodshed.

With no end in sight, and as an act of desperation, a Terradwerian Rune Master attempts a long forgotten summoning ritual, meant to call forth Heroes destined to cease the violence. The Priest, interrupted by Hallaveran Soldiers who desired to stop the ritual, with his dying breath completes the summons. But something goes awry. The 6 Heroes summoned are separated: 3 sent to Hallavera, and 3 to Terradwer. This is their story.

~The Heroes~

(Present Day)

Claire, Darrin, Jannel, Samantha, Night and Zero are everyday high school students with every semblance of normalcy. Expecting another regular day at school that morning, these six are overcome with an inexplicable haziness, as their surroundings begin to fade to opacity. Suddenly, the color of everything become dark and still. Confused, they each suddenly feel a warm, pressing sensation fall over their bodies, as each was divinely inscribed with a Hero’s Rune. When the sensation finally settled, each student loses touch with conciousness, as they are transported across time and space. We they awaken they find themselves in different places: Claire, Samantha, and Night end up in the city of Hallavera while Darrin, Jannel, and Zero end up on Terradwerian soil. Here, they make their own destinies as they become intertwined with the fates of these two nations, being the Six Heroes of lore.

+Cael's Story+

(Present Day)

Three days following the report of 6 high school students have gone missing from his school, Cael is returning from an after school practice, when suddenly he is overcome by a nauseating sensation, wracking him with pain. But it quickly disappeared. Figuring it to be a side effect of an exhausting day, he just wanted to go home and sleep. Taking a shortcut home, the abandoned path is laden with menacing shadows. As the air crackles with ominous energy, the shadows engulf Cael, forcefully carving a Rune onto his back. Overcome with blistering pain, his back on fire, he passes out from the sheer pain, awakening on the outskirts of Hallavera. A fateless one, Cael’s path was soon to cross with the Six Heroes, his rune pulsing dark on his flesh.


Trave: Exceptional combat runes. The embodiment of the martial arts, the Trave Rune is a gift to the people from the God of War. This mark bestows upon the user enhanced speed, reflexes, strength and battle aptitude. Warriors who bear this mark are astounding fighters, and find that the battlefield is theirs to conquer, however, they have no talent for magic or sensing it. This Rune is visible on an individual’s right or left arm.

Mel: Terrifying magical runes. A blessing from the Gods of the Elements, these runes are primarily used by mages. They have control over the forces of nature and reality, enabling them to shape the world to their whims. They are amazing spellweavers, however actual 1 on 1 battle skills are lacking, leaving them physically inferior to any warrior in armor coming at them. This Rune is located on an individual’s chest or shoulders.

Twis: Hybrid runes meant for versatility. A blessing from the Goddess of Chance, the Twis rune is a rarity. They are unique runes that accentuate adaptability; they enable the possessor to have an aptitude for both hand to hand combat, as well as ability in the arcane. They are possessive of both the Trave and Mel rune qualities, however, to lesser degrees. No Twis will ever be as unstoppable a physical as a Trave, nor as frighteningly almighty as a Mel, but they compensate somewhat for the shortcomings of the other two Runes. Possessors of the Twis rune are typically also blessed with exceptional eyesight, explaining why many of the wielders are proficient Archers and scouts. The location of this rune is on the neck of any possessor.

Unique Runes: (only one of each of these exist within the world, as can be documented)

Devil: [unique] Cael’s rune. Possessing highly destructive powers, this Rune is a curse from the God of Death. Though it has limitless battle potential, it draws from the possessor’s inherent madness and anger, drawing out a psychotic, darker persona, limiting the control the Possessor has on the rune. The Devil Rune bestows enhanced reflexes, strength and combat ability, as well as an uncontrollable well of magic potential. The actual rune is scarred onto the Possessor’s back.

Angel: [unique] Unknown, unmentioned (Any Takers to discuss with me and make a backstory? :D )

But Yeah! That's a story I have prepared, anybody seem interested in talking about it more, or calling dibs on any of the roles? I have Cael, but we need plenty of both Heroes, as well as normal Runemasters, sooooo Lemme know if it's something you wanna do :D

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Oh, the angel rune can be anything they want really, to the person who calls dibs. But let's not godmod :D
Me personally, being interested in angels (Evangeline is not my name, it's a character of mine and she's a Fallen, not a fallen angel, but a Fallen. A seraphim cast out from the heavens when she had exclaimed that she will Fall in place of her sister.) But i can help with the angels part.
Cool! That's perfect. You can have that then! Let's have it so that the angel threicae (another latin term, something I looked up) is entirely yours then! We can discuss some of the abilities that come with it, but also, try to have it so that the Fallen Evangeline is now residing in the body of a high schooler or something, someone the other kids know and are familiar with? Is that cool? You can have her personality and traits transfer over, from before and after her fall, but the physical manifestation has to be someone the other Six Heroes are familiar with.
That sounds great. Though i was thinking of having her end up being like... Pulled? to the demon person thingy. I'm guessing that Cael is a sort of enemy? Out to kill them, or does he like... keep down his demonic urges to kill... I'm going to need more background on him. But i really wasn't expecting Evangeline THE Evangeline to be a part of this. Because she's in a WHOLE other league. Her background story is a biblical base, a reincarnation of some sort of Eve, hence the name. I was thinking that this angel character has angelic characteristics but not entirely. Because if you're going to do a polytheistic story, then an actual angel will not fit in very well because of the non-monotheistic setting.

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Maybe we can have the God of Darkness, the "Devil" if you wish, trying to break free and devour the Casters' magic to serve as fuel for his reincarnation. And have the "angel" be like a guardian and guard the gates that keep him in "hell" or whatever name we can come up with.
Yeah! I like the concept of Cael and your angel character (I just said evangeline just to put a name to her, sorry for the mistake :P ) being drawn to each other. I never really meant for Cael to be a willing antagonist really. It's more that the God of Death is attempting some sort of manipulation, but Cael is his unwilling puppet. The God of Death, Thraex, wants the war to continue, because he revels in the carnage of it. The Angel Threicae wielder is a manifestation of really all the good in the world, and attempts to preserve it as much as she can, and preventing Thraex from having his way, really. Cael's just an unfortunate guy caught up in something that was never really his destiny, he's not one of the six heroes, but he has as much importance as they do, as does the Angel wielder. Haha, if any of that made sense.
Well with the "drawn to each other" thing, we still need them to have a relation... Why are they drawn to each other? Perhaps the girl is a contrast to Cael and serves as an equalizer to his negative energy?
As a siphon of his dark energies, yeah. She's the yang to his yin. Her light helps him control the darkness. The devil threicae radiates darkness, and she keeps him sane, in a sense, not only with her presence and personality, but because her threicae helps him achieve a tentative balance, I'd guess.
Awesome.^^ And her markings... I already have a picture of Evangeline with her back turned. She has markings on her back that look like wings. They were there when her ma'tha marks were not that sharp. It was when she was less dark, more light. I will upload it as soon as i can and let you see so that you can decide whether it's good enough for use.^^
Not sure yet. I might search up a few names from the bible or a few pretty names. But... What's Cael's personality? Cause if it's quiet, dark and grumpy, the angel would be loud, optimistic and childish.^^ But she'll also be completely terrified if she sees his demon form (assuming he has that, or maybe just a manifestation of the true form of his power)
Well the angel doesn't have to be a perfect foil to Cael. Cael was a starting basketball player, a normal, talkative fun guy, but the devil threicae is slowly turning him mad, as it pains him, and the darkness slowly overtakes him. He's going to be a little more irritable and angry, but he's not like quiet and shy. He will talk, and he's not difficult to befriend. He's just cold at times, and stoic. He doesn't have a demon form per se, nothing for her to be scared about. He doesn't transform into a crazy monster or anything, but when he fights, he just changes into like a psychotic version of himself: it's just like an expression of his inner demons though there's no visible transformation other than dark tendrils and pulsing energy and the like.
I see... So... Let's have my character be one of the lower-in-social-status girl of the highschool he came from. Quiet, shy and mostly keeps to herself... Maybe she can be transported to a local village... I'm partial to a come-to-the-rescue meeting for the both of them, maybe Cael will feel like something is wrong a come to the rescue? xD Very cliche, but i dont think my character, IF she's gunna be like i proposed, would go to him if nothing like that will ever happen.
Yeah, that's cool with me! I have no qualms with that. Haha, as cliche as it is, I love it. But yeah! Hopefully more people sign up to be the other characters too! I'd love to see if we could get it going. If you want, you can start making a character Bio thing, just for other people to reference! I'll make a thread for it.
That'll be great.^^ And i just told my friend to check the idea out. Hopefully he's interested. And i'll go and draw my character out.
I am very interested but I'd rather not play with a character of great fortune. I'd prefer to be a soldier from one of the kingdoms so I don't have any obligations to act or play in a certain way. So would it be fine if I were to make a character from my own creation instead of one of the six heroes?

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Oh I just read the sign up thread! okay I'll throw a character up!

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