Kingdom War

CrimsonEclipse said:
(Okay then)
(@ScytheMeister7 sorry to be really annoying, but could you please describe his appearance more? He sounds like an amazing character, I just find it hard to visualize him. Again, I am very sorry for being too nitpicky.)
(Sorry, my phone doesn't allow me to copy and paste pictures so I have to find my laptop and do it. I was just about to, actually)

I do accept your kingdom. :) and everyone's character after that so, I just wanted to let you know, You should look up Norse mythology on the gods and history, its quite interesting and goes along well with your character,.
all right,so do you folks mind if a wanderer orc joins the rp?im always a fan of being a orc paladin or berserker in rps like this








Type of Creature:


Queen of Fantasy] [URL=" said:
I do accept your kingdom. :) and everyone's character after that so, I just wanted to let you know, You should look up Norse mythology on the gods and history, its quite interesting and goes along well with your character,.
I wanted to make something a bit more custom than that. I felt that the Njordsirm deserved something a bit more.... them than a normal Pantheon.
Name: Lord Commander Brenneth Sun Of The Order Of The Sun

Gender: Male

Age: 76



Personality: Once a rather overzealous priest, Brenneth advanced the Order from an average religion, into a major powerhouse religion. However, this allowed him to expand his reign of fear and oppression. Although he does everything in the "Light" he believes in, he has done many horrible things. He has burned innocents, razed cities, butchered all who stood in his way, started wars of genocide against the Dark Elves and the Knights Of Twilight. He enforces his religion's mandates and rules with the point of his blade, executing hundreds himself. However, the Order was the leader in the fight against Demon incursions, and their charities and blessings save thousands in all areas where they have influence.

Likes: The Sun, "expanding" his religion, his pet hound Solar, his enchanted sword LightBringer.

Dislikes: The Knights Of Twilight, Heretics, Heathens, demons, when people say no to him

Kingdom: The Order Of The Sun

Type of Creature: "Sunblessed" a human with longer life, light magic, agility, and strength

Powers:"Sunblessed" a human with longer life, light magic, agility, and strength. Rules over the Order Of The Sun

Kingdom Details

Name: The Order Of The Sun

Classification: Knight Order

Location: The Order Of The Sun is incredibly wide spread, spanning several kingdoms. They have outposts in many places, and many are loyal to them, however they own few lands. The only land they do own, is the Citadel Of Solaris ((The Lord Of Light)), and the City of Solaris' Gift. The Citadel Of Solaris is built upon a mountain's peek, so that it may be closer to the sun. It is both a fortress and monastary. Solaris' Gift is a large city made of white and gold marble. It is beneath the mountain of the Citadel, and is bisected by the Vanan River. Both the Citadel and the City are 100% Sun worshippers, as everyone else was killed for heresy.

Culture/History/Religion: In their myths of creation, The Order Of The sun and The Order of Twilight were the same. Solaris, The Lord Of Light, and Luna, The Lady Of Twilight, were siblings, tasked with ruling the world. They were loving siblings, working in harmony. However, it's beleived that when the two religions split, they did as well. Since Solaris is male, and Luna is female, the Order is extremely sexist towards females, aswell as racist towards dark elves, and hating anyone not of their religion.

The Order Of The Sun was a minor cult, created alongside the Order Of Twilight. For centuries, they were the same, two sides of the same coin, like Yin and Yang. However, rumors of darkness and evil doing emerged about the Twilight Order, and a mere decade later, they seemed to come true, as the Twilight Order began massacring hundreds. The Order Of The Sun split off from them, and led the fight against them. However, when the Order Of Twilight hid in their secret refuges, leaving their evil ways behind, The Order Of The Sun decided they had to prevent this from happening again. Thus, they outlawed moon worship, and anything even remotely involved with darkness. Werewolves, Wraiths, Ghosts, Shadowmancers, Vampires, Demons. And many people burned for being accused of being these things. The two orders have been at war with each other ever since. ((This war occured about 200 years ago.)) With the Twilight Order rising again, The Order Of The Sun has become far more "trigger-happy", razing entire cities with connection to their lunar brethren. The latest head of the order, who has propelled it into a far more domiant state, is determined to fight them off.

Currency/Economics: Mimics whatever country the order is in.

Millitary: ((For the Njordsirm, I didn't have pictures because all their units looked the same.))

The Order has Knights, Men at Arms, and Archers, just like any other kingdom. They specialize in Knights, having well-experienced horsemen. They also have Solar Mages, who are able to harness the power of light. ((Stereotypical Priest/Paladin sort of thing)) Their Knights are armed with lances, swords, and shields, nothing else. They are the third rank a member reaches.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-10_19-25-0.jpeg.ec5439e064604e34a025165c5fcfb808.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36604" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-10_19-25-0.jpeg.ec5439e064604e34a025165c5fcfb808.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Their infantry is rather basic, but well equipped. They are armed with swords, shields, or in some cases, spears. An infantry man is the second rank one reaches


Their archers, are pathetic. They are poorly armored, and poorly trained. They are the Order's fresh recruits. They aren't worth a picture because they are little more than militia.

The Solar Mages are the final rank one can reach. They are armed with light enchanted weapons and armor, and are experienced users of light magic. On the battle field, they are elites.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-10_19-31-41.jpeg.1857ccae55ea1541c3f13f9b1c13d98d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36607" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-10_19-31-41.jpeg.1857ccae55ea1541c3f13f9b1c13d98d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Politics: Solaris > Lord commander > First Sun > Second Sun > Third Sun > Solar Mage > Knight >Man at arms > Archer

Mood towards the war: Rather neuteral, but if they have a better opportunity to get a chance to kill followers of Twilight, they'll jump on it.

Conditions: Well.... you'd be unleashing a fanatical murder religion upon your country. Your people would hate you, your enemies would hate you. The Order will kill people in your cities, and enforce their laws upon your country. Only worth it if you really need an army of diehard fanatics.

((@Queen of Fantasy has given me permission to create several Kingdoms, knight Orders, and Merc groups. This is the second of several.))

((I added some new things, like Conditions: and Classification:))



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Name:night wolf




Personality:no one can truly spot his personality



Kingdom:he's not even from this dimension so no Kingdom

Type of Creature:werewolf

Powers:able to bend and make time and dimensions



the all the same size big as the middle one and they all do different things
[QUOTE="Blood dog]Name:night wolf



Personality:no one can truly spot his personality



Kingdom:he's not even from this dimension so no Kingdom

Type of Creature:werewolf

Powers:able to bend and make time and dimensions



the all the same size big as the middle one and they all do different things

((Bending time. ........................ And I thought my people were OP))
@Blood dog @SirDerpingtonIV

Wow I love your characters! I might make another one, just because I can! :P

Name: Aileen

Gender: Female

Age: . . .


Human form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/imagesV2A541D7.jpg.dca0687b8e1402ae802512e3de4b9bfe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36627" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/imagesV2A541D7.jpg.dca0687b8e1402ae802512e3de4b9bfe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tree Folk Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/imagesD9K2X8RP.jpg.e2ebf76275cb3a72d61042a8fb84fc6c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36628" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/imagesD9K2X8RP.jpg.e2ebf76275cb3a72d61042a8fb84fc6c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mask Wore when in tree folk form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images4W16RCLG.jpg.9486eb296b3358556e1115cc3c0e0389.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36629" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images4W16RCLG.jpg.9486eb296b3358556e1115cc3c0e0389.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Strong, Confident, Insane, Angered Easily.

Likes: Trees, Light, Forests.

Dislikes: Darkness, Fire, Ice.

Kingdom: Dryad Kingdom of Vines

Type of Creature: Dryad Queen

Powers: Anything that has to do with trees.



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Queen of Fantasy] [URL=" said:
@Blood dog[/URL] @SirDerpingtonIV
Wow I love your characters! I might make another one, just because I can! :P

Name: Aileen

Gender: Female

Age: . . .


Human form

View attachment 90940

Tree Folk Form

View attachment 90941

Mask Wore when in tree folk form

View attachment 90942

Personality: Strong, Confident, Insane, Angered Easily.

Likes: Trees, Light, Forests.

Dislikes: Darkness, Fire, Ice.

Kingdom: Dryad Kingdom of Vines

Type of Creature: Dryad Queen

Powers: Anything that has to do with trees.
[QUOTE="Blood dog]cool

I have a plan with her. The used to be king of Great Dragons, burned down a forest to build his kingdom. The Dryad's are angry, and she wants revenge... DUN DUN DUN.
Kawazoe will help you with that he doesn't like people burning down the house especially his earth
Name:Marthuck Worthack




Personality:a man with honor and bravery,he can be rather calm to his allys and sometimes to his enemies,but it mostly matter for their honor,and he can be a rather kind person for an orc

kingdom:a far away kingdom of elves

likes:respect,honor,other races,being kind,exploring different lands,adventure

dislikes:no respect or honor,thieves and evil

weapons:a holy longsword filled with light magic,two steel axes and a large tower shield

his story shall be explained though the rp
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]I have a plan with her. The used to be king of Great Dragons, burned down a forest to build his kingdom. The Dryad's are angry, and she wants revenge... DUN DUN DUN.

Is it possible that she's The Dragon King's killer? If so, I have a plan. If not, can someone make that character. Rowan needs someone to hunt down and find
ScytheMeister7 said:
Is it possible that she's The Dragon King's killer? If so, I have a plan. If not, can someone make that character. Rowan needs someone to hunt down and find
No she is not the killer. But she has been planning on striking the daughter since he is no longer alive.


ScytheMeister7 said:
Is it possible that she's The Dragon King's killer? If so, I have a plan. If not, can someone make that character. Rowan needs someone to hunt down and find
No she is not the killer. But she has been planning on striking the daughter since he is no longer alive.

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