Kingdom of Shadows (open)

Full Name: Ser Olivae "The Rook"

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unknown

Race: Human

Occupation & Level of Education: A royal guard of En Lome, he is set apart from his peers by his unique set of armor, his towering height, massive strength, and the gigantic sword that is longer than many are tall, as well as the massive shield he carries. Logically, as a guard, his education is not the best. Although he is smarter than most, including most of the other guards, he is still vastly simple compared to the lords and ladies of the court.

Age, Height & Weight: 24, 196 centimeters, and 180 pounds. And that's without the armor. In the armor, he is well over 200 cms, and almost three times his normal weight.

General Appearance: If one looks closely, a single grey eye can be seen through his visor. But few get that close and live to tell the tale.


Combat experience: Decent. He is not a master swordsman, but his strong armor and incredible strength allows him to be incredibly dangerous in battle. However, he is slow and cumbersome, easily avoided by anyone with the slightest knowledge of fighting.

Beliefs: He follows no gods. He only believes in what obviously is, like a sharp sword or a sturdy shield. That is all he puts faith in.

Aspirations: He seems to have none. He hasn't revealed to anyone what his purpose is, but he seems content with his position. However, he has a strange aggressive nature towards House Miran, a minor noble house owning several keeps.

Possessions: "Make sure they're not carrying a mountain on their back" Oops. The only possessions he has, are his armor, a large sword, and a large shield, as well as a whetstone for his sword.

Personality: Quiet and somber, Sir Olivae doesn't do much in the way of social interaction. Often, he seems cold or distant, and is constantly muttering to himself, which scares quite alot of people away. However, once talked to, he can be kind. He seems to heavily dislike all members of House Miran though. No, much more than that. He LOATHES them. One can practically feel the anger boiling off him whenever he is even so much as near them.

History: This is vastly unknown. Sir Olivae claims for the most part that he came from a millitary training academy, and his strength and size earned him the attention he needed to be drafted into the Royal Guard. However, no one has bothered to verify that, as he preformed quite well in the guard.

Other: I got some things to PM you about, GM.
Full Name: Zane Argus

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Race: Human

Occupation & Level of Education: Zane has a great education level but does not have a job, so he's usually seen wandering.

Age, Height & Weight:



135 lbs

General Appearance: Zane is a short male with blonde(almost white) hair, with streaks of silver in it, sea foam green colored eyes, and a cute face to tie it all together. He has a lean build which allows him great speed, but he lacks in the strength department.

Combat experience: Zane has been taught how to use most weaponry since the age of 12.

Beliefs: Zane believes that anyone should be allowed to do whatever they choose and be whoever they choose to be. He also believes that whenever you can, you should help people. Zane is very devoted to these beliefs and try to fullfil them.

Aspirations: Zane aspires to find the live of his life and settle down, and sattart a family.

Possessions: Zane keeps with him, a brown satchel, filled with gold coins and sometimes food, a rapier, a dagger, and a green cloat which is tied to get her across his chest, but that often has the hood down.

Personality: Zane is a very dense person as well as a hopeless romantic who is constantly looking for love. He often tries to look tough, but to no avail. Zane loves to have fun and do crazy things, and is a generally fun person to be around who can make even the saddest of people happy.

History: Growing up in an aristocratic family, Zane's parents were always accepting of him, so it came as no surprise when he told them he liked men. They loved him and accepted him and that was all that mattered.

At the age of 17, Zane told his parents he wanted to travel around and see the world, so that he could make beautiful music about its wonders, but when he realized the real world wasn't all happy, he decided he was going to change that through whatever means necessary.

Armed with a sword and dagger, Zane goes around helping people anyway he could. He quite enjoyed this and felt better every time he helped someone, but this wasn't enough. Something was coming... Something big.
Full Name: Aln'Eyior , publicly known as Zoe Sharell

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Race: Nephilim

Occupation & Level of Education: Currently a wandering sorceress who rarely stays in one place. She often travels to the capital city for reagents of massive quantity for her schemes but usually avoids people if she can. Zoe had a natural gift and was able to harness mystical energies since she was very young, thus she was trained in the ways of the arcane, but due to the tragedy that driven her to this path she could never finish her studies. She tried to practice alone and throughout the years she has amassed a large amounts of knowledge, but still hungers for more.

Age, Height & Weight: 23, 5'3" , 99 lbs

General Appearance: Her ebony clothes with golden embroidery resemble a raven, an already menacing sign that she is not one to be trifled with. Those who are foolish enough to stand in her way though she is more than happy to prove that the ornaments on her gear are not only for show.


Combat experience: Being born as a Nephilim she had no problem using magic offensively, she could always defend herself. Yet it was told her that there are nefarious places on the world where even the magic wanes and that she needs to learn how to handle a sword. With that she had incredible difficulties. Even after years of relentless training she was unable to tame a single sabre to bow to her will and was about to give up when one of her close friends had given her something else: a large ornamented staff. The mystical item radiated energy which made Zoe curious and as soon as she touched it she felt as if the item and she were bound together as one. Since then she has touched nothing else but her trusty weapon.

Beliefs: Most Nephilim worships Kyri-nhal and respect it as the creator of their race, but Zoe never believed in the genderless god herself. Not being a fool she occasionally murmured some fake prayers so that others accept her into society but she was always the faithful servant of Anar'Sharath, God of Strife and Decay. Known by few and worshiped by even less the Dark God is a true mystery to all, even to Zoe herself. Still when she was in danger it was not the shapeshifting deity that saved her from death but the Dark God's minions raised from the dark void itself. For that she has devoted herself to serve her new master and over the years she has earned the title of Eldre'Farah, High Priestess among the followers of the Dark One. Although she serves the shadow it is not forbidden for her to walk her own path, thus she ventures alone, free from the shackles of mandatory rituals and blood sacrifices.

Aspirations: After her exile she had nothing to live for. The Dark God has saved her life from the flame but gave her no directions where should he head in life thus she lived for the only thing she could: revenge. Over the years she has killed many cowardly soldiers and rogue wizards who infested the land yet she did not feel better. Siphoning the souls of the lesser creatures, tearing the stronger asunder did not quench her thirst for vengeance and this was the moment when she paused and started to think about her life. The sudden realization struck her that no matter how many would she kill it would not bring back her former life. Thus, her heart now hollow, devoid of emotion, she gave up on her path of carnage and started to live for herself: to earn money through trading, to teach others less gifted i the ways of magic. Still she does not know how to fill the empty void of her heart.

Possessions: Aside from her clothes she only brings one item with her, the formerly mentioned war staff, which she named Gil'Raeth, which means Harbinger. This is her only companion as she travels through the land, seeking adventure.


Personality: Once she was cheerful and happy, Zoe is now a person devoid of any emotion, she feels only anguish and pain. With each passing day she prays to her god to lessen her burdens of the past showing penitence. When she occasionally interacts with others she is cold, straight and cuts to the chase, avoiding any lengthy conversations. She only shows kindness towards the unfortunate and is understanding but her patience often runs thin when she is asked stupid questions.

History: When Aln'Eyior was born she was unlike the other Nephilim she knew as she was the only one born without wings for many generations. The elders she had consulted with thought that this is a very bad omen and that she must leave her kind immediately. Being but a young child she could never understand why everyone was so cold towards her, why was she hated for something she could do nothing about. The young cheerful girl slowly descended into melancholy and depression an while other children played together she sat in the darkest corner alone, crying.

Until Gr'inm came. Unlike the others the old sage welcomed the talented child with open arms and showed her something that not even her parents did: love and understanding. He brought up the unfortunate girl alone and taught her the ways of magic. At the age of 14 she was an adept sorceress with skills envied by others and did not fear her bullies any longer. Little did she know that her life was to change forever.

The elders had enough of her and her patron and organized an assassination to end her life. During the veil of night they broke in Gr'inm's house seeking the child and the old wizard. The old sage cast a spell which out the girl in an impenetrable stasis to protect her from any harm. With tear in her eyes she saw the old man being decapitated in front of her eyes and that the others were coming for her now. Letting out a furious vail she shattered the barrier protecting her unleashing a torrent of massive dark energy utterly annihilating all of the assailants at once. This act left her completely drained and she fell on the ground, surrendering to her fate. But then a familiar voice beckoned her from the beyond.

"No, my child. Your story only beings now. "

With her last bits of strength she looked up only to see Gri'nm's face once more. This time however it wa much more menacing and powerful than she ever remembered. And with that she finally lost her consciousness.

She woke up on a mountain, alive but starving. Her body ached with pain and anguish, yes she knew that she must find shelter if she was to survive. Putting on some ragged clothes beside her she forced herself to walk and headed towards something in the distance which appeared to be a settlement to her. She collapsed at the gates of the village where finally fortune smiled upon her: she was adopted by two loving and caring parents. She took on the name of Zoe Sharell, and she lived there in relative peace until she became 18, when she decided to seek out the mysterious force that saved her. Guided by a strange, familiar feeling she had found a cave where strange people prayed to an all too familiar statue: the statue of her "father", Gr'inm. The head of the acolytes have explained her who the dark god truly was and that he informed them about her timely arrival. It was then that Zoe took on the robes of the dark order and set out to avenge the death of her beloved patron and to get rid of those who tormented her once and for all.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Full Name: Ser Olivae "The Rook"
Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unknown

Race: Human

Occupation & Level of Education: A royal guard of En Lome, he is set apart from his peers by his unique set of armor, his towering height, massive strength, and the gigantic sword that is longer than many are tall, as well as the massive shield he carries. Logically, as a guard, his education is not the best. Although he is smarter than most, including most of the other guards, he is still vastly simple compared to the lords and ladies of the court.

Age, Height & Weight: 24, 196 centimeters, and 180 pounds. And that's without the armor. In the armor, he is well over 200 cms, and almost three times his normal weight.

General Appearance: If one looks closely, a single grey eye can be seen through his visor. But few get that close and live to tell the tale.


Combat experience: Decent. He is not a master swordsman, but his strong armor and incredible strength allows him to be incredibly dangerous in battle. However, he is slow and cumbersome, easily avoided by anyone with the slightest knowledge of fighting.

Beliefs: He follows no gods. He only believes in what obviously is, like a sharp sword or a sturdy shield. That is all he puts faith in.

Aspirations: He seems to have none. He hasn't revealed to anyone what his purpose is, but he seems content with his position. However, he has a strange aggressive nature towards House Miran, a minor noble house owning several keeps.

Possessions: "Make sure they're not carrying a mountain on their back" Oops. The only possessions he has, are his armor, a large sword, and a large shield, as well as a whetstone for his sword.

Personality: Quiet and somber, Sir Olivae doesn't do much in the way of social interaction. Often, he seems cold or distant, and is constantly muttering to himself, which scares quite alot of people away. However, once talked to, he can be kind. He seems to heavily dislike all members of House Miran though. No, much more than that. He LOATHES them. One can practically feel the anger boiling off him whenever he is even so much as near them.

History: This is vastly unknown. Sir Olivae claims for the most part that he came from a millitary training academy, and his strength and size earned him the attention he needed to be drafted into the Royal Guard. However, no one has bothered to verify that, as he preformed quite well in the guard.

Other: I got some things to PM you about, GM.
DawnAntalios said:
Full Name: Aln'Eyior , publicly known as Zoe Sharell
Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Race: Nephilim

Occupation & Level of Education: Currently a wandering sorceress who rarely stays in one place. She often travels to the capital city for reagents of massive quantity for her schemes but usually avoids people if she can. Zoe had a natural gift and was able to harness mystical energies since she was very young, thus she was trained in the ways of the arcane, but due to the tragedy that driven her to this path she could never finish her studies. She tried to practice alone and throughout the years she has amassed a large amounts of knowledge, but still hungers for more.

Age, Height & Weight: 23, 5'3" , 99 lbs

General Appearance: Her ebony clothes with golden embroidery resemble a raven, an already menacing sign that she is not one to be trifled with. Those who are foolish enough to stand in her way though she is more than happy to prove that the ornaments on her gear are not only for show.


Combat experience: Being born as a Nephilim she had no problem using magic offensively, she could always defend herself. Yet it was told her that there are nefarious places on the world where even the magic wanes and that she needs to learn how to handle a sword. With that she had incredible difficulties. Even after years of relentless training she was unable to tame a single sabre to bow to her will and was about to give up when one of her close friends had given her something else: a large ornamented staff. The mystical item radiated energy which made Zoe curious and as soon as she touched it she felt as if the item and she were bound together as one. Since then she has touched nothing else but her trusty weapon.

Beliefs: Most Nephilim worships Kyri-nhal and respect it as the creator of their race, but Zoe never believed in the genderless god herself. Not being a fool she occasionally murmured some fake prayers so that others accept her into society but she was always the faithful servant of Anar'Sharath, God of Strife and Decay. Known by few and worshiped by even less the Dark God is a true mystery to all, even to Zoe herself. Still when she was in danger it was not the shapeshifting deity that saved her from death but the Dark God's minions raised from the dark void itself. For that she has devoted herself to serve her new master and over the years she has earned the title of Eldre'Farah, High Priestess among the followers of the Dark One. Although she serves the shadow it is not forbidden for her to walk her own path, thus she ventures alone, free from the shackles of mandatory rituals and blood sacrifices.

Aspirations: After her exile she had nothing to live for. The Dark God has saved her life from the flame but gave her no directions where should he head in life thus she lived for the only thing she could: revenge. Over the years she has killed many cowardly soldiers and rogue wizards who infested the land yet she did not feel better. Siphoning the souls of the lesser creatures, tearing the stronger asunder did not quench her thirst for vengeance and this was the moment when she paused and started to think about her life. The sudden realization struck her that no matter how many would she kill it would not bring back her former life. Thus, her heart now hollow, devoid of emotion, she gave up on her path of carnage and started to live for herself: to earn money through trading, to teach others less gifted i the ways of magic. Still she does not know how to fill the empty void of her heart.

Possessions: Aside from her clothes she only brings one item with her, the formerly mentioned war staff, which she named Gil'Raeth, which means Harbinger. This is her only companion as she travels through the land, seeking adventure.


Personality: Once she was cheerful and happy, Zoe is now a person devoid of any emotion, she feels only anguish and pain. With each passing day she prays to her god to lessen her burdens of the past showing penitence. When she occasionally interacts with others she is cold, straight and cuts to the chase, avoiding any lengthy conversations. She only shows kindness towards the unfortunate and is understanding but her patience often runs thin when she is asked stupid questions.

History: When Aln'Eyior was born she was unlike the other Nephilim she knew as she was the only one born without wings for many generations. The elders she had consulted with thought that this is a very bad omen and that she must leave her kind immediately. Being but a young child she could never understand why everyone was so cold towards her, why was she hated for something she could do nothing about. The young cheerful girl slowly descended into melancholy and depression an while other children played together she sat in the darkest corner alone, crying.

Until Gr'inm came. Unlike the others the old sage welcomed the talented child with open arms and showed her something that not even her parents did: love and understanding. He brought up the unfortunate girl alone and taught her the ways of magic. At the age of 14 she was an adept sorceress with skills envied by others and did not fear her bullies any longer. Little did she know that her life was to change forever.

The elders had enough of her and her patron and organized an assassination to end her life. During the veil of night they broke in Gr'inm's house seeking the child and the old wizard. The old sage cast a spell which out the girl in an impenetrable stasis to protect her from any harm. With tear in her eyes she saw the old man being decapitated in front of her eyes and that the others were coming for her now. Letting out a furious vail she shattered the barrier protecting her unleashing a torrent of massive dark energy utterly annihilating all of the assailants at once. This act left her completely drained and she fell on the ground, surrendering to her fate. But then a familiar voice beckoned her from the beyond.

"No, my child. Your story only beings now. "

With her last bits of strength she looked up only to see Gri'nm's face once more. This time however it wa much more menacing and powerful than she ever remembered. And with that she finally lost her consciousness.

She woke up on a mountain, alive but starving. Her body ached with pain and anguish, yes she knew that she must find shelter if she was to survive. Putting on some ragged clothes beside her she forced herself to walk and headed towards something in the distance which appeared to be a settlement to her. She collapsed at the gates of the village where finally fortune smiled upon her: she was adopted by two loving and caring parents. She took on the name of Zoe Sharell, and she lived there in relative peace until she became 18, when she decided to seek out the mysterious force that saved her. Guided by a strange, familiar feeling she had found a cave where strange people prayed to an all too familiar statue: the statue of her "father", Gr'inm. The head of the acolytes have explained her who the dark god truly was and that he informed them about her timely arrival. It was then that Zoe took on the robes of the dark order and set out to avenge the death of her beloved patron and to get rid of those who tormented her once and for all.
accepted ^.^ sorry for my late replay i had to get my computer fixed
[QUOTE="Anna Kyoyama]accepted ^.^ sorry for my late replay i had to get my computer fixed

[QUOTE="Anna Kyoyama]accepted ^.^ sorry for my late replay i had to get my computer fixed

Did you see the PM I sent you yesterday
Loke Fullbuster] [URL=" said:
@Anna Kyoyama[/URL]
But you didn't accept my cs.
lol sorry i must of forgot well you know you are accepted now xD
Full Name: Onkin Telris

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Race: Lunar

Occupation & Level of Education: Onkin is still in school, but is at the top of his class. He wishes to become a teacher when he gets older. His father does not tolerate bad grades, so Onkin does everything to keep them up.

Age, Height & Weight: Age is 19, 5'11", approximately 160 pounds

General Appearance:

Combat experience: His father forced him into fighting lessons as a child, so Onkin is skilled in hand to hand combat, and magic.

Beliefs: Onkin believes no afterlife, and that the world is a horrible place. He doesn't care what happens, he just wants to get out of it all.

Aspirations: He aspires peace, or destruction. He believes if the world can't become peaceful, then he just wants it destroyed.

Possessions: Onkin wears a necklace with a sword and keeps potions in his satchel.

Personality: Emotionless, strong, fragile, blunt, and sympathetic.

History: Onkin was raised by a cruel, ruthless father that lived his childhood through his son. Onkin never had the chance to do what he wanted, and was kept indoors when not at school. The rest of his family lives in Ashnaes Empira live in peace, Onkin was kept in En Lome by his dad.

(PS: This is my first RP, so I'm still getting used to the idea of it all)
Full Name: Christina Verashoth

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Race: Human.

Occupation & Level of Education: Soldier in the En Lome military. Ranked Captain.

Age, Height & Weight: 19 years old, 5'8 ft. and weighs 120 lbs.

General Appearance: Long feathery, golden blonde hair that drapes down to her lower back, sharp and sea-like blue eyes. A pale, yet healthy tone of skin. She has a small beauty mark just under her left eye. She is slim and well built as far as attraction goes, yet this doesn't go without a fair share of toned muscles. She is a soldier and she is a strong one, she intends to stay that way, and as such, always stays in shape.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/26909.jpg.d333e3b5769d46eeef8939c2afce8300.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41217" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/26909.jpg.d333e3b5769d46eeef8939c2afce8300.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Combat experience: She was raised by a family of farmers, and one day as her family was slaughtered and she took up arms along the fellow knights, she proved herself more than a capable warrior. And without training. These knights, took her to En Lome, trained her to become a soldier and recognized her natural talent for it. She is trained in archery, throwing knives and sword and shield, lancing and horseback riding.

Beliefs: Believes in no god or deity of any sort. She has a devotion to helping others however, and she would rather see herself fall and be killed than her comrades.

Aspirations: Christina aspires to protect everyone, perhaps one day find love, and to keep power out of unjust hands. Her position in the military is perfect to keep her in the state of defence.

Possessions: A small crystal gem around her neck and her ornate broadsword that she acquired when she became captain.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/decorativeswordlarge.jpg.1b424a960bde0fa7fa2650ad2d406e41.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41218" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/decorativeswordlarge.jpg.1b424a960bde0fa7fa2650ad2d406e41.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/ff12_save_crystal_necklace-i405-402.jpg.20144fa90fd885ff5e78a87fc35efbe2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41219" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/ff12_save_crystal_necklace-i405-402.jpg.20144fa90fd885ff5e78a87fc35efbe2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She is rash, very selfless and is willing to act on accord of other people. She isn't so much as a leader, more so a follower, she is willing to follow orders and do what her superiors tell her to.

History: Christina's story began as a peasant, she was a hopeless orphaned child who had been sent from home to home when she was only 4. However, one day, she escaped her home and wandered in the wilderness due to her young naivety and curiosity. She soon be became lost and was forced to survive off of wild plants and animals, turning herself into one as such. Fortunately, on one fateful day, she attempted to steal some food from a local farm and they had caught her, in the act, they realized she had no home and they took her in, educated her, taught her ways a woman should behave, and set her to work on the farm. Overtime her savagery left her, she became dignified and proper, even as a farmgirl, she acted like a noble. When she had turned 16, a terrible event occurred, the farm was ransacked by bandits, a large hoard of them, her family was destroyed, and Christina, as the only survivor at the time, picked up a sword and began to fight them off. When the knights had finally arrived, Christina was being overrun. Luckily, they drove them off in time, Christina was wounded, slashed in many places as she still found the strength to kneel to the knights, the crimson stained sword in her hands as she presented the leader's blade. This appeased them and they took her with them to En Lome. While here, Christina was taught all the ways of a knight, and, she quickly rose her way through the ranks until she had become captain at only the age of 19.



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[QUOTE="Christina Verashoth]Full Name: Christina Verashoth
Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Race: Human.

Occupation & Level of Education: Soldier in the En Lome military. Ranked Captain.

Age, Height & Weight: 19 years old, 5'8 ft. and weighs 120 lbs.

General Appearance: Long feathery, golden blonde hair that drapes down to her lower back, sharp and sea-like blue eyes. A pale, yet healthy tone of skin. She has a small beauty mark just under her left eye. She is slim and well built as far as attraction goes, yet this doesn't go without a fair share of toned muscles. She is a soldier and she is a strong one, she intends to stay that way, and as such, always stays in shape.

View attachment 99596

Combat experience: She was raised by a family of farmers, and one day as her family was slaughtered and she took up arms along the fellow knights, she proved herself more than a capable warrior. And without training. These knights, took her to En Lome, trained her to become a soldier and recognized her natural talent for it. She is trained in archery, throwing knives and sword and shield, lancing and horseback riding.

Beliefs: Believes in no god or deity of any sort. She has a devotion to helping others however, and she would rather see herself fall and be killed than her comrades.

Aspirations: Christina aspires to protect everyone, perhaps one day find love, and to keep power out of unjust hands. Her position in the military is perfect to keep her in the state of defence.

Possessions: A small crystal gem around her neck and her ornate broadsword that she acquired when she became captain.

View attachment 99597 View attachment 99598

Personality: She is rash, very selfless and is willing to act on accord of other people. She isn't so much as a leader, more so a follower, she is willing to follow orders and do what her superiors tell her to.

History: Christina's story began as a peasant, she was a hopeless orphaned child who had been sent from home to home when she was only 4. However, one day, she escaped her home and wandered in the wilderness due to her young naivety and curiosity. She soon be became lost and was forced to survive off of wild plants and animals, turning herself into one as such. Fortunately, on one fateful day, she attempted to steal some food from a local farm and they had caught her, in the act, they realized she had no home and they took her in, educated her, taught her ways a woman should behave, and set her to work on the farm. Overtime her savagery left her, she became dignified and proper, even as a farmgirl, she acted like a noble. When she had turned 16, a terrible event occurred, the farm was ransacked by bandits, a large hoard of them, her family was destroyed, and Christina, as the only survivor at the time, picked up a sword and began to fight them off. When the knights had finally arrived, Christina was being overrun. Luckily, they drove them off in time, Christina was wounded, slashed in many places as she still found the strength to kneel to the knights, the crimson stained sword in her hands as she presented the leader's blade. This appeased them and they took her with them to En Lome. While here, Christina was taught all the ways of a knight, and, she quickly rose her way through the ranks until she had become captain at only the age of 19.

accpeted ^.^
Time for another character

Full Name: Scranton Mills

Gender: Male

Sexuality: bisexual

Race: Solar elf

Occupation & Level of Education: Scranton is a student at a great swords school. He has been there since he was seven. There, he sparred and dueled with people like Kit. He wasn't able to learn his magic skills, so he lacks in that. He also learned some stuff such as math, writing, and geography. He lacks in science, art, and guidance.

Age, Height & Weight: He is 18. He is 5’ 6.5” high and weighs 114 pounds.

General Appearance: His face is really quaint. He has short and wild blonde hair. His skin is light colored. His eyes are blue. His ears are, of course, pointy, yet small. He wears a sand-colored gi with pants of the same color. He has a brown belt on that holds his two tantō at his sides. The tantōs have red-violet grips and hilts and are kept in scabbards of the same color.

Combat experience: Scranton has been taught to fight with two tantōs at once. He has been training at a sword school for 11 years with wooden swords. Besides sword fighting, he is a person with a good kick.

Beliefs: Scranton does believe in Cyolee. He's been since he was born, after all, he is a solar elf. He thinks there's a reason for why he is alive, but he doesn't know it is.

Aspirations: Scranton is lost. He has no idea what to do with his life after leaving the sword school.

Possessions: Besides a small satchel he carries at his side, he barely has anything. He carries no armor and his only weapons are his tantōs.

Personality: Scranton is a curious person. He is a fickle person that can barely see the difference from good or bad. He is optimistic, but rather in between being optimistic and pessimistic. He wants to be liked. He believes in a fair fight, second chances, and that what is right doesn't always follow the laws. He is a boy willing to try.


Scranton was born in Aldorei with two not really great parents that he liked. They all had a good time and he was learning his magic at schools. However, as they were having a good time the meaning of the Heike’s tale was around the corner.

When he was seven, his family traveled to a small town in En Lome. They stayed in a wooden building and visited multiple sites around the town. It was on one stormy night that the bad came walking in. Lightning struck the building they were sleeping in and a fire started. The next morning, as he was pulled from the building’s rubble luckily alive, he found out his parents were some of the people that died in the fire. Now he had no parents and was stuck in the town without a shelter, and when winter was coming. He was then living in an ally trying to get food from scraps, begging, and from stealing from local markets, only to get something small like an orange and get beaten up for stealing.

It was two and a half months later that the pendulum swung in his direction. While freezing in an alleyway, he was approached by two people. The two were teachers at a local sword school. They saw the sadness and depression in the poor orphan’s life, so they decided to bring him into the school and adopt him.

He was fed, cared for, and loved again. He met his new father’s student, the 11 year old swordsman Kit Summers, and liked him. His new mother gave him two tantōs and taught him to duel with two blades. He learned some regular education with his sword skills, but since the school didn't teach magic, he could barely do any.

He dueled over a dozen people in over hundreds of matches he performed over the years he was at the school, however around a quarter of those matches were between him and Kit. Though it was nearly even, Kit had slightly more victories than him. He was friends with him, thus when Kit left for the military when Scranton was fifteen it was saddening him. Yet, he kept good grades, won more matches and was able to graduate.

When he graduated he was happy, but then he was asked a by his stepfather that made him lost in his mind: What are you going to do now? He had never planned for his future or a career. He didn't want to become a sellsword, or a mercenary. He then thought up one idea, join the military and be with his friend Kit. He went over to join the military only to find out that Kit left. He now searches for his long, lost friend.
OrenjiGatsu said:
Time for another character
Full Name: Scranton Mills

Gender: Male

Sexuality: bisexual

Race: Solar elf

Occupation & Level of Education: Scranton is a student at a great swords school. He has been there since he was seven. There, he sparred and dueled with people like Kit. He wasn't able to learn his magic skills, so he lacks in that. He also learned some stuff such as math, writing, and geography. He lacks in science, art, and guidance.

Age, Height & Weight: He is 18. He is 5’ 6.5” high and weighs 114 pounds.

General Appearance: His face is really quaint. He has short and wild blonde hair. His skin is light colored. His eyes are blue. His ears are, of course, pointy, yet small. He wears a sand-colored gi with pants of the same color. He has a brown belt on that holds his two tantō at his sides. The tantōs have red-violet grips and hilts and are kept in scabbards of the same color.

Combat experience: Scranton has been taught to fight with two tantōs at once. He has been training at a sword school for 11 years with wooden swords. Besides sword fighting, he is a person with a good kick.

Beliefs: Scranton does believe in Cyolee. He's been since he was born, after all, he is a solar elf. He thinks there's a reason for why he is alive, but he doesn't know it is.

Aspirations: Scranton is lost. He has no idea what to do with his life after leaving the sword school.

Possessions: Besides a small satchel he carries at his side, he barely has anything. He carries no armor and his only weapons are his tantōs.

Personality: Scranton is a curious person. He is a fickle person that can barely see the difference from good or bad. He is optimistic, but rather in between being optimistic and pessimistic. He wants to be liked. He believes in a fair fight, second chances, and that what is right doesn't always follow the laws. He is a boy willing to try.


Scranton was born in Aldorei with two not really great parents that he liked. They all had a good time and he was learning his magic at schools. However, as they were having a good time the meaning of the Heike’s tale was around the corner.

When he was seven, his family traveled to a small town in En Lome. They stayed in a wooden building and visited multiple sites around the town. It was on one stormy night that the bad came walking in. Lightning struck the building they were sleeping in and a fire started. The next morning, as he was pulled from the building’s rubble luckily alive, he found out his parents were some of the people that died in the fire. Now he had no parents and was stuck in the town without a shelter, and when winter was coming. He was then living in an ally trying to get food from scraps, begging, and from stealing from local markets, only to get something small like an orange and get beaten up for stealing.

It was two and a half months later that the pendulum swung in his direction. While freezing in an alleyway, he was approached by two people. The two were teachers at a local sword school. They saw the sadness and depression in the poor orphan’s life, so they decided to bring him into the school and adopt him.

He was fed, cared for, and loved again. He met his new father’s student, the 11 year old swordsman Kit Summers, and liked him. His new mother gave him two tantōs and taught him to duel with two blades. He learned some regular education with his sword skills, but since the school didn't teach magic, he could barely do any.

He dueled over a dozen people in over hundreds of matches he performed over the years he was at the school, however around a quarter of those matches were between him and Kit. Though it was nearly even, Kit had slightly more victories than him. He was friends with him, thus when Kit left for the military when Scranton was fifteen it was saddening him. Yet, he kept good grades, won more matches and was able to graduate.

When he graduated he was happy, but then he was asked a by his stepfather that made him lost in his mind: What are you going to do now? He had never planned for his future or a career. He didn't want to become a sellsword, or a mercenary. He then thought up one idea, join the military and be with his friend Kit. He went over to join the military only to find out that Kit left. He now searches for his long, lost friend.
accpeted lol ^.^
Full Name: Aneirin Yvain




Occupation:Lord looking to work directly with the queen of Ashnaes Empira

Age, Height & Weight:27years old 147 pounds(57 kg) 6ft 7in(1 meter 17cm)

General Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c17836956_Mvampire.jpg.a7d0cc28fee23219d30ce613e10e87fb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41515" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c17836956_Mvampire.jpg.a7d0cc28fee23219d30ce613e10e87fb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Combat experience:Mostly just tracking down and killing defenseless humans to satisfy his hunger


Aspirations:Power,Fame and, Love


Personality:Smart, Calm (sometimes)

History:To be released in roleplay



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Kameil said:
Full Name: Aneirin Yvain



Occupation:Lord looking to work directly with the queen of Ashnaes Empira

Age, Height & Weight:27years old 147 pounds(57 kg) 6ft 7in(1 meter 17cm)

General Appearance:

View attachment 100030

Combat experience:Mostly just tracking down and killing defenseless humans to satisfy his hunger


Aspirations:Power,Fame and, Love


Personality:Smart, Calm (sometimes)

accepted ^.^

History:To be released in roleplay
Full Name: Alice Kunami

Alias: Scars

Gender: Female

Sexualiy: Bi

Race: Nephilim

Education & Level of Education: Scars is an elite rouge assassin that works for a corporation with the intention of eliminating the corrupt,greedy criminals that could be a potential threat to the kingdom. Due to the required traveling to eliminate her targets, Scars has much knowledge of whats goes on in most areas including government wise. Her combat and magic abilities are very advanced. The only problem she really has is in social situations, she is shy and distrusts mostly everyone. One might say she is a lone wolf..for the time being.

Age: 19

Height: 5'2

Weight: 98pds

Appearance: (most of the time her hair is down)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Anime20Art20-2058.jpg.b2b97737cc357487341a46bf3bcaeb40.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41635" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Anime20Art20-2058.jpg.b2b97737cc357487341a46bf3bcaeb40.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-WARNING: dont be fooled by her angelic appearance..

Combat Experience: Alice was trained by her parents since she was around 4 years old, most of her skill was learned throught them. She can use many versions of magic but would rather not depend on her magic so most of the time she uses one of the 3 swords she has. But once in a while she uses throwing knives.

Beliefs: She doesnt have any

Aspirations: She seeks to rid the world of evil people who only wish to do harm

Possessions: She always has one of her swords and some throwing knives:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/images-22.jpeg.205e53304cf93206de16090a90715356.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41636" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/images-22.jpeg.205e53304cf93206de16090a90715356.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/images-25.jpeg.d46faf27b45d03af57939e4b5b4ca280.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41637" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/images-25.jpeg.d46faf27b45d03af57939e4b5b4ca280.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/images-43.jpeg.8b11d9de3d956f88225ac32dc24fb901.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41638" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/images-43.jpeg.8b11d9de3d956f88225ac32dc24fb901.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Alice is quiet most of the time and is always calm on the outside. She has a short temper though so she may be calm but will kill you if you make her mad. When she opens up to people she is very sweet and funny.she is also loyal till the end of life itself.

History: When Alice was younger she lived with her 2 loving parents and her annoying little sister who she loved more than anything. She was trained by her parents who worked for the same corperation that she works in, however her mom was a major in magic/ combat and her dad had a major in the inteligence region. She was trained by her parents to be able to protect her sister when her parents werent able to be around. Her little sister was the medic of the family. On Alice's 10th birthday her parents were declared dead during their mission. The only knowledge she has is that they were brutally murdered. Two years later her little sister commited suicide on the anniversary of their death. Since then she has dedicated her existence to ridding the world of scum like the one(s) responsible for the death of her parents



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