Kingdom War

Name: John Abraus

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Appearance: He usually covers himself with a black cloak, fearing that people will see him as an abomination. If you do uncover, he is a average teen, with a weak build. His veins are black, and pulse with a black liquid. His eyes are also black.

Personality: He tends to stay alone, and look at the sky, wondering. He cries for almost anything, since he is alone, never accepted by anyone.

Likes: The dark, skies, the moon, building.

Dislikes: People (Usually), kingdoms (He thinks it is just several "Barbarians with swords in a tribe"), and the powers he has.

Kingdom: None.

Type of Creature: He is human, but has been infected by the "Corruption" It enables him several powers, some that hurt people who loved him.

Powers: He can mind read, and can hurt people by just thinking (It doesn't happen, but it is an illusion)
((If you need it, I can create a shit ton of smaller kingdoms and knight orders and mercenary groups for this. People to take on sides. Like, The Knights of Twilight, rumored to be all sorts of foul things, like demons, and shadow wraiths, and vampires. They're an Elite Knight Order who serves only whoever they wish to.


Or the Order Of The Sun, a bunch of warriors who are both elite warriors and devoted worshippers of the Sun. They only serve those who let them spread their faith.


Or the Njordsirm clans of brutal semi-human Viking badasses who are rumored to be cousins of giants. They each stand at around 8 feet tall, and are known as some of the best raiders in the world.


Or the DreadFleet, a fleet of Dark Elf ships based in the Dark Elf port city of Nargirin.


Queen of Fantasy] [URL=" said:
@SirDerpingtonIV[/URL] My oh my! This is actually quite lovely! Go ahead and make whatever character you want.
CrimsonEclipse said:
Oh mna, those character/race ideas are so awesome. Where'd you get those pics?
Random seearches. The Dark Elf ship was Fantasy Trireme I think, the Dark elf was Dark Elf, the Njordsir was Viking Warrior, The Order of the Sun was fantasy knight, and i think the Twilight guy was dark knight.

But I gotta go, cya!



King Alekin Verithas






He is a sadistic and malicious, decimating everyone in his path. He is also sly and devious, not hesitating to cheat or use dirty techniques to win. He is greedy and selfish, destroying anyone who stands in the way of his victory and willing to sacrifice all but his most powerful generals, but even they will someday lose their usefulness. He is without conscience nor mercy, slaughtering men and women, old or young, battle born or helpless, guilty or innocent, no one escapes the destruction he brings. But on top of all, he's a coward. Whenever the tides turns against him, he will not hesitate to retreat, which is why he is still alive to this day.


Destruction and terror, decay, darkness, cats, reading and knowledge


The Living, loud noises, Paladins and Priests, light, little children


Damned Undead

Type of Creature:

Undead Necromancer


Necromancy, Scrying, Black Magic, Curse, and Hexes, Soul Siphon

(I had the permission
@Queen of Fantasy to create a third kingdom. Basically, they're out to take advantage of the war between the Great Dragons and Sly Wolves, and with every death on either sides their rank grows stronger and bigger.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/UndeadDragon2.jpg.c2f4595e390db06247f5f74306d5d1ac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36491" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/UndeadDragon2.jpg.c2f4595e390db06247f5f74306d5d1ac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>









Very revoking and protective of his territory. Takes everything seriously, and hard to gain trust. He usually kills impostors on sight, but will give a one-chance warning occasionally. And in the brink of battle, he shows no mercy.



-Screams of his victims

-Destroying peaceful lands

-raiding villages




-Bright lights

-Holy materials

-Other dragons

-Everything with humans/mortals

-Light magic


Lives near the boundaries of the Dragons' Kingdom.

Type of Creature:



The ability to reanimate the dead, and command them at will. Less powerful beings based on strength and size, as well as experience that exercises the mindset, will determine the chances of taking your soul and replacing it with necromancy.




  • UndeadDragon2.jpg
    130.3 KB · Views: 38
Name: Jarl Harl Erikson, Lord of The Naga's Crag, a cliff-side port city, reknowned for its raiders, and Vassal of Konungra Borghild Varokson, the Queen of Njordaak, and High Chieftan of the Njordsirm people.

Gender: Male

Age: 36

Appearance:A bear of a person, Harl is menacing in battle. He stands at 8'6, and weighs more than several men. However, he isn't fat. He is mostly made up of muscle, like all his people, for food is not particularly common in the Northern Wastes, causing fights and even wars to be common place. He has pale blond hair, and icy blue eyes. Unlike your stereotypical viking, Njordaaks do not grow facial hair, other than eyebrows and eyelashes, so his face is entirely clean-shaven.

((This is just his armor. I couldn't find an actual pic of someone fitting his description. xD ))


Personality: He's a fierce, harsh man, like most of his people. However, his actions are MOSTLY just, with the exception of raiding. He is kind and loyal to his friends, and always remembers when someone has done kindness unto him. But he is merciless to foes, and remembers every insult, and every threat.

Likes: Raiding, the snow, gold, drinks

Dislikes: Fire, alchohol, when people wrong him

Kingdom: The Njordsirm Clans

Type of Creature: Njordsirm, basically, an eight-foot tall, incredibly strong, but not too nimble cousin of the giants. They all have pale skin, and frosty blue eyes.

Powers: Strength

Kingdom Details

Name: The Njordsirm Clans

Classification: Kingdom

Location: The Northern Island of Njordaak. Njordaak is all but inhabitable for anyone other than the Njordsirm. It is a land of towering mountains and frozen highlands. The frozen seas around it make it well defended, and the few cities the Nordsirm have are built upon mountain sides, in the frozen lands. The Njordsirm rarely leave their lands, and don't tolerate visitors, so not much else known (currently). ((Maybe the RP will travel there at one point, or a character of mine will give a description.))

Culture/History: The Njordsirm society favors neither men nor women, as both take a role in government, household, and millitary. Infact, the island is currently rules by a woman. They do not write or read, for the Njordsirm can remember everything down to the exact detail. As such, the tales told by Njordsirm 200 years ago vary not in even the slightest word. However, they also remember when they've been wronged, and carry grudges and debts to the grave until they have been repaid. As such, just about everyone everywhere hates their guts. Every time they seek to expand southwards, multiple kingdoms ally to take them down. However, their attacks have become increasingly desperate, as the Njordsirm are running out of resources and food upon their island.

Religion: They believe in Winter, a diety who embodies the snow, and cold. There is no afterlife, nor is there any creation. Winter is simply there, doing his/her own thing. Winter has no gender, and has never took human for in the tales. It speaks through the wind, in a voice belonging to neither gender. However, they believe that Winter took pity on them, during the events of what their legends call, "The Great Rending", when they fled into the North. It is believed that Winter gave them their current atributes, and immunity to the cold, but at a price. They are now extremely flammable, and fear fire greatly. As well as the fact that they can only drink water. However, unlike just about every other religion ever, they actually not only permit religious freedom, they actually believe other religions are right alongside their own. For Winter is winter, and has created nothing, and as such, other religions are believed, and for some, none are believed.

Currency/Economics: Trade/Bartering, but they agree gold is worth something. Anyone can become anything in their society. All it takes is skill and luck in a raid, and someone born as a blacksmith can become a powerful Jarl. Who in turn, can be chosen to become, the Konungr at a Moot. ((Kings are elected by the Jarls))

Millitary: No cavalry, nor archers. They have no formations either. Njordsirm carry few weapons. Swords, spears, axes, bigger axes, javelins, and throwing axes, depending on the clan, which all have their own unique armor, weapons, and ships. The Njordsirm navy is fierce, argueably the best raiders there are. In close-quarters ship combat, their reign supreme, as all their ships have rams, they are skilled boarders, and their Ice Mages (There are VERY few of them), are able to change water to ice, and manipulate said ice. However, at range, both on land, sea, and siege, they are at a very heavy disadvantage. Having no cannons, crossbows, bows, catapults, trebuchets, or anything, a Njordsirm army can be utterly destroyed at range, and a group of Horse Archers lead by a semi-intelligent commander can win with literally not a single loss.

Politics: Njordsirm are not manipulators or backstabbers. This isn't Kings Landing. They are loyal to the core, and brutally honest. The Jarls and Chiefs come into conflict often, but they all respect the Konungra or Konungr, and will obey without question.'

Mood towards the war: They take advantage of it, plundering defenseless coastal towns while both kingdoms beat away at eachother. However, with the promise of enough loot, they can be hired to fight for one side or the other.

((This good for Kingdom CS? If not, I'll add other things. AND SO THE FIRST OF MANY HAS BEEN FINISHED!

@Queen of Fantasy has given me permission to make several kingdoms, knight orders, and mercenary bands, this is the first of several))
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Name: Rowan Michaelis

Title: Wanderer

Gender: Male

Age: 27


His eyes are normally pale silver or white but turn red when he's upset. Also, he's not as pale as the first picture. He's tanned.




Personality: Like many people of his kingdom, he is a very secretive person, preferring to stay on the outskirts of most situations. He enjoys the company of only few and has a very sarcastic attitude, his tone getting darker when he's frustrated or agitated. He finds many other people to be annoying but he won't say no to good company. He's occasionally cynical and even morbid in his fascination of death and the different ways it can be achieved. He does not wish for death nor does he wish it upon anyone else (except for maybe those he despises), not even when they annoy him severely. He has a soft spot for children and has an attraction to those of the same gender as himself. He's not easily intimidated, even if someone threatens to kill him. He is easy going and kind to children and those who gain his approval which is difficult to achieve but once one does, you're best friends for life as he is extremely loyal

Bio: Rowan grew up with a dark life, his mother never caring and his father a corrupted official advisor of his King. When he was 12, he murdered his father and almost his mother as well but was stopped and locked up for 3 years. When he was let out, he'd forgotten about what he'd done and became a trusted advisor to the King despite his young age. In truth, Rowan was a powerful asset to have, considerable strength at his hands and nearly perfect assassination skills that seemed to appear from no where. He became the youngest killer in the King's arsenal and murdered many to keep his kingdom protected. After 5 years, he faked his own death and went into hiding. He took to a new job, a teacher, and became well liked by the children in his new village. It's how he's lived ever since.

Kingdom: Kingdom Of Calidien

(Small kingdom, mostly unknown to others as they are a people of stealth and quiet living)

Likes: Children (in a non-creepy way), teaching, his kingdom, learning, guys, respectful people, etc...

Dislikes: Other adults, death, those of kingdoms he's killed people of, destruction, lascivious women, disrespectful people, etc...

Abilities: Rowan has considerable strength and prowess as an assassin. Also, he's exceptionally smart and quick witted, capable of getting out of sticky situations with simple words. His assassination skills are nearly unrivaled, beaten only by few.

Race: Human

Other: He longs for someone to love and children of his own but with his sexuality, it is quite a problem

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(Okay then)

(@ScytheMeister7 sorry to be really annoying, but could you please describe his appearance more? He sounds like an amazing character, I just find it hard to visualize him. Again, I am very sorry for being too nitpicky.)

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